WikiProject Belgium/Local Walking Routes Flanders

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WikiProject Belgium +/-


See this page to learn how to tag walking routes in Belgium.


Status Description
State Foot0.svg No relation made yet
State Foot1.svg Relation made, but most of the route is missing
State Foot2.svg Significant parts of the route are missing
State Foot3.svg Only a small part of the route is missing, or the main route is done and some alternative routes are missing
State Foot4.svg Route is completely mapped after survey on the ground

Local Walking Routes in Flanders


Sign Name Progress Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg 4-kerkenpad

relation Hoofdroute (25,4km)

State Foot1.svg Ranst
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Adriaen Ghyspad relation Hoofdroute (10,3 km): Volledig State Foot4.svg Vosselaar
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Anderstad Wandelpad

relation Hoofdroute: Volledig

State Foot4.svg Lier
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Antverpiapad

relation Hoofdroute (6km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Brasschaat
Belgium walkingroutes orangearrow.svg Beeldenroute

relation Route Zwijndrecht: vanaf startpunt tot verbinding naar Burcht
relation Route Burcht: Volledig
relation Verbinding Zwijndrecht - Burcht: Volledig
relation Verbinding Burcht - Zwijndrecht: enkel eerste stuk gedaan

State Foot2.svg Zwijndrecht
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Berthoutpad

relation Hoofdroute (8,5km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Niel
Klaproos Bevrijdingspad relation Hoofdroute (5 km): Volledig State Foot4.svg Vosselaar


State Foot0.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Blarendabberspad (groene lus) relation Hoofdroute (13,5 km): Volledig State Foot4.svg Grobbendonk
Belgium walkingroutes orangearrow.svg Blarendabberspad (oranje lus) relation Hoofdroute (8,1 km): Volledig State Foot4.svg Grobbendonk
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Bloemenhofpad

relation Hoofdroute (11km): Volledig
relation Verkorting (9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Vremde
Belgium walkingroutes purplearrow.svg Bloktsepad relation Hoofdroute (13km): Volledig

Verkorting (3km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Herenthout
Belgium walkingroutes orangearrow.svg Boshoekpad

relation Hoofdroute (10km): Bijna volledig: stuk aan Jef Van Hoofplein moet eens goed bestudeerd worden...
relation Verkorting (9km): Volledig

State Foot3.svg Boechout
Belgium walkingroutes brownarrow.svg Bruynleegtpad

relation Hoofdroute (8,8km): Volledig
relation Verkorting (9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Wuustwezel
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg De Cuyckpad

relation Hoofdroute (9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Wuustwezel

(30, 23 of 16km)

State Foot0.svg Nijlen
Edegem Wandelroute 1

relation Hoofdroute (5 km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Edegem
Edegem Wandelroute 2

relation Hoofdroute (21 km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Edegem
Edegem Wandelroute 3

relation Hoofdroute (10 km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Edegem
Eugeen Goeyvaerts Wandelpad

relation Hoofdroute (10km - bordjes zeggen 7km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Lint


State Foot0.svg Nijlen

relation Hoofdroute (15km volgens bordjes, 19km volgens GPS): Volledig nagelopen 2019-08-15 en 2019-08-16. Steytelinckpark kent twee variantes door park : één over heuveltje en één vrijwel vlak asfaltpad ; let op : full-height turnstile bij uitgang ; bewegwijzering variante via begraafplaats niet meer aangetroffen.

relation Verkorting: moet gecontroleerd : geen aanduiding onderweg opgemerkt

State Foot2.svg Wilrijk
Belgium walkingroutes redarrow.svg Gelegenpad State Foot0.svg Terhagen
Belgium walkingroutes yellowarrow black background.png Grootheidepad relation Hoofdroute (6,2 km): Volledig State Foot4.svg Vosselaar
Belgium walkingroutes redarrow.svg Half Maanroute

relation Hoofdroute (11km): Volledig; ik heb wel de vrijheid genomen om de route via Pauwstraat te laten gaan omdat de spoorwegoverweg in de Parmastraat definitief dicht is.
relation Verkorting: Volledig

State Foot4.svg Zwijndrecht


State Foot0.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes brownarrow.svg Heymissenpad

relation Hoofdroute (10km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Hemiksem
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg H. Luytenpad

relation Hoofdroute (9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Brasschaat
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt aardgas.svg Hobokense Polder Aardgaswandeling (7,5km) State Foot0.svg Hoboken
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Hobokense Polder Rood Wandelpad (3,5km) State Foot0.svg Hoboken


State Foot0.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Jef Van Hoofpad

relation Hoofdroute (16km): Volledig
relation Verkorting (8,5km): Volledig
relation Variante via spoorweg: Volledig

State Foot4.svg Boechout, Vremde
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Kapellekenspad relation Hoofdroute (20 km): Volledig State Foot4.svg Vosselaar
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Kastelenpad

relation Hoofdroute (13km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Wuustwezel
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Kerk- en Buurtwegels relation Hoofdroute (24km): Volledig
State Foot4.svg Kontich
Belgium walkingroutes redarrow.svg Kerk- en Buurtwegels relation Hoofdroute (15km): Volledig
State Foot4.svg Kontich
Belgium walkingroutes yellowarrow.svg Kerk- en Buurtwegels relation Hoofdroute (10km): Volledig
State Foot4.svg Kontich
Orange Cross Kleinbroekpad

relation Hoofdroute (Volledig

State Foot4.svg Blaasveld - Willebroek
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Kochpad

relation Hoofdroute (5,5km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Gooreind

relation Hoofdroute (9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Rumst
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt aardgas.svg Mechels Broek Aardgas Wandeling

relation Hoofdroute (6km): Volledig

State Foot3.svg Muizen
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Mechels Broek Rode Wandeling

relation Hoofdroute (2km): Volledig

State Foot3.svg Muizen
Belgium walkingroutes redarrow.svg Millegempad

relation Hoofdroute (10km): Volledig
relation Verkorting (7km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Vremde
Natuurpad Hoogbos


State Foot0.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Paddekotenpad relation Hoofdroute (8km): Volledig
State Foot4.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes brownarrow.svg Peerdsbospad

relation Hoofdroute (6km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Brasschaat
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Oude Nete-Arm

relation Hoofdroute : Volledig

State Foot4.svg Rumst
Belgium walkingroutes purplearrow.svg Piet Van Akenwandelroute

relation Route door Terhagen (3km): Volledig
relation Route door kleiputten (6km): Volledig (heeft misschien nog wel eens een controle nodig... laarzen aangeraden!)

State Foot4.svg Terhagen
Pol en Mariette Wandeling

relation Hoofdroute (10km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Zoersel
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt yellowdisk.svg Rietvogelpad

relation Hoofdroute: Volledig

State Foot4.svg Lier
Belgium walkingroutes orangearrow.svg Rumestapad

relation Hoofdroute (10km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Rumst
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Schelderoute

Stuk door Burchtseweel (dat volledig vernieuwd wordt) is afgesloten en kan daardoor niet volledig gevolgd worden.

State Foot0.svg Zwijndrecht
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Steenbeemdenpad (6,3km) State Foot0.svg Emblem, Kessel


State Foot0.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes brownarrow.svg Tibourpad

relation Hoofdroute (7km):Volledig

State Foot4.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes orangearrow.svg Trappistenpad (8km) State Foot0.svg Westmalle
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Uilenpad

relation Hoofdroute (7,5km): Volledig
Verkorting TODO

State Foot3.svg Wuustwezel
Belgium walkingroutes blackarrow.svg Veldkantpad

relation Hoofdroute (9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Boechout
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt bluerectangle.svg Vekielpad

relation Hoofdroute (3,9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Blaasveld - Willebroek
Belgium walkingroutes yellowarrow.svg Vogelzangpad

relation Hoofdroute (8.3km) Laatste stukje naar parking te controleren

State Foot3.svg Nijlen
Belgium walkingroutes orangearrow.svg Vossenpad relation Hoofdroute (7,6 km): Volledig State Foot4.svg Vosselaar
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Vlietbosroute


State Foot0.svg Zwijndrecht
Belgium walkingroutes redarrow.svg Vriesdonkpad

relation Hoofdroute (7km): afgelegd, moet nog in OSM gezet worden

State Foot4.svg Brasschaat
Belgium walkingroutes brownarrow.svg Wandeling 1 - Bruin

relation Hoofdroute (2,7km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Postel
Belgium walkingroutes yellowarrow.svg Wandeling 2 - Geel

relation Hoofdroute (6,5km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Postel
Belgium walkingroutes redarrow.svg Wandeling 3 - Rood

relation Hoofdroute (10km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Postel
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Wandeling 4 - groen

relation Hoofdroute (11km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Postel
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Wandeling 5 - blauw

relation Hoofdroute (11km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Postel
Wandeling naar "d'Elzen"

relation Hoofdroute (3,36km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Kessel
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Watergrenzenpad

relation Hoofdroute (6,5km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Schelle
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Watersportpad (actually a red diamond)

relation Hoofdroute (3,9km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Blaasveld - WIllebroek
Belgium walkingroutesarrow whiteongreen.png Wolvenberg wandelpad

De route heeft niet echt een naam.
relation Hoofdroute (1km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Berchem
Belgium walkingroutes orangearrow.svg Zevenbergenpad

relation Hoofdroute (7km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Ranst
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt aardgas.svg Buitengoor

relation Hoofdroute (4 km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes blad1.svg Den Diel

relation Hoofdroute (3,5 of 5,1km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
De Ronde Put

relation Hoofdroute (6,8km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes redarrow.svg De Witte Mol

relation Hoofdroute (6km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes whitearrowongreen.svg Drevenpad

relation Hoofdroute (13 km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol

relation Hoofdroute (6 km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes greenarrow.svg Hoevenpad

relation Hoofdroute (7 of 12km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes blackarrow.svg Merenpad

relation Hoofdroute (7km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol

relation Hoofdroute (14km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Molse Nete

relation Hoofdroute (6km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes bluearrow.svg Netepad

relation Hoofdroute (12km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes orange whitearrow.svg Parkpad

relation Hoofdroute (21km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes nagel.svg Spijkers met koppen

relation Hoofdroute (3 km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol
Belgium walkingroutes blue whitearrow.svg Schilderspad

