Be:OSM Transport Karte

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OSM Транспартная карта (для прылад Garmin)
OSM Transport Karte1.png
authorHelp translate this into Belarusian!: Win32netsky
Ліцэнзія: GNU General Public License і Proprietary (бясплатна)
Платформа: Garmin
Мова: беларуская
Вэб-сайт: OSM Transport Karte

OSM Транспартная карта для прылад Garmin.

Note: Не цалкам перакладзеная на беларускую мову.

Абнаўленне і Спампаваць

The OSM Транспартная карта мае 12 карт. OSM Транспартная карта для грузавых і легкавых аўтамабіляў. Колькасць абмежавана да 4 м.

Newsletter for a new map, send a E-mail to:

No. Area Datenstand Data Map to: Publication Download Zip Size New House No.
1 Германія last Update.

Nord-last Update.

10:00 Uhr 13:00 Uhr

2,271 GB

Nord 827 MB

1,924 GB 2,271 GB Yes
2 Іспанія Партугалія з выспамі last update. 09:30 Uhr 13:00 Uhr 851,1 MB 704,7 MB 851,1 MB Yes
3 Нідэрланды, Бельгія, Люксембург last update. 10:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 936,4 MB 822,5 MB 936,4 MB Yes
4 Данія, Швецыя, Фінляндыя, Нарвегія, Літва, Латвія, Эстонія last update. 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 1,526 GB 0 GB 1,526 GB Yes
5 Францыя ў Еўропе last update 09:00 Uhr 12:00 Uhr 2,030 GB 2,022 GB 2,030 GB Yes
6 Польшча, Чэхія, Славакія, Украіна last update 10:00 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1,712 GB 0 GB 1,712 GB Yes
7 Італія, Швейцарыя, Аўстрыя last update 10:00 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 2,434 GB 1,503 MB 2,434 GB ?
8 Эстонія, Латвія, Літва, Малдова, Польшча, Украіна, Беларусь last update 10:00 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1,396 GB 0,0 MB 1,396 GB Yes


last update 09-1

last update 09-2

10:00 Uhr 18:00 Uhr

1,985 GB 1,570 MB 1,985 GB Yes
10 Манголія last update 10:00 Uhr 12:00 Uhr 32,2 MB 32,1 MB 32,2 MB ?
11 Румынія, Венгрыя, Чарнагорыя, Харватыя last update 11:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 636,9 MB 512,9 MB 636,9 MB ?
13 USA: Karte: 1 Arizona, Californien, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North-Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South-Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming last update 09:00 Uhr 11:30 Uhr 1,631 GB 1,468 GB 1,631 GB ?
14 Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua-Neuguinea, Osttimor, Salomonen, Brunai, Malaysia last update 10:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 2,057 GB 1,799 MB 2,057 GB ?
17 Austria, Suisse, Slovakia, Slovenja last update 09.30 Uhr 12.30 Uhr 1,092 MB 963 MB 1,092 MB Yes
The following cards are now larger than 2GB. These are suitable for newer Garmin devices.
12 South-America: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil last update 10:30 Uhr 14:15 Uhr 2,609 GB 1,642 GB 2,609 GB Yes
16 United Kingdom, Ireland, Isle of Man, Island, Foroyar, Belgien, Nederland, Danmark, Norway, Swerige, Finnland last update 10:00 Uhr 14:30 Uhr 3,5 GB 3,5 GB 3,5 GB ?

Upon request additional maps can be provided. The only limit is 1.99 GB as a maximum size for .img-mapfiles.

The map automatic download

Um die neusten Karten automatisch herunterzuladen sind nur einige Schritte nötig. Der Torrent-Client muss "ADD" unterstützen z.B. Deluge. Der PC muss natürlich in Betrieb sein, z.B. Deluge muss gestartet sein und über eine Internetverbindung verfügen.

  • 1. Erstellen von Verzeichnissen "osm-karte-01" von 01-12 in /Dokumente/karte
  • 2. Im Torrentprogramm die Funktion "add" aktivieren, und bei der Verzeichnisüberwachung alle 12 Verzeichnisse angeben.
  • 3. Das Script herunterladen torrent-download und ausführen, dies geht manuell oder automatisch (z.B. mit Geplante Aufgaben). Z.B. kann es eingestellt werden auf, "täglich zur vollen Stunde" .

