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タイル (Tiles) は、風呂場の壁に格子状に貼り付けてある、四角い陶器の板のことです! しかし、ここではそれよりも地図タイルについて説明します。

  • 地図を表示するために格子状に並べて表示されている、四角いビットマップのグラフィック
  • タイル状にした地図のデータについて触れることもあります。

このページは多くの情報や技術的な詳細を含んでいます。ウェブページやアプリケーションで地図タイルを利用したい場合は、 how to use OpenStreetMap tiles についてのチュートリアルを見ることもできます。





「タイルセット」(tileset)は通常、一度に表示されると巨大な画像を形成するのに十分なタイルを含んでおり、様々なズームレベルにもなります。一般的に、この考えはウェブサイト上にすべてを同時に表示するものではなく、地図上の特定のエリアを表示するものです。移動やズームの機能、地図の新しい領域をユーザーが表示させる必要があるときに新しいタイルのダウンロードを要求する機能は、 Javascript の地図ライブラリによって実現されます(スリッピーマップ)。


  • JA:閲覧#レイヤーでは、 openstreetmap.org ホームページに表示できるタイルの選択を説明しています
  • Mapnik - 有名なタイルのレンダラー
  • Kosmos Tile Map Server - Windows のタイルレンダラー
  • Tile usage policy
  • Exporting calibrated maps 特定の組込みソフトウェアと互換性を持つタイルを得るためのツールの一覧
  • Tiletool は地図タイル処理のユーティリティです。低倍率のタイルと高倍率のタイルを組み合わせて作成することができ、それらと他の便利な機能を重ねて表示できます。




This is a list of online raster tile servers based on OpenStreetMap data.

See Servers/tile for the names of the physical servers that serve openstreetmap.org's map tiles.

See Servers/Tile CDN for description of tile servers maintained by OSM and how one may donate new server to it.

For the URLs below:

{x} and {y} should be replaced with the x and y tile numbers.

{z} should be replaced with the zoom level.

{s} should be replaced by a subdomain. The exact values are in the tile server's documentation, but typically it is a single letter a, b, c and usually corresponds to Leaflet's {s} parameter[1]. Subdomains are used to help with browser parallel requests per domain limitation (not needed if the webserver uses http/2), so consider switching letters at runtime (similar to JOSM's url template construct {switch:a,b,c}).

Base maps

Name free/commercial latency IPv6 comment tiles url Tile example source code
OpenStreetMap's Standard tile layer
openstreetmap.org front page
Tile usage policy
free, funded by donations 1 minutes - 1 day はい https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 42.png https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/
Tile usage policy
free, funded by donations ~72 hours - 1 week https://{s}.tile-cyclosm.openstreetmap.fr/[cyclosm|cyclosm-lite]/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://github.com/cyclosm/cyclosm-cartocss-style/
German fork of the Standard tile layer
openstreetmap.de map
usage policy
free, funded by donations 1 month+ はい label in German and local language (transliterated where no name in Latin script is available), commercial and high-traffic use restricted https://tile.openstreetmap.de/{z}/{x}/{y}.png OSM-DE-Tile.png https://github.com/giggls/openstreetmap-carto-de/
Geofabrik Standard
OpenStreetMap Carto style (similar to www.openstretmap.org)
commercial, registration required, trial available OSM data updated minutely いいえ labels in local language Geofabrik Standard Tokyo.png
Geofabrik German
openstreetmap.de map (German OpenStreetMap Carto fork)
commercial, registration required, trial available OSM data updated minutely いいえ labels in German and local language, non-Latin characters are transliterated Geofabrik German Tokyo.png
Geofabrik English
OpenStreetMap Carto style (similar to www.openstretmap.org) but English labels
commercial, registration required, trial available OSM data updated minutely いいえ labels in English and local language, non-Latin characters are transliterated Geofabrik English Tokyo.png
Geofabrik Topo
base map suitable for outdoor activities, with hillshade and contours
commercial, registration required, trial available OSM data updated minutely いいえ labels in English and local language, non-Latin characters are transliterated Geofabrik Topo Tokyo.png
Wikiocity map
commercial, registration required ~1 day いいえ you need to register to use this, a free plan is available. https://api.wikiocity.com/r/raster/{language}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://github.com/wikiocity/wikiocity-styles
commercial, registration required いいえ you need to register to use this, a free plan is available. https://tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile cycling.png unavailable, this is a closed source project
Humanitarian map style
Humanitarian focused OSM base layer
Usage policy: https://www.openstreetmap.fr/fonds-de-carte/
free, funded by donations 5 minutes - 1 day はい map style info. https and http/2 supported. https://a.tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://b.tile.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Humanitarian style.png https://github.com/hotosm/HDM-CartoCSS
OSM France
Priority given to French names and symbols (baguette instead of pretzel for bakery!). Special display for sport fields.
Usage policy: https://www.openstreetmap.fr/fonds-de-carte/
free, funded by donations 1 hour はい Fork of OSM Carto. Some newer features are sometimes experimented and are discussed on the French OpenStreetmap mailing list. Guided tour of improved features. https and http/2 supported. https://a.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://b.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://c.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png OSM-FR-Tile.png https://github.com/cquest/osmfr-cartocss map
Stamen Toner
Black & White map
commercial, with a free tier for non-commercial use under 200.000 tiles / month[2] Weekly はい Hosted by Stadia Maps. No registration necessary for local development; retina (HiDPI) tiles available.