relation Hoofdroute (10km): Volledig

State Foot4.svg Mol

relation Hoofdroute (11.6 km): Volledig : Wandeling van het jaar 2018

State Foot4.svg Balen


Wandelingen Grenspark Kempen-Broek

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Stamprooierbroek Groene rechthoek 3.3 km relation 3518971 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/02/2014 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexbrowncross.svg Stamprooierbroek Bruin kruis 3.7 km relation 3518970 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/02/2014 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Stamprooierbroek Blauwe ruit 4.8 km relation 3518969 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/02/2014 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Stamprooierbroek Oranje bol 10 km relation 3408006 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2013 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Zig en Goort Groene rechthoek 2.4 km relation 3407917 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2013 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Zig en Goort Blauwe ruit 3.4 km relation 4103386 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/10/2014 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Zig en Goort Gele zeshoek 6.8 km relation 4103387 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/10/2014 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Zig en Goort Rode driehoek 8.8 km relation 3407918 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2013 Kinrooi
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Smeetshof Gele zeshoek 5.6 km relation 3393788 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/12/2013 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Smeetshof Groene rechthoek 1.9 km relation 3393789 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/12/2013 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbrowncross.svg Smeetshof Bruin kruis 4.2 km relation 3484396 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2014 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Smeetshof Rode driehoek 5.7 km relation 3484398 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2014 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Smeetshof Oranje bol 9.1 km relation 3484397 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2014 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg De Kempen Rode driehoek 12.0 km relation 3393774 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/12/2013 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbrowncross.svg De Kempen Bruin kruis 9.2 km relation 3484196 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2014 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Kempen Groene rechthoek 5.2 km relation 3484197 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2014 Bocholt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg St.-Maartensheide - De Luysen Groene rechthoek 3.3 km relation 3358346 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/12/2013 Bree
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg St.-Maartensheide - De Luysen Blauwe ruit 7.2 km relation 3358344 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/12/2013 Bree
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg St.-Maartensheide - De Luysen Gele zeshoek 7.0 km relation 3358345 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/12/2013 Bree
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg St.-Maartensheide - De Luysen Rode driehoek 11.0 km relation 3358347 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/12/2013 Bree
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Itterdal Groene rechthoek 2.1 km relation 2303164 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/11/2014 Opitter
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Itterdal Blauwe ruit 2.7 km relation 2303163 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/11/2014 Opitter
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Itterdal Rode driehoek 5.1 km relation 4201318 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/11/2014 Opitter
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Itterdal Oranje bol 9.4 km relation 4201406 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/11/2014 Opitter
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Tösch-Langeren Groene rechthoek 1.6 km relation 4428867 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2014 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Tösch-Langeren Blauwe ruit 4.2 km relation 4428866 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2014 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Tösch-Langeren Oranje bol 5.2 km relation 4498248 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/01/2015 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Tösch-Langeren Rode driehoek 7.4 km relation 4498249 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/01/2015 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Tösch-Langeren Gele zeshoek 10 km relation 4198273 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2014 Maaseik

Wandelingen Rivierpark Maasvallei

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Kessenich en de Drie Eigen Groene rechthoek 5.0 km relation 3581179 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/03/2014 Kessenich
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Kessenich en de Drie Eigen Blauwe ruit 6.9 km relation 3581178 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/03/2014 Kessenich
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Kessenich en de Drie Eigen Oranje bol State Foot0.svg Kessenich
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Kessenich en de Drie Eigen Gele zeshoek State Foot0.svg Kessenich
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Kessenich en de Drie Eigen Rode driehoek 8.2 km relation 3581181 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/03/2014 Kessenich
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpleboat.svg Kessenich en de Drie Eigen Paarse boot 9.5 km relation 3581180

boat trip which is part of this route is not yet mapped

State Foot3.svg surveyed 16/03/2014 Kessenich
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Aldeneik & Maaseik Groene rechthoek 2.7 km relation 4139054 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/10/2014 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Aldeneik & Maaseik Blauwe ruit 2.7 km relation 4139052 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/10/2014 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Aldeneik & Maaseik Oranje bol 7.4 km relation 4139055 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/10/2014 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Aldeneik & Maaseik Gele zeshoek 11 km relation 4139053 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/10/2014 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Aldeneik & Maaseik Rode driehoek 14 km relation 4139056 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/10/2014 Maaseik
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Elen Groene rechthoek 3.3 km relation 5976667 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/02/2016 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Elen Blauwe ruit 6.1 km relation 5976695 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/02/2016 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Elen Oranje bol 7.1 km relation 5976700 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/02/2016 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Elen Gele zeshoek 7.6 km relation 5976703 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/02/2016 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Stokkem & Oud-Dilsen Groene rechthoek 2.7 km relation 3731699 State Foot4.svg surveyed 09/12/2015 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Stokkem & Oud-Dilsen Blauwe ruit 4.6 km relation 6689728 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2016 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Stokkem & Oud-Dilsen Gele zeshoek 2.4 km relation 3731687 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2016 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Stokkem & Oud-Dilsen Gele zeshoek 5.3 km relation 3729917 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2016 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Stokkem & Oud-Dilsen Rode driehoek 13 km relation 3729725 State Foot4.svg surveyed 09/12/2015 Dilsen-Stokkem
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Leut & Meeswijk Groene rechthoek 2.9 km relation 3735448 State Foot4.svg surveyed 09/12/2015 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Leut & Meeswijk Blauwe ruit 5.0 km relation 3735447 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2015 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Leut & Meeswijk Gele zeshoek 7.0 km relation 3751028 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2015 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Leut & Meeswijk Oranje bol 10 km relation 5730577 State Foot4.svg surveyed 09/12/2015 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Leut & Meeswijk Rode driehoek 14 km relation 3751403 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2015 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Oud-Rekem Groene rechthoek 2.7 km relation 4458658 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/01/2015 Rekem
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Oud-Rekem Blauwe ruit 3.6 km relation 4458656 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/01/2015 Rekem
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Oud-Rekem Gele zeshoek 8.0 km relation 4458657 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/01/2015 Rekem
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Oud-Rekem Oranje bol 15 km relation 4458663 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/01/2015 Rekem
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Oud-Rekem Rode driehoek 16 km relation 4553362 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/02/2015 Rekem

Wandelingen Hoge Kempen - bijzonder nabij het Nationaal Park

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Abeekvallei Blauwe ruit 10.2 km relation 4275900 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/12/2014 Erpekom
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Abeekvallei Groene rechthoek 4.6 km relation 4275901 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/12/2014 Erpekom
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Abeekvallei Gele zeshoek 10.5 km relation 4256792 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/12/2014 Ellikom
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Abeekvallei Groene rechthoek - Natuurleerpad 4.1 km relation 4256816 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/12/2014 Ellikom
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Abeekvallei Blauwe ruit 6.5 km relation 4256791 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/12/2014 Ellikom
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Abeekvallei Oranje bol - Spelen met Bruegel 3.6 km relation 4275928 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/12/2014 Erpekom
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Abeekvallei Groene rechthoek 4.4 km relation 6707828 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/11/2016 Reppel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Abeekvallei Rode driehoek 9.1 km relation 6707833 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/11/2016 Reppel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Abeekvallei Gele zeshoek 11.4 km relation 9171810 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2018 Grote Brogel - Reppel
Belgium walkingroutes hexblackwatermill.svg Abeekvallei Molenroute 22 km relation 6707858 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/11/2016 Reppel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Donderslag Groene rechthoek 5.3 km relation 6860545 State Foot4.svg surveyed 08/01/2017 Wijshagen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Donderslag Blauwe ruit 8.6 km relation 3410536 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/12/2016 Wijshagen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Donderslag Rode driehoek 14 km relation 3408629 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/12/2016 Wijshagen - Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Donderslag Groene rechthoek 4.2 km relation 6744295 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/11/2016 Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Donderslag Blauwe ruit 6.1 km relation 6860547 State Foot4.svg surveyed 08/01/2017 Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Donderslag Gele zeshoek 10 km relation 3410570 State Foot4.svg surveyed 08/01/2017 Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Oudsberg Groene rechthoek 2.1 km relation 6744304 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/11/2016 Meeuwen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Oudsberg Blauwe ruit 4.1 km relation 6744302 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/11/2016 Meeuwen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Oudsberg Gele zeshoek 10 km relation 3397147 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/02/2017 Meeuwen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Oudsberg Rode driehoek 14 km relation 3397064 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/11/2016 Meeuwen - Louwel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Oudsberg Groene rechthoek 2.9 km relation 6972178 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/02/2017 Louwel
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Oudsberg Blauwe ruit 7.1 km relation 6883295 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/01/2017 Louwel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Oudsberg Groene rechthoek 3.1 km relation 6238285 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/10/2017 Opoeteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Oudsberg Oranje bol 12 km relation 6238284 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2016 Opoeteren - Louwel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Oudsberg Groene rechthoek 4.5 km relation 3397269 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/01/2017 Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Solterheide Rode driehoek 11 km relation 3418971 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2016 Opoeteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Solterheide Groene rechthoek 5.4 km relation 6818796 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/12/2016 Neerglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Solterheide Blauwe ruit 11 km relation 6950786 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/02/2017 Neerglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Solterheide Gele zeshoek 12 km relation 6125769 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2016 Opitter - Neerglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Solterheide Groene rechthoek 4.8 km relation 6247535 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/02/2017 Opitter
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpletrapezium.svg Solterheide Paarse trapezium 9.3 km relation 6247447 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/12/2016 Opitter
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Bergerven Groene rechthoek 2.8 km relation 8146337 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/03/2018 Rotem
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Bergerven Blauwe ruit 7.0 km relation 6231920 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2017 Rotem - Neeroeteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Bergerven Rode driehoek 9.0 km relation 6191198 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2017 Rotem - Neeroeteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Bergerven Gele zeshoek 15 km relation 6198721 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/10/2017 Rotem - Neeroeteren - Opoeteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Bergerven Groene rechthoek 4.2 km relation 6245570 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/10/2017 Neeroeteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Bergerven Blauwe ruit 7.4 km relation 6191031 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/10/2018 Dilsen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Bergerven Oranje bol 10 km relation 8146337 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/03/2018 Dilsen - Rotem
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpletrapezium.svg Bergerven Paarse trapezium 13 km relation 6188715 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2017 Dilsen - Rotem

