cuisine |
Description |
Décrit le type de nourriture servie dans un établissement |
Groupe: Aliments et boissons |
Utilisé pour ces éléments |
Valeurs documentées: 5 |
Combinaisons utiles |
Voir aussi |
Statut : de fait |
Outils pour cet attribut |
Décrit le type de nourriture servie dans un établissement. Applicable à tout établissement proposant de la nourriture, par exemple une supérette (shop=convenience) d'une station service (amenity=fuel) qui a un coin café (cuisine=coffee_shop).
Si un lieu sert différents types de cuisine, utilisez le séparateur de valeur point-virgule, par exemple cuisine=thai;vietnamese. Triez-les en fonction de l'ordre d'importance si vous le connaissez (un resto thaï proposant aussi de la cuisine vietnamienne), par ordre alphabétique sinon.
Les listes ci-dessous ne sont pas exhaustives mais les valeurs proposées doivent être utilisées si appropriées pour faciliter l'utilisation d'outils tiers. Par contre n'hésitez pas à proposer d'autres valeurs si vous ne trouvez pas votre bonheur, par exemple si un lieu sert une nourriture spécifique tels des plats locaux originaux. Dans ce cas la valeur doit être systématiquement en anglais, en minuscule et au singulier (pas de cuisine=française, de cuisine=French ou de cuisine=burgers par exemple).
Voir aussi taginfo pour les valeurs les plus communément utilisées.
Spécificités et erreurs courantes
- Les cuisines végétarienne, végétalienne, sans gluten, halal, casher... ne doivent pas être notées avec ce tag mais avec le préfixe diet:*=*.
- Pour un lieu qui pourrait théoriquement vendre de la nourriture mais qui n'en propose pas (par exemple un bar pourrait vendre aussi des sandwichs), vous pouvez utiliser la combinaison food=no. Cependant utilisez ceci uniquement s'il y a ambiguïté (il est évident qu'on ne vend pas de nourriture chez un médecin donc inutile de rajouter cet attribut dans ce cas).
- Pour préciser le type ou sous quelle forme sont vendues des boissons, utiliser le préfixe drink:*=*.
- L'attribut
origin=*ne doit pas être utilisé pour la nourriture mais uniquement pour des objets (par exemple un magasin proposant des objets d'arts provenant d'Afrique).
Valeurs Courantes
Cuisine (par ethnicité)
Cuisine, catégorisée par ethnicité.
Valeur | Commentaire | Wikipedia | Photo |
afghan | Afghane | Afghan cuisine | |
african | Africaine, à préciser si possible. Source : (1) (2) | African cuisine | |
american | Américaine, à préciser si possible avec cuisine=hawaiian, cuisine=new_mexican, cuisine=texan, ou cuisine=tex-mex par exemple | American cuisine | |
arab | Arabe | Arab cuisine | |
argentinian | Argentine | Argentine cuisine | |
armenian | Food originating from Armenia | Armenian cuisine | |
asian | Asiatique, à préciser si possible | Asian cuisine | |
australian | Food originating from Australia | Australian cuisine | |
austrian | Food originating from Austria | Austrian cuisine | |
balkan | Balkanique | Balkan cuisine | |
bangladeshi | Food originating from Bangladesh | Bangladeshi cuisine | |
basque | Basque | Basque cuisine | |
bavarian | Bavaroise | Bavarian cuisine | |
belgian | Food originating from Belgium | Belgian cuisine | |
bolivian | Bolivienne, une combinaison de cuisine espagnole avec des ingrédients locaux | Bolivian cuisine | |
brazilian | Brésilienne, à préciser si possible avec : cuisine=gaucho ou cuisine=mineira par exemple | Brazilian cuisine | |
british | Food originating from the United Kingdom | British cuisine | |
bulgarian | Food originating from Bulgaria | Bulgarian cuisine | |
cajun | Food originating from the Cajun people in Louisiana in the United States | Cajun cuisine | |
cambodian | Food originating from Cambodia | Cambodian cuisine | |
cantonese | Cantonaise | Cantonese cuisine | |
caribbean | Antillaise | Caribbean cuisine | |
catalan | Food originating from Catalonia | Catalan cuisine | |
chinese | Chinoise, à préciser si possible. Peut inclure les établissements Sino-Indonésien, communs aux Pays-Bas | Chinese cuisine | |
colombian | Food originating from Colombia | Colombia cuisine | |
croatian | Croate | Croatian cuisine | |
cuban | Food originating from Cuba | Cuban cuisine | |
czech | Tchèque | Czech cuisine | |
danish | Danoise | Danish cuisine | |
dutch | Food originating from the Netherlands | Dutch cuisine | |
