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Logo. 地物: 動物
One example for 地物: 動物
animal=* タグは動物やペットに関するたくさんの地物に使われています。



ペットや動物は社会でとても重要であり、ペット(犬や猫など)やコンパニオンアニマル(馬など)の世話をする施設がたくさんあります。 OpenStreetMap にはそのような施設のマッピングでは限られた用語しかなく、このページは現在のタグと値の中身を表現し、提案の概要を提供するものです。この一覧は未完成で、代表的なもののみを表示しています。



キー 要素 定義とコメント 状態 動物 レンダリング 写真
amenity veterinary ノード エリア 獣医が業務をするところ。 有効 全て Veterinary Surgeon.jpg
amenity veterinary_pharmacy ノード エリア A shop where veterinary medications are sold. In use All Ветеринарная аптека, Новосибирск 2.jpg
shop pet ノード エリア A pet shop or pet store is a retail business which sells different kinds of animals. Pet stores also sell pet food, supplies, and accessories. Additional tags to consider: name=*; building=yes; animal types to which the store caters, use pet=* to specify, such as pet=fish or pet=reptile. Established All Baby parrots in a pet shop-8a.jpg
amenity animal_training ノード エリア For mapping non-competitive training facilities for animals. To designate the animal type being trained, use animal_training=horse or animal_training=dog, for instance. Two animal-specific tags are in rare-use: amenity=dog_training (taginfo) and amenity=horse_training (taginfo). There was also a 2008 proposed feature for sport=dog_training, which would be related to competitive training. Consider also: name=*; network=* for the Association that a particular school might be connected with. In use All MTAPD Canine Training Facility (26942355044).jpg
leisure horse_riding ノード エリア Equestrian facility where people practise horse riding. Established Horses Warendorf, Reitanlage Josephshof -- 2014 -- 8591 -- Ausschnitt.jpg
leisure dog_park ノード エリア Designated area, with or without a fenced boundary, where dog-owners are permitted to exercise their pets unrestrained. Approved Dogs DogPark.jpg
vending excrement_bags ノード 犬の糞用の袋を販売する場所です。 amenity=vending_machine と組み合わせます。 payment=*name=*operator=* を追加することを検討してください。 有効 Dog excrement bags.jpg
highway bridleway ウェイ 馬道。乗馬者が利用することを意図した道。 有効 Bridleway, Dorset - geograph.org.uk - 156273.jpg
route horse リレーション A route-type relation intended for use by equestrians. Established Horses Hawick Circular Riding Route - geograph.org.uk - 592357.jpg
route transhumance リレーション A route for long distance livestock trails. In use Livestock Shepherds iran.jpg
horse * ウェイ エリア Primarily used to indicate access restrictions / permissions for horses with most common values being either 'yes' or 'no'. Most commonly associated with highway=*. Established Horses Sinnbild Reiter.svg
dog * ウェイ エリア Primarily used to indicate access restrictions / permissions for dogs with most common values being either 'yes' or 'no'. Most commonly associated with highway=*; surprising that there are no instances associated with natural=beach at time of writing. Established Dogs D-P014 Mitfuehren von Tieren verboten.svg
sport equestrian ノード エリア An equestrian sport is a sport that is practised with the horse as a partner, there are show jumping, dressage, eventing, endurance riding, driving, vaulting, steeplechasing, horse racing, reining, tent pegging, vaulting, polo, rodeo and more; horse racing has a separate tag, see below. Established Horses Evie Gullis Jumping Her Horse.JPG
sport horse_racing ノード ウェイ Horse racing is an equestrian sport and major international industry, watched in almost every nation of the world. There are three types: "flat" racing; steeplechasing, i.e. racing over jumps; and harness racing, where horses trot or pace while pulling a driver in a small, light cart known as a sulky. Passage from Wikipedia:Portal:Horse racing/Intro, version 421097495, 28 Mar 2011. Established Horses Horseracing Churchill Downs.jpg
barrier horse_stile ノード A horse stile allows pedestrians and horses to cross a gap through a fence, but prevents or makes it very difficult for motorcycles, riderless horses and other live stock to cross. Established Horses Horse stile on the Doncaster Greenway - geograph.org.uk - 502599.jpg
sport dog_racing ノード エリア Most dog racing is in the form of greyhound racing. Established Dogs Greyhound Racing 2 amk.jpg
club dog ノード エリア (see club=equestrian for description) In use Dogs
club equestrian ノード エリア As with other club tags, use this to map the regular meeting place for the club. If the club is a sport-related club, then include the appropriate sport tag (e.g. sport=equestrian). Additional tags to consider: name=*, network=* (if the club is part of an association). Proposed Horses PoloGirlsHorses.jpg
natural beach ノード エリア To tag a beach legally accessible to owned animals (usually dogs), use it together with tags like dog=yes, horse=yes and so on.
Consider also to add name=*.
Established All Ausritt am Strand.JPG
animal swimming ノード エリア Bathing area for owned animals (usually dogs).
Specify animals admitted with tags like dog=yes/no, horse=yes/no and so on.
In contrast to a beach for dogs this tag is thought for bathing areas at a lake or river that are not comfortable for humans and are more appealing to dogs.
Consider also to add name=*.
In use All
animal wellness ノード エリア Animal wellness centre (e.g. dog groomer).
Primarily dogs are getting coiffures, but there might be also services like clipping claws/cutting nails or other beautification services, so we chose the term "wellness".
Specify animals admitted with tags like dog=yes/no, cat=yes/no and so on.
Consider also to add name=*.