Wandelingen Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Thorpark Groene rechthoek 4.1 km relation 8669323 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/11/2019 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Thorpark - De Kolonie Rode driehoek 12.5 km relation 8669280 State Foot4.svg surveyed 19/01/2019 Genk - As
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Thorpark - Heiderbos Gele zeshoek 16.3 km relation 8669235 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/09/2020 Genk - As
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Kolonie Groene rechthoek 2.6 km relation 7986984 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/02/2018 As
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Heiderbos Groene rechthoek 4.5 km relation 3205691 State Foot4.svg surveyed 09/11/2020 As
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Heiderbos - Roexeinde Blauwe ruit 7.7 km relation 8699746 State Foot4.svg surveyed 09/11/2020 As - Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpletrapezium.svg Moorsberg Paarse trapezium 6.3 km relation 8884509 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/09/2020 Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreyhourglass.svg Thorpark Erfgoedroute 12.0 km relation 8669224 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/11/2019 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Station As Groene rechthoek 3.2 km relation 6926673 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/01/2017 As
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Station As Blauwe ruit 6.5 km relation 2989599 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2017 As
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Station As Rode driehoek 12 km relation 2989545 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/01/2017 As - Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Station As Groene rechthoek 3.8 km relation 2989643 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/01/2017 Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Dilserbos Groene rechthoek 4.2 km relation 408621 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/10/2018 Dilsen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Dilserbos Blauwe ruit 5.7 km relation 408624 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/10/2018 Dilsen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Dilserbos Rode driehoek 10.1 km relation 408625 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/12/2017 Dilsen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Dilserbos Gele zeshoek 7.8 km relation 408626 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2017 Dilsen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Litzberg Blauwe ruit 5.7 km relation 2919725 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/11/2017 Lanklaar
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Connecterra Groene rechthoek 1.6 km relation 7761776 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/11/2017 Eisden
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Connecterra Rode driehoek 7.6 km relation 7761781 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/11/2017 Eisden
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Mechels Bos Groene rechthoek 3.7 km relation 2918182 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/02/2018 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Mechels Bos Oranje bol 5.6 km relation 2918159 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/12/2017 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpletrapezium.svg Mechels Bos Paarse trapezium 8.6 km relation 2903328 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/12/2017 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Mechelse Heide Groene rechthoek 3.8 km relation 2893069 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/12/2017 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Mechelse Heide Blauwe ruit 5.5 km relation 2893065 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2017 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Mechelse Heide Gele zeshoek 5.5 km relation 2893122 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/10/2018 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Mechelse Heide Rode driehoek 7.3 km relation 2891062 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/10/2018 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Kikbeekbron Groene rechthoek 2.6 km relation 2931209 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2017 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Kikbeekbron Blauwe ruit 4.6 km relation 2927544 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/12/2018 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Kattevennen Groene rechthoek 4.6 km relation 2665948 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/10/2017 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Kattevennen Blauwe ruit 7.1 km relation 2776691 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/11/2019 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Kattevennen Rode driehoek 9.5 km relation 2774910 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/11/2017 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Kattevennen - Papendaalheide - Sledderlo Gele zeshoek 12.0 km relation 6310115 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/10/2017 Genk - Zutendaal - Wiemesmeer
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Papendaalheide Groene rechthoek 5.1 km relation 6312309 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/10/2017 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Papendaalheide - Sledderlo Blauwe ruit 8.7 km relation 3279393 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/11/2018 Zutendaal - Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Lieteberg Groene rechthoek 5.1 km relation 2779245 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/10/2020 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Lieteberg Blauwe ruit 10.2 km relation 2781683 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/10/2019 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Lieteberg - Papendaalheide Rode driehoek 10.8 km relation 6310495 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/11/2019 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Lieteberg Oranje bol 13.9 km relation 2946745 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/12/2018 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Roelen Groene rechthoek 4.7 km relation 2812702 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/10/2020 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Roelen Blauwe ruit 8.4 km relation 2812550 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/10/2019 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Roelen Gele zeshoek 10.5 km relation 2782739 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/10/2020 Zutendaal
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Hoefaert Groene rechthoek 3.1 km relation 3406171 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/11/2018 Gellik
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Hoefaert Rode driehoek 9.5 km relation 3406251 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/11/2018 Gellik
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Pietersheim Groene rechthoek 3.6 km relation 5718954 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/12/2018 Lanaken
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Pietersheim Blauwe ruit 7.2 km relation 6728051 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/12/2018 Lanaken
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Pietersheim Rode driehoek 11.6 km relation 6799549 State Foot4.svg surveyed 09/02/2019 Lanaken
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Bessemer Groene rechthoek 5.6 km relation 2946107 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/01/2019 Lanaken
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Bessemer Blauwe ruit 6.6 km relation 2946012 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/02/2019 Lanaken
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Bessemer Gele zeshoek 12.5 km relation 2945919 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/11/2019 Lanaken
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg La Butte aux Bois Groene rechthoek 5.4 km relation 2971528 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2018 Neerharen
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpletrapezium.svg La Butte aux Bois Paarse trapezium 11.5 km relation 6749963 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2018 Neerharen

Wandelingen Bosland

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Heuvelse Heide Groene rechthoek 3.1 km relation 5665824 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2015 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Heuvelse Heide Oranje bol 7.1 km relation 5665813 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2015 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Heuvelse Heide Rode driehoek 9.1 km relation 4572022 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2015 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Sahara Blauwe ruit 3.0 km relation 5307236 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/02/2016 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Sahara Oranje bol 5.9 km relation 4236909 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/02/2016 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Sahara Rode driehoek 12 km relation 4236709 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/02/2016 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Blauwe Kei Groene rechthoek 4.9 km relation 7160012 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/09/2017 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Blauwe Kei Gele zeshoek 8.8 km relation 7159672 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/09/2017 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Blauwe Kei Rode driehoek 11.4 km relation 7160013 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/09/2017 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Kattenbos Groene rechthoek 2.2 km relation 4226310 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/11/2015 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Kattenbos Oranje bol 7.6 km relation 4226375 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/11/2015 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Kattenbos Rode driehoek 9.4 km relation 4226428 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/11/2015 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Holven Groene rechthoek 3.3 km relation 5656416 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Holven Oranje bol 5.9 km relation 4554763 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg 't Plat Gele zeshoek 4.0 km relation 4556479 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Grote Hof en Hobos Groene rechthoek 2.5 km relation 5656461 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Grote Hof en Hobos Blauwe ruit 7.7 km relation 5644222 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Grote Hof en Hobos Rode driehoek 9.9 km relation 5306425 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Dommelvallei Groene rechthoek 2.4 km relation 4571803 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Dommelvallei Blauwe ruit 1.9 km relation 5808965 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Dommelvallei Oranje bol 4.8 km relation 4570628 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Dommelvallei Gele zeshoek 3.4 km relation 5809273 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Dommelvallei Rode driehoek 6.7 km relation 4570629 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2015 Overpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Pijnven Blauwe ruit 2.5 km relation 2166814 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/11/2015 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Pijnven Oranje bol 6.6 km relation 2148891 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2017 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Pijnven Rode driehoek 10 km relation 2148892 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/01/2016 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg In den Brand Groene rechthoek 1.3 km relation 346714 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/12/2015 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg In den Brand Blauwe ruit 4.3 km relation 338269 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/12/2015 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg In den Brand Gele zeshoek 12 km relation 4120466 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/12/2015 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg In den Brand Rode driehoek 5.4 km relation 340440 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/12/2015 Hechtel-Eksel

Wandelingen Valleien van Dommel, Warmbeek en Abeek

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Grote Heide Groene rechthoek 3.5 km relation 5792134 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2015 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Grote Heide Oranje bol 5.2 km relation 4582460 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2015 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Grote Heide Rode driehoek 9.0 km relation 4576572 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2015 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Kolis De Wielenweg 1.9 km relation 11960280 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/11/2020 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Kolis Het Pierkespad 3.9 km relation 5713721 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/11/2020 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Kolis Blauwe ruit 4.4 km relation 4139321 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/11/2020 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Kolis Oranje bol 5.9 km relation 5713725 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/11/2020 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Kolis Rode driehoek 6.4 km relation 4139251 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/11/2020 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Sint-Huibrechts-Lille Blauwe ruit 4.8 km relation 5682258 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/11/2015 Sint-Huibrechts-Lille
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Sint-Huibrechts-Lille Oranje bol 8.1 km relation 5682259 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/11/2015 Sint-Huibrechts-Lille
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Sint-Huibrechts-Lille Rode driehoek 12 km relation 5682268 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/11/2015 Sint-Huibrechts-Lille
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Hoksent-Molhem Dommeldalroute 8.1 km relation 9069495 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/12/2018 Peer, Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Hoksent-Molhem Oranje bol 9.0 km relation 6628109 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/10/2016 Kleine-Brogel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Hoksent-Molhem Gele zeshoek 10.0 km relation 6628115 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/10/2016 Peer
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Hoksent-Molhem Rode driehoek 12 km relation 5808947 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2015 Kleine-Brogel, Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpletrapezium.svg Hoksent-Molhem Paarse trapezium 12 km relation 5685100 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2015 Peer, Eksel

Wandelingen Vallei van de Zwarte Beek

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Resterheide Groene rechthoek 5.2 km relation 3487260 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/12/2016 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Resterheide Oranje bol 6.0 km relation 3486841 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/12/2016 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Resterheide Gele zeshoek 6.5 km relation 3485170 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/12/2016 Hechtel-Eksel
Reigerpad Resterheide 5.5 km relation 176537 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/12/2016 Hechtel-Eksel
Eekhoorntjeskronkel Resterheide 0.3 km relation 337062 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/12/2016 Hechtel-Eksel
Lieveheersbeestjespad Resterheide 2.5 km relation 337061 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/12/2016 Hechtel-Eksel
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Koersels Kapelleke Blauwe ruit 2.4 km relation 6924232 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/01/2017 Koersel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Koersels Kapelleke Groene rechthoek 3.3 km relation 6924235 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/01/2017 Koersel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Koersels Kapelleke Oranje bol 2.9 km relation 8209929 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/04/2018 Koersel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Koersels Kapelleke Gele zeshoek 6.3 km relation 3324301 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/04/2018 Koersel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Koersels Kapelleke Rode driehoek 6.9 km relation 3321294 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/01/2017 Koersel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg be-MINE Avonturenberg! 2.0 km relation 10514425 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2019 Beringen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg be-MINE Dwars door het groen 5.7 km relation 10514451 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2019 Beringen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Paal Gele zeshoek 6.0 km relation 6153835 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2018 Paal
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Paal Rode driehoek 9.6 km relation 2018361 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/02/2017 Paal
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Venusberg Gele zeshoek 3.1 km relation 3045150 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/04/2018 Meldert
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Venusberg Oranje bol 6.1 km relation 4622085 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/01/2020 Meldert
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Venusberg Rode driehoek 10.4 km relation 3045151 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/04/2018 Meldert
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Zelem Groene rechthoek 2.1 km relation 2921317 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/01/2017 Zelem
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Zelem Blauwe ruit 3.8 km relation 2921374 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/04/2017 Zelem
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Zelem Oranje bol 4.7 km relation 2921334 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/04/2017 Zelem
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Zelem Rode driehoek 7.9 km relation 2006860 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/01/2017 Zelem
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Loksbergen Groene rechthoek 2.7 km relation 5217005 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/12/2018 Loksbergen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Loksbergen Blauwe ruit 4.3 km relation 5210621 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/04/2019 Loksbergen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Zelk Oranje bol 5.8 km relation 5209313 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/02/2019 Halen

