Osmp for Ukraina
Mapping Poland in connection with the war in Ukraine
Due to the expected wave of refugees from the areas affected by Russian invasion, we are mapping the border areas near Ukraine.
The map is available: http://dopomoha.pl/
Features to verify - OSM data
- Reception points and information points and hotlines of voivodships offices
- Border crossings
- Hospitals, including field hospitals
- Humanitarian aid points organised by self-governmental entities and NGO
- Schools - you can use data available on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pl:Organised_Editing/Activities/Updating_and_mapping_schools_in_Poland
- Blood donation facilities
- Pharmacies
- Governmental offices - competent for migration issues (voivodship offices by default, but also community offices and registry offices)
- Shelters - waiting rooms on train and bus stations and other facilites amenity=shelter
- Headquaters of foundations helping imigrants
- Consulates and other diplomatic facilities
Make sure to check if the roads leading to those sites are mapped correctly! (highway=*, barrier=*, etc.)
Reception Points
These are sites established by polish government, where refugees can have a warm meal, place to rest and receive key information.
Government source: https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina2
Reception points
Example: train station in Przemyśl - https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/9535620024
Points already in OSM: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1gqc
- amenity=social_facility
- description=У рецепційному центрі: Ви отримаєте додаткову інформацію про Ваше перебування в Польщі, буде Bам надано временное жилье в Польше, Ви отримаєте гаряче харчування, напої, базову медичну допомогу та місце для відпочинку.
- description:pl=W punkcie recepcyjnym: otrzymasz więcej informacji na temat pobytu w Polsce, zapewnione zostanie Tobie tymczasowe zakwaterowanie w Polsce, otrzymasz ciepły posiłek, napój, podstawową opiekę medyczną oraz miejsce na odpoczynek.
- description:uk=У рецепційному центрі: Ви отримаєте додаткову інформацію про Ваше перебування в Польщі, буде Bам надано временное жилье в Польше, Ви отримаєте гаряче харчування, напої, базову медичну допомогу та місце для відпочинку.]]
- name=Пункт прийому
- name:pl=Punkt Recepcyjny
- name:uk=Пункт прийому
- social_facility=outreach
- social_facility:for=refugee
- url=https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/punkty-recepcyjne2
other useful keys:
- phone=+48 ...
- phone:mobile=+48 ...
- note:phone=additional information
- add:city=
- add:street=
- add:housenumber=
- location=add information on precise location of reception point
Information points and hotlines of voivodships offices
Example: Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw - https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/9545016689
Points already in OSM: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1gze
- information=*
- information=office
- name:pl=Punkt informacyjny urzędu wojewódzkiego
- name:uk=Інформаційний пункт воєводського управління
- name=Інформаційний пункт воєводського управління
- tourism=information
- source=https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/punkty-informacyjne-i-infolinie-urzedow-wojewodzkich
other useful keys:
- phone=+48 ...
- phone:mobile=+48 ...
- note:phone=additional information
- add:city=
- add:street=
- add:housenumber=
- location=add information on precise location of reception point
Points in Romania
- information=*
- information=office
- name:en=Regional Centers for Procedures and Accommodation for Asylum Seekers
- name:pl=Regionalne centrum administracji i zakwaterowania dla uchodźców
- name:ro=Centre Regionale de Proceduri și Cazare pentru Solicitanții de Azil
- name:uk=Регіональні центри процедур та розміщення шукачів притулку
- name=Регіональні центри процедур та розміщення шукачів притулку
- source=https://dopomoha.ro/en
- tourism=information
other useful keys (example):
- addr:city=Rădăuți
- addr:housenumber=2
- addr:street=Perilor
- email=sm.igi@mai.gov.ro
- fax=+40 261 80 77 57
- phone=+40 230 56 44 62; +40 230 56 44 63
Border crossings
- Check the border crossing area for amenities for people waiting for a long time to cross the border.
- Add Ukrainian transliteration to all names name using name:uk=*
- Add Ukrainian descriptions using description:uk
Many patients from Ukrainian hospitals can be transferred to our hospitals.
List of NFZ hospitals (i.e. hospitals with public contract in Poland): strona
Correctly tagged hospital is described here: Tag:amenity=hospital. Remember to add Ukrainian name using name:uk=*
Field hospitals are mapped the same as ordinary ones, but with key note.
Refugee Assistance Centers
For the time being there are no amenities to be mapped with amenity=refugee_site.
Basic tags are:
- amenity=social_facility
- social_facility:for=refugee
- name=*
- name:uk=*
- phone=*
Add also tag social_facility depending on the profile of the facility:
Tag | Icon | Description |
social_facility=shelter | ![]() |
A facility that provides temporary sleeping facilities or refuge from exposure to the environment. E.g., a Homeless Shelter, Emergency Shelter or Transitional Shelter. |
social_facility=outreach | ![]() |
A non-residential facility that provides social welfare services such as advocacy, counseling, job placement, veterans services, housing placement, wellness programs, leisure activities. |
social_facility=food_bank | ![]() |
A non-residential facility that distributes pre-packaged food, usually to the poor, free of charge or below market price. (e.g., food pantry). If the facility only serves prepared meals, use soup_kitchen instead. |
social_facility=soup_kitchen | ![]() |
A non-residential facility that provides prepared meals, usually to the poor, free of charge or below market price. |
Abovementioned social facilities will be probably placed in schools, community centres, fire stations etc. You should always add such "parent units" with names and description in Ukrainian, when adding social_facility.
School can be easily mapped according to another organised editing activity: Organised Editing/Activities/Updating and mapping schools in Poland
Add Ukrainian transliteration of names.
Blood donation facilities
Map them according to healthcare=blood_donation and add names and descriptions in Ukrainian.
Data are being uploaded by @ptarac
Begin with basic tag amenity=pharmacy and add additional tags:
- opening_hours=*
- wheelchair=yes/wheelchair=limited/wheelchair=no
- Payment tag family
- dispensing=yes/no
- drive_through=* - yes if this pharmacy offers drive through service
- website=*
- phone=*
- brand=*
- operator=*
- recycling:drugs=yes/no
- name=* - Polish name
- name:uk=* - Ukrainian transliteration
Consulates and other diplomatic facilities
Tag | Opis |
office=diplomatic | For all types of foreign diplomatic missions |
diplomatic=consulate | For consulate |
consulate=honorary_consul | For honorary consulate |
country=UA | Abbreviation for Ukraine |
Highway data
Neptis S.A. shares his GPS tracks: Ślady na GitHub - [25.02.2022 11:00] Almost all the data has already been verified. If you need any tracks to please contact Cristoffs (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Bus and train station
Stations should be verified. Check their existense, tagging and facilities: shelters, benches, waiting rooms.
We've asked our contributors to use the hashtag #helpua_osmp with their edits.
Dedicated map
Cristoffs (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Mordechai23 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Mateusz Konieczny (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
ptarac (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
sponsssa (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
kubahahaha (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Ancymon (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) - website
jendrusk (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) - website
tomczk (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) - website
voltairovicz (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)