![]() |
説明 |
自動車専用道路のような通行制限がある道路です。 ![]() |
グループ: 制限 |
適用できる要素 |
含まれる意味 |
よく併用されるタグ |
状態:事実上の標準 |
ツール |
motorroad タグは道路に高速道路のような通行制限(つまり、自転車や歩行者の通行禁止)があるものの、高速道路ではない道路を示すために使います。国によって、これは様々なアクセス制限やその他の道路の属性を含みます。
このキーはもともとはこの Sign E, 6a に対応することを目的にしています。道路標識及び信号に関するウィーン条約では,「自動車専用道路への出入口を示す標識」と公式に規定されています [2]。
ふつう highway=primary や highway=trunk である道路に、 highway タグに加えて motorroad=yes で自動車専用道路をタグ付けします。利用制限を明示的に指定しても構いません。
これらの考慮事項のいくつかは country-specific sections below に "implied / 含まれる意味" として記載されています。
解釈方法によっては、 highway=trunk が motorroad=yes を含むと解釈される場合もあります。
高速道路に類似する制限がない場合は、motorroad=no で明示的にタグ付けできます。Tag:motorroad=noを参照してください。
アクセス制限、方向転換制限、速度制限などの高速道路に関する交通規則は JA:経路探索のためのOSMタグ に重要であり、ルーティングエンジンによって広く利用されています。
ただし、motorroad=* はよりあいまいなため、広くサポートされているとはいえません。
地域によっては、このキーがあることで他のタグがあることを示す場合があります。 foot=no, bicycle=no, moped=no, horse=no などです。
自動車専用道路 (Dutch: autoweg, French: route pour automobiles). 高速道路に似ていますが、交差点や信号機があります。 By definition: highway=* motorroad=yes. highwayタグの値はほとんどの場合 trunk です。逆に、ベルギーでtrunkとマッピングされている道路の全てが自動車専用道路ではありません。
- foot=no
- horse=no
- bicycle=no
- carriage=no
- agricultural=no
- moped=no
- mofa=no
- speed_pedelec=no
- atv=no
- parking:both=no
highway=motorway はさらに minspeed=70を含みますが、 motorroad=yes は異なります。
- foot=no
- horse=no
- bicycle=no
- carriage=no
- agricultural=no
- moped=no
- mofa=no
- speed_pedelec=no
フィンランドでは、このタグは道路が Moottoriliikennetie であることを示します。
- minspeed=60 (最低速度を示すものではなく、自動車が設計上この速度で走行できることと定められています)
- foot=no
- bicycle=no
- moped=no
- horse=no
- parking:both=no
- (u_turn=no)
- (reversing=no
- ロープやケーブルによる牽引車は不可 – 故障時に最初の出口から抜ける場合を除く。
ドイツではこのタグは道路がwikipedia:de:Kraftfahrstraße (§18 StVO)であるかを示します。60 km/hより速く走行できるように作られた自動車("bauartbedingte Höchstgeschwindigkeit")のみが通行できます。
minspeed=60(車両は60 km/hより速く走行できるに作られている必要があり、実際の最低速度ではありません)- foot=no (自動車であること)
- bicycle=no (自動車であること)
- moped=no (設計上の速度制限による)
- horse=no (自動車であること)
- agricultural=no (農業用車両は定義上 25 km/h より遅い)
- parking:lane:both=no_stopping 緊急時を除いて逆走や停車は禁止(緊急時には、トイレや燃料切れを含みません)
- maxspeed=110 クロアチアのみ
Talk:Proposed_features/Motorway_indication#Already_exists_(with_an_inferior_name)?て提起されているとおり、これは法定の定義や表示と食い違っています。Tunnel Control Areaの方がより適切です。
(strada extraurbana principale)
(strada riservata ai veicoli a motore)
(a superstrada having the same access limits as a strada extraurbana principale)
The access restrictions for an italian motorway apply:
minspeed=80(cars needs to be constructed to be able to drive at 80 km/h or faster on a flat road, actually there is no minimum driving speed)[2]- foot=no (implied by motor_vehicle)
- bicycle=no (implied by motor_vehicle)
- moped=no
- horse=no (implied by motor_vehicle) (and more generally animal=no)
- agricultural=no
- no access to motorcycles equipped with a thermal engine having a displacement smaller than 150 cm³ (motorcycle:conditional=no @ (displacement < 150 cc))
- no access to sidecars equipped with a thermal engine having a displacement smaller than 250 cm³ (sidecar:conditional=no @ (displacement < 250 cc))
- no access to motorcycle-like vehicles (motoveicoli)[3] (other than those listed above)[4] having unladen mass less than or equal to 400 kg or a max gross weight less than or equal to 1300 kg with the exception of motorized tricycles (trikes) designed for carrying people, with no more than 2 seats (1 driver + max. 1 passenger), having a displacement grater than or equal to 250 cm³ or more and an engine power grater than or equal to 15 kW[5].