Wandelingen De Wijers

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Bolderberg-Viversel Groene rechthoek 3.8 km relation 7884461 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/10/2020 Zolder
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Bolderberg-Viversel Blauwe ruit 5.2 km relation 2663913 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/10/2020 Zolder
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Bolderberg-Viversel Blauwe ruit 9.0 km relation 2661835 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/10/2020 Zolder
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Bolderberg-Viversel Rode driehoek 12 km relation 2663936 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/01/2018 Zolder
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Abdijsite Herkenrode Groene rechthoek 1.2 km relation 8077946 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/03/2018 Kuringen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Abdijsite Herkenrode Rode driehoek 9.3 km relation 3988410 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/03/2018 Kuringen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Platwijers Groene rechthoek 3.1 km relation 2696494 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/11/2019 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Wijvenheide Oranje bol 5.2 km relation 2696487 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/11/2019 Zonhoven
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Platwijers-Wijvenheide Rode driehoek 9.1 km relation 2696449 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2018 Zonhoven - Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Platwijers Blauwe ruit 9.8 km relation 2694639 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/11/2018 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Platwijers-Wijvenheide Gele zeshoek 12.7 km relation 2696418 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/11/2019 Zonhoven - Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Kiewit Wildernis route 3.3 km relation 2993543 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2018 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Kiewit Wijer route 4.1 km relation 2989926 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2018 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Bokrijk-Kiewit Groene hart route 12.2 km relation 2624193 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/12/2019 Genk - Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Maten Groene rechthoek (Slagmolen) 2.1 km relation 3362863 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/10/2020 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg De Maten Blauwe ruit (Slagmolen) 2.7 km relation 3362862 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/10/2020 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg De Maten Oranje bol (Slagmolen) 4.0 km relation 3362866 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/10/2020 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Maten Groene rechthoek (Kneippstraat) 1.9 km relation 3362864 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/12/2019 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg De Maten Gele zeshoek (Kneippstraat) 4.2 km relation 2662051 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/12/2019 Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg De Maten Oranje bol (Diepenbekerbos - Kneippstraat) 6.7 km relation 11789956 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/10/2020 Diepenbeek - Genk
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Maten Groene rechthoek (Diepenbekerbos) 2.2 km relation 3362865 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/10/2020 Diepenbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg De Maten Blauwe ruit (Diepenbekerbos) 3.3 km relation 2662009 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/10/2020 Diepenbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Teut Groene rechthoek 4.3 km relation 4294780 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/11/2018 Zonhoven
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg De Teut Blauwe ruit 3.8 km relation 2688768 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/11/2018 Zonhoven
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurpletrapezium.svg Holsteen Rendierjagerspad 1.8 km relation 4294825 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/11/2018 Zonhoven
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Kelchterhoef Het beestige bomenpad 2.2 km relation 1082797 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2019 Houthalen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Kelchterhoef Blauwe ruit 3.9 km relation 3447059 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/10/2018 Houthalen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Kelchterhoef Oranje bol 6.4 km relation 3434771 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2019 Houthalen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Kelchterhoef Gele zeshoek 9.2 km relation 3437691 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/10/2018 Houthalen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Hengelhoef Groene rechthoek 2.9 km relation 8884057 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2018 Houthalen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Hengelhoef Oranje bol 4.1 km relation 3395705 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2018 Houthalen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Hengelhoef Blauwe ruit 7.2 km relation 3392485 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2018 Houthalen

Verborgen Moois Lage Kempen

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Kerkhoven Oranje bol 5.5 km relation 4677396 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/01/2016 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Het land van bier, melk en honing Gele zeshoek 7.4 km relation 6703916 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2016 Helchteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Het land van bier, melk en honing Rode driehoek 14 km relation 6703924 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2016 Helchteren
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Eversel Groene rechthoek 5.2 km relation 4432811 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/10/2016 Heusden
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Eversel Blauwe ruit 7.0 km relation 4436145 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/10/2016 Heusden
Belgium walkingroutes greenrectanglewhitearrow.svg Stiltepad Gerhagen Groen 3.6 km relation 6068125 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/12/2016 Tessenderlo
Belgium walkingroutes bluerectanglewhitearrow.svg Stiltepad Gerhagen Blauw 6.0 km relation 6947671 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/02/2017 Tessenderlo
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Lummense Parels Groene rechthoek 4.4 km relation 3286348 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/11/2016 Lummen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Lummense Parels Gele zeshoek 5.9 km relation 2022271 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/01/2017 Lummen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Lummense Parels Blauwe ruit 6.0 km relation 6880164 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/01/2017 Lummen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Lummense Parels Oranje bol 7.2 km relation 2678059 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/10/2017 Lummen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Lummense Parels Rode driehoek 11 km relation 2676347 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/11/2016 Lummen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Kartuizerspatiamentum Oranje bol 4.8 km relation 4743807 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/01/2017 Zelem
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg Kartuizerspatiamentum Gele zeshoek 1.7 km relation 6900709 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/01/2017 Zelem

Verborgen Moois Haspengouw

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenarrow.svg Herkenrodebossen Groene pijl 1.7 km relation 10715415 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/02/2020 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowarrow.svg Herkenrodebossen Gele pijl 4.1 km relation 7639645 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/02/2020 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Herkenrodebossen Rode pijl 6.5 km relation 7639568 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/02/2020 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowarrow.svg Mombeekvallei Gele pijl 4.8 km relation 2666176 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/12/2020 Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Mombeekvallei Rode pijl 7.6 km (vanuit Alken)

5.8 km (vanuit Sint-Lambrechts-Herk)

relation 2666207

relation 10602779

State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/01/2020 Alken - Hasselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenarrow.svg Nietelbroeken Groene pijl 5.0 km relation 2624185 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/12/2020 Diepenbeek - Kortessem
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowarrow.svg Bellevuebos Gele pijl 3.8 km relation 7261121 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/02/2020 Kortessem
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Bellevuebos Rode pijl 5.7 km relation 7261132 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/02/2020 Kortessem
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowarrow.svg Herkbeemden Gele pijl 3.1 km relation 2914668 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/02/2020 Wellen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Herkbeemden Rode pijl 4.4 km relation 2914657 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/02/2020 Wellen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenarrow.svg Engelsmanshoven Groene pijl 1.1 km relation 3621448 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/10/2020 Sint-Truiden
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Overbroek-Egoven Groene rechthoek 3.5 km relation 11820767 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2020 Sint-Truiden
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Overbroek-Egoven Oranje bol 5.2 km relation 11820789 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2020 Sint-Truiden
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Mariënlof Rode pijl 3.9 km relation 10773422 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/03/2020 Borgloon
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Jonckholt Groene rechthoek 4.8 km relation 4799454 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2019 Bilzen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Jonckholt Blauwe ruit 6.2 km relation 4799451 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2019 Bilzen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Berg Rode pijl 6.2 km relation 3772080 State Foot4.svg surveyed 19/01/2020 Tongeren
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowarrow.svg Beukenberg Gele pijl 4.0 km relation 194514 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/10/2020 Tongeren
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Beukenberg Rode pijl 7.1 km relation 194515 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/02/2021 Tongeren
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Lauw Rode pijl 5.8 km relation 3709728 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2019 Tongeren
Belgium walkingroutes hexredarrow.svg Millen Rode pijl 3.7 km relation 10507637 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2019 Riemst

Greenspots Haspengouw

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Zammelen Blauwe ruit 3.6 km relation 2864142 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/10/2020 Kortessem
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Zammelen Oranje bol 6.4 km relation 2864201 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/10/2020 Kortessem
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Zammelen Rode driehoek 6.8 km relation 2864174 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/10/2020 Kortessem
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Rullingen Groene rechthoek 2.9 km relation 5708056 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/01/2020 Borgloon
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Rullingen Blauwe ruit 4.5 km relation 3576829 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2020 Wellen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangecross.svg Rullingen Oranje kruis 7.8 km relation 2913043 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/01/2020 Borgloon
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Rullingen Rode driehoek 8.3 km relation 2913013 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2020 Wellen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Grootloon Groene rechthoek 4.4 km relation 2883272 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2020 Borgloon
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Grootloon Blauwe ruit 6.1 km relation 2882263 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2019 Borgloon
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangecross.svg Grootloon Oranje kruis 8.8 km relation 2883245 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/03/2020 Borgloon
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowstripe.svg Grootloon Gele streep 12.6 km relation 2882217 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2020 Borgloon
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Mettekoven Groene rechthoek 1.5 km relation 3232263 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/10/2020 Heers
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Mettekoven Blauwe ruit 3.8 km relation 3232316 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/10/2020 Heers
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Mettekoven Oranje bol 4.4 km relation 3232292 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/10/2020 Heers
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Mettekoven Rode driehoek 6.3 km relation 3232240 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/10/2020 Heers
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Heks Rode driehoek 8.8 km relation 2625103 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2020 Heers
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Munsterbos Blauwe ruit 6.4 km relation 3117383 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2019 Bilzen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Munsterbos Rode driehoek 9.8 km relation 3117296 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2019 Bilzen
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Alden Biesen Groene rechthoek 4.6 km relation 10425321 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/12/2019 Bilzen
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowstripe.svg Alden Biesen Gele streep 16.8 km relation 2827880 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/12/2019 Bilzen
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Vrijhern Blauwe ruit 4.9 km relation 3355032 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2019 Hoeselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Vrijhern Oranje bol 7.3 km relation 3352818 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2019 Hoeselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Vrijhern Rode driehoek 8.3 km relation 3351367 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2019 Hoeselt

Trappistenwandelroutes (Hamont-Achel)

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Achel 11 km relation 5802939 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/12/2015 Hamont-Achel
La Trappe 6.8 km relation 5802940 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/12/2015 Hamont-Achel
Westvleteren 8.2 km relation 5993177 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/02/2016 Hamont-Achel
Orval 8.1 km relation 5827485 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/01/2016 Hamont-Achel
Rochefort 8.6 km relation 6650797 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/10/2016 Hamont-Achel
Chimay 12 km relation 5869088 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/01/2016 Hamont-Achel
Westmalle 9.8 km relation 6650777 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/10/2016 Hamont-Achel
Engelszell 7.2 km relation 5827506 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/01/2016 Hamont-Achel
Zundert 13 km relation 5869021 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/01/2016 Hamont-Achel
Spencer 4.3 km relation 6650785 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/10/2016 Hamont-Achel

De Warmbeekvallei (Hamont-Achel)

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Warmbeekvallei Groene rechthoek

De Achelse Kluis

2.0 km relation 5802848 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/12/2015 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg De Warmbeekvallei Oranje bol

De Achelse Kluis / De Bever

6.5 km relation 5993149 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/02/2016 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg De Warmbeekvallei Gele zeshoek

De Achelse Kluis / De Bever

8.9 km relation 5802842 State Foot4.svg surveyed 27/12/2015 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg De Warmbeekvallei Rode driehoek

De Achelse Kluis / De Bever / 't Mulke

14 km relation 6835746 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2016 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Warmbeekvallei Groene rechthoek

De Bever

1.4 km relation 5993160 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/02/2016 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg De Warmbeekvallei Blauwe ruit

De Bever / 't Mulke

4.4 km relation 5993155 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/02/2016 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg De Warmbeekvallei Groene rechthoek

't Mulke

3.2 km relation 6835732 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2016 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg De Warmbeekvallei Oranje bol

't Mulke / De Haarterheide

5.9 km relation 5993172 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/02/2016 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg De Warmbeekvallei Blauwe ruit

De Haarterheide

4.5 km relation 835709 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2016 Hamont-Achel
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg De Warmbeekvallei Rode driehoek

De Haarterheide

6.5 km relation 5827520 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/01/2016 Hamont-Achel

Wandelroutes Hoeselt

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg 2. Winterbeekvalleiwandeling 7.1 km relation 3302074 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2020 Hoeselt (Romershoven)
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg 3. Stinzenwandeling 7.1 km relation 3303494 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2020 Hoeselt (Romershoven)
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowhexagon.svg 5. Tweekruizenpad 8.7 km relation 3865811 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2020 Hoeselt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg 8. Bronnenwandeling 5.8 km relation 3766819 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/12/2020 Hoeselt (Werm)
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg 9. Gerlabeekwandeling 3.1 km relation 3768863 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/12/2020 Hoeselt (Werm)

Wandelroutes Tongeren

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren1darkblue.svg Piringen 5.9 km relation 6073413 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/10/2020 Tongeren (Piringen)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren1black.svg Kolmont 8.2 km relation 3861682 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/10/2020 Tongeren (Kolmont)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren2blue.svg 's Herenelderen 6.5 km relation 10605582 State Foot4.svg surveyed 19/01/2020 Tongeren ('s Herenhelderen)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren2yellow.svg Molsterbos 6.4 km relation 10605583 State Foot4.svg surveyed 19/01/2020 Tongeren ('s Herenhelderen)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren3purple.svg Mal 8.0 km relation 10507627 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2019 Tongeren (Nerem)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren3black.svg Uitbreiding Mal 3.4 km relation 10507626 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2019 Tongeren (Nerem)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren3blue.svg Elst 7.6 km relation 11878658 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2020 Tongeren (Nerem)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren3orange.svg Glons 9.0 km relation 11878683 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/11/2020 Tongeren (Vreren)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren4orange.svg Widooie 7.2 km relation 11741159 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/10/2020 Tongeren (Widooie)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren4purple.svg Rond de bronnen van de Mombeek 8.0 km relation 11741160 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/10/2020 Tongeren (Widooie)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren4pink.svg Rutten 6.9 km relation 10521508 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2019 Tongeren (Rutten)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren4black.svg Drie Dorpen 10.3 km relation 11920802 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/11/2020 Tongeren (Rutten)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren4blue.svg Lauw 7.3 km relation 11920846 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/11/2020 Tongeren (Lauw)
Belgium walkingroutes Tongeren4yellow.svg Vallei van de Jeker 7.1 km relation 11920840 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/11/2020 Tongeren (Lauw)


Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowsmalldiamond.svg Hubert Lehaenpad 1.4 km relation 5792400 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2015 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurplesquare.svg Hagevenpad 6.6 km relation 6680301 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/10/2016 Neerpelt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredsquare.svg Bosbeekvallei Rode vierkant 5.9 km relation 6883313 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/01/2017 Opglabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Egoven Blauwe ruit 3.9 km relation 3493937 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2020 Mechelen-Bovelingen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredsquare.svg De Kevie Rode vierkant 7.8 km relation 190374 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2019 Tongeren


Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangetriangle.svg Watering Oranje driehoek 1.0 km relation 5665829 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2015 Lommel
't Wateringpad 8.5 km relation 5665843 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/11/2015 Lommel
Belgium walkingroutes redrectangleblackarrow.svg Meylandtwandeling 10 km relation 3006910 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/01/2016 Heusden-Zolder
Belgium walkingroutes yellowrectangleblackarrow.svg de Theuxwandeling 6.1 km relation 3013576 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/01/2016 Heusden-Zolder
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Willekensberg Groene rechthoek 2.4 km relation 6880173 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/01/2017 Lummen
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Lummensbroek Rode driehoek 2.9 km relation 6880177 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/01/2017 Lummen
Belgium walkingroutes grayrectanglewhitearrow.svg Erfgoedwandeling Eisden Tuinwijk 3.1 km relation 8013250 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/02/2018 Maasmechelen
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurplewhitearrow.svg Bokkenrijdersroute 13.3 km relation 11824962 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2020 Wellen
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Groot-Gelmen oranje bol 6.3 km relation 3499368 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/10/2020 Sint-Truiden
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Gelinden Rode driehoek 8.6 km relation 3497111 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2020 Sint-Truiden
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Cicindriavallei Blauwe ruit 4.7 km relation 5668041 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2020 Sint-Truiden
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangediamond.svg Cicindriavallei Oranje ruit 6.7 km relation 5668040 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2020 Gingelom
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangerectangle.svg Cicindriavallei Oranje rechthoek 6.4 km relation 11891616 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2020 Gingelom
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluedisk.svg Cicindriavallei Blauwe bol 5.7 km relation 11891619 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2020 Gingelom
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowtriangle.svg Jan Zonder Vrees geel 5.9 km relation 10521512 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2019 Herstappe
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreentriangle.svg Jan Zonder Vrees groen 5.2 km relation 10521513 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2019 Herstappe


Toerisme Oost-Vlaanderen - Leiestreek

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Afsnee-Keuze 9.2 km

relation 9266012

State Foot4.svg Gent - Afsnee
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Albijn Van Den Abeele 8.5 km

relation 9243073

State Foot4.svg Sint-Martens-Latem
Assels 6.0 km State Foot0.svg Drongen
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Doornhammeke 5.5 km

relation 9242824

State Foot4.svg Zevergem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Gust De Smet 6.5 km

relation 1914896

State Foot4.svg Sint-Martens-Latem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Ooidonk 7.0 km

relation 9244986

State Foot4.svg Bachte-Maria-Leerne
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Roger Raveel 3.5 km

relation 9296935

State Foot4.svg Machelen
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Vlasroters (lus 1) 11 km

relation 4154601

State Foot4.svg Deinze
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Vlasroters (lus 2) 7.5 km

relation 9266273

State Foot4.svg Deinze
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Vlasroters (lus 3) 8.0 km

relation 9267696

State Foot4.svg Deinze
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Vlasroters (lus 4) 7.0 km

relation 9267704

State Foot4.svg Deinze

Toerisme Oost-Vlaanderen - Meetjesland

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Oude Kalevallei Wandelroute - Lus 1 7 km

relation 8883542

State Foot4.svg surveyed 19/08/2019 Merendree
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Oude Kalevallei Wandelroute - Lus 2 8.9 km

relation 8883543

State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/09/2024 Vinderhoute
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Poekekasteel wandelroute 9 km

relation 9266214

State Foot4.svg surveyed 08/08/2019 Poeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Slodderspookroute 9.5 km

relation 9244957

State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/05/2020 Merendree

Toerisme Oost-Vlaanderen - Scheldeland

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Asselkouterroute 13 km

relation 7037191

State Foot4.svg Munte
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Den Dotterroute 9.5 km

relation 1788111

State Foot4.svg Aaigem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Donkmeerroute 4 km

relation 9243388

State Foot4.svg Berlare
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Durmeboordenroute 9 km

relation 7679917

State Foot4.svg Zele
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Faluintjesstreekroute (lus 1) State Foot0.svg Aalst
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Faluintjesstreekroute (lus 2) State Foot0.svg Aalst
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Faluintjesstreekroute (lus 3) State Foot0.svg Aalst
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Faluintjesstreekroute (lus 4) State Foot0.svg Aalst
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Galgenveldroute 10 km

relation 1782640

State Foot4.svg Ninove - Outer
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Vier Uiterstenroute (lus 1) 9 km

relation 9255133

State Foot4.svg Smetlede
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Vier Uiterstenroute (lus 2) 11 km

relation 9255178

State Foot4.svg Smetlede
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Vliegenetersroute 11 km

relation 546387

State Foot4.svg Lebbeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Welle- en Kapellemeersen Route 11 km

relation 7664853

State Foot4.svg Denderleeuw

Toerisme Oost-Vlaanderen - Vlaamse Ardennen

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Cotthemroute 16.5 km State Foot0.svg Sint-Lievens-Houtem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Dwaallichtroute 16.5 km State Foot0.svg Maarkedal
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Geuzenhoekroute 14 km State Foot0.svg Sint-Maria-Horebeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Kartuizerroute 14 km State Foot0.svg Lierde
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Kluisbosroute 9.5 km State Foot0.svg Kluisbergen
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Kordaalroute 6.0 km

relation 9299053

State Foot4.svg Nokere
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Muziekbosroute 11 km State Foot0.svg Louise-Marie
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Panoramaroute 16 km State Foot0.svg Kwaremont
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Rooigemsebeekroute 13 km

relation 4155378

State Foot4.svg Mullem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Scheldekantroute (lus 1) 8 km State Foot0.svg Wortegem-Petegem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Scheldekantroute (lus 2) 5.5 km State Foot0.svg Wortegem-Petegem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Sint-Lievensroute - Lus 1 8.0 km State Foot0.svg Herzele
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Sint-Lievensroute - Lus 2 4.5 km State Foot0.svg Herzele
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Slag bij Gavereroute 7 km State Foot0.svg Gavere
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Wannelappersroute 9.5km

relation 9264767

State Foot4.svg Zingem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Weerwolfroute 11 km State Foot0.svg Vloesberg
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Zwalmbronnenroute 9.0 km State Foot0.svg Brakel

Toerisme Oost-Vlaanderen - Waasland

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Barbierbeekroute 8 km

relation 9268159

State Foot4.svg Kruibeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Groene Puttenroute 7 km

relation 9270515

State Foot4.svg Stekene
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Kruibeekse Kreekroute 7.5 km

relation 9267995

State Foot4.svg Kruibeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Liniewegelroute 8.5 km

relation 9267768

State Foot4.svg Lokeren
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Molsbroek-Buylaersroute 11 km

relation 9243304

State Foot4.svg Lokeren
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Oude Durme Route - Lus 1 8 km

relation 7598778

State Foot4.svg Waasmunster
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Oude Durme Route - Lus 2 6 km

relation 7841152

State Foot4.svg Waasmunster
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Perenboomsgatroute 15 km

relation 5572347

State Foot4.svg Moerbeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Roomacker Wandelroute 4.5 km

relation 5562316

State Foot4.svg Temse
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Roosenberg Route Blauw 7 km

relation 7521749

State Foot4.svg Waasmunster
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Roosenberg Route Rood 6 km

relation 7544780

State Foot4.svg Waasmunster
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Rupelmondse Kreekroute 8 km

relation 9270042

State Foot4.svg Kruibeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Siesmeers- en Zuidlederoute (lus 1) 7 km State Foot0.svg Wachtebeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Siesmeers- en Zuidlederoute (lus 2) 8 km State Foot0.svg Wachtebeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Siesmeers- en Zuidlederoute (lus 3) 4 km State Foot0.svg Wachtebeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Steendorproute 13 km

relation 9270321

State Foot4.svg Kruibeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Stropersbosroute - Lus 1 4 km State Foot0.svg Kemzeke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Stropersbosroute - Lus 4 4 km State Foot0.svg Sint-Gillis-Waas
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Tweelandenroute 9.5 km

relation 9273655

State Foot4.svg De Klinge

Agentschap Natuur en Bos

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Drongengoed Roodborstjespad 8.0 km relation 10663678 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2020 Ursel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangetriangle.svg Drongengoed Onderdalepad 9.5 km relation 10672925 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/02/2020 Ursel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreentriangle.svg Drongengoed Rondje vliegveld 14.5 km relation 10663705 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2020 Ursel
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Drongengoed Hoevepad 2.5 km relation 10283365 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/11/2019 Ursel
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt greendisk.svg Drongengoed Geitenmelkerspad 5.0 km relation 10406279 State Foot4.svg surveyed 03/12/2019 Ursel
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt bluedisk.svg Drongengoed Door bos en hei 7.5 km relation 10298312 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/11/2019 Ursel
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Drongengoed Drevenpad 6.5 km relation 10595208 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/01/2020 Kleit
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreendiamond.svg Drongengoed Ginstepad 12 km relation 10595278 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/01/2020 Kleit
Belgium walkingroutes hexpurplediamond.svg Drongengoed Lokketissepad 14 km relation 10595277 State Foot2.svg surveyed 16/01/2020 Kleit
Belgium walkingroutes hex orange square.svg Drongengoed Eikenpad 4.5 km relation 10663665 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2020 Aalter
Belgium walkingroutes hexredsquare.svg Drongengoed Tormentilpad 8.0 km relation 10579302 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/01/2020 Aalter
Drongengoed Kabouterpad 1.5 km relation 10975461 State Foot4.svg surveyed 08/04/2020 Aalter
Belgium walkingroutes hexreddisk.svg Parkbos - Grand Noble 3.5 km

relation 9242852

State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/04/2019 Gent
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt bluerectangle.svg Parkbos - Rosdambeekroute 6.0 km

relation 9240720

State Foot4.svg Gent
Spijkerbos - Elenepad 3.5 km State Foot0.svg Kluisbergen


Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Assels - Asselsroute 6.0 km State Foot0.svg Gent
Assels - Hoge Blaarmeersenroute 2.8 km State Foot0.svg Gent
Beneden-Dender - Vossewegel 11 km relation 9620124 State Foot4.svg Denderbelle
Boelaremeersen - Rode Wandeling 6.0 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Bos 't Ename State Foot0.svg Oudenaarde
Bourgoyen-Ossemeersen - Bourgoyenpad 5.5 km relation 9342392 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/02/2019 Gent
Bourgoyen-Ossemeersen - Meerskantpad 2.0 km State Foot0.svg Gent
Bourgoyen-Ossemeersen - Spoorwegdijkpad 2.0 km State Foot0.svg Gent
Burreken - Eikelmuisroute 7.0 km State Foot0.svg Maarkedal
Burreken - Vuursalamanderroute 7.5 km State Foot0.svg Maarkedal
Daknamse Meersen State Foot0.svg Lokeren
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreendiamond.svg Damvallei - Bergenmeersenpad 7.2 km relation 18563383 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/01/2025 Destelbergen
Damvallei - Damvalleipad 9.4 km State Foot0.svg Destelbergen
Damvallei - Damvalleimeerpad 1.8 km State Foot0.svg Destelbergen
Den Dotter - Blauwe Wandeling 4.0 km State Foot0.svg Haaltert
Den Dotter - Gele Wandeling 2.5 km State Foot0.svg Haaltert
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Den Dotter - Rode Wandeling 8.0 km relation 9618358 State Foot4.svg Haaltert
Duivenbos - Blauwe Wandeling 3.5 km State Foot0.svg Herzele
Duivenbos - Rode Wandeling 5.0 km State Foot0.svg Herzele
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Ganzeveld - Wandellus 2.0 km relation 10267848 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/11/2019 Aalter
Everbeekse Bossen - Blauwe Wandeling 1.5 km State Foot0.svg Brakel
Everbeekse Bossen - Groene Wandeling 2.0 km State Foot0.svg Brakel
Everbeekse Bossen - Rode Wandeling 4.5 km State Foot0.svg Brakel
Gentbrugse Meersen - Lange Wandeling 7.0 km State Foot0.svg Gent
Heidebos - Gele Wandeling 6.5 km State Foot0.svg Moerbeke / Wachtebeke
Heidebos - A.S. Adventureroute 5.0 km State Foot0.svg Moerbeke / Wachtebeke
Heidebos - Blauwe Wandeling 2.5 km State Foot0.svg Moerbeke / Wachtebeke
Heidebos - Rode Wandeling 2.4 km State Foot0.svg Moerbeke / Wachtebeke
Heidebos - Oranje Wandeling 2.1 km State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/01/2025 Moerbeke / Wachtebeke
Honegem - Droge Voetenpad 10 km State Foot0.svg Aalst
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Honegem - Natte Voetenpad 10 km

relation 9299488

State Foot4.svg Aalst
Kalkense Meersen - Binnen-Zonder-Kloppen Wandeling 3.5 km State Foot0.svg Kalken
Kalkense Meersen - Meersenwandeling 8.0 km State Foot0.svg Kalken
Kalkense Meersen - Oude Scheldepad 9.0 km State Foot0.svg Kalken
Kalkense Meersen - Wijmeerswandeling 7.5 km State Foot0.svg Kalken
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt yellowdisk.svg Kattenbos - Gele Wandeling 0.7 km relation 10587168 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/01/2020 Ursel
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreendiamond.svg Keigatbos - Groene Wandeling 7.6 km relation 10003607 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/09/2019 Ursel
Kortelake - Blauwe Wandeling 8.0 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Kortelake - Rode Wandeling 3.5 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Kreken van Saleghem State Foot0.svg Sint-Gillis-Waas
Langemeersen State Foot0.svg Oudenaarde
Latemse Meersen - Rode Wandeling 7.8 km State Foot0.svg Sint-Martens-Latem
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt yellowdisk.svg Maldegemveld - Krakkepad 4.0 km relation 9328121 State Foot4.svg surveyed 13/02/2019 Aalter
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt bluerectangle.svg Maldegemveld - Wastinepad 8.0 km relation 9535700 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/05/2019 Maldegem
Moenebroek - Blauwe Wandeling 2.5 km State Foot0.svg Lierde
Moenebroek - Rode Wandeling 7.0 km State Foot0.svg Lierde
Munkbosbeekvallei - Blauwe Wandeling 6.0 km State Foot0.svg Zwalm
Munkbosbeekvallei - Rode Wandeling 6.5 km State Foot0.svg Zwalm
Oude Kale - Molenmeerswandeling - Rood 3.5 km

relation 8883544

State Foot4.svg Vinderhoute
Parkbos-Uilenbroek - Blauwe Wandeling 9.0 km State Foot0.svg Zottegem
Parkbos-Uilenbroek - Groene Wandeling 4.5 km State Foot0.svg Zottegem
Parkbos-Uilenbroek -Uilenbroekpad - Rode wandeling 4.5 km

relation 3478637

State Foot4.svg Zottegem
Perlinkvallei - Blauwe Wandeling 6.5 km State Foot0.svg Horebeke
Raspaillebos - Gele Wandeling 4.0 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Raspaillebos - Aardgaswandeling 7.5 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Raspaillebos - Groene Wandeling 2.0 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Raspaillebos - Oranje Wandeling 2.5 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Raspaillebos - Rode Wandeling 3.5 km State Foot0.svg Geraardsbergen
Scheldevallei Moerzeke State Foot0.svg Hamme
Zeverenbeekvallei State Foot0.svg Deinze
Zwalmvallei State Foot0.svg Zwalm


Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Posthoorn Wandelroute 13.3 km

relation 31326 13.3 km
relation 112965 1 km (verkorting)

State Foot4.svg Assenede - Boekhoute
Bareldonkpad 11 km

relation 31564

State Foot4.svg Berlare

relation 240395

State Foot2.svg Berlare

relation 281689

State Foot4.svg Berlare
Geutenlingenpad.png Geutelingenpad (lus Perlinkmolen)

relation 1832748

State Foot4.svg Brakel

relation 563422

State Foot1.svg Deinze
Natuurpad Magische Meersen 5 km

relation 9264481

State Foot4.svg De Pinte
UGentPassage relation 6563283 State Foot2.svg Gent
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Bunker Wandelroute 13 km

relation 1130631

State Foot4.svg Gijzenzele

relation 912882

State Foot2.svg Haaltert
Lietbekapad 8.0 km

relation 1240062

State Foot4.svg Lebbeke
Mennenpad 6.0 km

relation 1129906

State Foot4.svg Lebbeke
Rondom Belle 7.5 km

relation 1240133

State Foot4.svg Lebbeke

relation 233176

State Foot2.svg Melle
Natuurwandeling Bavegem State Foot0.svg Sint-Lievens-Houtem
Natuurwandeling Letterhoutem State Foot0.svg Sint-Lievens-Houtem
Natuurwandeling Cotthem State Foot0.svg Sint-Lievens-Houtem
Natuurwandeling Vlierzele-Zonnegem State Foot0.svg Sint-Lievens-Houtem

relation 572614

State Foot1.svg Waasmunster

relation 361741

State Foot1.svg Waasmunster
Grenspad 7.5 km

relation 166119

State Foot4.svg Wachtebeke
Scheldemeersenpad 6 km

relation 9245970

State Foot4.svg Zele
Tuymelaerspad 8.5 km

relation 311900

State Foot4.svg Zele


Wandelingen Demervallei

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Abenopad 2.7 km relation 7776215 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/12/2017 Rotselaar
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Demer- en Dijlewandeling 11 km relation 1613263 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/02/2018 Rotselaar
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Meanderswandeling 8.4 km relation 1621941 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/12/2017 Rotselaar
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Meetshovenwandeling 8.1 km relation 7835655 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/12/2017 Aarschot
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Rillaarse Heuvelswandeling 12 km relation 4236052 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/11/2014 Rillaar
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Deurnewandeling 9.0 km relation 3378395 State Foot4.svg surveyed 14/12/2013 Deurne
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Kelbergenwandeling 9.7 km relation 3405543 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2013 Schaffen
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Prinsenboswandeling 9.3 km relation 4437533 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2014 Kaggevinne
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Vliegveldwandeling 9.7 km relation 3405577 State Foot4.svg surveyed 29/12/2013 Schaffen
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Mierenbergwandeling 15 km relation 3399470 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/12/2013 Assent

Wandelingen Velpevallei

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Hollewegenwandelpad 8.5 km relation 7620959 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/10/2017 Opvelp
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Sint-Ermelindiswandelpad 7.3 km relation 1163188 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/02/2015 Lovenjoel
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Sint-Kamilluswandelpad 7.3 km relation 1069985 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/02/2015 Korbeek-Lo
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Heulingenwandelpad 15 km relation 5816542 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2015 Roosbeek
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Klein Zwitserlandwandelpad 10 km relation 5816533 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/12/2015 Kerkom
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Velpehoevewandelpad 8.8 km relation 7620922 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/10/2017 Vertrijk
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Kleine Kringwandelpad 11 km relation 7620949 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/10/2017 Vertrijk
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Kwadeschuurwandelpad 5.5 km relation 7880108 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/01/2018 Lubbeek
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Lindenboswandelpad 11 km relation 153640 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/01/2016 Linden
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Kalvariewandelpad 7.4 km relation 1206465 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2018 Lubbeek
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Werveldtwandelpad 9.4 km relation 8878161 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2018 Lubbeek
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Boomgaardenwandelpad 7.9 km relation 5822561 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/01/2016 Kapellen
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Glazuurwandelpad 10 km relation 5822552 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/01/2016 Glabbeek
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Heirbaanwandelpad 9.9 km relation 6066921 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/03/2016 Attenrode-Wever
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Boeslinterwandelpad 4.9 km relation 5822547 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/01/2016 Bunsbeek
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg A Speculowandelpad 5.9 km relation 4614123 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/02/2015 Ransberg
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Liefkensrodewandelpad 5.2 km relation 6030865 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/03/2016 Kortenaken
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Torendraaierswandelpad 6.6 km relation 4495618 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/01/2015 Waanrode
Belgium walkingroutes redhexagon.svg Heerebekewandelpad 10 km relation 6030747 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/03/2016 Hoeleden

Landschapswandelingen Noord-Hageland

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Koebos Groene rechthoek 1.9 km relation 4434408 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2014 Pellenberg
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Koebos Oranje bol 5.8 km relation 4434409 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2014 Pellenberg
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Koebos Rode driehoek 10 km relation 4434410 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/12/2014 Pellenberg
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Hermansheuvel Blauwe ruit 3.8 km relation 3354603 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/12/2013 Assent
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Hermansheuvel Oranje bol 7.2 km

2.4 km

relation 3469676

extra lus relation 3469675

State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/01/2014 Assent
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Hermansheuvel Rode driehoek 12.0 km relation 3354631 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/12/2013 Assent
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Asdonk Groene rechthoek 2.2 km relation 5994998 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/02/2016 Molenstede
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Asdonk Blauwe ruit 4.3 km relation 6722324 State Foot4.svg surveyed 19/11/2016 Molenstede
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Asdonk Rode driehoek 8.7 km relation 5995000 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/02/2016 Molenstede
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Vallei van de Drie Beken Blauwe ruit 3.0 km relation 3342977 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/11/2013 Deurne
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Vallei van de Drie Beken Rode driehoek 8.2 km relation 3342992 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/11/2013 Deurne
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg De Spicht Oranje bol 4.3 km relation 4217946 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2014 Lubbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg De Spicht Rode driehoek 9.6 km relation 4217947 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/11/2014 Lubbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Demerbroeken Groene rechthoek 2.7 km relation 7758796 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/11/2017 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Demerbroeken Blauwe ruit 3.6 km relation 5931529 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/01/2016 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Demerbroeken Oranje bol 8.0 km relation 7758815 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/11/2017 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Demerbroeken Rode driehoek 8.6 km relation 6705792 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/11/2016 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Tieltse Motte Groene rechthoek 2.9 km relation 3481653 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/02/2014 Tielt
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Tieltse Motte Oranje bol 8.4 km relation 3481654 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/02/2014 Tielt
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Tieltse Motte Rode driehoek 10.0 km relation 3385470 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/12/2013 Tielt
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Kloesebos Blauwe ruit 3.0 km relation 4296030 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/12/2014 Gelrode
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Kloesebos Rode driehoek 9.9 km relation 4296031 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/12/2014 Gelrode
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Webbekoms Broek Groene rechthoek 3.3 km relation 4442465 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2014 Diest
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Webbekoms Broek Blauwe ruit 3.4 km relation 4442464 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2014 Diest
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Webbekoms Broek Oranje bol 4.7 km relation 4442466 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2014 Diest
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Webbekoms Broek Rode driehoek 8.3 km relation 4442467 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2014 Diest
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Hagelandse Vallei Blauwe ruit 6.1 km relation 5612518 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/10/2015 Holsbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexorangedisk.svg Hagelandse Vallei Oranje bol 5.5 km relation 5757329 State Foot4.svg surveyed 20/12/2015 Holsbeek
Belgium walkingroutes hexredtriangle.svg Hagelandse Vallei Rode driehoek 8.7 km relation 6648418 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/10/2016 Holsbeek


Sign Name Length Relation Status Location Included
Natuur-rijk Elewijt 10 km relation 3697351 State Foot4.svg Elewijt Parking at the start
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Meester Crapswandeling 8.5 km relation 1652375 State Foot4.svg 1933 Sterrebeek Parking at the start
Vossekouterwandeling 7.11 km relation 1649924 State Foot4.svg 3040 Huldenberg Parking at the start
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Dijle- en Lanewandeling 8.0 km relation 1345343 State Foot4.svg 3040 Sint-Agatha-Rode Parking at the start
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Ruwaalwandeling 6.1 km relation 1652375 State Foot4.svg 3060 Korbeek-Dijle Parking at the start
Arboretumwandeling 7.1 km relation 1443067 State Foot4.svg 3080 Tervuren Parking at the start
Kap(ucijnen)bos van Duisburgwandeling 7.1 km relation 1443068 State Foot4.svg 3080 Tervuren Parking at the start
Warandewandeling 5.8 km relation 1443069 State Foot4.svg 3080 Tervuren Parking at the start
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Justius Lipsius Wandelpad 10.2 km relation 1375425 State Foot4.svg 3090 Overijse Parking at the start
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Terlanen Wandelpad 6.7 km relation 1354293 State Foot4.svg 3090 Terlanen Parking at the start
Keizer Karelwandeling 5.8 km relation 1359140 State Foot4.svg 3090 Tombeek Parking at the start
Belgium walkingroutes hexgreenrectangle.svg Domeinwandeling 3.6 km relation 4518121 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/01/2015 Sint-Pieters-Rode
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluediamond.svg Wingewandeling 3.1 km relation 4518123 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/01/2015 Sint-Pieters-Rode
Belgium walkingroutes hexbrowncross.svg Peersewandeling 3.4 km relation 4518122 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/01/2015 Sint-Pieters-Rode
Belgium walkingroutes hexbluerectangle.svg Tienbundersbos Blauwe rechthoek 2.5 km relation 5812972 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2015 Tielt-Winge
Belgium walkingroutes hexyellowdisk.svg Tienbundersbos Gele bol 3.8 km relation 5812973 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/12/2015 Tielt-Winge


Link to Umap displaying the routes currently missing in OSM (umap last updated 01/08/2024)

Westtoer Landschapswandelroute

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Ardooieveldwandelroute 8.0 km relation 1846719 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/08/2024 Ardooie
Argendaal 13.4 km relation 1844808 State Foot3.svg Bellegem
Bethoosterse Broeken 9.2 km relation 3357512 State Foot3.svg Diksmuide
Beverdijk 8.2 km relation 3357517 State Foot3.svg Pollinkhove
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Beverhoutsveld 15 km relation 1848305 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/08/2019 Beernem
Blankaart 9.6 km relation 946614 State Foot2.svg Diksmuide
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Boerenkrijgwandelroute 7.8 km relation 1851823 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/08/2024 Geluwe
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Bouvriewandelroute 4.8 km relation 1874272 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/08/2024 Bossuit
Brabanthoek 6.6 km relation 12750435 State Foot3.svg Vleteren
Brouckmolen 8.3 km relation 17870855 State Foot3.svg Stavele
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Bulskampveld 8.9 km relation 8974019 State Foot3.svg Beernem
Damse Vaart 11.8 km relation 17440118 State Foot3.svg Damme
Dode IJzer 7.8 km relation 1876605 State Foot3.svg Roesbrugge
Doeveren 5.7 km relation 1443125 State Foot3.svg Zedelgem
Doornpanne 8.0 km relation 1853059 State Foot4.svg Koksijde
Drie Grachten 6.5 km relation 1863455 State Foot3.svg Merkem
Drie Kastelen 12 km relation 2967755 State Foot3.svg Brugge
Duinbossen 10.3 km relation 1850942 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/08/2019 De Haan
Galgebossen 6.5 km relation 3357538 State Foot3.svg Elverdinge
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Gasthuisbossenwandelroute 10.6 km relation 17870720 State Foot4.svg surveyed 24/07/2024 Zillebeke
Geuzen 10.0 km relation 1876550 State Foot3.svg Nieuwkerke
Heihoek 8.5 km relation 64582 State Foot3.svg Lichtervelde
Kampveld 9.1 km relation 404030 State Foot3.svg Oostkamp
Kemmelberg 8.0 km relation 1851857 State Foot3.svg Heuvelland
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Kleine Kluiswandelroute 7.7 km relation 1863445 State Foot4.svg surveyed 31/07/2024 Gijzelbrechtegem
Koekelarebergwandelroute 6.6 km relation 17871177 State Foot3.svg Koekelare
Kraters en Mijnen 7.0 km relation 3551066 State Foot3.svg Wijtschate
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Kruisekewandelroute 6.2 km relation 1862729 State Foot4.svg surveyed 21/08/2024 Kruiseke
Meersen 6.8 km relation 1851798 State Foot3.svg Brugge
Meetkerkse Moeren 15.0 km relation 10254592 State Foot3.svg Meetkerke
Mira 12.3 km relation 12378317 State Foot3.svg Avelgem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Moereveld 7.6 km relation 450804 State Foot4.svg surveyed 15/06/2019 Torhout
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Mortagnewandelroute 12.7 km relation 17870804 State Foot4.svg surveyed 16/08/2024 Spiere
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Oedelemberg 11.5 km relation 9379307 State Foot4.svg surveyed 07/03/2019 Oedelem
Oostendse Kreken 13.0 km relation 15323252 State Foot3.svg Stene
Oosthove 13.0 km relation 3337424 State Foot3.svg Rollegem-Kapelle
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Orveytwandelroute 6.7 km relation 3355417 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/07/2024 Moen
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Oude Leiewandelroute 13.0 km relation 2725974 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/07/2024 Bavikhove
Palingbeekwandelroute 12.2 km State Foot0.svg Zillebeke
Pannendorp 8.1 km relation 1863400 State Foot3.svg Alveringem
Parochieveld 8.5 km relation 3337501 State Foot3.svg Ruiselede
Pompeschitters 8.7 km relation 1851837 State Foot3.svg Dadizele
Ringslot 9.0 km relation 1863460 State Foot3.svg Houtem
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Ryckevelde 6.5 km relation 1851784 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/02/2019 Damme
Sint-Sixtus 6.9 km relation 1874245 State Foot3.svg Vleteren
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Streuvelswandelroute 7.0 km relation 1853272 State Foot4.svg surveyed 30/07/2024 Ingooigem
Ter Doest 6.3 km relation 1844570 State Foot3.svg Lissewege
Ter Yde 7.1 km relation 52997 State Foot4.svg Oostduinkerke
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Twee bekenwandelroute 11.7 km relation 8885617 State Foot4.svg surveyed 25/07/2024 Marke/Bissegem
Tweebergen 7.2 km relation 1848257 State Foot3.svg Westouter
Uitkerkse Polder 7.7 km relation 14738940 State Foot3.svg Blankenberge
Vierkavenboswandelroute 14.8 km relation 12267617 State Foot3.svg Moorslede
Vrijgeweed 12.8 km relation 1880002 State Foot3.svg Oostkamp
Westhoek 10.4 km relation 1928516 State Foot3.svg De Panne
Belgium walkingroutes tov.svg Wildenbrug 6.7 km relation 1851775 State Foot4.svg surveyed 18/11/2018 Wildenburg
Zannekin 6.5 km relation 1872349 State Foot3.svg Lampernisse
Zwin 12.0 km relation 12603264 State Foot3.svg Knokke-Heist

