独自のスリッピーマップを提供することは、 OpenStreetMap を利用する一般的な方法です。
![]() | OpenStreetMap の著作権表示をすることを忘れないでください。詳しくは Legal FAQ を参照してください |
Google や Yahoo! の地図と同様に、私たちの地図をあなたのウェブサイトに埋め込むことができます。これは、以下の JavaScript 地図ライブラリ のいずれかを使うことで実現できます。
- Leaflet (leafletjs.com) はフリーでオープンソースの JavaScript で、軽量で簡単に利用できる API を持ち、多くのプラグインもあります。
- OpenLayers (openlayers.org) は多機能でフリーなオープンソース JavaScript ライブラリです。これは OSM 地図を表示するためのもっとも人気のある方法です。
- Google Maps Example では Google Maps API を使って OSM の地図を表示する方法を紹介します。
- Jawg Widgets ([1]) are state-of-the-art open-source html/js widgets for a seamless integration of maps and services (routes, geocoding...).
- Mapstraction (mapstraction.com) is an open source javascript wrapper around the above libraries (and several others) allowing you to swap your choice of map library provider without re-coding anything.
- YCanvas (ycanvas.yoz.sk) Flash/AIR library for web and mobile deployment.
- Zoom zoom zoom map has a nice smooth zoom feature
- Khtmlib also smooth zooms
- Ka-Map (ka-map.maptools.org)
- AFComponents UMap (umapper.com) embeddable Flash slippy map
- OpenScales (openscales.org) mapping framework in ActionScript (flash), configurable by xml
- Modest Maps (modestmaps.com) in Actionscript3, Python, JavaScript, PHP, Processing, Cinder.
- Modestmaps-js is a lightweight, Javascript version of ModestMaps.
- BruTile (brutile.codeplex.com) a C# library for tile services (use online via silverlight)
- Polymaps (polymaps.org) JavaScript library from Stamen
CMS やフレームワークへの OSM の埋め込み
You can embed OSM in your favourite Content Management System:
- Cartaro is a framework for embedding maps in different CMS, especially Drupal.
![]() | It is highly recommend to contact the operators before using their servers! Respect their tile usage policy. |
OpenStreetMap tile servers
Typically these examples show you how to use the OpenStreetMap tile servers. Your site serves up the HTML and the JavaScript (maybe) but the tile images of the map are still fetched by the browser from our servers. You must do this in accordance with the tile usage policy. The tile service comes with no guarantee as to availability or speed (if you expect particularly heavy demand, please contact the community to discuss your requirements first).
Alternative tile servers
Alternative tile providers (with their own usage policies) are available. Some of them are combining OSM data with their own imagery and/or applying different colours and styles of map details.
See Slippy map tilenames#Tile servers, TMS for a list of some tile providers.
Your own map tiles
For ultimate flexibility, OpenStreetMap also gives you the unique ability to generate your own map tiles — styled any way you like — from our data.
- See Switch2Osm.org for more information on serving your own tiles.
- TileLauncher is a free out-of-the-box styled-tileserver for Amazon EC2. In a few clicks, choose your theme colorus, your Amazon Instance type, your region, enter your credentials and press "Launch". [9]
- Tiledrawer is a free, quick-start, out-of-the-box renderer and server using the standard OSM toolchain for Amazon EC2, other virtual servers, and fresh installs of Ubuntu on any hardware.