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Public-images-osm logo.svg crossing
highway=crossing 또는 railway=crossing 태그가 이미 붙은 노드를 좀 더 개선합니다. 설명을 편집 및 번역합니다.
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문서화된 값: 1
의존하는 태그
유용한 조합
상태:승인Page for proposal

이 태그는 좀 더 정확하게 도로를 가로지르는 보행자 횡단보도와 도로 혹은 철로 위를 지나는 다른 유형의 횡단보도의 구체적인 유형을 묘사하기 위해 사용합니다. 보행자, 자전거 등의 편의를 위한 횡단보도 시설은 가장 먼저 highway=crossing 또는 railway=crossing 태그가 적절하게 붙어 있어야 합니다. 횡단보도의 유형을 crossing=* 태그와 아래에 설명된 다른 속성으로 더 구체적으로 만들 수 있습니다.

이 태그는 두 도로(인도와 도로, 도로와 철로 등)가 교차하는 곳에 있는 노드에 사용합니다. 더 자세하게 지도에 표기하기 위해서 인도에서 횡단보도 노드로 이어지는 길에 footway=crossing 또는 cycleway=crossing 태그를 적절하게 붙이는 것이 유용할 수 있습니다.

횡단보도 태그

횡단보도 이용자(보행자, 자전거)가 별도의 신호등을 이용하는 경우에 이 태그를 붙이세요.
highway=traffic_signals와 가장 비슷합니다.
Proposed features/Set of Traffic Signals 참조
시각 장애가 있는 보행자를 위한 버튼을 눌러서 신호를 바꾸는 횡단보도에 소리까지 나오는 경우에 사용합니다.
시각 장애가 있는 보행자를 위한 버튼을 눌러서 신호를 바꾸는 횡단보도에 진동까지 나오는 경우에 사용합니다.
어떤 유형의 신호등도 없고 도로에 표시만 있는 일반적인 횡단보도. 예를 들어 zebra-crossing이 있으며, 미국에서는 "crosswalk"라 부릅니다.
highway=crossing과 가장 많이 조합되어 쓰입니다.
The bicycle crossing traverses two carriageways and some tram tracks with one traffic light. The pedestrian crossing has two islands with separate traffic lights.
Where definitely no crossing is possible/legal. This tag must be used without a highway=crossing, so data consumers only evaluating the high-level highway tag are not mislead into assuming a crossing here.
As crossing=no excludes the existence of a crossing, the combination of highway=crossing and crossing=no is invalid.
Thus, if there is a place where one would expect a crossing but where is definitely no crossing, you may tag this with crossing=no but without highway=crossing.
A crossing without road markings or traffic lights
A crossing with a small traffic-island for pedestrians in the middle of the road. Note that this tag is highly confusing, as it is orthogonal to traffic_signals/uncontrolled/unmarked classification. Tagging highway=crossing with crossing=island makes impossible to distinguish between crossing=traffic_signals and crossing=uncontrolled. For this reason many editors do not use this tag and some consider it as a broken tagging scheme[1]. Alternatively, crossing:island=yes can be used in addition to crossing=traffic_signals/uncontrolled/unmarked.
Mostly in combination with highway=crossing, it would be very unusual for this feature to appear on railway=crossing.

Additional tags

A value of yes means that pedal cyclists are permitted to ride across the crossing.
A value of yes means that horse riders are permitted to ride across the crossing.
Green light on a traffic signal can be requested by a bicycle rider or pedestrian by button press.
Like many others, this parameter is Boolean , i. e. it can take the values "yes" or "no". Different from several other Boolean parameters, in this case no default is assumed. A value of yes indicates that crossing traffic of differing types is segregated from each other (there is a separate crossing area for each mode of transport). At many traffic lights, crossing foot and bicycle traffic are segregated. A more regional example is the segregation of horse and foot traffic within some UK Pegasus Crossings.
This is a Boolean parameter, too. But there is the default no. A value of yes indicates that the crossing may be managed by a crossing guard at busy times.
The traditional, region-specific reference, such as zebra or pelican.
To indicate whether a wheelchair can pass the crossing.
Tag on the node representing the kerb (en_US: curb) on the highway=footway for each side of the crossing. Add the footway as single way where needed. (Consider using kerb=* instead as it is a more general purpose method. Add your input to the relevant talk pages.)
To indicate whether there is a pattern in the ground to aid the blind.
Tag on the node representing the kerb (en_US: curb) on the highway=footway. Add the footway as single way where needed.
(default is no) A value of yes indicates that flashing lights warn drivers when a pedestrian is crossing. For more detail, consider using a value of button, sensor (if the lights turn on automatically), or always (if the lights are constantly flashing).


