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![]() |
Opis |
Prefiks kluczy do oznaczania rodzaju paliwa dostępnego w danym miejscu. ![]() |
Grupa: właściwości |
Używane na tych elementach |
Wymagane znaczniki |
Przydatne kombinacje |
Zobacz też |
Status: zatwierdzony![]() |
taginfo: fuel:* |
Ten artykuł opisuje prefiks klucza, nie zwykły klucz.
Rodzaje paliwa
Służą do określenia rodzaju paliwa sprzedawanego na stacji paliw
Podtyp | Oznaczanie | Uwagi | Taginfo |
Diesel | |||
Heating oil | fuel:heating_oil=yes | Heating oil is any petroleum product or other oil used for heating. | |
Diesel | fuel:diesel=yes | Nazywany "nafta" w Argentynie, Paragwaju i Urugwaju oraz "bencina" w Chile. | |
GTL diesel | fuel:GTL_diesel=yes | Olej napędowy uzyskany z gazu ziemnego 'Gas To Liquid (GTL)': "ultimate diesel", "V-Power diesel", etc. | |
HGV diesel | fuel:HGV_diesel=yes | Dystrybutor Oleju napędowego dla samochodów ciężarowych (z pistoletem o większej średnicy) | |
Diesel B0 | fuel:diesel_b0=yes | Pure diesel fuel without any renewable components. In Europe usually explicitly marked as such for special purposes. | |
Diesel B7 | fuel:diesel_b7=yes | Diesel with up to 7% content of renewable components, the common diesel type in the EU. Usually tagged as fuel:diesel=yes | |
Diesel B10 | fuel:diesel_b10=yes | Diesel with an increased amount of renewable components, up to 10%, available in the EU | |
Diesel s10 | fuel:diesel_s10=yes | Diesel with a specified limited amount of sulfur (10mg/kg), used in Brazil. Usually tagged as fuel:diesel=yes as this is the default in many regions, including the EU.
Also in use are the tags fuel:diesel_s10_comum=yes for the pure and fuel:diesel_s10_aditivado=yes for the variant with additives. fuel:diesel_S10=yes with a capital letter is also in use. |
Diesel s500 | fuel:diesel_s500=yes | Diesel with a limited (but comparably large) amount of sulfur of up to 500 mg/kg, used in Brazil.
Also in use are the tags fuel:diesel_s500_comum=yes for the pure and fuel:diesel_s500_aditivado=yes for the variant with additives. |
Bio diesel | fuel:biodiesel=yes | Diesel made from renewable sources, e.g. vegetable oil. Often marked as "XTL", "HVO", "HVO100" or "B100" | |
Cold weather diesel | fuel:diesel:class2=yes | Diesel for colder weather climates (with a threshold filtration temperature of −32 °C), on the EU EN590 scale. Can be branded as "winter diesel", "Arctic diesel", "diesel −32 °C", etc., depending on the location. Class 2 appears to be the most widely sold variety in Scandinavia and the EEU, however you can replace the "2" in fuel:diesel:class2=yes with 0 (to describe diesel with a threshold filtration temperature down to −20 °C); 1 (−26 °C); 3 (−38 °C) and 4 (−44 °C).
