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10. мар2025-03-102025-03-11 Manila, Philippines will host the next State of the Map from 3 to 5 October, 2025! Read more about the event here!
7. феб2025-02-072025-02-08 Eight new companies joined the OSM Corporate Membership Program in 2024!
7. јан2025-01-072025-01-08 Want to work on OpenStreetMap? Apply to be the OSM Core Software Development Facilitator! Applications will be accepted until January 21.
20. дец2024-12-202024-12-21 Sovereign Tech Fund invests €384k in OpenStreetMap.
19. дец2024-12-192024-12-20 Meta has donated €178k to the OpenStreetMap Foundation to support community and core infrastructure.
17. дец2024-12-172024-12-18 All services are back live after an outage – map away. :)
19. окт2024-10-192024-10-20 If you are an OpenStreetMap Foundation member, you can attend the online 18th Annual General Meeting of the Foundation, where the results of the OSM Foundation's board election will be announced.
12. окт2024-10-122024-10-13 Voting is open for the 2024 board election. Read about voting eligibility, instructions and common questions here.
9. окт2024-10-092024-10-10 Learn about how OSM's infrastructure has been progressing with an update from OSM's Senior Site Reliability Engineer.
27. сеп2024-09-272024-09-28 You can now read the answers and the manifestos of the 2024 OSM Foundation's board election candidates. Discuss the answers on your local channels or on
9. авг2024-08-092024-08-10 OpenStreetMap's 20th birthday. See where birthday parties and meetings were held.
9. авг2024-08-092024-08-10 Read OSM's founder Steve Coast's thoughts on the 20th birthday of OpenStreetMap.
18. јун2024-06-182024-06-19 OpenStreetMap Foundation board member Sarah Hoffman participated in the United Nations' UN-Maps conference, hear more about how the UN uses OSM.
7. јун2024-06-072024-06-08 See a progress update on vector tiles from the Engineering Working Group to learn more about this exciting improvement to
21. мај2024-05-212024-05-22 Read about what the OSM Foundation Board has been up to – highlights from the OSMF Board Spring 2024 Meeting.
17. апр2024-04-172024-04-18 Learn about changes in authorizations with OAuth 1.0a and HTTP Basic Auth shutdown on
11. апр2024-04-112024-04-12 Join the OpenStreetMap Foundation! Here are three great reasons to join the OSM Foundation as a member.
4. апр2024-04-042024-04-05 The academic track at the 2024 State of the Map conference has opened for submissions as well! Learn more about submitting your academic research.
20. мар2024-03-202024-03-21 The call for participation in the 2024 State of the Map conference is open! Learn more about submitting an idea for a presentation.
12. мар2024-03-122024-03-13 The OpenStreetMap Foundation Board looks ahead to 2024.
12. мар2024-03-122024-03-13 Help us grow and diversify OSM Foundation membership worldwide!
14. феб2024-02-142024-02-15 Welcome OpenStreetMap Belgium, the newest (and returning) OSMF Local Chapter.
13. феб2024-02-132024-02-14 OpenStreetMap giving recap: Mappers, universities, companies, and nonprofits contributed over £373,000 to support OSM in 2023.
11. феб2024-02-112024-02-12 2024: announcing the year of the OpenStreetMap vector maps.
5. феб2024-02-052024-02-06 OpenStreetMap named as digital public good by United Nations-affiliated agency.
23. јан2024-01-232024-01-24 Tom Hughes recognized for OpenStreetMap contributions on OpenUK’s 2024 Honours List.
