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Series R of the MUTCD is for regulatory signs.

If you map the traffic sign itself, set traffic_sign=* to US: followed by the alphanumeric code in the Designation column. Note that some left and right orientations have distinct sign designations, while others are combined into the same designation with the suffix L or R.

R1: Stop and Yield‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R1-1.svg R1-1 Stop highway=stop
MUTCD R1-2.svg R1-2 Yield highway=give_way
MUTCD R1-2aP.svg R1-2aP To Oncoming Traffic (plaque) highway=give_way at the yield line
highway=priority on the intersection node
MUTCD R1-2bP.svg R1-2bP To Traffic in Circle (plaque) highway=give_way at the yield line
junction=roundabout on the traffic circle
MUTCD R1-2cP.svg R1-2cP To All Lanes (plaque) highway=give_way at the yield line
junction=roundabout lanes=* on the traffic circle
MUTCD R1-3P.svg R1-3P All Way (plaque) highway=stop stop=all
MUTCD R1-5L.svg R1-5L Yield Here to Pedestrians highway=give_way
MUTCD R1-5R.svg R1-5R
MUTCD R1-5aL (2023).svg R1-5aL Yield Here for School Crossing highway=give_way hazard=school_crossing at the yield line
highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes crossing_ref=school
MUTCD R1-5aR (2023).svg R1-5aR
MUTCD R1-5bL.svg R1-5bL Stop Here for Pedestrians highway=stop
MUTCD R1-5bR.svg R1-5bR
MUTCD R1-5cL (2023).svg R1-5cL Stop Here for School Crossing highway=stop hazard=school_crossing at the yield line
highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes crossing_ref=school
MUTCD R1-5cR (2023).svg R1-5cR
MUTCD R1-5dL.svg R1-5dL Yield Here to Trail Crossing highway=give_way at the yield line
MUTCD R1-5dR.svg R1-5dR
MUTCD R1-5eL.svg R1-5eL Stop Here for Trail Crossing highway=stop at the stop line
MUTCD R1-5eR.svg R1-5eR
MUTCD R1-6.svg R1-6 In-Street Pedestrian Crossing (Yield) highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes
MUTCD R1-6a.svg R1-6a In-Street Pedestrian Crossing (Stop) highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes
highway=stop at the stop line
MUTCD R1-6b.svg R1-6b In-Street School Crossing (Yield) highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes
highway=give_way at the yield line
MUTCD R1-6c.svg R1-6c In-Street School Crossing (Stop) highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes
highway=stop at the stop line
MUTCD R1-6d.svg R1-6d In-Street Trail Crossing (Yield) highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes
highway=give_way at the yield line
MUTCD R1-6e.svg R1-6e In-Street Trail Crossing (Stop) highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes
highway=stop at the stop line
MUTCD R1-7.svg R1-7 Wait on Stop (temporary) highway=give_way Only tag if long-term
MUTCD R1-7a.svg R1-7a Wait on Stop – Go on Slow (temporary) highway=give_way Only tag if long-term
MUTCD R1-8.svg R1-8 Go on Slow (temporary)
Only tag if long-term
MUTCD R1-9 (fluorescent).svg R1-9 Overhead Pedestrian Crossing (Yield) highway=crossing crossing=marked
MUTCD R1-9a (fluorescent).svg R1-9a Overhead Pedestrian Crossing (Stop) highway=crossing crossing=marked
MUTCD R1-9b.svg R1-9b Overhead School Crossing (Yield) highway=give_way hazard=school_crossing at the yield line
highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes crossing_ref=school
MUTCD R1-9c.svg R1-9c Overhead School Crossing (Stop) highway=stop hazard=school_crossing at the yield line
highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes crossing_ref=school
MUTCD R1-10P.svg R1-10P Except Right Turn (plaque)

R2: Speed Limit‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R2-1.svg R2-1 Speed Limit maxspeed=50 mph
MUTCD R2-2.svg R2-2P Truck Speed Limit (plaque) maxspeed:hgv=40 mph
MUTCD R2-2aP.svg R2-2aP Bus Speed Limit (plaque) maxspeed:bus=45 mph
MUTCD R2-2bP.svg R2-2bP Truck–Bus Speed Limit (plaque) maxspeed:hgv=45 mph maxspeed:bus=45 mph
MUTCD R2-2cP.svg R2-2cP Vehicles Over X Tons Speed Limit (plaque) maxspeed:conditional=45 mph @ (weight>5 st)
MUTCD R2-3.svg R2-3P Night Speed Limit (plaque) maxspeed:conditional=45 mph @ (sunset-sunrise)
MUTCD R2-4.svg R2-4P Minimum Speed Limit (plaque) minspeed=40 mph
MUTCD R2-4a.svg R2-4a Combined Speed Limit maxspeed=50 mph minspeed=30 mph
MUTCD R2-5P.svg R2-5P Unless Otherwise Posted (plaque) source:maxspeed=zone
MUTCD R2-5aP.svg R2-5aP Citywide (plaque) source:maxspeed=US-XY:City:zone XY is postal state abbreviation; City is city name; speculative
MUTCD R2-5bP.svg R2-5bP Neighborhood (plaque) source:maxspeed=US-XY:City:Neighborhood:zone XY is postal state abbreviation; City is city name; Neighborhood is neighborhood name; speculative
MUTCD R2-5cP.svg R2-5cP Residential (plaque) source:maxspeed=US-XY:City:residential:zone XY is postal state abbreviation; City is city name; speculative
MUTCD R2-6P.svg R2-6P Fines Higher (plaque) fine:maxspeed=higher Speculative
MUTCD R2-6aP.svg R2-6aP Fines Double (plaque) fine:maxspeed=double Speculative
MUTCD R2-6bP.svg R2-6bP $XX Fine (plaque) fine:maxspeed=150 USD
MUTCD R2-10.svg R2-10 Begin Higher Fines Zone fine:maxspeed=higher Speculative
MUTCD R2-11.svg R2-11 End Higher Fines Zone fine:maxspeed=higher Speculative
MUTCD R2-12.svg R2-12 End Work Zone Speed Limit (temporary)
Only tag if long-term
MUTCD R2-13.svg R2-13 End Variable Speed Limit maxspeed:variable=yes up to this point
MUTCD R2-14.svg R2-14 End Truck Speed Limit maxspeed:hgv=* up to this point

