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帮助 关于 浏览 如何贡献 贡献地图数据 编辑器 术语表 新手指南

本页包括在 OpenStreetMap 及其相关项目中使用的技术与通用术语列表。本表主要面向初级绘图者,或项目特定领域的初学者:大多数定义不应超过两行。

A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H ·  I  · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X

information sign

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注意:该列表当然不完整,OpenStreetMap 及相关的术语还有很多。本 Wiki 中使用的页面标题通常简短而温馨,大多数页面顶部都有定义:您可以通过搜索找到答案。

请添加对初级绘图者有用的术语以改进术语表(尤其在你也是的时候!)。如果您想加入任何术语但不确定其定义,请将 [STUB] 添加到定义将在的位置。


  • API 应用程序接口 : Application Programming Interface (又称OSM Protocol)。API 允许计算机程序访问 OpenStreetMap 数据库。它遵循 REST 方法来构建 Web 服务。
  • Applet : 参见 Java Applet
  • Area 区域 : 多边形阴影部分所指,例如公园或建筑物。没有元素用于表示区域,其标法为:一个闭合的(「环形」)路径,标有适用于区域的标签
  • Armchair mapping 座上绘图 : 无需勘测即可编辑地图的行为(无需离开座椅)。这通常通过参照航拍影像来完成。
  • Attribute 属性 : 在现实世界中,现实世界对象的属性。在数据库中,键值对代表数据库中的真实世界属性。
  • ATYL: Any tags you like - A guideline that allows users to freely invent new tags for objects that are verifiable and mappable in OpenStreetMap but for which there is no existing tagging scheme yet.


  • bar : 参见 foo.


  • Cadastre : an official index map showing the location and extent of plots of land ('parcels') along with their ownership. For the UK example, see INSPIRE.
  • Carto : Properly, OSM Carto
  • Centroid : [STUB]
  • Closed way 闭合路径 : 一条在起点处结束的路径,即首尾相接。 一条闭合路径可能代表
(1) 一个首尾相接的线要素(feature)(例如构成环岛的道路, highway=tertiary);
(2) 一个区域要素(例如运动场, leisure=pitch).
  • Contributor 贡献者 : 对 Map 和其他 OSM 项目进行编辑和改进的人。(像你这样的人!)


  • Database : Where OSM's underlying map data is kept. In simple terms this means information about what things are where in the world; technically a PostgreSQL installation running on various servers, but most applications access it via the API.
  • Data primitive : 一个(在 OSM 中)过时的术语,指元素(Elements)
  • DWG : Data working group, a committee of the OSM Foundation.


  • Editors 编辑器: 用于编辑 OpenStreetMap 数据库中要素的软件和应用程序。用其编辑者即为「贡献者」。
  • Elements 元素 : OpenStreetMap 的物理世界概念数据模型的基本组成部分。它们由「节点」「路径」和「关联」组成。
  • Extent: The portion of area of a region show in a map. See Wikipedia:Map extent.


  • Feature 要素 : 地貌中可以被绘制的物理元素。
  • Foo : Nonsense placeholder meaning "any value". Often used with bar, meaning "any other value".
  • Foundation 基金会 : 参见OSMF : OpenStreetMap Foundation


  • GIS 地理信息系统 : 地理信息系统
  • GNSS: 卫星导航系统. Uses signals from satellites to establish where you are. There are several systems: GPS is probably the best known.
  • GNSS tracelog : A collection of records from a satnav system, known as "tracelog".
  • GPS : 全球定位系统。美国政府研制并运营的 GNSS
  • GPS receiver : GPS接收器。见 GPS.
  • GPS trace 轨迹: A time series of location points recorded by a GPS receiver, from which the route taken can be inferred (i.e. a GNSS tracelog).
  • GPS track : GPS trace的变种
  • GPS unit : GPS接收器
  • GPX : [[wikipedia:zh:GPX|GPS交换格式]: an XML format used to represent data collected by GPS units. The OSM server accepts data in GPX format before processing it into the OSM data model.