Layer groups available: stamen_toner_labels, stamen_toner_lines, stamen_toner_background, stamen_toner_lite (docs).

https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/stamen_toner/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile stamentonerb&n.png https://github.com/stamen/toner-carto (new repo for refreshed styles coming soon)
Stamen Watercolor
Artistic map
commercial, with a free tier for non-commercial use under 200.000 tiles / month[2] Weekly はい Hosted by Stadia Maps. No registration necessary for local development; retina (HiDPI) tiles available. https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/stamen_watercolor/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg Tile watercolor stamen.jpg Not public, but they give the generated tiles and code to Cooper-Hewitt for real-time rendering.[3]
Clockwork Micro Streets
Streets map
commercial, registration required いいえ you need to register to use this, a free plan is available. https://maps.clockworkmicro.com/streets/v1/raster/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
Transport Map
Transport map
commercial, registration required いいえ you need to register to use this, a free plan is available. https://tile.thunderforest.com/transport/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile transport.png

Thunderforest Landscape
Landscape map
commercial, registration required いいえ you need to register to use this, a free plan is available https://tile.thunderforest.com/landscape/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile landscape.png
Thunderforest Outdoors
Outdoors map
commercial, registration required いいえ you need to register to use this, a free plan is available https://tile.thunderforest.com/outdoors/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile outdoors.png
Transport map
はい https://tile.memomaps.de/tilegen/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile opnvtransport.png
MapTiler Streets
Streets map
commercial, registration required はい you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. https://api.maptiler.com/maps/streets/{z}/{x}/{y}.png MapTilerStreets256.png
MapTiler Outdooor
Outdoor map
commercial, registration required はい you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. https://api.maptiler.com/maps/outdoor/{z}/{x}/{y}.png MapTilerOutdoor256.png
MapTiler Pastel
Pale map for overlaying own data
commercial, registration required はい you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. https://api.maptiler.com/maps/pastel/{z}/{x}/{y}.png MapTilerPastel256.png
MapTiler Basic
Basic map
commercial, registration required はい you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. https://api.maptiler.com/maps/basic/{z}/{x}/{y}.png MapTilerBasic256.png
MapTiles English
MapTiles with English labels
commercial, registration required ~ 2 weeks いいえ you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. Updates happen after data checks and may therefore take longer than 2 weeks. https://maptiles.p.rapidapi.com/en/map/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Openstreetmap-tiles-in-english.png
MapTiles French
MapTiles with French labels
commercial, registration required ~ 2 weeks いいえ you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. Updates happen after data checks and may therefore take longer than 2 weeks. https://maptiles.p.rapidapi.com/fr/map/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Openstreetmap-tiles-in-french.png
MapTiles Spanish
MapTiles with Spanish labels
commercial, registration required ~ 2 weeks いいえ you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. Updates happen after data checks and may therefore take longer than 2 weeks. https://maptiles.p.rapidapi.com/es/map/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Openstreetmap-tiles-in-spanish.png