R3: Lane Usage and Turns‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R3-1.svg R3-1 No Right Turn type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn
MUTCD R3-1a.svg R3-1a No Right Turn Across Tracks N/A Trains assumed to have right of way
MUTCD R3-1b.svg R3-1b No Right Turn – Trucks type=restriction restriction:hgv=no_right_turn
MUTCD R3-1c.svg R3-1c No Right Turn – Trucks Buses type=restriction restriction:hgv=no_right_turn restriction:bus=no_right_turn
MUTCD R3-1d.svg R3-1d No Right Turn – Trucks Over X Tons type=restriction restriction:hgv:conditional=no_right_turn @ (weight>4 st)
MUTCD R3-1e.svg R3-1e No Right Turn – Except Buses type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn except=bus
MUTCD R3-1f.svg R3-1f No Right Turn – Except Buses Taxis type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn except=bus;taxi
MUTCD R3-1g.svg R3-1g No Right Turn – Time and Day type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn @ (Mo-Fr 16:00-18:00)
MUTCD R3-1h.svg R3-1h No Right Turn – Multiple Times and Day type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00, 16:00-18:00)
MUTCD R3-2.svg R3-2 No Left Turn type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
MUTCD R3-2a.svg R3-2a No Left Turn Across Tracks N/A Trains assumed to have right of way
MUTCD R3-3.svg R3-3 No Turns type=restriction restriction=only_straight_on
MUTCD R3-4.svg R3-4 No U-Turn type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn
MUTCD R3-5L.svg R3-5L Mandatory Movement Lane Control (Turn) turn:lanes=left
MUTCD R3-5R.svg R3-5R Mandatory Movement Lane Control (Turn) turn:lanes=right
MUTCD R3-5a.svg R3-5a Mandatory Movement Lane Control (Thru) turn:lanes=through
MUTCD R3-5bP.svg R3-5bP Left Lane (plaque) *:lanes=*
MUTCD R3-5cP.svg R3-5cP HOV 2+ (plaque) hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-5dP.svg R3-5dP Taxi Lane (plaque) *:lanes=* *:taxi=*
MUTCD R3-5fP.svg R3-5fP Right Lane (plaque) *:lanes=*
MUTCD R3-5gP.svg R3-5gP Bus Lane (plaque) *:lanes=* *:bus=*
MUTCD R3-5hP.svg R3-5hP Bike Lane (plaque) cycleway=lane
MUTCD R3-6L.svg R3-6L Optional Movement Lane Control Thru and Turn turn:lanes=left;through
MUTCD R3-6R.svg R3-6R Optional Movement Lane Control Thru and Turn turn:lanes=through;right
MUTCD R3-6a.svg R3-6a Optional Movement Lane Control U and Left Turn turn:lanes=reverse;left
MUTCD R3-6b.svg R3-6b Optional Movement Left Turns turn:lanes=left;slight_left
MUTCD R3-7L.svg R3-7L Left Lane Must Turn Left turn:lanes=right
MUTCD R3-7R.svg R3-7R Right Lane Must Turn Right turn:lanes=right
MUTCD R3-7aP.svg R3-7aP Except Buses (plaque) turn:lanes=right turn:bus:lanes=through;right
MUTCD R3-7bP.svg R3-7bP Except Bicycles (plaque) turn:lanes=right turn:bicycle:lanes=through;right
except=bicycle on the turn restriction
MUTCD R3-8L.svg R3-8L Advance Intersection Lane Control (Turn, Turn and Thru) lanes=2 turn:lanes=left|left;through
MUTCD R3-8R.svg R3-8R Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru and Turn, Turn) lanes=2 turn:lanes=through;right|right
MUTCD R3-8aL.svg R3-8aL Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left and Thru, Right) lanes=3 turn:lanes=left|left;through|right
MUTCD R3-8aR.svg R3-8aR Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru and Right, Right) lanes=3 turn:lanes=left|through;right|right
MUTCD R3-8b.svg R3-8b Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru, Right) lanes=3 turn:lanes=left|through|right
MUTCD R3-8xa.svg R3-8xa Advance Intersection Lane Control with Bike Lane (Left, Bike Thru, Right) lanes=2 vehicle:lanes=yes|no|yes turn:lanes=left|right bicycle:lanes=yes|designated|yes turn:bicycle:lanes=left|through|right lanes=* excludes bike lanes
bicycle:lanes=* varies depending on intersection layout
MUTCD R3-8xb.svg R3-8xb Advance Intersection Lane Control with Bike Lane (Left, Bike Left and Thru, Right) lanes=2 vehicle:lanes=yes|no|yes turn:lanes=left|right bicycle:lanes=no|designated|yes turn:bicycle:lanes=left|left;through|right lanes=* excludes bike lanes
MUTCD R3-8xc.svg R3-8xc Advance Intersection Lane Control with Bike Lane (Left, Left and Thru, Bike Thru, Right) lanes=3 vehicle:lanes=yes|yes|no|yes turn:lanes=left|left;through|right bicycle:lanes=no|yes|designated|yes turn:bicycle:lanes=left|left|through|right lanes=* excludes bike lanes
bicycle:lanes=* varies depending on intersection layout
MUTCD R3-9a.svg R3-9a Two-Way Left Turn Only (overhead) lanes:both_ways=1 turn:lanes:both_ways=left
MUTCD R3-9b.svg R3-9b Two-Way Left Turn Only (post-mounted) lanes:both_ways=1 turn:lanes:both_ways=left
MUTCD R3-9cP.svg R3-9cP Begin (plaque) Start tagging at this point
MUTCD R3-9dP.svg R3-9dP End (plaque) Tag up to this point
MUTCD R3-9e.svg R3-9e Reversible Lane Control (symbol) lanes:reversible:conditional=1 @ (07:00-09:00, 16:00-18:00) lanes:both_ways:conditional=1 @ (09:00-16:00, 18:00-07:00) turn:lanes:both_ways:conditional=left @ (09:00-16:00, 18:00-07:00)
MUTCD R3-9f.svg R3-9f Reversible Lane Control (post-mounted) lanes:reversible:conditional=1 @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00) lanes:both_ways:conditional=1 @ (Fr 09:00-Mo 07:00) turn:lanes:both_ways:conditional=left @ (Fr 09:00-Mo 07:00)
MUTCD R3-9g.svg R3-9g Advance Reversible Lane Control Transition lanes:reversible=1
MUTCD R3-9h.svg R3-9h Advance Reversible Lane Control Transition lanes:reversible=1
MUTCD R3-9i.svg R3-9i End Reverse Lane turn:lanes:reversible=left
MUTCD R3-10.svg R3-10 Preferential Lane Vehicle Occupancy Definition (post-mounted) motor_vehicle=no hov=designated hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-10a.svg R3-10a Preferential Lane Vehicle Occupancy Definition (post-mounted) electric_car=designated hov:minimum:electric_car=0 motorcar:conditional=designated @ (fuel=cng or fuel=lng or fuel=lpg) hov:minimum:conditional=0 @ (fuel=cng or fuel=lng or fuel=lpg) How to exempt other ILEVs like hydrogen fuel cell cars?
MUTCD R3-11.svg R3-11 Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00) hov:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00)
MUTCD R3-11aL2.svg R3-11a Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) hov:minimum=2 motor_vehicle:lanes:conditional=no|no| @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00) hov:lanes:conditional=designated|designated| @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00)
MUTCD R3-11b.svg R3-11b Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) bus:lanes=|designated motor_vehicle:lanes:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00)
MUTCD R3-11c.svg R3-11c Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) motor_vehicle:lanes=no|no|yes hov:lanes=designated|designated| hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-11d.svg R3-11d Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) motor_vehicle:lanes:conditional=no|yes @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:30) bus:lanes=designated|
MUTCD R3-11e.svg R3-11e Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) motor_vehicle:lanes=no|yes bus:lanes=designated|
MUTCD R3-11f.svg R3-11f Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) shoulder:right:access=no shoulder:right:access:bus:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:30) bus:lanes=|designated
MUTCD R3-11g.svg R3-11g Preferential Lane Operation – High-Occupancy Vehicles (post-mounted) shoulder:right:access:conditional=no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:30) shoulder:right:access:bus:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:30) bus:lanes:conditional=|designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:30) turn:lanes=|right
MUTCD R3-11hP.svg R3-11hP Motorcycles Allowed (plaque) motorcycle=designated hov:minimum:motorcycle=0
MUTCD R3-12.svg R3-12 Preferential Lane Ahead (post-mounted) hov=designated hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-12a.svg R3-12a Preferential Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-12b.svg R3-12b Preferential Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-12c.svg R3-12c Preferential Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-12d.svg R3-12d Preferential Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-12e.svg R3-12e Preferential Lane Ahead (post-mounted) motor_vehicle:lanes=no| hov:lanes=designated| hov:minimum=2 in 12 mile (0.80 km)
MUTCD R3-12f.svg R3-12f Preferential Lane Ahead (post-mounted) busway:right=lane motor_vehicle:lanes=|no bus:lanes=|designated
MUTCD R3-12g.svg R3-12g Preferential Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-12h.svg R3-12h Preferential Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-13.svg R3-13 Preferential Lane Vehicle Occupancy Definition (overhead) hov=designated hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-13a.svg R3-13a Preferential Lane Vehicle Occupancy Definition (overhead) hov:minimum=2 motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00) hov:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00)
MUTCD R3-14.svg R3-14 HOV Lane Periods of Operation (overhead) hov:minimum=2 motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00) hov:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00)
MUTCD R3-14a.svg R3-14a HOV Lane Periods of Operation (overhead) hov:minimum=2 motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:30) hov:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-09:30)
MUTCD R3-14b.svg R3-14b HOV Lane Periods of Operation (overhead) hov:minimum=2 motor_vehicle=no hov=designated
MUTCD R3-14c.svg R3-14c Preferential Lane Periods of Operation (overhead) motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00) bus:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00) taxi:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-09:00)
MUTCD R3-15.svg R3-15 HOV Lane Ahead (overhead) motor_vehicle:lanes=no| hov:lanes=designated| hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-15a.svg R3-15a HOV Lane Begins XX Miles (overhead) motor_vehicle:lanes=no| hov:lanes=designated| hov:minimum=2 1 mile ahead
MUTCD R3-15b.svg R3-15b HOV Lane Ends (overhead) N/A
MUTCD R3-15c.svg R3-15c HOV Lane Ends (overhead) N/A
MUTCD R3-15d.svg R3-15d Preferential Lane Ahead (overhead) busway:right=lane motor_vehicle:lanes=|no bus:lanes=|designated
MUTCD R3-15e.svg R3-15e Preferential Lane Ends (overhead) N/A
MUTCD R3-17.svg R3-17 Bike Lane cycleway=lane
MUTCD R3-17aP.svg R3-17aP Bike Lane (plaques) N/A
MUTCD R3-17bP.svg R3-17bP Bike Lane (plaques) N/A
MUTCD R3-18.svg R3-18 No Left or U-Turn type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn
MUTCD R3-19.svg R3-19 Lane for Left Turn Only turn:lanes=left
MUTCD R3-19a.svg R3-19a Lane for U Turn Only turn:lanes=reverse
MUTCD R3-19b.svg R3-19b Lane for U and Left Turns Only turn:lanes=reverse;left
MUTCD R3-20L.svg R3-20L Begin Left Turn Lane turn:lanes=left at the end of the taper, where the lane becomes a full lane wide
MUTCD R3-20R.svg R3-20R Begin Right Turn Lane turn:lanes=right at the end of the taper, where the lane becomes a full lane wide
MUTCD R3-23.svg R3-23 All Turns from Right Lane turn:lanes=slight_right
MUTCD R3-23a.svg R3-23a U Turn from Right Lane turn:lanes=slight_right
MUTCD R3-24.svg R3-24 All Turns (U Turn) Directional turn:lanes=slight_right
MUTCD R3-24a.svg R3-24a U-Turns and Left Turns Directional turn:lanes=slight_right
MUTCD R3-24b.svg R3-24b All Turns (U Turn) Directional turn:lanes=slight_right
MUTCD R3-25.svg R3-25 All Turns (U Turn) Directional turn:lanes=right
MUTCD R3-25a.svg R3-25a U-Turns and Left Turns Directional turn:lanes=right
MUTCD R3-25b.svg R3-25b All Turns (U Turn) Directional turn:lanes=right
MUTCD R3-26.svg R3-26 U and Left Turns Directional turn:lanes=through
MUTCD R3-26a.svg R3-26a All Turns (U Turn) Directional turn:lanes=through
MUTCD R3-27.svg R3-27 No Straight Through type=restriction restriction=no_straight_on
MUTCD R3-28.svg R3-28 Toll Rate toll=yes charge=1.25 USD charge:conditional=* A formula would be more convenient
MUTCD R3-29P.svg R3-29P Pay Toll (plaque) barrier=toll_booth
MUTCD R3-30P.svg R3-30P Take Ticket (plaque) amenity=vending_machine vending=toll
MUTCD R3-31.svg R3-31 ETC Account–Only Toll lane without physical separation: payment:*:lanes=yes payment:others:lanes=no
Physically separate toll road: toll=yes payment:*=yes payment:others=no
toll=yes payment:*=yes payment:others=no on the toll gantry
MUTCD R3-32P.svg R3-32P No Cash (plaque) Toll lane without physical separation: payment:cash:lanes=no
Physically separate toll road: payment:cash=no
payment:cash=no on the toll gantry
MUTCD R3-33L.svg R3-33L Left Lane Must Exit turn:lanes=slight_left
MUTCD R3-33R.svg R3-33R Right Lane Must Exit turn:lanes=slight_right
MUTCD R3-33aL.svg R3-33aL Left Lane Must Exit turn:lanes=slight_left
MUTCD R3-33aR.svg R3-33aR Right Lane Must Exit turn:lanes=slight_right
MUTCD R3-40.svg R3-40 Priced Managed Lane Vehicle Occupancy Definition (post-mounted) motor_vehicle=no hov=designated hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-42.svg R3-42 Priced Managed Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-42a.svg R3-42a Priced Managed Lane Ends Advance (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-42b.svg R3-42b Priced Managed Lane Ends (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-42c.svg R3-42c Priced Managed Lane Ends Advance (post-mounted) N/A
MUTCD R3-43.svg R3-43 Priced Managed Lane Vehicle Occupancy Definition High-occupancy toll lane (HOT lane) without physical separation: motor_vehicle:lanes=no|| hov:lanes=designated|| hov:minimum=2
Physically separate HOT-only road: motor_vehicle=no hov=designated hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-44.svg R3-44 Priced Managed Lane Periods of Operation (overhead) Toll lane without physical separation: toll:lanes=yes|no|no payment:*=yes payment:others=no
Physically separate toll road: toll=yes payment:*=yes payment:others=no
MUTCD R3-44a.svg R3-44a Priced Managed Lane Operation (overhead) High-occupancy toll lane (HOT lane) without physical separation: toll:lanes=yes|no|no toll:hov=no hov:lanes=designated|| hov:minimum=2
Physically separate HOT-only road: toll=yes toll:hov=no hov=designated hov:minimum=2
MUTCD R3-44b.svg R3-44b Express Only
How to tag pay by mail?
MUTCD R3-45.svg R3-45 Priced Managed Lane Ends (overhead) N/A
MUTCD R3-45a.svg R3-45a Priced Managed Lane Ends (overhead) N/A
MUTCD R3-48.svg R3-48 Priced Managed Lane Toll Rate Toll lane without physical separation: toll:lanes=yes|no|no payment:*=yes payment:others=no charge=variable
Physically separate toll road: toll=yes payment:*=yes payment:others=no charge=variable
MUTCD R3-48a.svg R3-48a Priced Managed Lane Toll Rate High-occupancy toll lane (HOT lane) without physical separation: toll:lanes=yes|no|no toll:hov=no hov:lanes=designated|| hov:minimum=2 payment:*=yes payment:others=no charge=variable
Physically separate HOT-only road: toll=yes toll:hov=no hov=designated hov:minimum=2 payment:*=yes payment:others=no charge=variable
MUTCD R3-51.svg R3-51 Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Operation shoulder:right:access:conditional=designated @ (Mo-Fr 06:00-10:00)
MUTCD R3-51aP.svg R3-51aP No Trucks (plaque) shoulder:right:access:hgv=no
MUTCD R3-51bP.svg R3-51bP No Trucks or Buses (plaque) shoulder:right:access:hgv=no shoulder:right:access:bus=no
MUTCD R3-51cP.svg R3-51cP Emergency Stopping Only Other Times (plaque) N/A
MUTCD R3-51d.svg R3-51d Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Variable Operation flashing_lights=yes on the traffic sign node How to indicate that access to the shoulder depends on the flashing lights?
MUTCD R3-51e.svg R3-51e Part-Time Travel on Shoulder on Green Arrow
How to indicate that access to the shoulder depends on the green arrow?
MUTCD R3-52.svg R3-52 Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Ends
MUTCD R3-52a.svg R3-52a Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Ends Advance
MUTCD R3-52b.svg R3-52b Shoulder Must Exit Advance
MUTCD R3-52c.svg R3-52c Part-Time Travel on Shoulder Begins Advance
MUTCD R3-56.svg R3-56 Begin Exit Lane shoulder:turn=slight_right Speculative
MUTCD R3-57P.svg R3-57P To Traffic on Shoulder (plaque) highway=give_way at the yield line