  • Imagery 影像
  • Import 导入 : 将外部数据上传到 OSM。请始终遵循导入指南
  • iD : The main browser-based OSM editing software. (See also id.)
  • id or ID (also osm-id) : Usually refers to the unique reference numbers of Elements. For example, the id of this area is 263621287. Can also refer to the usernames or unique reference numbers of OpenStreetMap users: see User ID. See also iD.
  • INSPIRE or INSPIRE polygons: Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community, a cadastral system used in the European Union. In some countries data is available to mappers, for instance in the UK through Land Registry INSPIRE Index Polygons.


  • Java 可指下列术语:
  • Java Applet : In an OpenStreetMap context you may hear mention of "the java applet" referring to a very old Editing interface which used to appear on the OpenStreetMap.org site superseded by Potlatch and then iD.
  • JOSM : Java OpenStreetMap 编辑器。是Imi编写的地图查看和编辑工具。它可在大多数计算机上运行,并允许用户查看、编辑并上传数据到 OpenStreetMap 数据库。


  • key=value (also k=something v=something else; key/value pair) : Databases are arranged using "keys" (categories of information) and "values" (specific information). E.g., an object in the database may have the data building=school. Here there is a category of objects, buildings, that are denoted by the key building. The value school further specifies the object by indicating what type of building it is. Sometimes key=value is represented in the form k=building v=school, which is closer to the XML representation.


  • Layer : Is used to describe the relative height of map features, to separate different parts of style sheets, a way to show different things in JOSM, etc.
  • Licence : Usually the User Licence, the terms under which anyone can use OSM and its data. Sometimes refers to the Contributor Terms under which contributors licence their work to OSM and to the world in general.


  • 'The map' : 严格意义上,指所有 OSM 数据的数据库(人类难以阅读)。也用于传统意义上,即现实世界地理的视觉表示。(取决于上下文。)
  • Map Features 地图要素
  • Mapping : Ambiguous, but many of us use it anyway:
  • Mapnik : 一个地理信息系统库; 即,一组计算机代码,可以执行诸如再投影和渲染地理空间数据之类的操作。OSM 使用 Mapnik 为滑动地图生成图块
  • Mapping : The process of gathering data for the OSM map. Arguably best done 'on the ground', with paper and pencil in hand.
  • Markup : A very simple computer language that allows an author to use special characters (e.g., ' / < >) to tell a computer how to display some text. Many different markup systems are in use across different OSM channels: it's optional, so don't let it put you off contributing!
  • Multipolygon 复合多边形multipolygon relation 复合多边形关联 : 由多个多边形组成的关联
  • MWG : Membership Working Group, a committee of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.


  • NMEA : Format used to represent data collected by GPS units.
  • Node 节点 : 数据库中最简单的对象,由一个带有ID、纬度和经度的「点」组成。节点可添加标签。参见元素#节点


  • Object 对象 : 通常与 OpenStreetMap「元素」(节点、路径和关联。见上文)同义使用,但也可以指其他技术概念。
  • OCOSMD : Obsessive Compulsive OpenStreetMapping Disorder. Search for OCOSMD with your favourite search engine for examples.
  • OGC : The Open Geospatial Consortium (http://www.opengeospatial.org/). A non-profit body that defines standards for the use and storage of geospatial data.
  • Open : We try to do everything in the spirit of openness. Our maps are "open" in that anyone can use them (licensing issues notwithstanding), anyone can see how they were created, anyone can participate in that process. In addition most of our software is Open Source, meaning that software developers can participate in developing the project in that way.
  • Open Source 开源 : 本着开放精神编写的软件,其源代码开放以供(免费)下载、修改和再传播。为避免混淆,请不要将其称为OS!
  • Operating System 操作系统 : 用于计算机系统底层管理的软件,例如 Linux、Mac OS X、Windows 或 Solaris。手持设备也有。为避免混淆,请不要将其称为OS!
  • Ordnance Survey : UK government mapping agency, with extremely detailed maps collected and funded by the taxpayer... and then sold back to them at prohibitively expensive prices. To avoid confusion, please don't refer to it as OS!
  • OS : May refer to any of three different things: "Open Source", "Operating System", and (in the UK) "Ordnance Survey".
  • OSGeo : The Open Source Geospatial Foundation. Promotes the development and use of Open Source, community-based Geospatial software.
  • OSM : OpenStreetMap. This whole project. See About OpenStreetMap.
  • OSMF 开放街图基金会 : OpenStreetMap 基金会,一家已注册非营利性公司,支持 OpenStreetMap 项目并作为其合法身份。
  • .osm : OSM服务器生成的XML格式。用于与API的通信,也用于每周的 Planet转储。
  • OSM Carto : openstreetmap.org网站上使用的「标准」地图渲染。注意不是「官方」渲染(无),但仍然有影响力。
  • Overpass : 见下列条目。
  • Overpass API : 一个只读的API,允许人类与数据库交互。通常用于贡献者的错误检查或其他分析。
  • Overpass Turbo : 用于OpenStreetMap的网页数据过滤工具
  • Overpass Turbo Wizard : 比自己写查询更容易建立Overpass查询的工具。