Implied tag might be
quadricycle:conditional=no @ ((empty_weight <= 400 kg) OR (maxweightrating <= 1300 kg)).
motorized_tricycle:conditional=no @ ((empty_weight <= 400 kg) OR (maxweightrating <= 1300 kg)); yes @ ((displacement >= 250 cc) AND (engine_power >= 15 kW) AND (seats <= 2))
- no access to vehicles without tyres
- parking:both=no
- stopping=no
- reverse=no
In Norway, Motortrafikkveg (prev Motorvei klasse B) is a property of a way when signed. Only used on trunk and primary and a few secondary. May or may not be a dual carriageway. Can be as little as two lanes. Default maxspeed=* is, like any other non-urban road, 80km/h. Other speeds will be signed. Access (Trafikkreglene §4-2): foot=no, bicycle=no, moped=no. There is no minspeed, but any vehicle must be able to drive at least 40km/h on a flat road.
There will be no driveways. No backing up or turning (Trafikkreglene §11-2). No stopping (Trafikkreglene §17-1-e). No parking (on any road with maxspeed higher than 50km/h).
スペインでは、このタグは道路が w:es:Autovía であるかどうかを示します。
- minspeed=60
- foot=no
- moped=no
- horse=no
- agricultural=no
You can use the key on British primary routes with motorway-like access restrictions signed or similar (according to GOV.UK Transport). Examples include the A40 Westway, the A12 between Wanstead and Hackney Wick, and the A13 between Dagenham Dock and Thurrock.
You need to add motorroad=* manually because all classes of traffic may use British primary routes by default.
Unless specified (such as the speed limits at the Blackwall Tunnel in London), the tag implies the following:
- maxspeed=70 mph
- foot=no
- bicycle=no
- horse=no
- parking:both=no
- sidewalk=no (i.e. any pavement on such roads are irrelevant because pedestrians are already banned. However, it is included for sake of completeness)

In many U.S. states, state law technically distinguishes between expressways and freeways (i.e., motorways) but does not formally tie the expressway classification to a set of access restrictions. Instead of the motorroad symbol sign used in many Vienna Convention countries, the MUTCD specifies a "selective exclusion sign" that explicitly lists the prohibited modes of transportation. [3] The exclusions can differ between two expressways in the same state, so always add explicit access tags according to the specific exclusions on the sign posted at entrances to the expressway. Despite the absence of classification-based access restrictions in the U.S., motorroad=yes has sometimes been applied in addition to the access tags on various highway=trunk and highway=primary ways, which typically happen to be expressways.
expressway=yes is commonly used in the U.S. to explicitly tag an expressway, regardless of road classification or access restrictions. This tag supports the common American cartographic practice of displaying expressways with a distinct color or line pattern. Historically, highway=trunk has often been interpreted to correspond to expressways in the U.S., so the need for a separate tag was often overlooked. However, as of 2021, there is a proposal to expand the definition of a trunk road to include non-expressways, making expressway=yes necessary for distinguishing these high-performance roads from conventional surface streets.
Only one state, Illinois, posts an implicitly defined selective exclusion sign that necessitates the use of motorroad=yes: "Use Prohibited by Non-Highway Vehicles" (R5-I107).
This is not to be confused with the "No Off Highway Vehicles Beyond This Point" sign posted in California on ordinary surface streets near off-highway vehicle trails. [4] In California, "highway" means any public road.
As of 2021, motorroad=yes has been tagged on roads posted with ,
, or
. (For example, all the carriageways visible from [5] are tagged motorroad=yes despite the differing access restrictions.) The values of motorcar=*, bus=*, and motorcycle=* cannot be reliably inferred, but in any case, foot=no and bicycle=no are likely implied.
- expressway=* - 高速設計機能を備え、隣接する施設へのアクセスが制限された一般道と分離された高速道路。
- highway=motorway - 高速走行を目的として設計された大容量の道路
- highway=trunk - 自動車専用道路以外の重要な道路
- highway=primary - 主要市街地を接続する道路
- Proposed_features/Motorway_indication - 物理的な自動車専用規格の道路に highway=motorway をタグ付けするという棄却された提案.
- ↑ たとえば、Valhallaはこのキーを使用して、国ごとの特定のアクセス制限を推測します。[1]
- ↑ Regolamento di esecuzione e di attuazione del nuovo codice della strada (DPR n. 495 del 16/12/1992) art. 372
- ↑ Italian laws use the word motoveicoli to define a category of vehicles that includes motorcycles, sidecars, motorized tricycles and quadricycles (that are not considered moped).
- ↑ It is not completely clear the legal status of the access to motorway for motorcycles and sidecars having electrical engines; according on of the most wispread interpretations they should be part of this group of other veichles and so being banned de facto from motorways due to the high requirements about minimum weight.
- ↑ Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 16 luglio 2020, n. 76, recante misure urgenti per la semplificazione e l'innovazione digitale (Legge n. 120 del 11/09/2020)