Nowadays shop=pet_grooming is a standard tag for that.

In use All
amenity animal_breeding ノード エリア Animal breeding facility, see stud farm. Additional tags:
Approved All Lipica Stud Farm, Slovenia, June 2012 (1).jpg
amenity animal_shelter ノード エリア Animal home/shelter: it is a large structure with its own staff that takes care of animals. See Animal shelter for details.
It differs from amenity=shelter + shelter_type=field_shelter that instead is a very simple building, usually only a canopy. Additional tags:
Approved All Kennel 2.jpg
amenity animal_boarding ノード エリア Animal boarding facility. See Animal boarding for details. Additional tags:
Approved All All Breeds Pet Boarding Establishment sign - geograph.org.uk - 824471.jpg
amenity feeding_place ノード エリア A place where animals are fed like a manger or an automated feeding station. Established All Courgeac 16 Mangeoire 2014.jpg
amenity game_feeding ノード エリア A place where food is provided for wild-living animals. See amenity=game_feeding for details. Established All Futterkrippe hohewand.jpg
amenity watering_place ノード エリア A place where animals can drink water, like the analogous tag amenity=drinking_water descibes places for human drinking. Approved All Dachwasserbrunnen.jpg
animal cemetery ノード エリア Cemetery for animals. There's still a discussion how to tag all the different types of animals for interments.
Specify animals admitted with tags like dog=yes/no, cat=yes/no, horse=yes/no, hamster=yes/no, reptile=yes/no and so on.
Consider also to add name=* and operator=*.
In use All
animal crematorium ノード エリア Use amenity=crematorium
crematorium=pet instead
- All
hazard animal_crossing ノード ウェイ A place where animals are known to appear unexpectedly, presenting a collision hazard to motorists. Use hazard:animal=* to specify kind of animal. Approved All AU road sign W5-38.svg
hazard horse_riders ノード ウェイ An area where horse riders share a roadway with motor vehicles. Approved Horses 1.26 Belarus (Road Sign).svg
amenity shelter ノード エリア Used with shelter_type=field_shelter indicates a field shelter for animals.
A field shelter is a very simple building, usually only a canopy, located in the countryside intended to provide shelter for animals (e.g. horses).
It differs from amenity=animal_shelter that instead is a large structure with its own staff that takes care of animals.
Specify animals admitted with tags like horse=yes/no, sheep=yes/no, pig=yes/no and so on.
In case of bad weather it could be used also by humans, if it is accessible.
Consider to add the tag access=* to specify its legal accessibility, especially access=private if people are not allowed to use it.
Proposed All Field shelter.jpg
attraction animal ノード エリア A place where animals are kept in captivity (e.g. a cage or in an aquarium). Found in zoos or animal parks. Using name=*, the name of the animal attraction, or species of the kept animal, or the name=* of the individual animal can be specified, with species=* for the scientific name of the species. Established All Animal.png Dolphin leaping out of the water for an animal trainer during a performance at the Aquatarium attraction in St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.jpg
zoo petting_zoo ノード エリア Small zoo or garden for kids to touch and play with animals. Create an area inside tourism=zoo and tag it zoo=petting_zoo. Approved All Streichelzoo-Dortmund-IMG 9744.JPG

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