egyptian | Food originating from Egypt | Egyptian cuisine | |
ethiopian | Food originating from Ethiopia | Ethiopian cuisine | |
european | Food originating from Europe. Use a more specific value if possible. | European cuisine | |
filipino | Philippine | Filipino cuisine | |
french | Française | French cuisine | |
georgian | Géorgienne | Georgian cuisine | |
german | Allemande | German cuisine | |
greek | Grecque | Greek cuisine | |
hawaiian | Hawaïenne. Source: (1) (2) | Hawaiian cuisine (disambiguation) | |
hungarian | Hongroise | Hungarian cuisine | |
indian | Indienne | Indian cuisine | |
indonesian | Indonésienne | Indonesian cuisine | |
irish | Food originating from Ireland | Irish cuisine | |
italian | Italienne | Italian cuisine | |
jamaican | Food originating from Jamaica | Jamaican cuisine | |
japanese | Japonaise. Peut être précisé avec des sous-régions par exemple cuisine=okinawa_ryori | Japanese cuisine | |
jewish | Juive | Jewish cuisine | |
korean | Coréenne | Korean cuisine | |
kurdish | Kurde | Kurdish cuisine | |
lao | Food originating from Laos | Lao cuisine | |
latin_american | Latino-américaine, à préciser si possible avec : cuisine=brazilian, cuisine=bolivian, cuisine=gaucho, cuisine=mexican, cuisine=mineira, cuisine=new_mexican, cuisine=spanish, cuisine=texan ou cuisine=tex-mex par exemple | Latin American cuisine | |
lebanese | Libanaise | Lebanese cuisine | |
malagasy | Malgache | Malagasy cuisine | |
malaysian | Malaysienne | Malaysian cuisine | |
mediterranean | Méditerranéenne, en particulier l'Arménie, l'Israël et le Maroc. La Grèce, l'Italie et la France ayant leurs propres catégories | Mediterranean cuisine | |
mexican | Mexicaine | Mexican cuisine | |
middle_eastern | Food originating from the Middle East. Use a more specific tag if possible. | Middle Eastern cuisine | |
padang | Food originating from Padang region of Indonesia. | Padang cuisine | |
mongolian | Food originating from Mongolia. Use cuisine=mongolian_grill instead for the style known as Mongolian grill or Mongolian barbecue which is not actually a Mongolian cuisine. | Mongolian cuisine | |
moroccan | Food originating from Morocco | Moroccan cuisine | |
nepalese | Food originating from Nepal | Nepalese cuisine | |
oriental | Food originating from East Asia. Use a more specific tag if possible. | ||
pakistani | Pakistanaise | Pakistani cuisine | |
persian | Food originating from the Persian people in Iran. | Iranian cuisine | |
peruvian | Péruvienne | Peruvian cuisine | |
polish | Polonaise | Polish cuisine | |
portuguese | Portugaise | Portuguese cuisine | |
romanian | Food originating from Romania | Romanian cuisine | |
russian | Russe. | Russian cuisine | |
salvadoran | Food originating from El Salvador | Salvadoran cuisine | |
senegalese | Food originating from Senegal | Senegalese cuisine | |
serbian | Food originating from Serbia | Serbian cuisine | |
singaporean | Food originating from Singapore | Singaporean cuisine | |
south_indian | Food originating from South India | South Indian cuisine | |
southern | Food originating from the Southern United States | Cuisine of the Southern United States | |
spanish | Espagnole | Spanish cuisine | |
sri_lankan | Food originating from Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan cuisine | |
swedish | Food originating from Sweden | Swedish cuisine | |
swiss | Food originating from Switzerland | Swiss cuisine | |
syrian | Food originating from Syria | Syrian cuisine | |
taiwanese | Food originating from Taiwan | Taiwanese cuisine | |
tex-mex | Tex-Mex, cuisine régionale au sein du Texas | Tex-Mex | |
thai | Thaïlandaise | Thai cuisine | |
tibetan | Food originating from Tibet | Tibetan cuisine | |
tunisian | Food originating from Tunisia | Tunisian cuisine | |
turkish | Turque | Turkish cuisine | |
ukrainian | Food originating from Ukraine | Ukrainian cuisine | |
uzbek | Food originating from Uzbekistan | Uzbek cuisine | |
venezuelan | Food originating from Venezuela | Venezuelan cuisine | |
vietnamese | Vietnamienne | Vietnamese cuisine | |
western | Occidentale, à préciser si possible | Western cuisine |
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.
Cuisine (nourriture)
Cuisine, catégorisée selon le type de nourriture.
