Proposal:Graduation tower & brine source

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Proposal for man_made=graduation tower
Proposal status: Proposed (under way)
Proposed by: Coolawik
Tagging: man_made=graduation_tower
Applies to: node, area
Definition: graduation tower (structure used in the production of salt which remove water from a saline solution by evaporation; nowadays built only for recreational purposes)

Draft started: 2022-07-27
RFC start: 2022-10-22
Proposal for brine source
Proposal status: Proposed (under way)
Proposed by: Coolawik
Tagging: brine_source=*
Applies to: node, area
Definition: The origin of the brine in the graduation tower. (the place where the brine is extracted)

Draft started: 2022-07-27
RFC start: 2022-10-22


Graduation towers are structures used in the production of salt which remove water from a saline solution by evaporation, increasing its concentration of mineral salts. The tag can be used on nodes (as POIs) and areas.

The mineral-rich water droplets in the air are regarded as having beneficial health effects similar to that of breathing in sea air.


  1. We had a few use of man_made=graduation_tower. No use foramenity=graduation_tower; building=graduation_tower; man_made=thorn_house.
  2. We have an unclear use in stub articles of graduation towers on the wiki, so many of graduations tower are onlytourism=attraction (e.g. node 4095375179, area 1000050489, node 8420864847);building=yes (e.g. area 373881180; area 923748887) or amenity=fountain (e.g. area 525327281; node 7536427323; area 532557236)
  3. man_made=graduation_tower would be the main tag for these places; brine_source=* would describe the place from which the brine is obtained

Why graduation tower?

  1. One of the meangings of the terme "graduation" is "The exposure of a liquid in large surfaces to the air, so as to hasten its evaporation." (it's the definition in en-Wiktionary);
  2. We can find "brine graduation" process in a few dictionaries (A Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy; Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering) or in science (ResearchGate);
  3. We don't have to change "graduation tower" (which exist, and it's also on en-Wikipedia and most of sources) to "osm specific terme";
  4. This term won on voting for the proposal tag in OpenStreetMap Community


Create a node node or an area area, tagged with man_made=graduation_tower.

Additional tags

Key + Tag Description Recommendation
operator=* Operator of graduation tower.  Important
opening_hours=* The opening hours of graduation towers.  Important
brine_source=* The origin of the brine in the graduation tower. (the place where the brine is extracted) ? Optional
building=yes If the graduation tower is a building. ? Optional
tourism=attraction If the graduation tower is an attraction. ? Optional
length=*; height=* & width=* Dimensions of the graduation tower. ? Optional
lit=yes If the graduation tower is lit. ? Optional
fee=yes If you have to pay to use the graduation tower. ? Optional
seasonal=yes If the graduation tower does not work in winter. ? Optional
start_date=* If the date of the opening is known. ? Optional


Photo OSM link Tagging
Tężnia.jpg area 1080478588

area 1080478589

Tężnia solankowa.jpg area 1081860620
Ciechocinek teznia nr 1.jpg

Ciechocinek, Tężnia I latem.jpg

area 177324154
as it's heritage too


Something like salt and drop of water icon? (example)

Features/Pages affected

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.