The following table shows how the crossing might be tagged:

Name and description Tags UK shortcuts Image
Zebra crossing
A crossing for pedestrians only with distinctive white stripes on the road and no traffic lights (but with flashing amber globes on poles in the United Kingdom and in former British colonies).
This is the most common type of crossings on small streets of residential areas of cities or in small towns and villages, or near bus stations in rural areas.
The crossing may have additional protections, such as reduction of lanes, or other speed limitation signals and enforcement devices on the ground. If the street is large enough, the crossing mays also be protected by trafic separation islands (see below).
See also Zebra crossing(위키백과)
crossing=zebra Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
Pelican crossing (traditional British name)
A crossing for pedestrians only with traffic lights (button operated or not).
This is the most common type of crossings in dense urban areas of cities (at least in Europe), but sometimes used also in smaller towns or villages, more rarely used in residential areas with low traffic. On large enough streets, they are frequently equipped with a separation islands (see below) where crossers can rest: crossing the street is then performed in two steps, with distinct traffic lights for pedestrians for each side of the street, so the crossing zigzags on the central island and its footway is sometimes restricted by barriers.
See also Pelican crossing(위키백과).
crossing=pelican Pelican.jpg
Tiger crossing
A crossing for pedestrians and cyclists with distinctive white stripes on the road and no traffic lights (but with flashing amber globes on poles in the United Kingdom).
This type of crossing is mostly limited to Hong Kong ; it was experimented in the United Kingdom before being replaced by toucan crossings with traffic lights.
This is very similar to a zebra crossing but there's an dedicated unstriped lane for cyclists.
See also Tiger crossing(위키백과).
crossing=tiger Abbey Road Zebra.jpg
Toucan crossing (traditional British name, like "two-can")
A crossing for pedestrians and cyclists with traffic lights (button-operated or not).
This is very similar to a pelican crossing, but it's larger and there's an explicit signal for cyclists. In France, a segregated crossing lane for cyclists may be bordered by distinctively colored dashed lines.
See also Toucan crossing(위키백과).
segregated=no (sometimes yes)
crossing=toucan Toucan.jpg
Pegasus crossing (traditional British name)
A crossing for pedestrians, cyclists, and horse riders with traffic lights (button-operated or not, often identified not by a crossing rideway but by very high buttons for the riders).
See also Pegasus crossing(위키백과).
segregated=yes (sometimes no)
crossing=pegasus Pegasus tq7792.jpg
An unmarked crossing with sloped curbs. highway=crossing
On nodes of highway=footway at curb.
Crossing with sloped curbs.jpg
A crossing with a traffic island (implicit mapping with a property or explicitly to mark a footway or similar on a traffic island crossing). highway=crossing
crossing=island (or crossing=traffic_signals, as appropriate), rarely you can find crossing=island;uncontrolled
Uses multiple values
Praha 10 ulice Ruska 10 prechod s ostruvkem.JPG
A supervised crossing (additional property)
Called a school crossing in the United Kingdom, Schülerlotsen or Verkehrshelfer in Germany, Klaar-over in the Netherlands.
See also Crossing guard(위키백과).
crossing=* as appropriate
Street Crossing Guard 09.jpg
Traffic signals without a pedestrian crossing.
May be found to give priority to public transport, emergency or special vehicles, when they enter/exit an access service highway (e.g. in first image).
May be found used to alternate the direction of traffic on narrow highways (e.g. in second image before entering a bridge).
But the crossing with this traffic signal is not suitable for safe pedestrian crossing.
Traffic lights at Llandrinio bridge - geograph.org.uk - 583010.jpg

Tagging crossings as ways

Some mappers tag a way way segment of a highway=footway or highway=cycleway that crosses multiple roads and/or railways with crossing=traffic_signals to indicate that there is only one traffic light controlling the cyclist or pedestrian, to avoid multiple nodes node being tagged as crossings.

Similarly, a way segment of a highway=footway is being tagged crossing=uncontrolled + crossing_ref=zebra to indicate its full length.

Disadvantage: Please note that this mapping style makes it difficult for routers and navigation systems to recognise that there is a crossing for pedestrians or cyclists along the road, since there is no special crossing node node on the route being evaluated.

See Also

External Links