  • Parameter : [stub]
  • Parcel : (legal or official) A piece of land with defined boundaries. Parcel data may be available from governments to help with mapping.
  • Planet.osm : An osm format file that contains all of the nodes, relations and ways that are stored in the OSM database.
  • Plugin 插件 (JOSM 术语):
  • Preset 用户自定义的标签列表,可以在编辑时快速添加到元素中。(主要是JOSM术语。)
  • Projection: A method of translating the roughly spherical surface of the earth to a flat display. The standard projection of OSM material is Plate Carree (no transformation, EPSG:4326). The standard projection for rendering OSM data onto map tiles is Spherical Mercator (EPSG:900913)
  • Protocol : The API.


  • QL: query language 查询语言.
  • Query 查询: 如果你想从人类那里获知信息,你就问他们一个问题。如果您想从数据库中获取信息,请向其发送查询。
  • Query language 查询语言: 计算机不懂人话,因此您的查询必须以计算机可以理解的语言发送:在 OSM 中,这一般是Overpass QL


  • Redaction: Removing from view data where the user did not agree to the new OpenStreetMap contributor terms and license change to Open Database License (ODBL). See [1]
  • regex or regular expression : Roughly, a pattern. These are used in a database query when you want to find any and all strings that match the pattern you specify.
  • Ref : a Tag used to enter reference numbers to objects, usually from official sources. For example, all parts of the motorway that runs from London to Cambridge get the tag "ref=M11" see Map_Features on the wiki.
  • Relation 关联 : 一组元素共同作用如一个元素。每个离散的元素在更大的关联中都被分配了一个「角色」。
  • REST : Web development paradigm which we adopt with our protocol interface (API). It means we make objects available at unique URLs, and follow standard use of HTTP protocol features.
  • Revert: may refer both for undoing deletions and partial or complete changeset rollbacks
  • Router 寻路器 : 一种服务/设备,用于使用 OSM 或其他地图数据计算两个地理点之间的路线(通常用作导航辅助)。
  • Rendering 渲染 (名词) : 数据库的可视化表示(它本身就是「实地」要素的编码表示)。一组数据可以不同的方式呈现(渲染):例如,使用不同的颜色和字体,或显示/抑制不同的要素。
  • Rendering 渲染 (动词) : 将原始地理空间数据转换为人类可用形式的过程。通常转换为视觉表示,即日常语言中的「地图」。
  • Renderer 渲染器 : 将地图数据库渲染为可用形式的任何软件。通常这意味着作为类似于传统纸质地图的图像文件,但寻路器和其他专业软件也是渲染器。
  • Ruby : A multi-purpose programming language. We have a number of data manipulation scripts and libraries in Ruby. The protocol interface was originally written in pure Ruby before being ported to Ruby on Rails.
  • Ruby on Rails : Called "Rails" for short. A Ruby framework for rapid data-driven web development. OSM core components were ported to Ruby on Rails, see The Rails Port.
  • The Rails Port : OSM core components: The protocol interface (API) and the front end website components are often referred to as as "The Rails Port" because there was a large development effort to port these (change the code over) to Ruby on Rails. They were originally written in pure Ruby. The rails port runs on the Servers/www