Die aktuellen Torrents ab 2014-10-17 werden heruntergeladen und im Torrentprogramm automatisch geöffnet und heruntergeladen.

навіны / Pics


Сёння мы хочам прадставіць новую карту № 2, Іспанію, Партугалію, з выспамі.

Example Pics / Card No.1

Card No 1 Example Pics Deutschland / Sonnenstein / Jützenbacher Straße

Example Pics / Card No.3

Card No 3 Example Pics Belgien / Evergem / Wittemoer

Example Pics / Card No.4

Card No 4 Example Pics Schweden / Stockholm / Klara Söda

Example Pics / Card No.5

Card No 5 Example Pics Frankreich / Rugles / Le Mulin a Papier

Card No 5 Example Pics Spanien / Barcelona / Albareda

Card No 5 Example Pics Portugal / Guarda / Acesso

Example Pics / Card No 7

Card No 7 Example Pics Kroatien / Split / Put Supavla

Example Pics / Card No.8

Card No 6 Example Pics Polen / Szczecin / Ksiedza Alfonsa

Card No 8 Example Pics Estland / Kanepi-Varbuse Kanepi Leevaku

Card No 8 Example Pics Belarus / Braslavski Rajon / Krasnojarsky Ulica

Example Pics / Card No.9

Card No 9 Example Pics Kamerun / Douala / Avenue Douala Manga

Card No 9 Example Pics Südafrika / Musina / Hans van der Merwe Street

Card No 9 Example Pics Egypten / Sibirbai / Sibirbai

Card No 9 Example Pics Egypten / Tanta / Al-Muharidt

Card No 9 Example Pics Khartoum Sudan

Example Pics / Card No 11

Card No 11 Example Pics India Thovalai Nagercoil Bypass

Example Pics / Card No 12

Card No 12 Example Pics Miraflores Lima Peru


Die Liste, der Zeichen die in der OSM Transport Karte verwendet werden, finden Sie auf der Unterseite.

OSM Транспартная карта

features and generation

Coming next are limitations for hazardous good transports according to ADR/GGVSEB

  • 1. Limitations for vehicles carrying pollutants.

First test: water hazardous goods

Changes to the map will be shown/proceed as follows.


  • My map is optimized for trucks with a height of 4 metre (13.12 ft).
  • You can recognize industrial parks easier.
  • The map is being optimized for trucks more and more.
  • The map download is provided via torrent so that the download can be paused and continued another time.
  • The sign "no truck transit" No Trucks has been improved.
  • Added sign Crossbuck
  • Added sign height limit. Ways with height limit are excluded in routing.
  • Added weight limit (e.g. small bridges). Ways with weight limit are excluded in routing.
  • Boundarys, towns, streets and house numbers are of the same date as the map itself.
  • Company names are display at Garmin satnavs.
  • Electricans with name are displayed after typing the address ("show on map").
  • DIY stores with name are displayed after typing the address ("show on map").
  • House numbers are displayed at high zoom levels.
  • Steel construction and trade with name are displayed after typing the address ("show on map").
  • Anzeige des Icon für Landmaschienen / Herstellung / Reparatur / Teilelager Firmen


  1. Bei älteren Garmin Geräten muss die interne Karte in z.B. "gmapsupp1.img" umbenannt werden, um die Karte von der SD Karte zu nutzen.
  2. Da nur ein Adressindex verarbeitet werden kann.
  3. You need a SD oder microSD card with a size of at least 4 GB.
  4. Format the SD card and create a directory "Garmin" in the top directory on the SD card.
  5. Copy the "gmapsupp.img" file you have downloaded to the directory "Garmin" (see point 2).
  6. Put the SD card into your Garmin satnav and turn it on.
  7. The satnavs recognizes the map and the map can be used. Finish.

Do not overwrite the internal file "gmapsupp.img" on your Garmin satnav in any case!

Use in a shipping company

It may be useful to let many microSD/SD cards circulate in your company. If a driver enters the premises, he can just swap the SD card.