Carto Light ("Positron")
general map
Required attribution: "Map tiles by Carto, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL."
commercial, registration required, uses Natural Earth at low zooms いいえ variants available: all, nolabels, only_labels https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Cartodb light tile.png
Carto Dark ("Dark Matter")
general map
Required attribution: "Map tiles by Carto, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL."
commercial, registration required, uses Natural Earth at low zooms いいえ variants available: all, nolabels, only_labels https://cartodb-basemaps-{s}.global.ssl.fastly.net/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Cartodb dark tile.png
Topographical Map
free, see https://opentopomap.org/about#faq いいえ Topographical Map https://{a|b|c}.tile.opentopomap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
base map
commercial, registration required いいえ coloured base map, greyscale version and coloured version with hillshading available
Retina Tiles
OpenStreetMap-Carto styled retina tiles
commercial, registration required ~ 2 weeks いいえ you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. Updates happen after data checks and may therefore take longer than 2 weeks. https://retina-tiles.p.rapidapi.com/local/osm{r}/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=XXX Openstreetmap-retina-tiles-example.png
Standard Tiles
OpenStreetMap-Carto styled standard tiles
commercial, registration required ~ 2 weeks いいえ you need to register to use this, a free tier for non-commercial use is available. Updates happen after data checks and may therefore take longer than 2 weeks. https://retina-tiles.p.rapidapi.com/local/osm/v1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?rapidapi-key=XXX Osm-standard-tile.png
Lima Labs
Open carto Based map with Anglicized labels
Commercial with a free tier up to 20,000,000 tiles yearly. Commercial traffic encourage on the free tier. Register for a free API key. Quarterly はい High res 512x512 tiles labeled in English and local languages where possible distributed from a global CDN. https://cdn.lima-labs.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?api=demo Tokyo.png
Tracestrack Carto
OSM-Carto based retina maps
commercial, a free tier for non-commercial or low volume use is available. < 10 days はい 18+ language labels; localised road shields for several countries; elevation in feet in US; several colour variants; https://tile.tracestrack.com/_/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, https://tile.tracestrack.com/en/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, https://tile.tracestrack.com/[ar|de|es|fi|fr|he|hu|it|ja|ko|nl|pl|pt|ru|uk|sv|th|tr|zh-hans|zh-hant]/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, etc Tracestrack carto tille.png
Tracestrack Topo
Combined OSM-Carto with OpenTopoMap
commercial, a free tier for non-commercial or low volume use is available. < 10 days はい 18+ language labels; localised road shields for several countries; elevation in feet in US; several colour variants; https://tile.tracestrack.com/topo__/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=XXX, https://tile.tracestrack.com/topo_en/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=XXX, https://tile.tracestrack.com/topo_[ar|de|es|fi|fr|he|hu|it|ja|ko|nl|pl|pt|ru|uk|sv|th|tr|zh-hans|zh-hant]/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=XXX, etc Tracestrack topo tile.png
Geoapify Map Tiles
OSM-based map tiles
commercial, a free tier for low volume use is available. Registration required Monthly updates after data checks はい OSM Carto, OSM Bright and variants, Klokantech Basic, Toner and variants, Positron and variants, Dark Matter and variants https://maps.geoapify.com/v1/tile/osm-bright-smooth/{z}/{x}/{y}.png OSM Bright Smooth by Geoapify
Stadia Alidade Smooth
View map
commercial, with a free tier available for non-commercial use Weekly はい No registration necessary for local development; retina (HiDPI) tiles available https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/alidade_smooth/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Alidade Smooth by Stadia Maps
Stadia Alidade Smooth Dark
View map
commercial, with a free tier available for non-commercial use Weekly はい No registration necessary for local development; retina (HiDPI) tiles available https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/alidade_smooth_dark/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Alidade Smooth Dark by Stadia Maps
Stadia Outdoors
View map
commercial, with a free tier available for non-commercial use Weekly はい No registration necessary for local development; retina (HiDPI) tiles available https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/outdoors/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Outdoors by Stadia Maps
Stadia OSM Bright
View map
commercial, with a free tier available for non-commercial use Weekly はい No registration necessary for local development; retina (HiDPI) tiles available https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/osm_bright/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Outdoors by Stadia Maps
commercial はい Uses various data sources including OSM. Formerly open data and open source with a free tier available; nowadays also proprietary software and closed data. https://github.com/mapbox (partial)

