Talk:Draft:Foundation/Local Chapters/United States/Pedestrian Working Group/Schema

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Example: Tagging Crossings

Essential Tags: These are the minimum for mapping

Tag Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a bronze-colored background. Bronze Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a silver-colored background. Silver Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a gold-colored background. Gold Circular icon containing a pedestrian symbol with a diamond-colored background. Diamond
highway footway -- -- --
footway crossing -- -- --
crossing:markings Are markings present?:
  • yes, or
  • no
In the silver tier, this tag becomes more specific, ex:
  • zebra, or
  • lines, or
  • any other valid value
-- --
crossing:signals Are signals present?:
  • yes, or
  • no
-- -- In the diamond tier, this tag becomes more specific, ex:
  • shared, or
  • dedicated
Does the existing formatting not communicate this effectively? For example:
  • nodeway Crossing Node and Way Tagging:
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:markings=* - Specify presence and type of markings
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:markings=no - No markings
PWG - Bronze.svg crossing:markings=yes - Markings present, type unspecified
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=zebra - Zebra markings
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=lines - Lines markings
PWG - Silver.svg crossing:markings=* - Any other applicable value
-- UW Amy Bordenave (talk) 21:20, 18 February 2025 (UTC)
@UW Amy Bordenave: The table is a work in progress as I clumsily try to port my notes from markdown format. The color coding of the list does support scanning and it is comprehensive. The nesting also communicates the different levels of specificity. The problem I'm trying to solve with the table is visual overwhelm when scanning with a specific tier in mind. When I scan the list, I get visual interference and struggle to mentally filter for the relevant tags. By separating the information on two axes I can scan down for the tag and across for the tier. I can also scan across for the tier and then down for the tags. -- Thompsondt (talk) 21:49, 18 February 2025 (UTC)
@Thompsondt: Makes sense - thanks for the explanation. Some formatting advice - {{Value|yes}} results in yes (to use in place of the markdown "`example`" formatting. :) -- UW Amy Bordenave (talk) 21:54, 18 February 2025 (UTC)
@UW Amy Bordenave: Sounds good. I'm fine with continuing to experiment with it... On formatting, I've got to shift my head back into Wiki mode. I had thought I'd post my notes to my GitHub, but figured I'd pitch it here first. --Thompsondt (talk) 22:55, 18 February 2025 (UTC)