Valeur | Commentaire | Wikipedia | Photo |
açaí | A dish made from frozen açaí berries, originating in Brazil | Açaí na tigela | |
arepa | Bread made of ground maize dough stuffed with a filling, eaten in the northern region of South America | Arepa | |
bagel | Petit pain en forme d'anneau, bagel. Voir aussi cuisine=donut | Bagel | |
beef | Any dish made from meat from cattle | Beef | |
beef_bowl | Plat japonais, bol de riz servi avec des lamelles de boeuf. | Gyūdon | |
beef_noodle | A beef noodle soup, originating in Southeast Asia | Beef noodle soup | |
bubble_tea | Thé aux perles. Thé chaud ou froid originaire de Taïwan mélangé à du lait et contenant des boules noires de tapioca. | Bubble tea | |
burger | Hamburgers. | Hamburger | |
cachapa | pancakes made from maize flour and traditionally filled with fresh cheese original from Venezuela | Cachapa | |
cake | Généralement un établissement proposant diverses pâtisseries. A distinguer des établissements vendant en priorité des boissons, voir aussi cuisine=coffee_shop. | Cake | |
chicken | Poulet frit. | Chicken as food | |
chili | A dish made from chili peppers, meat, tomatoes, and beans, originating from Mexico or Texas | Chili con carne | |
chocolate | Boissons à base de chocolat (chocolat chaud, froid, glacé) et/ou desserts chocolatés (fondue, cake au chocolat, gaufres au chocolat, etc.). | Chocolate | |
churro | Pâte frite en forme de gros spaghetti ou d'un beignet allongé qu'on sucre selon le goût (originaire d'Espagne et du Portugal). | Churro | |
coffee_shop | Propose principalement du café mais souvent aussi d'autres boissons et des sucreries ou des sandwichs. | Coffee | |
couscous | Plat nord-africain à base de semoule, couscous. | Couscous | |
crepe | Crêpes, crêpe. | Crêpe | |
curry | Il en existe plusieurs types, non limités à l'Inde. | Curry | |
donut | Pâte frite en anneau. | Doughnut | |
dumpling | A food made of dough wrapped around a filling | Dumpling | |
empanada | Petits chaussons à pâte feuilletée ou à pain, frits ou cuits au four, contenant différentes garnitures (viande, poisson, légumes...). | Empanada | |
falafel | A deep-fried ball made from chickpeas, originating in the Middle East | Falafel | |
fish | Spécialisé dans les poissons. Voir aussi cuisine=seafood. | Fish as food | |
fish_and_chips | Poisson et frites, courant au Royaume-Uni. | Fish and chips | |
fondue | A melted cheese dish served in a heated pot | Fondue | |
fried_chicken | A dish made from chicken pieces that have been coated with batter and fried | Fried chicken | |
fries | A food made from deep-fried strips of potato. Also known as chips. | French fries | |
frozen_yogurt | Yaourt glacé. | Frozen yogurt | |
gyoza | A Japanese version of a Chinese dumpling called Jiaozi. Also called a Potsticker. | Jiaozi#Gyōza | |
gyros | Sandwich grec préparé à partir de viande cuite sur un tourne broche vertical, gyros. | Gyros | |
hot_dog | Hot dog. | Hot dog | |
hotpot | A meal of slices of meat or vegetables cooked in a heated pot on the table | Hot pot | |
ice_cream | Crème glacée. Certains préfèrent utiliser amenity=ice_cream ou shop=ice_cream. | Ice cream | |
juice | Spécialisé dans la vente de jus de fruits et parfois de smoothie. | Juice | |
kebab | Sandwich fourré à la viande grillé (döner kebab). Diffère du gyros par son origine, kebab. | Kebab | |
kürtőskalács | A spit cake specific to Hungarians from Transylvania, more specifically the Székelys. | Kürtőskalács | |
lángos | A deep fried flatbread. Typical Hungarian food. | Lángos | |
meat | Any meat dish. Use a more specific value if possible. | Meat | |
noodle | Nouilles japonaises (udon, soba ou ramen), chinoises (dandan mian et tan-men), coréennes (renmyon et bibin myon) et vietnamiennes (Phở et bún). | Noodle | |
pancake | Pancake. Similaire à cuisine=crepe mais actuellement moins utilisé. | Pancake | |
pasta | Pâtes italiennes. | Pasta | |
pastry | Pâtisseries, à préciser si possible, pâtisserie. | Pastry | |
piadina | A flatbread originating from Italy | Piadina | |
pie | Tartes. | Pie | |
pie_and_mash | A british dish consisting of a savoury pie & mash, often with gravy or liquour, sometimes with jellied eels. | Pie and mash | |
pita | A flatbread originating from the Mediterranean or Middle East | Pita | |
pizza | Pizza, ajoutez oven=wood_fired s'il y a un four à bois. | Pizza | |
poke | A dish of raw fish and seaweed usually served on rice, originating from Hawaii | Poke (Hawaiian dish) | |
potato | A starchy root vegetable native to the Americas. Use a more specific value if possible. | Potato | |
pretzel | A baked piece of dough shaped into a knot | Pretzel | |
ramen | Nouilles japonaises, rāmen. | Ramen | |
salad | A dish of mixed chopped ingredients, usually vegetables | Salad | |
sandwich | Etablissement spécialisé dans les sandwichs. | Sandwich | |