Note that there is a separate threshold for milder, "winter" diesel (A–F, +5 to −20 °C) not covered by this tag, however similar syntax could be used |
Untaxed diesel | fuel:taxfree_diesel=yes | Diesel fuel with few or no taxes, typically for agricultural, construction, or other off-road use. May be known by names such as agricultural diesel, off-road fuel, red diesel (from the dye used to mark it as untaxed), etc. | |
Liczba octanowa | |||
Octane 80 | fuel:octane_80=yes | ||
Octane 85 | fuel:octane_85=yes | "regular" in many of the Mountain states (![]() ![]() |
Octane 86 | fuel:octane_86=yes | ||
Octane 87 | fuel:octane_87=yes | "regular"(![]() ![]() ![]() |
Octane 88 | fuel:octane_88=yes | ||
Octane 89 | fuel:octane_89=yes | "mid-grade"(![]() ![]() |
Octane 90 | fuel:octane_90=yes | "Pertalite"(![]() |
Octane 91 | fuel:octane_91=yes | ||
Octane 92 | fuel:octane_92=yes | "premium"(![]() |
Octane 93 | fuel:octane_93=yes | "premium" (![]() ![]() |
Octane 94 | fuel:octane_94=yes | "Ultra 94" (Petro-Canada), "Supreme Plus 94" (Chevron) (![]() |
Octane 95 | fuel:octane_95=yes | Benzyna | |
Octane 97 | fuel:octane_97=yes | Found in ![]() ![]() |
Octane 98 | fuel:octane_98=yes | ||
Octane 100 | fuel:octane_100=yes | ||
Octane 100 | fuel:octane_102=yes | ||
Unspecified "premium" | fuel:premium=yes | Some kind of gasoline with an unknown Octane rating. Use only if the precise rating is unknown. If possible, tag the precise rating. Often fuel:octane_91=*(![]() |
Unspecified "midgrade" | fuel:midgrade=yes | Some kind of gasoline with an unknown Octane rating. Use only if the precise rating is unknown. If possible, tag the precise rating. Often fuel:octane_89=*(![]() |
Unspecified "regular" | fuel:regular=yes | Some kind of gasoline with an unknown Octane rating. Use only if the precise rating is unknown. If possible, tag the precise rating. Often fuel:octane_87=*(![]() |
Unspecified gasoline | fuel:gasoline=yes | Some kind of gasoline with an unknown Octane rating. Use only if the precise rating is unknown. If possible, tag the precise rating. | |
Unspecified petrol | fuel:petrol=yes | Some kind of gasoline with an unknown Octane rating. Use only if the precise rating is unknown. If possible, tag the precise rating. | |
Mieszanki, miksy stosowane w silnikach dwusuwowych | |||
1:25 | fuel:1_25=yes | Mix of gas with 1/25 oil. | |
1:50 | fuel:1_50=yes | Mix of gas with 1/50 oil. | |
Formuły | |||
Ethanol | fuel:ethanol=yes | =fuel:alcohol=yes, Etanol | |
Alcohol | fuel:alcohol=yes | Pure ethanol fuel. More commonly tagged fuel:ethanol=*. | |
Ethanol | fuel:ethanol_free=yes | =fuel:alcohol=yes, Etanol | |
Methanol | fuel:methanol=yes | Metanol | |
E0 | fuel:e0=yes | Ethanol-free gasoline. More often tagged fuel:ethanol_free=*. | |
E5 | fuel:e5=yes | ![]() |
E10 | fuel:e10=yes | Super benzyna z 10% bioetanolem | |
E12 | fuel:e12=yes | 12% ethanol content gasoline mix. Other local name: Super Etanol ![]() |
E15 | fuel:e15=yes | 15% ethanol content gasoline mix. Often referred to as Gasohol E15. | |
E20 | fuel:e20=yes | 20% etanol z benzyną. Często określany jako Gasohol E20. | |
E85 | fuel:e85=yes | 85% etanolu / 15% benzyny do samochodów z silnikami flexi w USA i Europie. Popularny w Szwecji. | |
E100 | fuel:e100=yes | Gasoline consisting of 100% Ethanol. More often tagged fuel:ethanol=*. | |
Biogas | fuel:biogas=yes | Biogaz"SunGas(r)" | |
LPG | fuel:lpg=yes | LPG, Autogaz, fr:GPL, Propane, it:GPL | |
Propane | fuel:propane=yes | Liquefied Petroleum Gas, liquid mixture of at least 95% propane and balance butane. Note: In many regions the colloquial name "propane" refers to any kind of LPG and not to pure propane fuel. If the mixture is unknown, use fuel:lpg=yes. | |
