Proposed Tagging Standard for Bangladesh

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These are frequently used tags in Bangladesh. For any suggestion or query please communicate with via any recommended communication channel for a coordinated approach.

Highway Based On RHD/LGED/LGI Classification

List of roads in Bangladesh

All Tags are based on ROAD PAVMENT DESIGN MENUAL 1999, Pavement Design Catalogue 2003, Road Design Standards 2004, Road Design Standards Rural Roads 2005, Planning Guidelines for Rural Road Master Plan 2010, Maintenance Guidelines for Rural Road 2010

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RHD/LGED/LGI Classification Government Definition OSM Tag OSM Definition Element image Map Rendering
AH Highways connecting National capital with Divisional HQs or seaports or land ports or Asian Highway highway=motorway A restricted access major divided highway, normally with 2 or more running lanes plus emergency hard shoulder. Equivalent to the Freeway, Autobahn, etc. way 20190825 Autostrada A4 w Krakowie 0957 5675 DxO.jpg Rendering-highway motorway neutral.png
N Highways connecting National capital with Divisional HQs or sea ports or land ports highway=trunk The most important roads in a country's system that aren't motorways. (Need not necessarily be a divided highway.) way Dscf0444 600.jpg Rendering-highway trunk carto.png
R Highways connecting District HQs or main river or land ports or with each other not connected by national Highways. highway=primary The next most important roads in a country's system. (Often link larger towns.) way Primary-photo.jpg Rendering-highway primary carto.png
Z Roads connecting District HQ/s with Upazila HQ/s or connecting one Upazila HQ to another Upazila HQ by a single main connection with National/Regional Highway, through shortest distance/ route. highway=secondary The next most important roads in a country's system. (Often link towns.) way Meyenburg-L134.jpg Rendering-highway secondary carto.png
  1. Roads connecting Upazila HQ/s with Growth Center/s or one Growth Center with another Growth Center by a single main connection or connecting Growth Center to Higher Road System,
  2. Through shortest distance/route.(Former Feeder Road Type-B) Roads connecting union HQ/s with Upazila HQs, Growth Centers or local markets or with each other. (Former Rural Road Class-1 (R1)
highway=tertiary The next most important roads in a country's system. (Often link smaller towns and villages) way OHZ-K3-Werschenrege.jpg Rendering-highway tertiary carto.png
  1. Roads connecting Villages with Union HQs, local markets, farms and ghats or with each other. (Former Rural Road Class-2 (R2)
  2. Roads within a Village. (Former Rural Road Class-3 (R3)
highway=unclassified The least important through roads in a country's system – i.e. minor roads of a lower classification than tertiary, but which serve a purpose other than access to properties. (Often link villages and hamlets.) way Highway unclassified-photo.jpg Rendering-highway unclassified.png

Other Most Used Highway Tags

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Others road types

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Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo

Tags for individual houses

addr:housenumber user defined node area The house number (may contain letters, dashes or other characters).
Addresses describes ways to tag a single building with multiple addresses.
Please do not only tag addr:housenumber=*, but also add at least addr:street=* or addr:place=* for places without streets (or map the belonging to a street with a relation using associatedStreet relation or street relation.)
Addr-housenumber rendering.png
Ferry Street, Portaferry (09), October 2009.JPG
addr:housename user defined node area The name of a house.
This is sometimes used in some countries like England, Spain, Portugal, Latvia instead of (or in addition to) a house number.
House-name sign, Main Street Aberlady. - - 1753443.jpg
addr:flats user defined node The unit numbers (a range or a list) of the flats or apartments located behind a single entrance door. Rendering of addr flats 2.png Flat numbers on an entrance.png
addr:conscriptionnumber user defined node area This special kind of housenumber relates to a settlement instead of a street. Conscription numbers were introduced in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and are still in use in some parts of Europe, sometimes together with street-related housenumbers which are also called orientation numbers.
addr:street user defined node area The name of the respective street. If the street name is very long or nonexistent, the ref of the respective street.
A way with highway=* or a square with place=square and the corresponding name should be found nearby. The belonging to a street can alternatively be represented by a associatedStreet relation or street relation. The keys addr:housenumber=* and addr:street=* in principle are the only necessary ones if there are valid border polygons. If you are not sure if it is so, just add addr:city=*, addr:postcode=* and addr:country=*.
UK - London (30474933636).jpg
addr:place user defined node area This is part of an address which refers to the name of some territorial zone (usually a place=* like island, square or very small village) instead of a street (highway=*). Should not be used together with addr:street=*.
addr:postcode user defined node area The postal code of the building/area. Some mappers prefer to rely on boundary=postal_code
addr:city user defined node area The name of the city as given in postal addresses of the building/area. (In some places the city in the address corresponds to the post office that serves the area rather than the actual city, if any, in which the building is located.) Some mappers assume it can be derived from a boundary=administrative relation.
addr:country user defined node area The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter country code in upper case.
Example: "DE" for Germany, "CH" for Switzerland, "AT" for Austria, "FR" for France, "IT" for Italy.
Caveat: The ISO 3166-1 code for Great Britain is "GB" and not "UK". More or less favoured in different national communities.
addr:postbox user defined node area Use this for addressing postal service Post Office Box (PO Box, BP - Boîte Postale, CP - Case Postale, Поштански преградак, Поштански фах, Поштански претинац) as alternative to addressing using street names. Example: "PO Box 34"
addr:full user defined node area Use this for a full-text, often multi-line, address if you find the structured address fields unsuitable for denoting the address of this particular location. Examples: "Fifth house on the left after the village oak, Smalltown, Smallcountry", or addresses using special delivery names or codes (possibly via an unrelated city name and post code), or PO Boxes.
Beware that these strings can hardly be parsed by software: "1200 West Sunset Boulevard Suite 110A" is still better represented as addr:housenumber=1200 + addr:street=West Sunset Boulevard + addr:unit=110A.

For countries using hamlet, subdistrict, district, province, state, county

addr:hamlet user defined node area The hamlet of the object. In France, some addresses use hamlets instead of street names, use the generic addr:place=* instead.
Grosvenor Place 2 2008 06 19.jpg
addr:suburb user defined node area If an address exists several times in a city. You have to add the name of the settlement. See Australian definition of suburb.
addr:subdistrict user defined node area The subdistrict of the object.
addr:district user defined node area The district of the object.
addr:province user defined node area The province of the object. For Canada, uppercase two-letter postal abbreviations (BC, AB, ON, QC, etc.) are used. In Russia a synonym {{{key:addr:region}}} is widely used
addr:state user defined node area The state of the object. For the US, uppercase two-letter postal abbreviations (AK, CA, HI, NY, TX, WY, etc.) are used.
addr:county user defined node area The county of the object.

Tags for interpolation ways

addr:interpolation all/even/odd/ alphabetic way How to interpolate the house numbers belonging to the way along the respective street.
See detailed description.
Spořilov, Púchovská, označení domu.jpg
addr:interpolation Number n way Every nth house between the end nodes is represented by the interpolation way.
addr:inclusion actual/estimate/potential way Optional tag to indicate the accuracy level of survey used to create the address interpolation way.
See detailed description.
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Man made

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man_made=advertising, advertising=*

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Some important Tagging Issues

Proposed features Link industrial

Proposed features talk Link Talk

Proposed Tag Coming soon..

Key Value Element Description Image
key=office marriage_register proposed