sausage | Saucisses grillées (fréquant en Suède). | Sausage | |
savory_pancakes | Crêpes japonaises type okonomiyaki, monjayaki, etc. | List of pancakes | |
seafood | Etablissement spécialisé dans les fruits de mers. | Seafood | |
shawarma | A meat dish cooked on a vertical rotisserie, originating in the Middle East | Shawarma | |
smoothie | A drink made from blended fruit, vegetables, or other ingredients | Smoothie | |
smørrebrød | An open-faced sandwich, originating in Scandinavia | Smørrebrød | |
soba | Nouilles japonaises à base de farine de sarrasin. | Soba | |
soup | Etablissement spécialisé dans les soupes. | Soup | |
souvlaki | A meal of meet served on a skewer, originating in Greece | Souvlaki | |
steak | A thick cut of beef, usually grilled. See also: cuisine=steak_house. | Steak | |
sushi | Spécialité japonaise composée de riz vinaigré et d'autres ingrédients tels que du poisson. | Sushi | |
tacos | A meal of folded tortillas with a meat or vegetable filling, originating in Mexico | Taco | |
takoyaki | A wheat ball with a filling, originating in Japan | Takoyaki | |
tea | A drink made by steeping tea leaves in hot water | Tea | |
udon | A wheat noodle dish, originating in Japan | Udon | |
waffle | Gaufre. | Waffle | |
wings | Etablissement spécialisé dans les ailes de poulet. | Buffalo wing | |
yakitori | A meal of meet served on a skewer, originating in Japan | Yakitori |
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. La traduction en français peut être éditée ici.
Cuisine (par style)
Cuisine, catégorisée selon le style du lieu ou de la nourriture.
Valeur | Commentaire | Wikipedia | Photo |
bakery | Un endroit servant du pain, des pâtisseries, des gâteaux et souvent des sandwichs. A éviter, utilisez plutôt shop=bakery. | Bakery | |
bar&grill | A place serving both alcoholic drinks and food, typically burgers and grilled items | ||
barbecue | Propose des plats grillés, fumés ou rotis. Ne pas utiliser l'abréviation |
Barbecue | |
basque_ciderhouse | Informal restaurants that serve natural Basque cider directly from large barrels in the cider house and typically offer a standard menu consisting of cod omelette, fried cod and chop steak. Named "Sidrería" in spanish or "Sagardotegi" in basque | Sagardotegi | |
bistro | Petit restaurant originellement en France. | Bistro | |
brasserie | A restaurant serving beer and food. Brasserie is French for "brewery". | Brasserie | |
breakfast | A style of food typically served at the beginning of the day | Breakfast | |
brunch | A style of food including elements of both breakfast and lunch | Brunch | |
buffet | A restaurant serving food from a shared table that is dished out to each diner | Buffet | |
buschenschank | A place serving food and wine, common in Austria. Similar to cuisine=heuriger. | ||
deli | A place that sells meats, cheeses, and prepared foods | Delicatessen | |
dessert | A style of sweet foods usually eaten after a meal | Dessert | |
diner | A casual restaurant usually serving American cuisine | Diner | |
fine_dining | An upscale restaurant usually serving meals in multiple courses | Fine dining | |
fried_food | A style of food where items are cooked in oil | Frying | |
friture | A fast-food restaurant serving french fries and other foods, common in Belgium and the Netherlands | Friterie | |
fusion | A style of food that incorporates elements from multiple different cuisines | Fusion cuisine | |
grill | A restaurant serving grilled food. Sometimes called a "Bar & Grill" in the United States. | ||
heuriger | A place serving food and wine, common in Austria | Heuriger | |
international | Food originating from many places around the world. Use a more specific value if possible. | ||
local | Food originating from the area the restaurant is located in. Use a more specific value if possible. | ||
lunch | A style of food typically served in the middle of the day | Lunch | |
mongolian_grill | A style of cooking food on a large circular grill. Also known as Mongolian barbecue. Do not use the tags cuisine=mongolian or cuisine=barbecue for this style. It originated in Taiwan is neither Mongolian nor barbecue. | Mongolian barbecue | |
pub | Un restaurant servant de la bière et de la nourriture. A éviter, utilisez plutôt amenity=pub. | Pub | |
regional | Food originating from the region the restaurant is located in. Use a more specific value if possible. | Regional cuisine | |
snack | A small amount of food eaten between meals. | Snack | |
steak_house | A restaurant serving steak and other meat. See also: cuisine=steak. | Steakhouse | |
tapas | A style of food served in small portions as a snack or an appetizer, originating in Spain | Tapas | |
yakiniku | A style of cooking meat on a grill, common in Japan | Yakiniku |
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. La traduction en français peut être éditée ici.