CNG (compressed natural gas) | fuel:cng=yes | CNG, gaz ziemny, de:Erdgas, pt-br:GNV, it:Metano | |
LNG (liquefied natural gas) | fuel:lng=yes | LNG, GNL: much less common than LPG and CNG, but used in some places. Mostly methane content | |
Butane | fuel:butane=yes | Butane | |
Liquid hydrogen | fuel:LH2=yes | Skroplony H2 jako paliwo konwencjonalne | |
Gaseous hydrogen | fuel:h35=yes | Gaseous H2 35 MPa / 350 bar | |
Gaseous hydrogen | fuel:h50=yes | Gaseous H2 50 MPa / 500 bar | |
Gaseous hydrogen | fuel:h70=yes | Gaseous H2 70 MPa / 700 bar | |
Paliwo lotnicze aeroway=fuel | |||
91UL (clear) | fuel:91UL=yes | 91 oktanowe paliwo lotnicze bezołowiowe | |
100LL (blue) | fuel:100LL=yes | 100 oktanowe paliwo lotnicze z dodatkiem ołowiu | |
autogas | fuel:autogas=yes | Wolny od etanolu gaz bezołowiowy odpowiedni do samochodów lub samolotów. | |
Jet A-1 | fuel:JetA1=yes | Jet A-1 dla samolotów z turbiną gazową i silnikiem wysokoprężnym | |
Nie-płynne | |||
Coal | fuel:coal=yes | ||
Anthracite | fuel:anthracite=yes | Special form of coal. | |
Coke | fuel:coke=yes | Coke from coal | |
Coal briquette | fuel:coal_briquette=yes | Pressed or cut coal block | |
Lignite | fuel:lignite=yes | Lignite, often referred to as brown coal, is a soft, brown, combustible, sedimentary rock formed from naturally compressed peat. | |
Bituminous coal | fuel:lignite_briquette=yes | Briquettes formed from lignite | |
Wood | fuel:firewood=yes | Drewno | |
Wood pellets | fuel:wood_pellets=yes | Wood in pellet form | |
Wood briquette | fuel:wood_briquette=* | Wood in briquette form | |
Charcoal | fuel:charcoal=yes | Węgiel drzewny | |
Dodatki do silników Diesla | |||
AdBlue® / AUS32 | fuel:adblue=yes | 32.5% wodny roztwór mocznika, znany jako AdBlue®. Jest stosowany w nowoczesnych silnikach wysokoprężnych. | |
AdBlue/AUS32 sold in canisters | fuel:adblue:canister=yes | Use for places where there is no AdBlue pump, but rather AdBlue is sold in canisters/other packaging, requiring manual handling and filling - this might not be suitable/convenient for some vehicles. May be used for refilling both HGVs and motorcars. | |
Engine oil | fuel:engine_oil=yes | Any one of various substances used for the lubrication of internal combustion engines | |
Gear oil | fuel:gear_oil=yes | Gear oil is a lubricant made specifically for transmissions, transfer cases, and differentials in automobiles, trucks, and other machinery. It is of a high viscosity and usually contains organosulfur compounds. | |
Possible Duplicates and Mistakes | |||
HVO 100 | fuel:hvo100=yes | HVO100 is a marketing term for a specific process to produce diesel from plants. Use fuel:biodiesel=*. | |
SVO | fuel:svo=yes | Olej roślinny jako paliwo | |
B7 | fuel:b7=yes | B7 is the short name of a specific diesel mixture. Use fuel:diesel_b7=*. | |
B10 | fuel:b10=yes | B10 is the short name of a specific diesel mixture. Use fuel:diesel_b10=*. | |
B20 | fuel:b20=yes | B20 is the short name of a specific diesel mixture. Use fuel:diesel_b20=*. | |
GPL | fuel:GPL=yes | Some languages use the abbreviation GPL instead of the English LPG. Use fuel:lpg=*. | |
GNV | fuel:GNV=yes | Some languages use the abbreviation GNV instead of the English CNG. Use fuel:cng=*. | |
gasoline_87 | fuel:gasoline_87=yes | Gasoline with a octane rating of 87. Use fuel:octane_87=*. | |
gasoline_91 | fuel:gasoline_91=yes | Gasoline with a octane rating of 91. Use fuel:octane_91=*. | |
gasoline_95 | fuel:gasoline_95=yes | Gasoline with a octane rating of 95. Use fuel:octane_95=*. | |
avgas | fuel:avgas=yes | Unknown kind of gasoline for aviation. Check whether fuel:91UL=* or fuel:100LL=* is applicable. | |
H2 | fuel:H2=yes | Unknown kind of hydrogen. Check which of the tags listed above are correct - can be liquid or gaseous at different pressures |