Maxheight sign

Screenshots to some feautres of the map.


How "maxheight" should work if tagged correctly.

"maxheight" in Sweden

Successful tests

Of course, there have been made several tests, e.g. if the satnav attends maxheight limits. In truck mode maxheights below bridges below 4 metres are being considered, in car mode maxheight limits are not being considered.

If you zoom in, the name of a do-it-yourself store ist being shown, in the same manner if there is a metal construction company.

Already tested is tagging for cross traffic

As example the tags for "maxweight=7.5 t on cross-traffic", to protect a small bridge (Ziehte) from overload by to trucks that simultanious cross that bridge.

Garmin Devices

The Garmin satnavs have to support the truck mode to be able to use the full power of OSM Tranport Karte. Garmin Nüvi 660T and 560T do so.

The map also works, maybe with limitations (no truck mode, i.e. no consideration of maxheight limits) on

  • Garmin Nüvi 660 T
  • Garmin Nüvi 465
  • Garmin Nüvi 765 TFM
  • Garmin eTrex vista HCx

Nicht zu empfehlende Geräte

  • Garmin Dezl 560

Loading points

A list of loading points can be found here Sub-page.

OSM Transport Karte is environment friendly!

  1. Our sever runs with green electricity
  2. You can save fuel and money because you find loading and unloading points quicklier!
  3. less costs because of rare damages at low bridges
  4. better usage of time because you know better how long you need for a trip

Country List in Garmin

Code Country-EN (National) Name in Garmin
DZA Algerien Algerien
AUT Austria Österreich
ECU Ecuador Ecuador
EGY Egypt Egypten
FLK Falkland Island Falkland Island
BEL Belgium België
BLR Belarus (Belarus) Belarus
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina) Bosna Hercegovina
CZE Czech Republic (Česká republika) Cesko
DEU Germany (Deutschland) Deutschland
DNK Denmark (Kongeriget Danmark) Danmark
EST Estonia (Eesti) Estonia
FIN Finland (Suomi) Finland
FRA France (République française) France Métropolitaine
ITA Italy (Repubblica Italiana) Italia
HRV Croatia (Hrvatska) Hrvatska
LTU Lithuania (Lietuva) Lietuva
NLD Netherlands (Nederland) Nederlands
NOR Norway (Kongeriket Norge/Noreg) Norge
OMN Oman (Oman) Oman
PER Peru (Peru) Peru
POL Poland (Polska) Polska
CHE Switzerland (Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft) Schweiz
SRB Serbia (Србија) Srbija
SWE Sweden (Sverige) Sverige
SVK Slovakia (Slovensko) Slovensko
ISL Iceland (Iceland) Island
IMN Isle of Man (Isle of Man) Isle of Man
IND India (India) India
LKA Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka
PAK Pakistan (Pakistan) Pakistan
AZE Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) Aserbaidschan
TUR Turkey (Turkey) Turkey
UZB Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan) Uzbekistan
UKR Ukraine (Ukraine) Ukraine
SYR Syria (Syria) Syria

Parken in Gewerbegebieten

Das Parkplatzproblem für LKW ist bekannt, jeder kennt Straßen (in Gewerbegebieten) wo man mit dem LKW parken kann. Viele dieser Möglichkeiten bleiben ungenutzt. Hier ist eine Möglichkeit der Eintragung:

Please help us improving the map!

Data improve

If you know something that is important for trucks, you can help us improving our data.

height limits, weight limits, prohibitions of transit, see also the according wiki page with more instructions.

Tagging for trucks/transport

A correct tagging is essential as base for the navigation! Editor JOSM is a very handy tool for that.

Instructions "maxheight"

a good how-to for tagging of Bridge height with JOSM.

Instructions Diy

a good how-to for JOSM.

Instructions Steel construction

a good how-to for JOSM.

Instruction agricultural business

a good how-to for JOSM.

Instructions 3D Building

a good how-to for JOSM.

Abbiegebeschränkungen eintragen

a good how-to for JOSM.

Taging for HazMat-Transportation!

How-to for water protection areas

This links to a good manual for the editor JOSM