R4: Regulation of Movement‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R4-1.svg R4-1 Do Not Pass overtaking=no
MUTCD R4-2.svg R4-2 Pass With Care overtaking=caution
MUTCD R4-3.svg R4-3 Slower Traffic Keep Right slow_vehicle:lanes=no|designated Speculative
MUTCD R4-4.svg R4-4 Begin Right Turn Lane Yield to Bikes cycleway=shared_lane
cycleway=lane turn:lanes=|through|right bicycle:lanes=no|designated|yes motor_vehicle:lanes=yes|no|yes
MUTCD R4-5.svg R4-5 Trucks Use Right Lane hgv:lanes=no|designated
MUTCD R4-7.svg R4-7 Keep Right dual_carriageway=yes
MUTCD R4-7a.svg R4-7a Keep Right dual_carriageway=yes
MUTCD R4-7b.svg R4-7b Keep Right dual_carriageway=yes
MUTCD R4-7c.svg R4-7c Narrow Keep Right dual_carriageway=yes
MUTCD R4-8.svg R4-8 Keep Left
MUTCD R4-8a.svg R4-8a Keep Left
MUTCD R4-8b.svg R4-8b Keep Left
MUTCD R4-8c.svg R4-8c Narrow Keep Left
MUTCD R4-9.svg R4-9 Stay in Lane change=no
MUTCD R4-9a.svg R4-9a Stay In Lane To Merge Point change=no
MUTCD R4-10.svg R4-10 Runaway Vehicles Only highway=escape access=escape
MUTCD R4-12.svg R4-12 Slow Vehicles with XX or More Following Vehicles Must Use Turn-Out highway=passing_place slow_vehicle=designated How to indicate 5+ following vehicles?
MUTCD R4-13.svg R4-13 Slow Vehicles Must Use Turn-Out Ahead highway=passing_place slow_vehicle=designated Speculative
MUTCD R4-14.svg R4-14 Slow Vehicles Must Turn Out highway=passing_place slow_vehicle=designated Speculative
MUTCD R4-16.svg R4-16 Keep Right Except to Pass
MUTCD R4-17.svg R4-17 Do Not Drive on Shoulder shoulder=* shoulder:access=no
MUTCD R4-18.svg R4-18 Do Not Pass on Shoulder shoulder=* shoulder:overtaking=no
MUTCD R4-19.svg R4-19 Bicycle Passing Clearance
MUTCD R4-20L.svg R4-20L All Traffic N/A
MUTCD R4-20R.svg R4-20R
MUTCD R4-21L.svg R4-21L Left Turn Only turn:lanes=left
MUTCD R4-21R.svg R4-21R Right Turn Only turn:lanes=right