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26–29 МартFOSSGIS-Konferenz 2025Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
27–28 МартOpenThePaths 2025Seattle, Washington, United States
28 МартMapathon @ UZH DSI 2025Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
29 МартOSM Chennai Meetup: Maps that appreciate the non-human in the cityTamil Nadu, India
29 МартFOSSGIS 2025 - OSM-SamstagMünster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
31 МартGreen Open Data Day 2025 (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos 2025)Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
31 МартGreen Open Data Day (ou Dia Verde dos Dados Abertos)
31 МартRencontre Saint-Étienne et sud LoireSaint-Étienne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
1 АприлMissing Maps Lisbon Mapathon with MSFMadalena, Lisbon, Portugal
1 АприлOSM Treffen SalzburgSalzburg, Salzburg, Austria
1 АприлSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
1 АприлMissing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng]
2 АприлStuttgarter OpenStreetMap-TreffenStuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
4 АприлOSMF Engineering Working Group meeting
5 АприлSocial Mapping Saturday: RossmoyneWestern Australia, Australia
5 АприлOSMF Affiliation Focus Group Discussion: Thematic and non-geographical groups
5 АприлA Synesthete's Atlas: Cartographic Improvisations between Eric Theise and Carl StoneAlgiers, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
6 Април15th OSM Delhi Mapping Party (Online)Delhi, Delhi, India
8 АприлOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
8 АприлMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
8 АприлHamburger MappertreffenHamburg, Germany
8 АприлBerner OpenStreetMap-ZnachtBern, Bern, Switzerland
9 АприлMissing Maps Zürich MapathonZurich, Zurich, Switzerland
10 АприлOpenStreetMap: Mapping & HikingCamerino, Italy
10 АприлBochumer OSM-TreffenBochum, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
13 АприлOSMmapperCPHCopenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
13 Април15th OSM Delhi Mapping PartyDelhi, Delhi, India
14 АприлOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #75Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
15 АприлMissing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng]
15 АприлRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
15 Април187. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
15 АприлSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
15 АприлLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
16 АприлMaptime Amsterdam: Springtime Mapping PartyAmsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
16 Април74. Wiener OSM-StammtischVienna, Austria
21–25 АприлMapathon for Kinshasa City,Pende, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
22 АприлOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
22 АприлEast Midlands pub meet-upDerby, England, United Kingdom
23 АприлMissing Maps - DRK & MSF Online Mapathon
24 Април[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
24 АприлMapatón Humanitario Universidad de ZaragozaZaragoza, Aragon, Spain
29 АприлSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
30 АприлDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
4 Мај16th OSM Delhi Mapping Party (Online)Delhi, India
6 МајOSM Treffen SalzburgSalzburg, Salzburg, Austria
8 МајBochumer OSM-TreffenBochum, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
11 Мај16th OSM Delhi Mapping PartyDelhi, India
12 МајOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #76Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
13 МајSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
13 МајHamburger MappertreffenHamburg, Germany
14 МајMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
16–18 МајFOSSGIS-OSM-Communitytreffen im LinuxhotelEssen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
17 МајMissing Maps Day Olomouc 2025Olomouc, Central Moravia, Czechia
17 МајMicrocartopartie Estrablin (38)Estrablin, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
20 МајRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
20 Мај188. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
20 МајLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
23 МајOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
27 МајSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
28 МајDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
29 Мај[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
1 Јун17th OSM Delhi Mapping Party (Online)New Delhi, Delhi, India
3 ЈунOSM Treffen SalzburgSalzburg, Salzburg, Austria
7 ЈунKartenwerkstatt AugustusburgAugustusburg, Saxony, Germany
8 Јун17th OSM Delhi Mapping PartyNew Delhi, Delhi, India
9 ЈунOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #77Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
10 ЈунSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
12 ЈунMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
12 Јун17. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
13–15 ЈунState of the Map France 2025Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France
17 Јун188. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
17 ЈунLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
19–21 ЈунState of the Map USBoston, Massachusetts, United States
23 ЈунOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
24 ЈунSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
26 Јун[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
27 ЈунDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
8 ЈулSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
14–20 ЈулFOSS4G Europe 2025Mostar, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
14 ЈулOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #78Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
15 ЈулLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
22 ЈулSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
24 ЈулOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
24 Јул75. Wiener OSM-StammtischVienna, Austria
31 Јул[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
5 АвгустSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
11 АвгустOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #79Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
19 АвгустSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
19 АвгустLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
24 АвгустOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
28 Август[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
15 СептембарOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #80Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
16 СептембарLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
17–18 СептембарJornadas de SIG Libre / SOTM EspañaGirona, Catalonia, Spain
17 Септембар18. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
25 Септембар[Online] OpenStreetMap Foundation board of Directors - public videomeeting
25 СептембарOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
3–5 ОктобарState of the Map 2025Quezon City, Philippines
13 ОктобарOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #81Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
21 ОктобарLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
22 Октобар76. Wiener OSM-StammtischVienna, Austria
25 ОктобарOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
10 НовембарOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #82Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
18 НовембарLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
25 НовембарOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
8 ДецембарOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #83Chengnei, Taipei, Taiwan
16 ДецембарLüneburger MappertreffenLüneburg, Lower Saxony, Germany
18 Децембар19. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
26 ДецембарOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany