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Public-images-osm logo.svg man_made = graduation_tower
Tężnia - Ciechocinek.JPG
Graduation tower. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: man made
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: de factoPage for proposal

The tag man_made=graduation_tower describes graduation towers (structures used in the production of salt which removes water from a saline solution by evaporation, increasing its concentration of mineral salts).

Often constructed due to supposed health benefits and placed in parks (the mineral-rich water droplets in the air are regarded as having beneficial health effects similar to that of breathing in sea air).

How to map

Draw tag man_made=graduation_tower as a node or area.

Related tags

Key + Tag Description Recommendation
man_made=graduation_tower Main tag. ! Required
operator=* Operator of graduation tower.  Important
opening_hours=* The opening hours of graduation towers.  Important
brine_source=* The origin of the brine in the graduation tower. (the place where the brine is extracted) ? Optional
building=yes If the graduation tower is a building. ? Optional
tourism=attraction If the graduation tower is an attraction. ? Optional
length=*; height=* & width=* Dimensions of the graduation tower. ? Optional
lit=yes If the graduation tower is lit. ? Optional
fee=yes If you have to pay to use the graduation tower. ? Optional
seasonal=yes If the graduation tower does not work in winter. ? Optional
start_date=* If the date of the opening is known. ? Optional


Image Tężnia.jpg Tężnia solankowa.jpg
(area 1080478588; area 1080478589)
(area 1081860620)


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