R5: Exclusionary‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R5-1.svg R5-1 Do Not Enter oneway=yes
MUTCD R5-1a.svg R5-1a Wrong Way oneway=yes
MUTCD R5-1b.svg R5-1b Bicycle Wrong Way oneway:bicycle=yes
MUTCD R5-2.svg R5-2 No Trucks hgv=no
MUTCD R5-2aP.svg R5-2aP Except Local Deliveries (plaque) hgv=delivery
MUTCD R5-2b.svg R5-2b No Thru Trucks hgv=destination
MUTCD R5-3.svg R5-3 No Motor Vehicles motor_vehicle=no
MUTCD R5-4.svg R5-4 No Commercial Vehicles goods=no hgv=no Additional access tags depending on jurisdiction
MUTCD R5-5.svg R5-5 No Vehicles with Lugs
MUTCD R5-6.svg R5-6 No Bicycles bicycle=no
MUTCD R5-7.svg R5-7 No Non-Motorized Traffic access=no motor_vehicle=designated
MUTCD R5-8.svg R5-8 No Motor-Driven Cycles moped=no
MUTCD R5-10.svg R5-10 No Pedestrians, Bicycles, Motor-Driven Cycles foot=no bicycle=no moped=no
MUTCD R5-10a (2023).svg R5-10a No Pedestrians, Bicycles, Motor-Driven Cycles on Freeway foot=no bicycle=no moped=no on adjoining freeway
MUTCD R5-10b.svg R5-10b No Pedestrians or Bicycles foot=no bicycle=no
MUTCD R5-10c.svg R5-10c No Pedestrians foot=no
MUTCD R5-10dP.svg R5-10dP On Freeway (plaque) Access tags on adjoining freeway
MUTCD R5-11.svg R5-11 Authorized Vehicles Only motor_vehicle=private or motor_vehicle=no psv=designated or motor_vehicle=no emergency=designated, depending on context
MUTCD R5-12.svg R5-12 No Thru Traffic access=destination