Overlay tiles

Name free/commercial latency IPv6 comment tiles url Tile example source code
Hiking routes
Free, No API key needed, see policy 1 day Using osmc:symbol=* https://tile.waymarkedtrails.org/hiking/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile lonviahiking.png https://github.com/waymarkedtrails/waymarked-trails-site
Cycling routes
Free, No API key needed, see policy 1 day https://tile.waymarkedtrails.org/cycling/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile lonviacycling.png https://github.com/waymarkedtrails/waymarked-trails-site
Riding routes
Free, No API key needed, see policy 1 day Horse riding, using osmc:symbol=* https://tile.waymarkedtrails.org/riding/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Lonvia riding routes.png https://github.com/waymarkedtrails/waymarked-trails-site
Railway infrastructure
Usage policy
free, funded by donations, see policy Railway infrastructure https://a.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/standard/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://b.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/standard/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://c.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/standard/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://github.com/OpenRailwayMap/OpenRailwayMap
Railway maxspeeds
Usage policy
free, funded by donations, see policy Railway maxspeeds https://a.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/maxspeed/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://b.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/maxspeed/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://c.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/maxspeed/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://github.com/OpenRailwayMap/OpenRailwayMap
Railway signalling
Usage policy
free, funded by donations, see policy Railway signalling and train protection signals https://a.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/signals/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://b.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/signals/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://c.tiles.openrailwaymap.org/signals/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://github.com/OpenRailwayMap/OpenRailwayMap
Sea marks
Sea marks only, background transparent http://tiles.openseamap.org/seamark/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tile seamark.png
Bus routes
commercial, a free tier for non-commercial or low volume use is available. Source code released in GitHub under GPL-3.0 license. 2 weeks Bus routes only, background transparent https://tile.tracestrack.com/bus-route/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tracestrack-bus-route.png
Subway routes
commercial, a free tier for non-commercial or low volume use is available. 2 weeks Subway routes only, background transparent https://tile.tracestrack.com/subway-route/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tracestrack subway routes.png
Train routes
commercial, a free tier for non-commercial or low volume use is available. 2 weeks Train routes only, background transparent https://tile.tracestrack.com/train-route/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tracestrack-train-tile.png
Bicycle routes
commercial, a free tier for non-commercial or low volume use is available. 2 weeks Bicycle lanes and routes, background transparent https://tile.tracestrack.com/bicycle-route/{z}/{x}/{y}.png Tracestrack bicycle route.png

Leisure Drone - France IGN https://data.geopf.fr/wmts?layer=TRANSPORTS.DRONES.RESTRICTIONS&style=normal&tilematrixset=PM&Service=WMTS&Request=GetTile&Version=1.0.0&Format=image%2Fpng&TileMatrix={z}&TileCol={x}&TileRow={y}

Regional tile servers

Name free or commercial latency IPv6 Region tiles url Tile example source code
openstreetmap-carto rendering from SOSM
usage policy
free, donated resources 1 hour no Switzerland https://tile.osm.ch/switzerland/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://tile.osm.ch/switzerland/14/8544/5827.png https://github.com/sosm/openstreetmap-carto
link to the map
usage policy
free, donated resources 1 hour no Switzerland https://tile.osm.ch/osm-swiss-style/{z}/{x}/{y}.png https://tile.osm.ch/osm-swiss-style/15/17062/11532.png https://github.com/sosm/OSM-Swiss-Style

map compare service at bbbike.org の例も参照してください。大量に利用する場合は、それぞれのタイルサーバーの利用制限に従ってください。

別な OSM ベースのタイルを表示する他のウェブサービスとして mapstyle.petschge.deLeaflet Provider Demo があります。



  • QuadTiles, タイルによってインデックスされた、OSMデータベースを作成するための枠組み
  • OJW's tile data server, キャッシュ可能なデータサーバの最初の実装で、タイルサーバと同じ方法でデータを提供する。
  • Tile data server, タイルとして保存されたデータがどのように動くべきかの一般的な定義。(written by ojw as well...)


  • Switch2OSM, The Basics このページではタイルの一部の解説や、ライセンス、タイルを表示する JavaScript ライブラリを紹介しています。