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The tags defined on this page will render in various nautical charts. These tags should be placed on the outline area way of the harbour or else on a node placed within the harbour area, clear of other mapped features.

Type S100 seamark:type Definition Usage
Harbour facility HBRFAC harbour A natural or artificially improved body of water providing protection for vessels, and providing anchoring and docking facilities.
Mark the entrance of the harbour, between the mole heads, ~100 meters seawards.

seamark:harbour:name=* - name in bold above the harbor icon.

Within a harbour area there may be any number of basins, docks, and berths:

Type S100 seamark:type Definition Usage
Harbour basin hrbbsn harbour_basin An enclosed area of water surrounded by quay walls constructed to provide means for the transfer of cargos from and to ships.

Dock area DOCARE dock A dock is an artificially enclosed area within which ships may moor and which may have gates to regulate water level.

Dry dock DRYDOC dry_dock An artificial basin fitted with a gate or caisson, into which vessels can be floated and the water pumped out to expose the vessel's bottom.

Floating dock FLODOC floating_dock A form of dry dock consisting of a floating structure of one or more sections which can be partly submerged by controlled flooding to receive a vessel, then raised by pumping out the water so that the vessel's bottom can be exposed.

Berth BERTHS berth A named or numbered place where a vessel is moored at a wharf.

Harbour categories

The tag value should be a semicolon-separated list of applicable categories.

Category (CATHAF) seamark:harbour:category Definition Rendering Usage
RoRo-terminal roro A terminal for roll-on roll-off ferries. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Ferry terminal ferry A terminal for passenger and vehicle ferries. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Fishing harbour fishing A harbour with facilities for fishing boats. NChart-Symbol INT Fishing Harbour.svg

Yacht harbour/marina marina A harbour with facilities for small boats and yachts NChart-Symbol INT Marina.svg

Yacht berths without facilities marina_no_facilities A harbour for small boats and yachts without any facilities. Marina NF.png

Naval base naval A centre of operations for naval vessels. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Tanker terminal tanker A terminal for the bulk handling of liquid cargoes. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Passenger terminal passenger A terminal for the loading and unloading of passengers. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Shipyard shipyard A place where ships are built or repaired. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Container terminal container A terminal for container ships. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Bulk terminal bulk A terminal for the handling of bulk materials such as iron ore, coal, etc. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Syncrolift syncrolift A platform powered by synchronous electric motors used to lift vessels (larger than boats) in and out of the water. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Straddle carrier straddle_carrier A wheeled vehicle designed to lift and carry containers or vessels within its own framework. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Lay up vessels berth lay_up A berth where lay up vessels are stationed NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Wood products terminal timber A terminal for handling wood products. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Service and repair service_repair A place where mechanical services or repairs can be undertaken to engines or other vessel equipment. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Quarantine station quarantine A medical control center located in an isolated spot ashore where patients with contagious diseases from vessel in quarantine are taken.

Seaplane terminal seaplane A terminal for seaplanes. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

General cargo terminal cargo A terminal for handling general cargo. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Offshore industry support base offshore_support A base which provides support and load out facilities for offshore industry. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Local authority/ port service support base port_support A place where vessels from different authorities or port service vessels are stationed. NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg

Harbour information

These tags provide a summary of harbour particulars such as might be found in an almanac entry.

Note that this is simply an annotated list of general harbour information. In addition, facilities such as harbour-master, customs offices, etc. may be separately mapped and tagged with either seamark:building tags or appropriate OSM tags (amenity, shop, etc.).

Item Key Value
Harbour operator operator=* The name of the managing entity
Port of entry port_of_entry=* Information concerning the customs/immigration status.
Tide state access:tide=* Tide conditions for access.
Tidal range access:tidal_range=* The tidal range at the entrance.
Sill height access:sill_height=* The height above the sea bed of an entrance sill.
Swell conditions access:swell=* Swell conditions for access.
Ice conditions access:ice=* Ice conditions for access.
Time limits access:time=* Access opening times.
Maximum length maxlength=* Maximum permitted vessel length.
Maximum beam maxwidth=* Maximum permitted vessel beam.
Maximum draft maxdraft=* Maximum permitted vessel draft.
Maximum height maxairdraft=* Maximum permitted vessel height AWL.
Speed limit maxspeed=* Maximum permitted speed within harbour.
Harbour master harbour_master=* Information about the harbour master.
Phone phone=* Phone number(s) of harbour offices.
Fax fax=* Fax number(s) of harbour offices.
Email email=* Email address of harbour.
Web site website=* URL of harbour website.
VHF channel vhf_channel=* Radio channel for harbour communications.
VHF MMSI vhf_mmsi=* MMSI number for harbour radio communications.
General information harbour:information=* Text.