R6: One Way and Divided Highway Crossing‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R6-1L.svg R6-1L One Way oneway=yes It is still uncertain the right way to handle the common case of a pair of these signs, one pointing left and one right, on the same layer=* of a pole. See Talk for discussion.
MUTCD R6-1R.svg R6-1R
MUTCD R6-2L.svg R6-2L One Way oneway=yes
MUTCD R6-2R.svg R6-2R
MUTCD R6-3.svg R6-3 Divided Highway Crossing dual_carriageway=yes
MUTCD R6-3a.svg R6-3a Divided Highway Crossing dual_carriageway=yes
MUTCD R6-5P.svg R6-5P Roundabout Circulation (plaque) junction=roundabout
MUTCD R6-6.svg R6-6 Begin One Way oneway=yes
MUTCD R6-7.svg R6-7 End One Way oneway=no

R7: Parking, Standing, and Stopping‎

Note: remove parking:side: if not tagging on the street (as a separate amenity=parking).

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R7-1.svg R7-1 No Parking Any Time parking:side:restriction=no_parking from this point on the street and to the left
MUTCD R7-2.svg R7-2 No Parking X:XX AM TO X:XX PM parking:side:restriction:conditional=no_parking @ (08:30-17:30)
MUTCD R7-2a.svg R7-2a No Parking X:XX AM TO X:XX PM parking:side:restriction:conditional=no_parking @ (08:30-17:30) from this point on the street and to the right
MUTCD R7-3.svg R7-3 No Parking Except Sundays and Holidays parking:side:restriction=no_parking
parking:side:restriction:conditional=none @ (Sun, PH) on both sides of the sign
MUTCD R7-4.svg R7-4 No Standing Any Time parking:side:restriction=no_standing
MUTCD R7-4a.svg R7-4a No Stopping Any Time parking:side:restriction=no_stopping
MUTCD R7-5.svg R7-5 One Hour Parking parking:side:maxstay:conditional=1 hour @ (09:00-19:00) on both sides of the sign
MUTCD R7-6.svg R7-6 No Parking Loading Zone parking:side:restriction=loading_only on both sides of the sign
MUTCD R7-8.svg R7-8 Reserved Parking parking:side:access=no
parking:side:disabled=designated on both sides of the sign
MUTCD R7-8aP.svg R7-8aP Van Accessible (plaque)
MUTCD R7-9.svg R7-9 No Parking Bike Lane parking:side:restriction=no_parking
MUTCD R7-9a.svg R7-9a No Parking Bike Lane parking:side:restriction=no_parking
MUTCD R7-10.svg R7-10 Back-In Parking parking:side:direction=back_in from this point on the street and to the left
MUTCD R7-20.svg R7-20 Parking Fee Station, Multispace Meter vending=parking_tickets
MUTCD R7-21 (2023).svg R7-21 Metered Parking parking:side:fee:conditional=yes @ (Mo-Fr 08:30-19:00) parking:side:maxstay:conditional=2 hour @ (Mo-Fr 08:30-19:00) from this point on the street and to the right
MUTCD R7-21aP.svg R7-21aP Mobile Parking Permit (plaque) parking:side:fee=yes parking:side:authentication:website=yes parking:side:authentication:website:url= authentication:phone_call=yes parking:side:authentication:phone_call:number=+1-800-555-4444 parking:side:zone=23452 from this point on the street and to the right Speculative; powered by OpenStreetMap
MUTCD R7-22 (2023).svg R7-22 Metered Parking parking:side:fee:conditional=yes @ (Mo-Fr 18:30-22:00) on both sides of the sign
MUTCD R7-107.svg R7-107 No Parking Bus Stop parking:side:restriction=no_parking
parking:side:restriction:reason=bus_stop from this point on the street and to the right
MUTCD R7-107a (2023).svg R7-107a No Parking Bus Stop parking:side:restriction=no_parking
parking:side:restriction:reason=bus_stop from this point on the street and to the right
MUTCD R7-107b.svg R7-107b No Parking Bus Stop (with transit pictograph) parking:side:restriction=no_parking
parking:side:restriction:reason=bus_stop from this point on the street and to the right
network=* + network:wikidata=*
MUTCD R7-108.svg R7-108 XX HR Parking X:XX AM TO X:XX PM parking:side:maxstay:conditional=2 hours @ (08:30-17:30)
parking:side:fee=no on both sides of the sign
MUTCD R7-111.svg R7-111 No Parking Except Electric Vehicles parking:side:restriction=no_parking
parking:side:restriction:electric_vehicle=none from this point on the street and to the right
MUTCD R7-111a.svg R7-111a No Parking Except Electric Vehicles (part-time) parking:side:restriction:conditional=no_parking @ (07:00-19:00)
parking:side:restriction:electric_vehicle=none on both sides of the sign
MUTCD R7-112.svg R7-112 Electric Vehicle Parking (time limit) parking:side:access=no
parking:side:maxstay=2 hours from this point on the street and to the left
MUTCD R7-112a.svg R7-112a Electric Vehicle Parking (time limit part-time) parking:side:access:conditional=no @ (07:00-20:30)
parking:side:maxstay=2 hours on both sides of the sign
does the 2 hour restriction only apply in that timeframe?
MUTCD R7-112b.svg R7-112b Electric Vehicle Parking (time limit part-time) parking:side:access:conditional=no @ (Mo-Sa 07:00-20:30)
parking:side:maxstay=2 hours on both sides of the sign
does the 2 hour restriction only apply in that timeframe?
MUTCD R7-113.svg R7-113 No Parking Except While Charging parking:side:restriction=charging_only on both sides of the sign
(amenity=charging_station nearby)
MUTCD R7-113aP.svg R7-113aP Vehicle Must Be Plugged In (plaque) parking:side:restriction=charging_only
(amenity=charging_station nearby)
MUTCD R7-113bP.svg R7-113bP Vacate Stall When Charging Completed (plaque) parking:side:restriction=charging_only
(amenity=charging_station nearby)
MUTCD R7-114.svg R7-114 Vehicle Charging Only (time limit) parking:side:restriction=charging_only
parking:side:maxstay=2 hours on both sides of the sign
(amenity=charging_station nearby)
MUTCD R7-114a.svg R7-114a Vehicle Charging Only (time limit part-time) parking:side:restriction:conditional=charging_only @ (07:00-22:00) parking:side:maxstay=45 minutes on both sides of the sign
(amenity=charging_station nearby)
MUTCD R7-114b.svg R7-114b Vehicle Charging Only (time limit part-time) parking:side:restriction:conditional=charging_only @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-22:00)
parking:side:maxstay=45 minutes from this point on the street and to the right
(amenity=charging_station nearby)
MUTCD R7-200.svg R7-200 No Parking/Restricted Parking (combined sign) parking:side:restriction=no_parking from this point on the street and to the left
parking:side:maxstay:conditional=1 hour @ (09:00-19:00) from this point on the street and to the right
MUTCD R7-200a.svg R7-200a No Parking/Restricted Parking (combined sign) parking:side:restriction=no_parking from this point on the street and to the left
parking:side:maxstay:conditional=1 hour @ (09:00-19:00) from this point on the street and to the right
MUTCD R7-201P.svg R7-201P Tow Away Zone (plaque)
MUTCD R7-201aP.svg R7-201aP Tow Away Zone (plaque)
MUTCD R7-202P.svg R7-202P This Side of Sign (plaque) N/A Split the way here
MUTCD R7-203.svg R7-203 Snow Emergency Route snowplowing=yes + snowplowing:category=first
parking:side:restriction:conditional=no_parking @ (snow>2")

