London Hack Weekend May 2010

Hack weekend in May 2010 is past event on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of May in London at the Hackspace near Angel.
Lots of developers got together and much hacking was done.
Nice webcam video of Saturday
Where and when?
Big thanks to London Hackspace for hosting] us in this place : (map) It's a funny little building above an archery centre in a quiet residential area east of Caledonia Road.
Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd of May.
Kick off 10 a.m. both days. Harry has the keys to the building, and plans to get there for 10. He'll put up a sign at the entrance. Do bring a map with you. It's not very easy to find. Also harry's number : O7979815O13
The venue is actually pretty small, with about 10 desk spaces, plus various sofas, but it seems a lot people are coming and going at different times. Unlikely to be sell-out gig.
We also had pre-hack drinks on the Friday at The Mulberry Bush (map) South bank.
Sign-up list
This is the original sign-up list, but feel free to edit to reflect who was actually there
- Harry Wood Sunday & a little bit of Saturday
- Firefishy
- Matt
- Smsm1
- Twain
- Frederik (in town from Friday noon)
- Gravitystorm
- TomH (Saturday)
- Richard (Saturday)
- steve8 (Saturday pm)
- CycleStreets (Martin)
- User:robert (ris) (very speculative)
- JennyH (Saturday)
also on