Zh-hans:2015 Nepal earthquake

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2015尼泊儿地震(The 2015 Nepal earthquake) (Wikipedia) 是二零一五年四月二十五日(星期六)十一点五十六分(当地时间)发生的地震灾害。震央地的范围是从拉姆琼县(Lamjung)向东南东29公里(18英里),向北西81公里(50英里)。地震震级是7.8。 正确地点为 28.165N, 84.725E 。

任何人都可以免费咨询在线OpenStreetMap地图,交通指南也可以您的智能手机上使用。对于尼泊尔大地震这样一个灾难,来自世界各地的志愿者贡献尽心把从卫星拿的资料迅速数据化, 帮助被派到当地救灾的人道组织。
- 我们使用 OSM Tasking Manager 沟通调整志愿者的制图过程。
- 跟志愿者沟通
- 参阅 HOT Email list 上的讨论
- Live #hot IRC Channel discussions with the Support Team (Use a nickname and type at the bottom of the screen to discuss with others.)
Pierre Béland from abroad (GMT-4)
Nama Raj Budhathoki and Kathmandu Living lab colleagues (GMT+5:45)
email contact: activation@hotosm.org
The OSM servers, editors and geo-data tools let us offer a variety of free map and export services to the humanitarian community. The OSM community support to these Activations is also impressive. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team creates a bridge between the OSM community and the humanitarians. We partner with various international organizations and take responsibility for tagetted map improvements while the international organizations deploy in the field to respond to disasters and support the local communities.

Map and Data Services
About OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap offers an online map and spatial database that is updated by the minute. Various online maps are based on OpenStreetMap, including Navigation tools such as OSRM. Tools and services allow data extracts for GIS specialists, routable data for Garmin GPS, GPS navigation with smartphones and other device-compatible downloads. With an Internet connection, regular syncing is possible, because there is open access to the community-contributed data as it comes in. Also bulk with downloads of OpenStreetMap data are ideal for use offline. In addition, maps can be printed to paper, if needed.
Browse the Activation Area to get a feel for the data that is currently available. Different map styles, including a special Humanitarian style, can be selected on the right side of the screen. Though some data may not render (appear) on the online map, it can be exported from the underlying database for other uses requiring more detail(See export section below).
Paper Maps
Large poster-size maps and letter-size paper atlases of custom areas can be printed:
- FieldPapers Paper Maps with grid for field survey or general navigation purposes,
- MapOSMatic Large Paper Maps with grid, street index and POI, good for command centers, hospitals, etc.
- Kathmandu Living Labs Quake Maps printable PDF extracts of major cities
Exporting OpenStreetMap data
Frequent updates
OSM Format | ShapeFiles for GIS softwares | Offline Navigation on Small Devices | |
Daily updates (osm contributor) | .pbf | Shapefile(Esri) 13 Thematic Layers |
.obf OSMAnd GPS Garmin IMG |
30 minutes updates by geofabrik see download directory |
.pbf | Shapefile(Esri) | |
30 minutes update Thematic layers (roads, IDP camps, land use, amenities, place names) GFDRR Innovation Lab from geofabrik |
.pbf | Shapefile(Esri) | |
Updated every few days by kleineisel.de routable, contains height contour lines (from SRTM data), the map design is similar to topo maps. |
GPS Garmin IMG | ||
Hourly updates (osm contributor) | OSMand obf | ||
Updated every two hours Mail | Garmin, Android, Garmin-Basecamp, QLandkarte |
Temporary Taginfo instance
showing tagging statistics only for Nepal. Updated every 30min from Geofabrik extract. (if the dns server - http://nepal-taginfo.openstreetmap.hu/ - is not refreshed try )
Information about the various OSM export formats
- OSM.pbf: These compressed OSM files are recognized by various GIS softwares.
- Shapefile: This data can be imported to GIS software, such as Quantum GIS or ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop.