  • Segment : Segments were a data primitive in old versions of the OSM API.
  • SiRFstar III : A GPS chipset by SiRF Technologies.
  • Slippy map 滑动地图 : 单词'slippy'(而不是'static')用于突显可以拖动地图以查看显示器边缘之外的内容。
  • SotM : The State of the Map is the annual, international conference of OpenStreetMap, organised by the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
  • String 字符串 : 计算机程序将其视为一个单元的任何字母和数字序列。可能具有自然语言含义、计算机语言含义、两者皆有或两者皆无。
  • Survey
  • SVG : Scaleable Vector Grapics. XML format for representing vector graphics. SVG maps can expoted using the export tab, or created by Osmarender.


  • Tag 标签 : 以数据库可以存储的方式表示某个对象的属性。每个标签都是一个key=value(键=值)对。例如,如果某个门对所有交通开放,它可以被标注为access=yes
  • Tagging 标注 : 为元素(elements)添加标签(tags)
  • Tagging scheme 标注方案 : (also schema) 用于标注特定对象类别的建成系统。Seamark Tagging Schema就是一个很好的例子——尽管其他方案比那个方案简单得多。
  • Talk page : A page for talking about a "main" page. E.g., this page is the Glossary. To talk about what's here, you can visit Talk:Glossary. Not to be confused with a User Talk page (see under "U").
  • Template : In the Wiki, a template is a piece of wiki markup that makes text display (render) in a special way (e.g., it may be in a different font). Using a template on a page is called "transcluding" a template: not only is it included, but it can later be changed centrally across (trans) all pages where it is found. See the MediaWiki manual: mw:Help:Templates
  • Tiles 图块 : 构成滑动地图的小方块图像。因其按网格排列而得名。
  • Trace : (noun) Usually refers to a GPS trace (otherwise known a "GPS Track", see Recording GPS tracks), as on the website: traces. For the verb, see Tracing.
  • Tracing : (1) Following features visible in aerial imagery to add objects to the map (e.g. "tracing a building outline"); (2) Creating traces with a GPS receiver.
  • Transclude : See Template.
  • Track : (1) a "GPS track" (see Recording GPS tracks); (2) a type of footpath / rough road (see Track)
  • Tracklog : Yet another word for meaning the same as a GPS track / trace.


  • User ID : Strictly, an OSM user's unique identification number. May also refer to a user's User name. Every OSM user has one of each: the numerical user IDs are usually hidden, but are used in some downstream services as a more reliable identifier (they can't be changed).
  • User name (also "Display name") : The name you use to log in to OpenStreetMap. It also appears on your profile page, and in your profile page URL.
  • User talk page : A place where others can talk to you, in public, by posting messages to your personal page. The page address is User talk:<YourUsername>. Don't confuse it with a Talk page: see above under "T".


  • Validator 检验器/检验员 : 检查由其他绘图者产生的绘图错误的人或程序。
  • Value : 标签的第二部分,位于「键」之下。见key=value


  • Way 路径 : 从技术上讲,数据库中一个或多个节点的有序列表,用于表示线要素或区域。路径是连续的(它们不能有中断和分支)。参见元素#路径XML Schema#Way。通俗来讲,「路径」是地图上的一条线,根据添加到其中的标签具有不同的属性。(它不一定是您可以沿溯的「路径」:例如,栅栏由带有标签 barrier=fence 的路径表示。)
  • wiki : (名词)一个任何人都可以编辑的网站,而不只是「官方」。参见此处
  • "Wiki, The" : This website, wiki.openstreetmap.org. The main reference point for information on everything in OSM. Mostly describes best/accepted practice but not always, and definitely not 'the last word'.
  • WGS84 : GPS基于的椭球体(ellipsoid)OSM中的所有地理数据都使用 WGS84。对于从其他来源收集的地理数据,这可能非常不同。 例如,Greenwich皇家天文台在英国地形测绘详图的椭圆体中位于 0°0'0"E,但在 WGS84 中位于 0°0'5"W。


  • XML : eXtensible Markup Language(可扩展标记语言), 一种标记语言,用于对文档中的信息进行编码。