Westtoer Erfgoedwandelroute

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Erfgoedwandelroute Blankenberge 4.1 km relation 3228819 State Foot3.svg Blankenberge
Erfgoedwandelroute Bredene 4.1 km relation 3226488 State Foot3.svg Bredene
Erfgoedwandelroute Damme 3.2 km relation 9372550 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/03/2019 Damme
Erfgoedwandelroute De Haan 3.0 km relation 3228832 State Foot3.svg De Haan
Erfgoedwandelroute De Panne 4.3 km State Foot0.svg De Panne
Erfgoedwandelroute Diksmuide 3.2 km relation 10665748 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/02/2020 Diksmuide
Erfgoedwandelroute Duinbergen 3.2 km relation 3228851 State Foot3.svg Duinbergen
Erfgoedwandelroute Menen 3.3 km relation 8695186 State Foot3.svg Menen
Erfgoedwandelroute Oostende 5.5 km relation 3222980 State Foot2.svg Oostende
Erfgoedwandelroute Sint-Idesbald 3.8 km relation 3229344 State Foot2.svg Wandeling is vernieuwd. OSM heeft nog oude versie. Sint-Idesbald
Erfgoedwandelroute Westende 4.0 km State Foot0.svg Westende
Erfgoedwandelroute Zeebrugge 5.8 km relation 3229358 State Foot2.svg Zeebrugge

Westtoer Stadswandelroute

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Stadswandelroute Ieper 6.6 km relation 13334822 State Foot2.svg Ieper
Stadswandelroute Izegem 6.6 km State Foot0.svg Izegem
Stadswandelroute Kortrijk 4.3 km relation 8484729 State Foot2.svg Kortrijk
Stadswandelroute Lo 2.0 km State Foot0.svg Lo
Stadswandelroute Mesen 3.6 km relation 17920241 State Foot4.svg surveyed 08/08/2024 Mesen
Stadswandelroute Nieuwpoort 7.8 km State Foot0.svg Nieuwpoort
Stadswandelroute Poperinge 2.7 km State Foot0.svg Poperinge
Stadswandelroute Roeselare 8.5 km relation 8685360 State Foot3.svg Roeselare
Stadswandelroute Tielt Centrum 3.0 km relation 9695139 State Foot2.svg Aan te passen - nieuwe stadswandeling Tielt
Stadswandelroute Torhout 2.3 km State Foot0.svg Torhout
Stadswandelroute Veurne 4.6 km relation 9374937 State Foot4.svg surveyed 05/03/2019 Veurne
Stadswandelroute Wervik - Wervicq-Sud 5.0 km State Foot0.svg Wervik

Westtoer Expeditie Bulskampveld

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Expeditie Kruiskerke 3.1 km relation 12867547 State Foot4.svg surveyed 19/06/2021 Kruiskerke
Expeditie Wingene 2.8 km relation 11822910 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/11/2020 Wingene
Expeditie Provinciedomein 2.4 km relation 16166833 State Foot2.svg Beernem
Expeditie Nieuwenhovenbos 2.7 km relation 11878502 State Foot3.svg Oostkamp
Expeditie Menas 2.2 km relation 11820408 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2020 Aalter

Andere Westtoer wandelingen

Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Educatief natuurleerpad St. Amandus 1.6 km Beernem
Parkwandeling 2.7 km relation 11830785 State Foot4.svg surveyed 01/11/2020 Beernem
Bosleerpad 4.7 km relation 11882742 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/11/2020 Beernem
Veldwandeling 4.5 km relation 11845482 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/11/2020 Beernem


Sign Name Length Relation Status Location
Avelgemse scheldemeersen - Drogevoetenpad 6.0 km State Foot0.svg Avelgem
Avelgemse Scheldemeersen - Natuurleerpad 6.0 km State Foot0.svg Avelgem
Avelgemse Scheldemeersen - Tussen Rijt en Schelde 7.0 km State Foot0.svg Avelgem
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg De Vaanders 4.3 km relation 9388473 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/03/2019 Beernem
Uitkerkse Polder - Reigerwandeling 1.0 km State Foot0.svg Blankenberge
Uitkerkse Polder - Kemphanenwandeling 4.8 km State Foot0.svg Blankenberge
Uitkerkse Polder - Waadvogelwandeling 6.5 km State Foot0.svg Blankenberge
Stadswallen van Damme - A.S. Adventureroute 7.5 km State Foot0.svg Damme
Maskobossen - Oranje wandeling 2.5 km State Foot0.svg Jabbeke
Doeveren - Groene wandeling 3.2 km State Foot0.svg Oostkamp
Doeveren - Rode wandeling 2.2 km State Foot0.svg Oostkamp
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Vorte Bossen - Bruwaanpad 4.5 km relation 9357478 State Foot4.svg surveyed 26/02/2019 Ruiselede
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt redsquare.svg Gulke Putten - Rode wandeling 5.4 km relation 9759445 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/07/2019 Ruiselede
Belgium walkingroutes natuurpunt aardgas.svg Gulke Putten - Blauwe wandeling 7.2 km relation 9759437 State Foot4.svg surveyed 06/07/2019 Ruiselede
Plaisiersbos - Rode wandeling 2.4 km State Foot0.svg Zedelgem


Sign Name Length Progress Status Location
Houtsaegerpad relation 1877856 State Foot2.svg De Panne
Ollevierpad State Foot0.svg De Panne
Sledoornwandelpad 2.9 km relation 8911834 State Foot3.svg De Panne
Oosthoekwandelpad State Foot0.svg De Panne
Kerkepannepad State Foot0.svg De Panne
Vestingroute 2.6 km State Foot0.svg Ieper
Heuvelpad relation 1263024 State Foot2.svg Klerken
Artiestenwandelroute 9.3 km relation 8492782 State Foot4.svg Koksijde
IJslandvaarderswandelroute 5.3 km relation 9606213 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/10/2019 Koksijde
Kruwerswandelroute 10.8 km relation 8722577 State Foot4.svg Koksijde (Oostduinkerke)
Polderwandelroute relation 8725684 State Foot2.svg Koksijde
Schipgatwandelroute 5.8 km relation 9604847 State Foot4.svg Koksijde
Spelleplekkewandelroute 8.1 km relation 52998 State Foot4.svg Koksijde (Oostduinkerke)
Witte Burgwandelroute 10.5 km relation 52999 State Foot4.svg Koksijde (Oostduinkerke)
Ellekring 3.5 km relation 9455638 State Foot3.svg Kortemark
Ezelgemwandelroute Noord 6.5 km relation 17824179 State Foot4.svg surveyed 11/07/2024 Kuurne
Ezelgemwandelroute Oost 7.7 km relation 17849912 State Foot4.svg surveyed 17/07/2024 Kuurne
Ezelgemwandelroute West 7.1 km relation 17823476 State Foot4.svg surveyed 10/07/2024 Kuurne
Ezelgemwandelroute Zuid 7.5 km relation 17828681 State Foot4.svg surveyed 12/07/2024 Kuurne
Markebeekpad 4.3 km relation 11098723 State Foot4.svg surveyed 23/07/2024 Marke
Preshoekpad 4.5 km relation 11105636 State Foot4.svg surveyed 22/07/2024 Marke
Kortewagenpad 13.0 km relation 4225213 State Foot2.svg Menen (Lauwe)
Smokkelaarspad 11.0 km relation 4256987 State Foot2.svg Menen (Rekkem)
Pittige vrouwen in Menen State Foot0.svg Menen
Pater Lievenspad 8.2 km relation 1850655 State Foot3.svg Moorslede
Torenhofpad relation 2436146 State Foot2.svg Oostkamp
Canadian Road to Passchendaele 6.7 km relation 8898678 State Foot4.svg surveyed 04/09/2024 Passendale
Collievijver wandeling relation 1717678 State Foot2.svg Roeselare
Heerlijke Hellewandeling 12.0 km relation 8694498 State Foot2.svg Roeselare
Kromme Wandeling 8.4 km State Foot0.svg Roeselare (Beveren)
Duizendzinnen 10.6 km relation 10550870 State Foot4.svg Roeselare
Welvarende Wandeling 10.0 km State Foot0.svg Roeselare
’s Graveneikewandelroute 8.9 km State Foot0.svg Staden
Mandelwandelroute 8.5 km State Foot0.svg Staden (Oostnieuwkerke)
Arteveldewandelroute 10.0 km relation 5541279 State Foot3.svg Staden (Westrozebeke)
Kobbewandeling 3.0 km relation 455463 State Foot3.svg Torhout
Spookwegelwandeling 5.0 km relation 6462792 State Foot2.svg Torhout
Warandepad 10.0 km relation 10551009 State Foot4.svg Watou
Weiss Grün.png Keuntjespad 8.5 km relation 17984657 State Foot4.svg surveyed 28/08/2024 Wevelgem
Nonnenbospad 8.7 km relation 17999961 State Foot4.svg surveyed 02/09/2024 Wevelgem
New Zealand Road To Passchendaele 8.2 km relation 17641198 State Foot3.svg Zonnebeke (Passendale)
Pionier Wandelroute 11.7 km State Foot0.svg Zonnebeke (Passendale)
The Legacy of Passchendaele - Polygon Wood 9.0 km State Foot0.svg Zonnebeke
The Legacy of Passchendaele - Geluveld 4.4 km State Foot0.svg Zonnebeke (Geluveld)
The Legacy of Passchendaele - Tyne Cot 8.5 km State Foot0.svg Zonnebeke
Folklore Wandelroute 7.0 km State Foot0.svg Zonnebeke (Beselare)
Nonnebossen 8.0 km State Foot0.svg Zonnebeke
Zandvoorde Wandelroute 12.0 km State Foot0.svg Zonnebeke (Zandvoorde)