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Android программы поддерживающие OpenStreetMap


Name Screenshot Date Shows map as bitmap Shows map as vector Stores map-data on-board Navigate Make track License Price Description
AndNav2 [1] AndNav2 screenshot.jpg 2010 да нет да (cache) да да GPL free No longer actively developed, map (online/offline-"andnav_atlas_format"), routing (online)
AndRoad [2] AndRoad.png 2011 да нет да (cache) да да GPL free Open-source fork of AndNav2
Big Planet Tracks [3] 2011 да нет да нет да GPLv3 free maps (online/offline-"big_planet_tracks")
CycleStreets Android App [4] Cyclestreets android.png 2016 да нет да (cache) да нет GPL; nonfreeFree UK only
Geobucket [5] Geobucket Big.jpg 2012
нет да GPL free Tool to make it dead simple to collect tracks and upload to for tracing
Geopaparazzi [6] Android-geopaparazzi-cycle.png 2017 да да да да да GPL v3 free
GoPenS [7] GoPenS screenshot.jpg 2011 да нет да (cache) да да GPL free Open source Android GPS for OpenStreetMap, map (online/offline), routing (online)
Gosmore [8] Gosmore2010.png 2011 нет да да да да BSD free
GPS Logger for Android [9] GPS Logger for Android screenshot.jpg 2018
нет да GPL free Battery efficient GPX logger.
GpsMid [10] GpsMidScreenshot1.png 2012 да да да да да GPLv2 free very portable navi for Android and J2ME mobile phones, uses offline vector maps, audio navigation
GraphHopper [11] Graphhopper-android.png 2018
Apache License 2.0 free Routing server and Android library
gvSIG Mini [12] Gvsigmini screenshot.png 2011 да да да (cache) да нет GPL free supports WMS services, too; maps (online/offline-"custom")
JPSTrack [13] JPSTrack-Screenshot-ics-1.png 2014
нет да BSD (source available) free Track logging for OSM w/ photo, voice, text notes
Keypad-Mapper 3 [14] Keypadmapper-icon.png 2013
нет да BSD free highly efficient mapping of house numbers
KeypadMapper2 [15] Keypadmapper2 1.8 keypad.png 2012
нет да BSD free Dedicated to housenumber mapping
Mapdroid [16] Mapdroid-onesix screenshot.png
да нет да (cache) нет нет LGPL free Open Source proof-of-concept Android OpenStreetMap viewer.
Maps (-) [17] 2010 да нет да (cache) нет нет Apache License 2.0 free Map viewer only. Caches tiles to SD card for offline viewing.
Mapsforge [18] Mapsforge berlin alex.png 2018 да да да нет нет LGPL3 free map application library
My Tracks [19] My Tracks.png 2016 да нет нет нет да Apache License 2.0 free recording tracks (no OSM features)
Navit [20] Navit sdl close view.png 2015 нет да да да да GPLv2 free Most popular OpenSource Car navigation tool; maps (offline-"custom"), vector-rendered
Open GPS Tracker [21] Open GPS Tracker screenshot.jpg 2013 да нет да (cache) нет да GPLv3 free Offline GPS tracker with optional osmdroid map activity
OpenFixMap [22] 2014
нет нет GPL free Display errors from keepright, mapdust and openstreetbugs
OpenSatNav [23] OSOSNZ16.png 2009 да нет да (cache) да да GPLv3 free Routing and recording trip; maps (online+cache); navigation (online)
OpenTrail [24] Opentrail.png 2014 нет нет нет да да GPL free Freemap for Android
OpenTripPlanner for Android [25] OpenTripPlanner(Android).png 2017 да нет нет нет да Apache License v2.0 free An Android app for multi-modal trip planning using any OpenTripPlanner server
osm-android [26] 2009
нет да GPLv3 free renders OpenStreetMap maps and calculates routes
OsmAnd [27] Android-osmand-routing.png 2018 да да да да да GPL v3 nonfreefree or 5.99€
OSMBugs [28] 2017
нет нет GPL free Display and edit Bugs from Notes, Keepright and Mapdust
osmdroid [29] Android osm screenshot.jpg 2017 да нет да нет нет Apache License 2.0 free Replaces GMaps views; maps (online/offline-"andnav2")
OsmSharp [30] Osmsharp tsp solution.png 2016
GPLv3 free OSM routing and optimisation library.
OSMTracker for Android [31] Osmtracker android device0611.png 2018 да нет да (cache) нет да GPLv3 free Offline GPS tracker with fast POI placement shortcuts. Exports in GPX format with waypoints, suitable for editing in JOSM. Clone of OSMtracker (Windows Mobile)
RMaps [32] Droidpad rmaps.jpg 2013 да нет да нет да GPL free Maps and a compass, maps (online/offline-"rmaps")
Free free Open source program package for GNSS positioning
ShareNav [34] ShareNav map.png 2012 да да да да да GPLv2 nonfree€2.99 on Google Play Store (may vary depending on local taxes) very portable navi for Android&J2ME mobile phones, uses offline vector maps, audio navigation
Vespucci [35] Vespucci screenshot.png 2018 да да да (cache) нет да Apache license 2.0 free OSM editor
ZANavi [36] ZANavi screen1.png 2016 нет да да да нет GPL free Offline Navigation System for Android
На этой странице описывается исторический артефакт в истории OpenStreetMap. Он не отражает текущую ситуацию, а документирует исторические концепции, проблемы или идеи.

