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Autor: Tobias Zwick e contribuidores
Licença: GNU GPL v3 (grátis)
Plataforma: [[Android]] 4.2+
Versão: 33.1 releases (2021-07-08)
árabe, asturiano, búlgaro, bósnio, catalão, checo, dinamarquês, alemão, grego, inglês, inglês britânico, espanhol, basco, persa, finlandês, francês, galego, croata, húngaro, indonésio, italiano, japonês, coreano, lituano, malaiala, norueguês bokmål, neerlandês, norueguês nynorsk, polaco, português, português do Brasil, romeno, russo, eslovaco, sérvio, sueco, tailandês, turco, ucraniano, Chinese (China) e Chinese (Taiwan)
Site da Internet: GitHub
Código fonte: GitHub
Linguagem de programação: Kotlin

Surveyor app for Android

Feature Value
Map Display
Display map sim
Map data vector
Source online;cache
Rotate map sim
3D view sim
Shows website
Shows phone number
Shows operation hours
Routing não
Create route manually
Calculate route
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles
Turn restrictions
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing)
Routing providers
Avoid traffic
Traffic Provider
Navigate não
Find location
Find nearby POIs
Navigate to point
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance
Keep on road
Lane guidance
Works without GPS
Navigate along predefined route
Make track não
Customizable log interval
Track formats
Fast POI buttons
Upload GPX to OSM
Monitoring não
Show current track
Open existing track
Altitude diagram
Show POD value
Satellite view
Show live NMEA data
Show speed
Send current position
Add POIs não
Edit / Delete POIs não
Add way não
Edit geometries não
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects sim
Edit relations não
View notes sim
Create notes
Edit notes sim
Work offline online;offline
Support imagery offset DB não
Upload to OSM sim

StreetComplete é um editor para o OpenStreetMap fácil de usar para telefones e tablets Android, usado para mapeamento em campo.

O aplicativo é feito especificamente para colaboradores casuais e iniciantes, uma vez que nenhum conhecimento prévio sobre o OpenStreetMap (como esquemas de marcação) é necessário para contribuir com este aplicativo. Além disso, há um pouco de gamificação e estatísticas que visam introduzir e tentar inspirar os usuários a se aventurarem mais fundo no mundo do OpenStreetMap.


The app displays places where data can be added to OpenStreetMap through the app as quest pins on a map. Each of these quests can easily be solved by answering a simple question, like for example "Is this street lit?". The answers given are then processed and directly uploaded into the OSM database in the name of the user's OSM account.

So, unlike most other OSM editors, the actual data is not displayed directly on the map, no POIs can be added or edited directly and no geometry can be changed. Contribution with this app happens exclusively by answering these quests.


See the quests list for an overview which quests can be solved with this editor.

Additional Features

It is possible to add and contribute to OSM notes with this app. Notes phrased as questions (contain a question mark) are shown to all StreetComplete users, enabling them to add the requested information on-site. Users of this app can directly add photos to notes (since v4.0).

Albeit modification of geometry is in general not possible with this app, it is possible to split ways when the property that is being asked about in a quest does not span the entire highlighted section (since v14.0).

For certain more volatile properties of map features (such as opening hours), users are periodically asked again in certain intervals to verify if the input data is still correct, thus helping to keep the map data up to date (since v23.0). For shops in particular, users can directly specify what is there now in case the shop closed down (since v28.0).

Through contribution with this app, users are able to earn achievements (since v19.0) and look at their contribution statistics with the app. Earned achievements unlock certain links to be added to their link collection within the app. These links mostly serve to either introduce the user to OpenStreetMap or showcase an interesting OpenStreetMap-based project.

The app fully supports Android's night mode, including a dark theme for the displayed map (since v11.0).

After an area has been downloaded, the app is fully usable offline in that area, even after a restart of the app or device. The answers can be uploaded later and in case the data has changed in the meantime, there is smart automatic conflict resolution. (enhanced since v29.0 and again in since v32.0)

A team mode allows for "mapping parties" of up to 12 people to map the neighbourhood together at the same time (since v31.0)


Veja a FAQ.


You can help to translate the app via POEditor. This help is welcomed, translation is - as usual - part of creating the software where developers especially need help.

Suggestions, issue reports, feature requests can be made and other contributions be submitted on GitHub. Before proposing new quest types, please read the guidelines for new quests and see the quests list for an overview which quest types already exist.

Writing code improving StreetComplete and submitting pull requests is also welcomed - see "Contributing" file for more info.

The author of the app also accepts donations, see the project home on GitHub for more information.


The app uses Tangram-ES for displaying the map.

It directly uses the OpenStreetMap API (via Osmapi (Java)) to download the data and upload the answers. Up till before v26.0, the Overpass-API was used for download.

See also


  • StreetCompleteness - tool that analyze the completeness of StreetComplete quest for a given city.