Marina facilities

These tags provide a list of facilities to be found at or near a marina.

Note that this is simply an annotated list added to the main harbour object. In addition, the individual facilities may be separately mapped and tagged with either seamark:small_craft_facility tags or appropriate OSM tags (amenity, shop, etc.). Please see Map Features.

Item Key Value
Visitors berths harbour:visitor_berth=* Availability/number of visitors berths.
Visitors moorings harbour:visitors_mooring=* Availability/number of visitor moorings.
Scrubbing berth harbour:scrubbing_berth=* Availability of scrubbing berths.
Electricity harbour:electricity=* Availability of shore power. See Map Features and amenity=charging_station.
Drinking Water harbour:water_tap=* Availability of potable water. See Map Features and amenity=drinking_water.
Showers harbour:showers=* Availability/access of shower/bathing facilities. See Map Features and amenity=shower.
Toilets harbour:toilets=* Availability/access of toilet facilities. See Map Features and amenity=toilets.
Laundrette harbour:laundrette=* Availability/access of laundry facilities. See Map Features and shop=laundry.
Inn harbour:public_inn=* Availability/location of public inns. See Map Features and amenity=pub.
Restaurant harbour:restaurant=* Availability/location of restaurants. See Map Features and amenity=restaurant.
Sailing club harbour:nautical_club=* Availability/access of sailing/boating club.
Fuel harbour:fuel_station=* Availability/types of fuelling facilities. See Map Features and amenity=fuel.
Chandler harbour:chandler=* Availability/location of chandleries.
Provisions harbour:provisions=* Availability/location of food stores. See Map Features and shop=convenience or shop=supermarket.
Bottled gas harbour:bottle_gas=* Availability/location of suppliers of bottled gas.
Doctor harbour:doctor=* Availability/location of medical facilities. See Map Features and amenity=doctors.
Pharmacy harbour:pharmacy=* Availability/location of pharmacies. See Map Features and amenity=pharmacy.
Emergency telephone harbour:emergency_telephone=* Availability/location of emergency telephones. See Map Features and emergency=phone.
Post box harbour:post_box=* Availability/location of post boxes. See Map Features and amenity=post_box.
Telephone harbour:telephone=* Availability/location of telephones. See Map Features and amenity=telephone.
Refuse disposal harbour:refuse_bin=* Availability/location of refuse disposal facilities. See Map Features and amenity=waste_disposal.
Pump-out harbour:pump-out=* Availability/location of black water pump-out facilities.
Car park harbour:car_park=* Availability/location of car parking. See Map Features and amenity=parking.
Boat trailer park harbour:boat_trailers_park=* Availability/location of boat trailer parking.
Caravan site harbour:caravan_site=* Availability/location of nearby caravan sites. See Map Features and tourism=caravan_site.
Camping site harbour:camping_site=* Availability/location of nearby camping sites. See Map Features and tourism=camp_site.
Picnic area harbour:picnic_area=* Availability/location of nearby picnic areas. See Map Features and tourism=picnic_site.
Sailmaker harbour:sailmaker=* Availability/location of sailmakers. See Map Features and craft=sailmaker.
Boatyard harbour:boatyard=* Availability/location of boatyards. See Map Features and waterway=boatyard.
Boat hoist harbour:boat_hoist=* Availability/location of boat lift-out facilities.
Slipway harbour:slipway=* Availability/location of slipways. See Map Features and leisure=slipway.
Mechanics workshop harbour:mechanics_workshop=* Availability/location of engine/boat equipment repair facilities.


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