This table in the past was generated automatically by a bot. Learn more.


Name Screenshot Shows map as bitmap Shows map as vector Stores map-data on-board Navigate Make track License Price Description
Ape@map [37] Apeatmap screenshot.jpg да нет да (cache) нет да nonfreeproprietary free
BikeAtor [38] BikeAtorQtMapPopup.png да нет да нет да nonfreeproprietary free Show Maps, Caches, Speedometer, log GPX...
Compass Navigator 3D [39] Compass Navigator 3D.png
да нет nonfreeproprietary free 3D compass with a GPS navigation "arrow". Line-of-sight-navigation to OSM POIs and addresses.
Cruiser [40] Gr.talent.cruiser.png да да да да нет nonfreeproprietary free Cruiser is an Android map and navigation application using offline vector maps.
inViu routes [http://ENAiKOON GmbH] Routes-icon.png да нет да (cache) да да nonfreeproprietary free GPS swiss knife
Layar Reality Browser нет да нет нет нет nonfreeproprietary free Augmented Reality browser mixes camera image with virtual reality
LockOnMe [41] Lockonmeapp.png да да нет нет нет nonfreeproprietary free Location-sharing app, displaying targets and/or associated Points Of Interest on OSM & fun radars
MapDroyd [42] MapDroyd 02-menu.png нет да да нет нет nonfreeproprietary free Offline vector map viewer for Android. Compact one-off data downloads
mapFactor Navigator free [43] MapFactor Navigator screenshot.png нет да да да да nonfreeproprietary free professional framework for OSM-based car navigation
MapQuest [44] нет нет нет нет нет nonfreeproprietary free
OSMapTuner [45] OSMapTuner screenshot.jpg нет да да (cache) нет нет nonfreeproprietary free Simple editor for manipulating tags on your smartphone
На этой странице описывается исторический артефакт в истории OpenStreetMap. Он не отражает текущую ситуацию, а документирует исторические концепции, проблемы или идеи.

This table in the past was generated automatically by a bot. Learn more.