R8: Parking and Emergency Restrictions‎


This article or section may contain out-of-date information: There is a new street parking schema. parking:lane=*/parking:condition=* was deprecated.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)
Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R8-1.svg R8-1 No Parking on Pavement parking:lane:*:parallel=shoulder shoulder=both shoulder:surface=unpaved Typically assumed
MUTCD R8-2.svg R8-2 No Parking Except on Shoulder parking:lane:*:parallel=shoulder shoulder=both shoulder:surface=paved
MUTCD R8-3.svg R8-3 No Parking parking:side:restriction=no_parking
MUTCD R8-3a.svg R8-3a No Parking parking:side:restriction=no_parking
MUTCD R8-3c.svg R8-3c On Pavement N/A Assumed
MUTCD R8-3d.svg R8-3d On Bridge N/A Tag along the bridge
MUTCD R8-3e.svg R8-3e On Tracks N/A Tag around the level crossing
MUTCD R8-3f.svg R8-3f Except on Shoulder parking:lane:*:parallel=shoulder
MUTCD R8-4.svg R8-4 Emergency Parking Only parking:shoulder:right=parallel parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition=emergency Speculative
MUTCD R8-5.svg R8-5 No Stopping on Pavement
MUTCD R8-6.svg R8-6 No Stopping Except on Shoulder
MUTCD R8-7.svg R8-7 Emergency Stopping Only
MUTCD R8-8.svg R8-8 Do Not Stop on Tracks N/A Trains assumed to have right of way
MUTCD R8-9.svg R8-9 Tracks Out of Service railway=disused
MUTCD R8-10.svg R8-10 Stop Here When Flashing road_marking=solid_stop_line
MUTCD R8-10a.svg R8-10a Stop Here When Flashing road_marking=solid_stop_line

R9: Bicycles and Pedestrians‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R9-1.svg R9-1 Walk on Left Facing Traffic
MUTCD R9-2.svg R9-2 Cross Only at Crosswalks
MUTCD R9-3.svg R9-3 No Pedestrian Crossing (symbol) crossing=no
MUTCD R9-3 a.svg R9-3a No Pedestrian Crossing crossing=no
MUTCD R9-3bPL.svg R9-3bPL Use Crosswalk (plaque) crossing=no
highway=footway footway=crossing nearby
MUTCD R9-3bPR.svg R9-3bPR
MUTCD R9-3c.svg R9-3cP Ride With Traffic (plaque) cycleway=lane or cycleway=shared_lane
MUTCD R9-4.svg R9-4 No Hitchhiking (symbol) hitchhiking=no Speculative
MUTCD R9-4a.svg R9-4a No Hitchhiking hitchhiking=no Speculative
MUTCD R9-5.svg R9-5 Bicycle Regulatory crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes bicycle=designated on crosswalk
bicycle=no within intersection between crosswalks
MUTCD R9-6.svg R9-6 Bicycle Regulatory segregated=no
MUTCD R9-7.svg R9-7 Shared-Use Path Restriction segregated=yes
MUTCD R9-8.svg R9-8 Pedestrian Crosswalk (temporary) highway=crossing
highway=footway footway=crossing crossing:markings=yes wheelchair=yes
Only map if long-term
MUTCD R9-9.svg R9-9 Sidewalk Closed (temporary) highway=footway footway=sidewalk access=no
Only map if long-term
MUTCD R9-10.svg R9-10 Sidewalk Closed, Use Other Side (temporary) highway=footway footway=sidewalk access=no on one side
highway=footway footway=sidewalk on the other side
Only map if long-term
MUTCD R9-11.svg R9-11 Sidewalk Closed Ahead, Cross Here (temporary) highway=footway footway=sidewalk access=no ahead on one side
highway=footway footway=sidewalk ahead on the other side
highway=footway footway=crossing
Only map if long-term
MUTCD R9-11a.svg R9-11a Sidewalk Closed, Cross Here (temporary) highway=footway footway=sidewalk access=no from this point on one side
highway=footway footway=sidewalk from this point on the other side
highway=footway footway=crossing
Only map if long-term
MUTCD R9-12.svg R9-12 Bike Lane Closed (temporary) cycleway=shared_lane Only map if long-term; how to tag presence of closed bike lane?
MUTCD R9-13.svg R9-13 No Skaters inline_skates=no
MUTCD R9-14.svg R9-14 No Equestrian horse=no
MUTCD R9-15.svg R9-15 No Snowmobiles snowmobile=no
MUTCD R9-16.svg R9-16 No All-Terrain Vehicles atv=no
MUTCD R9-19P.svg R9-19P Except on Shoulder (plaque) shoulder:access:*=designated
MUTCD R9-20.svg R9-20 Bicycles Allowed Use of Full Lane cycleway=shared_lane
MUTCD R9-21.svg R9-21 Bicycles Use Shoulder Only cycleway=shoulder
MUTCD R9-22.svg R9-22 Bicycles Must Exit bicycle=no from this point onward
bicycle=designated on the exit ramp
MUTCD R9-23.svg R9-23 Bicycle All Turns From Bike Lane type=restriction restriction:bicycle=two_stage_turn_box mandatory=yes ahead proposed
MUTCD R9-23aL.svg R9-23aL Bicycle Left Turn from Bike Lane type=restriction restriction:bicycle=two_stage_turn_box mandatory=yes ahead proposed
MUTCD R9-23aR.svg R9-23aR Bicycle Right Turn from Bike Lane
MUTCD R9-23bL.svg R9-23bL Bicycle Left Turn Must Use Turn Box type=restriction restriction:bicycle=two_stage_turn_box mandatory=yes
MUTCD R9-23bR.svg R9-23bR Bicycle Right Turn Must Use Turn Box
MUTCD R9-23cL.svg R9-23cL Bicycle Left Turn Must Use Turn Box type=restriction restriction:bicycle=two_stage_turn_box mandatory=yes
MUTCD R9-23cR.svg R9-23cR Bicycle Right Turn Must Use Turn Box
MUTCD R9-24.svg R9-24 Bicycle All Turns turn:bicycle:lanes=through
junction=jughandle on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-24a.svg R9-24a Bicycle All Turns turn:bicycle:lanes=through
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=* on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-25.svg R9-25 Bicycle U and Left Turns turn:bicycle:lanes=through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=reverse;left on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-25a.svg R9-25a Bicycle U and Left Turns turn:bicycle:lanes=through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=reverse;left on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-25b.svg R9-25b Bicycle U and Left Turns turn:bicycle:lanes=through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=reverse;left on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-26.svg R9-26 Bicycle U Turn turn:bicycle:lanes=left|through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=reverse on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-26a.svg R9-26a Bicycle U Turn turn:bicycle:lanes=left through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=reverse on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-26b.svg R9-26b Bicycle U Turn turn:bicycle:lanes=left through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=reverse on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-27.svg R9-27 Bicycle Left Turn turn:bicycle:lanes=reverse|through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=left on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-27a.svg R9-27a Bicycle Left Turn turn:bicycle:lanes=reverse through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=left on the jughandle
MUTCD R9-27b.svg R9-27b Bicycle Left Turn turn:bicycle:lanes=reverse through;right
junction=jughandle turn:lanes=left on the jughandle