- OSMAnd.OBF: OSMAnd / Android and iPhone Offline map and navigation
Note: launched 2015-04-19, the first iPhone version does not yet integrate all the functionalities of the Android version.- » Android File manager: Move the obf file from the download to the OSMAnd directory
- LearnOSM Tutorial Configure OSMAnd, and Offline map navigation
- How to use Voice Navigation
- Kathmandu Living Labs Quake Maps OSMAnd exports
- GPS.IMG: Garmin GPS format
- » Rename the IMG file to gmapsupp.img and move it to the Garmin directory of the GPS card
- Other Mobile devices: See other Mobile device products.
OpenStreetMap Response
Ongoing updates about this activation are posted on the HOT mailing list
Coordination and discussion may also happen on HOT's IRC Channel (direct link) or Mumble Server
The general Nepal remote mapping guide may be useful for help with identifying Nepalese features
Task Manager projects
The following projects have been set-up on the OSM Tasking Manager :

Job No. | Location | What to map | Imagery expiration | Task Mapping Status | Task Validation Status |
Job 1018 (priority) | Surrounding the greater areas outside Kathmandu | 2nd pass for detailed mapping | N/A | In Progress | In Progress |
Job 190 (priority) | Kathmandu Valley, includes more imagery | buildings only | N/A | In Progress | In Progress |
Job 1006 | North of Narayangadh and east of Pokhara | Residential areas and buildings | N/A | In Progress | In Progress |
Job 1009 | Gorkha | Residential areas and buildings | N/A | Completed | In Progress |
Job 1008 | Kathmandu | IDP Camps | N/A | Completed | In Progress |
Job 1010 | Banepa | IDP Camps | N/A | Completed | In Progress |
Job 1014 | Sindhupalchowk | heavily affected area, detailed mapping needed | N/A | In Progress | In Progress |
Job 1015 | Dhunche Rasuwa | heavily affected area, detailed mapping needed | N/A | Completed | Completed |
Job 1016 | Langtang Rasuwa | heavily affected area, detailed mapping needed | N/A | Completed | Completed |
Job 994 | North of Kathmandu and remote mountain areas | roads only | N/A | In Progress | Archived |
Job 995 | East of Kathmandu and remote mountain areas | roads only | N/A | In Progress | Archived |
Job 1001 | West of Kathmandu and remote mountain areas | roads only | N/A | Completed | Archived |
Job 1002 | North West of Kathmandu - Manaslu Conservation Area | roads, villages, buildings | N/A | Completed | Archived |
Job 1004 | South West of Kathmandu | roads | N/A | In Progress | Archived |
Job 1003 | North of Dunche, includes more imagery | detailed map | N/A | Completed | Completed |
The projects are all listed alongside others on http://tasks.hotosm.org/
Overview of tasks and imagery coverage on uMap
Summary statistics of all tasks can be found on the Nepal Mapping Progress Dashboard
General map improvements
As well as small square shaped contributions, we can look to make more wide ranging improvements. Reviewing/improving the overall map data consistency is very useful, but that is also most prone to edit conflicts so please save often and understand in the busy time like this you might encounter edit conflicts.
Any local knowledge like infrastructure, buildings or road names that you know and can positively identify, are extremely helpful to responding organizations.
Mapping roads is a high priority, the Nepal roads page for proposed road conventions or guidelines for road categorization is a good reference.
OpenStreetMap is a editable map, so we can improve it if there's anything missing/wrong (Beginners' guide). This is particularly useful if you have any local knowledge or you can survey things on-the-ground (names of streets etc)
People who have local knowledge but do not know how to edit OpenStreetMap are still vital to our aid efforts. You can share your local knowledge with the OpenStreetMap "Notes" feature. This lets you drop a marker and attach a note with information about the location/building/road that an experienced OSM mapper will then put in the OSM database. For simple instructions on how to share your knowledge with our mappers please see this quick guide to using notes:
How to easily share local knowledge with OSM Notes
Imagery and Reference Maps
Pleiades, Airbus Space & Defense
2014-04-27 Pleiades 2014-11-29 and 2015-04-27 have been used for post-disster IDP camps identification in Kathmandu.