Full version non free

Name Screenshot Shows map as bitmap Shows map as vector Stores map-data on-board Navigate Make track License Price Description
AFTrack GPS-Tracking [46] AFTrack seamap.png да нет да да да nonfreeproprietary nonfree3.90€;4.95$;free Offline navigation with many map formats - BSB3 (*.kap), NV-digital (*.eap), Bitmaps with calibration file (format: map, gmi, kml, kal, cal, pwm), OSZ (zipped osm tile collection), mbtiles, sqlitedb, Mapsforge vector format and online maps
AlpineQuest GPS Hiking [47] AQ GPS Hiking screenshot.png да нет да нет да nonfreeproprietary nonfree3€ Orienteering focused
BackCountry Navigator [48] Bcnav.jpeg
да да да nonfreeproprietary nonfree9.99$ (fully functional time limited free demo available) Hiking focused. Many map formats available; including OpenStreetMaps, NASA landsat, topo maps of US and Canada, OpenCycleMaps showing terrain worldwide, USGS Color Aerial photography, UK Ordinance Survey Explorer Maps, Topographic Maps of Spain and Italy, Topo maps of New Zealand.
BikeCityGuide BCG ios screenshot.jpg нет да да да да nonfreeproprietary nonfree5Eur per city Designed for cyclists in urban areas incl. Insider tours.
City Maps 2Go [49] Citymaps2go screenshot.png да да да нет нет nonfreeproprietary nonfreeiPhone: 2.99$ / 2.69€ Android: free City Maps 2Go
ForeverMap [50] ForeverMap.jpg нет да да да нет nonfreeproprietary nonfreeiPhone: 1,59€, Android: 1,59€ (Free Android version available) ForeverMap is an offline navigation app, providing address/POI search and route calculation
Gaia GPS [51] Gaia GPS screenshot.jpg да нет да (cache) да да nonfreeproprietary nonfree19.99$ iOS / $9.99 Android hiking focused logger
MAPS.ME [52] Iphone-with-mapswithme.jpg нет да да нет нет nonfreeproprietary nonfreeFree/$4.99 for Pro Offline maps of all countries, fast renderer, offline search, whole planet fits to 12Gb
NavDroyd [53] Screenshot-NavDroyd-Routing-GuidanceSimulation.png нет да да да нет nonfreeproprietary nonfree5€
NavFree [54] Navfree screenshot.jpg нет да да (cache) да нет nonfreeproprietary nonfreeFor Android is free. For iOS the first country is free, then €2.69. Free satnav app. Maps available: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg), Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK.
Navitel [55] Navitel navigator screenshot.jpg нет да да да да nonfreeproprietary nonfree17€ Popular in Russia
ОРУ-карты [56] Screenshot 2013-03-09-18-28-25.png да да нет да нет nonfreeproprietary free to try, ca. 5$ OpenStreetMap 3D on Android
Run.GPS [57] да нет да (cache) нет да nonfreeproprietary nonfree20€ Sport focused logger
Skobbler GPS Navigation [58] Skobbler screenshot.png нет да да да нет nonfreeproprietary nonfreeAndroid: €1.00, free Version available (no offline maps); iOS: €1.79 Online and offline worldwide turn-by-turn navigation. Includes pedestrian and cyclist route planner, TripAdvisor, Foursquare and speed camera warning integration.
TravelDroyd [59] TravelDroid screenshot.png нет да да нет нет nonfreeproprietary nonfree5€+books Combining offline OSM+wikipedia articles for travelguides that you have to buy
Vectorial Map [60] Vectorialmap wp8.png да да да нет да nonfreeproprietary nonfreedepends on platform Vectorial Map is map viewer and track logger for Mapsforge offline vector maps (*.map) with support for custom XML styles like provided by It is based on a platform independent custom render engine.
VGPS [61] VGPS.png нет да да да нет nonfreeproprietary nonfree5$ OSM and Garmin offline map with routing turn-by-turn navigation for Android and J2ME mobile phones
Wisepilot [62] Wisepilot map screenshot.png да да нет да нет nonfreeproprietary nonfree€1.79 monthly online turn-by-turn navigation
На этой странице описывается исторический артефакт в истории OpenStreetMap. Он не отражает текущую ситуацию, а документирует исторические концепции, проблемы или идеи.

This table in the past was generated automatically by a bot. Learn more.



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There are a number of projects on Google Code with both 'android' and 'openstreetmap' tags: Search Google Code.

MGMaps Lib (Nutiteq???s Android libraries)