R10: Traffic Signal‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R10-1.svg R10-1 Cross Only On Green crossing=traffic_signals bicycle=designated
MUTCD R10-2.svg R10-2 Cross Only On crossing=traffic_signals
MUTCD R10-3.svg R10-3 Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
MUTCD R10-3a.svg R10-3a Pedestrian Signs crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
MUTCD R10-3b.svg R10-3b Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
MUTCD R10-3c.svg R10-3c Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
MUTCD R10-3d.svg R10-3d Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes crossing:island=yes
MUTCD R10-3e.svg R10-3e Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes How to tag the number of seconds to cross?
MUTCD R10-3f.svg R10-3f Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
name=Maple Drive
MUTCD R10-3g.svg R10-3g Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
name=Maple Drive
MUTCD R10-3h.svg R10-3h Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
name=Maple Drive
MUTCD R10-3i.svg R10-3i Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes
name=Maple Drive
How to tag the number of seconds to cross?
MUTCD R10-4.svg R10-4 Push Button for Green Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes bicycle=designated
MUTCD R10-4a.svg R10-4a Push Button for Green Signal crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes bicycle=designated
MUTCD R10-5.svg R10-5 Left on Green Arrow Only
MUTCD R10-6.svg R10-6 Stop Here on Red road_marking=solid_stop_line
MUTCD R10-6a.svg R10-6a Stop Here on Red road_marking=solid_stop_line
MUTCD R10-7.svg R10-7 Do Not Block Intersection
MUTCD R10-8.svg R10-8 Use Lane with Green Arrow
MUTCD R10-10L.svg R10-10L Left Turn Signal
MUTCD R10-10R.svg R10-10R Right Turn Signal
MUTCD R10-10a.svg R10-10a U-Turn Signal
MUTCD R10-10bL.svg R10-10bL Left Lane Signal
MUTCD R10-10bR.svg R10-10bR Right Lane Signal
MUTCD R10-10cL.svg R10-10cL Left Turn Lane Signal
MUTCD R10-10cR.svg R10-10cR Right Turn Lane Signal
MUTCD R10-11.svg R10-11 No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn_on_red
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
MUTCD R10-11a.svg R10-11a No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn_on_red
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
MUTCD R10-11b.svg R10-11b No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn_on_red
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
MUTCD R10-11c.svg R10-11c No Turn on Red Except From Right Lane type=restriction restriction:lanes=no_right_turn_on_red| Speculative
MUTCD R10-11d.svg R10-11d No Turn on Red From This Lane type=restriction restriction:lanes=no_right_turn_on_red| Speculative
MUTCD R10-12.svg R10-12 Left Turn Yield on Green
MUTCD R10-12a.svg R10-12a Left Turn Yield on Flashing Yellow Arrow
MUTCD R10-12b.svg R10-12b Left Turn Yield to Bicycle
MUTCD R10-13.svg R10-13 Emergency Signal highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=emergency
MUTCD R10-14.svg R10-14 Emergency Signal - Stop on Flashing Red highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=emergency
MUTCD R10-14a.svg R10-14a Emergency Signal - Stop on Flashing Red (overhead) highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=emergency
MUTCD R10-14b.svg R10-14b Stop Here on Flashing Red highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=emergency
MUTCD R10-15.svg R10-15 Turning Vehicles Yield To Pedestrians N/A Pedestrians always have right-of-way in the crosswalk
MUTCD R10-15a.svg R10-15a Turning Vehicles Stop for Pedestrians
How to indicate that only turning vehicles must come to a full stop in front of the crosswalk?
MUTCD R10-16.svg R10-16 U-Turn Yield to Right Turn
MUTCD R10-17a.svg R10-17a Right on Red Arrow After Stop N/A Absence of restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
MUTCD R10-18.svg R10-18 Traffic Laws Photo Enforced type=enforcement enforcement=maxspeed/traffic_signals
highway=speed_camera or man_made=surveillance surveillance:zone=traffic
MUTCD R10-18a.svg R10-18a Traffic Signal Photo Enforced type=enforcement enforcement=traffic_signals
man_made=surveillance surveillance:zone=traffic
MUTCD R10-19P.svg R10-19P Photo Enforced (symbol plaque) type=enforcement enforcement=maxspeed/traffic_signals
highway=speed_camera or man_made=surveillance surveillance:zone=traffic
MUTCD R10-19aP.svg R10-19aP Photo Enforced (plaque) type=enforcement enforcement=maxspeed/traffic_signals
highway=speed_camera or man_made=surveillance surveillance:zone=traffic
MUTCD R10-20a.svg R10-20aP MON—FRI (and times) (3 lines) (plaque) *:conditional=* @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00, 16:00-19:00)
R10-20aP SUNDAY (and times) (2 lines) (plaque) *:conditional=* @ (Sun 07:00-11:00)
MUTCD R10-22.svg R10-22 Bicycle Detector induction_operated=yes Speculative
MUTCD R10-23.svg R10-23 Crosswalk, Stop on Red highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=pedestrian_crossing at the stop line
highway=crossing crossing:signals=yes
MUTCD R10-23a.svg R10-23a Stop on Red – Yield on Flashing Red After Stop highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=pedestrian_crossing at the stop line
highway=crossing crossing:signals=yes crossing_ref=hawk
MUTCD R10-24.svg R10-24 Bike Push Button for Green Light crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes bicycle=designated
MUTCD R10-25 (2023).svg R10-25 Push Button For Warning Lights – Wait for Gap in Traffic crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes How to indicate that the button is optional?
MUTCD R10-26.svg R10-26 Bike Push Button for Green Light (arrow) crossing=traffic_signals button_operated=yes bicycle=designated
MUTCD R10-27.svg R10-27 Left Turn Yield on Flashing Red Arrow After Stop
MUTCD R10-28.svg R10-28 XX Vehicles per Green highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=ramp_meter How to indicate number of vehicles per green?
MUTCD R10-29.svg R10-29 XX Vehicles per Green Each Lane highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=ramp_meter How to indicate number of vehicles per green per lane?
MUTCD R10-30.svg R10-30 Right Turn on Red Must Yield to U-Turn
MUTCD R10-31P.svg R10-31P At Signal (plaque) N/A Tag at traffic signal
MUTCD R10-32P.svg R10-32P Push Button for 2 Seconds for Extra Crossing Time
MUTCD R10-40.svg R10-40 Bicycle Signal (Left)
MUTCD R10-40a.svg R10-40a Bicycle Signal (Thru)
MUTCD R10-41.svg R10-41 Bicycle Signal (Thru and Right)
MUTCD R10-41a.svg R10-41a Bicycle Signal (Left and Right)
MUTCD R10-41b.svg R10-41b Bicycle Signal (Left, Thru, and Right)
MUTCD R10-41c.svg R10-41c Bicycle Signal (Left and Thru)

