WikiProject Canoe Maps

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This wikisite describes the boating on waters with muscle powered boats. Windsurfing, whitewater sports, canoe polo or boatracing are no part of this description. Suggestions for whitewater can be found under WikiProject_Whitewater_Maps.

Note: This is a 1:1 translation from the origin page DE:WikiProject_Canoe_Maps. Discussions or comments should be made on the origin page.

Definition "canoe"

canoe=* is for all muscle powered boats, like kajaks, canoes, rowboats, drakeboats, etc. This based on the definition for access.

If needed, different boat classes can be distinguished:

The short name "K1"/"K I" for a one man kayak and "K2"/"K II" for a tandem kayak are used internationally.

Legal permissions and prohibitions

Applicable to lakes, restricted areas area, rivers, stream, piers way, weirs and danger spots node. On the sea (right from natural=coastline) canoe=yes is implicited.

All tags with exception of "canoe=no" implies that boating is possible.

Legal restrictions could be comlex (for example crossing rules, minimum required water levels, maximum boats per day,...). Only the using of tags/values would be very complicated. Thus the restriction should be specified as plain text in english and the local language.

Lakes, that are crossed during a river trip, but where boating is otherwise not allowed (many privat lakes), should be marked as an area with canoe=no and on the line between the river outfalls with canoe=yes.

Natural restrictions


  • suitable
  • conditional
  • difficult
  • unsuitable

Applicable to lakes, restricted areas area, rivers, stream, piers way, weirs and danger spots node.

canoe=no should be used instead of canoe:all=unsuitable. For rivers and streams *:upstream descripes the restrictions when boating upstream.

Natural restrictions for boating (for example minimum water level, getting dry tide dependent, scrub, crossing trees...) sould be specified as plain text in english and the local language.

Other Tags

  • canoe=put_in A place to put in or egress as point, mostly in the middle of a pier or on the riverside (when you have to pay for it: fee=yes).
The WikiProject_Whitewater_Maps proposes "whitewater=put_in;egress" (the author of the original wikisite DE:WikiProject_Canoe_Maps prefers this shorter form)
  • canoe=camp_site campsites for paddler (canoe club areas, riverside, where camping is allowed)
or official campsites use tourism=camp_site
  • canoe=portage canoe=portage Way/path mainly used for transporting boats.
Additional to highway=path
Public ways for portaging are specified as relation members


Boat rental

(Alternative suggestions: canoe:service=boat_rental, shop=canoe_hire)

Canoe touring as relations

Connected canoe trails or ways for portaging can be mapped as a relation:

Common tags


River with low speed

  • waterway=river
  • width=20
  • canoe=yes

River with speed and big stones

  • waterway=river
  • minvelocity=2
  • maxvelocity=6
  • width=8
  • canoe=yes
  • canoe:rowboat=unsuitable
  • canoe:K1:upstream=conditional
  • canoe:K2:upstream=conditional
  • canoe:condition=upstream only when current low or medium
  • canoe:condition:de=aufwärts nur bei geringer oder mittlerer Strömung

Waterway for big ships

  • canoe=restricted
  • canoe:restriction=only orthogonal crossing of waterway
  • canoe:restriction:de=Fahrwasser nur rechtwinklig queren

High pier in a habour

  • man_made=pier
  • height=0.8
  • canoe:all=difficult
  • canoe:description=high pier, no other egress in this habour
  • canoe:description:de=Hoher Steg, einziger Ausstieg in diesem Hafen

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