Template:FR:Map Features:Cuisine (style)

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Cuisine (par style)

Cuisine, catégorisée selon le style du lieu ou de la nourriture.

Valeur Commentaire Wikipedia Photo
bakery Un endroit servant du pain, des pâtisseries, des gâteaux et souvent des sandwichs. A éviter, utilisez plutôt shop=bakery. Bakery
Bread in shop window at Borough Market.jpg
bar&grill A place serving both alcoholic drinks and food, typically burgers and grilled items
barbecue Propose des plats grillés, fumés ou rotis. Ne pas utiliser l'abréviation cuisine=bbq. Barbecue
Bratwürste Steaks Bauch und mehr.JPG
basque_ciderhouse Informal restaurants that serve natural Basque cider directly from large barrels in the cider house and typically offer a standard menu consisting of cod omelette, fried cod and chop steak. Named "Sidrería" in spanish or "Sagardotegi" in basque Sagardotegi
Sagardotegian txotxetik edaten.jpg
bistro Petit restaurant originellement en France. Bistro
brasserie A restaurant serving beer and food. Brasserie is French for "brewery". Brasserie
breakfast A style of food typically served at the beginning of the day Breakfast
brunch A style of food including elements of both breakfast and lunch Brunch
buffet A restaurant serving food from a shared table that is dished out to each diner Buffet
buschenschank A place serving food and wine, common in Austria. Similar to cuisine=heuriger.
deli A place that sells meats, cheeses, and prepared foods Delicatessen
dessert A style of sweet foods usually eaten after a meal Dessert
diner A casual restaurant usually serving American cuisine Diner
fine_dining An upscale restaurant usually serving meals in multiple courses Fine dining
fried_food A style of food where items are cooked in oil Frying
friture A fast-food restaurant serving french fries and other foods, common in Belgium and the Netherlands Friterie
Friterie meats.jpg
fusion A style of food that incorporates elements from multiple different cuisines Fusion cuisine
grill A restaurant serving grilled food. Sometimes called a "Bar & Grill" in the United States.
heuriger A place serving food and wine, common in Austria Heuriger
international Food originating from many places around the world. Use a more specific value if possible.
local Food originating from the area the restaurant is located in. Use a more specific value if possible.
lunch A style of food typically served in the middle of the day Lunch
mongolian_grill A style of cooking food on a large circular grill. Also known as Mongolian barbecue. Do not use the tags cuisine=mongolian or cuisine=barbecue for this style. It originated in Taiwan is neither Mongolian nor barbecue. Mongolian barbecue
pub Un restaurant servant de la bière et de la nourriture. A éviter, utilisez plutôt amenity=pub. Pub
regional Food originating from the region the restaurant is located in. Use a more specific value if possible. Regional cuisine
snack A small amount of food eaten between meals. Snack
steak_house A restaurant serving steak and other meat. See also: cuisine=steak. Steakhouse
Grilling Steaks (with border).jpg
tapas A style of food served in small portions as a snack or an appetizer, originating in Spain Tapas
yakiniku A style of cooking meat on a grill, common in Japan Yakiniku

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