R11: Road Closed‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R11-1.svg R11-1 Keep Off Median
MUTCD R11-2.svg R11-2 Road Closed motor_vehicle=no or access=no
MUTCD R11-2a.svg R11-2a Street Closed motor_vehicle=no or access=no
MUTCD R11-2b.svg R11-2b Bridge Out destroyed:man_made=bridge
destroyed:highway=* destroyed:bridge=yes
MUTCD R11-2c.svg R11-2c Path Closed foot=no bicycle=no horse=no or access=no
MUTCD R11-3.svg R11-3 Road Closed – Local Traffic Only motor_vehicle=destination for XX miles
motor_vehicle=no after that
MUTCD R11-3a (2023).svg R11-3a Street Closed – Local Traffic Only motor_vehicle=destination for XX miles
motor_vehicle=no after that
MUTCD R11-3b.svg R11-3b Bridge Out – Local Traffic Only motor_vehicle=destination for XX miles
destroyed:highway=* destroyed:bridge=yes after that
MUTCD R11-4.svg R11-4 Road Closed – Local Traffic Only motor_vehicle=destination

R12: Weight Limits‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R12-1.svg R12-1 Weight Limit maxweight=10 st
MUTCD R12-2.svg R12-2 Weight Limit maxaxleload=5 st
MUTCD R12-4.svg R12-4 Weight Limit – Axle, Gross maxweight=10 st maxaxleload=2 st
MUTCD R12-5.svg R12-5 Weight Limit maxweight=8 st maxweight:hgv_articulated=12 st maxweight:hgv:conditional=16 st @ (trailer)
MUTCD R12-6.svg R12-6 Weight Limit – Specialized Hauling Vehicles maxweight=12 st maxweight:hgv:conditional=12 st @ (axles=2); 12 st @ (axles=3); 15 st @ (axles=4); 15 st @ (axles=5); 18 st @ (axles>=6); 24 st @ (trailer) maxweight:hgv_articulated=20 st
MUTCD R12-7.svg R12-7 Weight Limit – Emergency Vehicles maxaxleload:emergency=12 st maxbogieweight:emergency=26 st maxweight:emergency=43 st
MUTCD R12-7aP.svg R12-7aP Weight Limit – Emergency Vehicles (plaque) maxaxleload:emergency=12 st maxbogieweight:emergency=26 st maxweight:emergency=43 st

R13: Weigh Stations‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R13-1.svg R13-1 Weigh Station maxweight:hgv=10 st Tag on the section of highway=motorway way that affected trucks must avoid by passing through the weigh station

R14: Truck Routes‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R14-1.svg R14-1 Truck Route hgv=designated
MUTCD R14-2.svg R14-2 Hazardous Material hazmat=designated
MUTCD R14-3.svg R14-3 Hazardous Material hazmat=no
MUTCD R14-4.svg R14-4 National Network hgv=yes hgv:national_network=yes
MUTCD R14-5.svg R14-5 National Network hgv=no hgv:national_network=no

R15: Rail and Light Rail‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R15-1.svg R15-1 Grade Crossing (Crossbuck) railway=level_crossing
MUTCD R15-2P.svg R15-2P Number of Tracks (plaque) tracks=3 Unnecessary if tracks are already mapped as separate ways
MUTCD R15-3P.svg R15-3P Exempt (plaque)
MUTCD R15-4a.svg R15-4a Light Rail Only Right Lane light_rail:lanes=|designated motor_vehicle:lanes=yes|no
MUTCD R15-4b.svg R15-4b Light Rail Only Left Lane light_rail:lanes=designated| motor_vehicle:lanes=no|yes
MUTCD R15-4c.svg R15-4c Light Rail Only Center Lane light_rail:lanes=|designated| motor_vehicle:lanes=yes|no|yes
MUTCD R15-5.svg R15-5 Light Rail Do Not Pass
MUTCD R15-5a.svg R15-5a Do Not Pass Stopped Train
MUTCD R15-6.svg R15-6 No Motor Vehicles On Tracks Symbol motor_vehicle=no
MUTCD R15-6a.svg R15-6a Do Not Drive On Tracks motor_vehicle=no
MUTCD R15-7.svg R15-7 Light Rail Divided Highway Symbol
MUTCD R15-7a.svg R15-7a Light Rail Divided Highway Symbol (T-Intersection)
MUTCD R15-8.svg R15-8 Look

R16: Seat Belts and Headlight Use‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R16-3.svg R16-3 Move Over or Reduce Speed
MUTCD R16-4 (2023).svg R16-4 Minor Crashes Move Vehicles from Travel Lanes
MUTCD R16-5.svg R16-5 Lights On When Using Wipers headlight:conditional=required @ wipers Speculative
MUTCD R16-6.svg R16-6 Lights On When Raining headlight:conditional=required @ wet
MUTCD R16-7.svg R16-7 Turn On Headlights Next XX Miles headlight=required for XX miles
MUTCD R16-8.svg R16-8 Turn On Headlights headlight=required California posts an identical sign that refers only to the cross street
MUTCD R16-9.svg R16-9 Check Headlights headlight=allowed
MUTCD R16-10.svg R16-10 Begin Daytime Headlight Section headlight=required
MUTCD R16-11.svg R16-11 End Daytime Headlight Section headlight=allowed
MUTCD R16-15.svg R16-15 No Hand-Held Phone Use By Driver
MUTCD R16-15a.svg R16-15a No Hand-Held Phone Use By Driver

R22: Blasting Zones

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD R22-2.svg R22-2 Turn Off 2-Way Radio and Cell Phone

IA-23: Residential Driveway Temporary Signal

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
MUTCD IA-23-1P.svg IA-23-1P Turn Only in Direction of Arrow (plaque)
Only in jurisdictions granted IA-23; only map permanent signs and signals

External links