Template:Hu:Map Features:historic

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Történelmi helyek

This is used to describe various historic places. For example: archeological sites, wrecks, ruins, castles and ancient buildings. See the page titled Historic for an introduction on its usage.

Kulcs Érték Alapelem Magyarázat Megjelenítés Fotó
historic aircraft pont terület A decommissioned aircraft which generally remains in one place
Mońki. Pomnik samolot.JPG
historic aqueduct vonal terület A historic structure to convey water
Pont Du Gard.JPG
historic archaeological_site pont terület A place in which evidence of past activity is preserved
Dscf0105 600.jpg
historic battlefield pont terület The site of a battle or military skirmish in the past. This could be on land or at sea.
Fort Donelson river battery (1).jpg
historic bomb_crater pont terület A bomb crater.
Fort Douaumont Ende 1916.jpg
historic building pont terület If it's not clear what type a historic building has, it can be tagged as a generic building.
Castillo Trausnitz, Landshut, Alemania, 2012-05-27, DD 18.JPG
historic cannon pont A historic/retired cannon. Usually found at on forts or battlefields.
Muzzle loading cannons at the Swedish Naval Museum (6648150909).jpg
historic castle pont terület Castles are (often fortified) buildings from medieval and modern times. Other languages
Dscf0226 600.jpg
historic castle_wall vonal terület A defensive wall (fortification) surrounding the bailey of a castle.
Delitzsch Stadtmauer.jpg
historic charcoal_pile vonal terület Historic site of a charcoal pile. Often still in good condition in hilly forest areas.
Charcoal pile 06.jpg
historic church pont A building with historical value for Christian religious activities, particularly for worship services.
Sant Vasily cathedral in Moscow.JPG
historic city_gate pont terület A city gate (or town gate) is a gate within a city wall.
Spaarnwouder- of Amsterdamse poort.jpg
historic citywalls vonal terület A defensive wall is a fortification used to protect a city or settlement from potential aggressors.
Delitzsch Stadtmauer.jpg
historic farm pont terület A historical farm, kept in its original state.
historic fort pont terület A military fort – distinct from a castle as it is generally more modern
Komárom Fortress 03.jpg
historic gallows pont kapcsolat A structure designed for capital punishment by hanging.
historic highwater_mark pont A marker for indicating past flood.
Hochwassermarke Schwaebisch Gmuend 1912.jpg
historic locomotive pont terület A decommissioned locomotive which generally remains in one place.
Ambarawa locomotief.jpg
historic manor pont terület Historic manors / mansions
Gut Panker Herrenhaus.jpg
historic memorial pont terület Much like a monument, but smaller. Might range from a WWII memorial to a simple plate on a wall.
Lowertown celtic cross memorial to fallen canal workers.jpg
historic mine pont terület Abandoned underground mine workings for minerals such as coal or lead.
Wieliczka kopalnia soli 3.jpg
historic minecart pont terület A cart used to transport coal or ore from a mine.
historic mine_shaft pont terület Vertical shafts of a historic mine
Abandoned Mine Shaft At Phantom Falls.jpg
historic milestone pont A historic marker that shows the distance to important destinations.
Jt meilenstein.jpg
historic monastery pont terület An historic monastery. See Also amenity=monastery.
Malbork Zamek Wysoki kruzganek.jpg
historic monument pont terület A memorial object, which is especially large (one can go inside, walk on or through it) or high enough (see the examples), built to remember, show respect to a person or group of people or to commemorate an event. Other languages
Befreiungshalle P1230106.jpg
historic optical_telegraph pont terület Historic optical telegraph
historic pillory pont A construction designed to immobilitate and humiliate a person who was convicted in lower courts.
Kirchberg pranger.jpg
historic railway_car pont terület A decommissioned railway car which generally remains in one place.
Historic railway car tokyo.JPG
historic ruins pont terület Remains of structures that were once complete, but have fallen into partial or complete disrepair. If the type of original structure is known or apparent it can be described using ruins=*, e.g. ruins=castle.

Alternative tagging is historic=castle, ruins=yes.
See the proposal and discussion at Proposed features/ruins for ruins of historic buildings.

Szczytno - ruiny zamki (05).jpg
historic rune_stone pont A runestone is typically a raised stone with a runic inscription.
U 240, Lingsberg.JPG
historic ship pont terület A decommissioned ship or submarine
Aurora Cruiser Museum StPetersburg.JPG
historic stone pont terület A stone shaped or placed by man with historical value.
historic tank pont terület A decommissioned tank which generally remains in one place.
T-34 am Sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten.jpg
historic tomb pont terület Historic tomb
historic tower pont terület Historic tower
historic tree_shrine pont A single tree of a religious figure mounted onto a tree. Use natural=tree + historic=wayside_shrine instead.
Tree Shrine - Giritzer, Mautern an der Donau, Österreich - 02.JPG
historic vehicle pont terület A decommissioned land-based vehicle which generally remains in one place
FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier.jpg
historic wayside_cross pont terület A historical (usually christian) cross. Frequently found along the way in Southern Germany, Austria and probably elsewhere.
historic wayside_shrine pont terület A historical shrine often showing a religious depiction. Frequently found along the way in Southern Germany, Austria and probably elsewhere.
Carto shrine.svg
2003-10-11 tanner moor 36.JPG
historic wreck pont terület Nautical craft that has unintentionally been sunk or destroyed.
historic yes pont terület Used to add the historic significance of the objects described by other tags.
historic user defined pont terület All commonly used values according to Taginfo

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

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