Imagery Requests
Fresh and archive satellite imagery is being requested through international activations charter and imagery providers. HOT has identified areas that need high resolution imagery for both base mapping and damage assessment. Areas requested are highlighted in bright blue on this map:
Bing imagery coverage as of 2015-04-25 with TM #994 and #995 overlay. (coverage source TMS: http://ant.dev.openstreetmap.org/bingimageanalyzer/tile.php/{z}/{x}/{y}.png)
Indian Space Research Organization
Cartosat-2 post-earthquake for Kathmandu imagery as of 2015-04-27.
For some of TM #1001 the Bing imagery may be cloudy or unavailable, MapBox has coverage, but not at all zoom levels.
Public domain topo maps
There are two sets of public domain topographic maps available which cover large portions of Nepal. Both sets are 1:250,000 scale, which means they are only really useful for adding place names, of which the maps list thousands. Before we manually copy in place names from these maps we will manually merge in the GNS place names for the area, which will cut down on some of the work. After that is done, we will create task manager jobs to go through and systematically enter all of the place names on these topographic maps.
Layer | JOSM TMS Url | View |
US Army Map Service (AMS) | tms[15]:http://mapwarper.net/layers/tile/345/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png | View online |
Other Data
- USGS shakemap data (click on 'download')
- Humanitarian Data Exchange - Nepal Earthquake
- NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS)
- High resolution Nepal weather
- Near real-time MODIS imagery
- World Pop 100M gridded population for Nepal - currently being updated
- Gridded Population of the World
- UNOCHA Nepal data-sets
- Freizeitkarte Nepal Topographic maps for Garmin and Android (with periodic updates)
- www.kleineisel.de Topographic OSM map for Garmin devices with contours
- Nepal Topo Maps 1:25,000 This site contains a bunch of topographic maps. They are copyrighted so we cannot use them without permission from the creators. The copyright is His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Survey Department. Please coordinate on the HOT mailing list before sending any requests to the org to avoid sending multiple requests.
Other Resources
Nepal Earthquakes Reporting Site (Kanthmandu Living Labs Ushahidi)
Disaster OpenRouteService for Nepal including POI, damaged buildings etc. (GIScience HD)
Write-ups and in the News
- 25-Apr-2015: Articles on ReliefWeb by Shadrock Roberts describing all the DH group efforts
- 27-Apr-2015: Laura Bliss - Another Way to Help Humanitarian Efforts in Nepal: Start Mapping - In: CityLab
- 27-Apr-2015: Gizmodo - Two Ways You Can Join Nepal's Earthquake Relief Effort From a Computer
- 27-Apr-2015: Hyperallergic.com - Open Source Maps Help Guide Nepalese Earthquake Relief
- 27-Apr-2015: 'People Want to Help' - Digital Volunteers Around the World Scour Nepal Data
- 28-Apr-2015: The News Minute - How a group of individuals from all over India are making maps to help rescue teams in Nepal
- 28-Apr-2015: Wired.co.uk - How Nepal's earthquake was mapped in 48 hours
- 28-Apr-2015: Adele Peters - One Way You Can Help Nepal Right Now: All You Need Is A Computer And A Little Time - In: Co.Exis
- 28-Apr-2015: Siddharta Mishra - How a group of individuals from all over India are making maps to help rescue teams in Nepal - In: The News Minute
Documented Usage
Map Visualizations
Online Maps
Routing tools
Disaster OpenRouteService for Nepal including POI, damaged buildings etc. (GIScience HD) http://www.openrouteservice.org/disaster-nepal (more info: http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2015/04/28/disaster-openrouteservice-for-nepal/ )