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Public-images-osm logo.svg motorroad
Vienna Convention road sign E6a-V1.svg
Non-motorway with motorway-like traffic rules and access restrictions. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: restrictions
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Documented values: 1
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

The tag motorroad=yes is used on highways that are part of a legal highway classification imposing motorway-like traffic rules and access restrictions, but that are not a motorway.

This key is primarily intended to represent roads for motor vehicles in countries implementing the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, where these roads indicated by a traffic sign described as:[1]

Signs notifying an entry to (...) a road on which the traffic rules are the same[2] as on a motorway

Vienna Convention road sign E6a-V1.svg / Vienna Convention road sign E6a-V2.svg

Sign E, 6a, "ROAD FOR MOTOR VEHICLES", shall be placed at the point where special traffic rules begin to apply on roads other than motorways which are reserved for motor vehicle traffic and do not serve properties bordering on the road. (...)

This tag can also be used in other countries that do not implement the Vienna Convention, if their traffic legislation uses an analogous sign or concept (non-motorways with motorway-like rules).

Depending on the country, motorroad=yes may imply various access restrictions and other road properties. For example, it commonly implies that cyclists and pedestrians are banned and that stopping is prohibited.

In Europe and Western Asia, a subset of these roads may also be officially recognized as express roads, based on a definition similar to expressway=yes.[3][4]

How to map

Tag a highway that is a motorroad with motorroad=yes in addition to the highway tag, which will usually be highway=primary or highway=trunk but not highway=motorway.

Depending on the jurisdiction, the meaning of "motorway-like traffic rules" can technically encompass a variety of routing-related considerations. Some of these considerations are mentioned in country-specific sections below as "implied" tags. Due to unreliable software support, consider supplementing this key with explicit tags about access restrictions, speed limits, etc.

Depending on interpretation, highway=trunk may imply motorroad=yes.

Absence of motorway-like restrictions can be explicitly tagged with motorroad=no, see Tag:motorroad=no.

Software support

Motorway-like traffic rules, such as access restrictions, turn restrictions, and speed limits, are important for routing and widely understood by routing engines. However, motorroad=* is more obscure and not as widely supported. Due to this tag's diverse and sometimes ambiguous application on roadways, even routers that do support this key are not guaranteed to infer all the tags listed on this page.[5]

Regional definitions

In some regions presence of this key may be used to guess values of other tags. It may be foot=no, bicycle=no, moped=no, horse=no.


Motorroad (Dutch: autoweg, French: route pour automobiles). Looks like a motorway but it may have junctions and traffic signals. By definition: motorroad=yes. The highway value for motorroads is trunk most of the time. Conversely, not all roads that are mapped as trunk in Belgium are motorroads.

The implied tags on motorroads:

Do not use a motorroad tag for motorways (Dutch: autosnelweg, French: autoroute). These are instead tagged zone:traffic=BE:motorway (highway=motorway for the main carriageways). Motorways have the same implications as motorroads, and additionally imply minspeed=70 (unless maxspeed=* is lower).


Undefined, as the federal law does not restrict access to any type of motorized highway based on a combination of transportation modes.


The implied tags on motorways and motorroads:


The implied tags on motorroads:

and others...


In Finland, the tag indicates whether a road is a Moottoriliikennetie.

Germany, Croatia

In Germany, the tag indicates whether a road is a wikipedia:de:Kraftfahrstraße (§18 StVO). Only motor vehicles which are be constructed to be able to drive faster than 60 km/h ("bauartbedingte Höchstgeschwindigkeit") are allowed.

  • minspeed=60 (vehicles needs to be constructed to be able to drive faster than 60, actually there is no minimum driving speed)
  • foot=no (implied by motor_vehicle)
  • bicycle=no (implied by motor_vehicle)
  • moped=no (implied by minspeed)
  • horse=no (implied by motor_vehicle)
  • agricultural=no agricultural vehicles are by definition slower than 25 km/h
  • parking:both=no no reversing and no stopping except in case of emergency (emergency does not include needing to use a toilet or running out of fuel)
  • maxspeed=110 in Croatia only

Hong Kong

It is now used for Tunnel Area by some, per Cap 368A Road Tunnels (Government) Regulations, and other legislations for BOT private tunnels. Despite this naming, it is not used on all tunnels (viz Lin Cheung Road Underpass is a significant tunnel with exposed sections, resulting in similar restrictions without being a Tunnel Area) , nor limited to sections with tunnel (see East Kowloon Corridor, or Heung Yuen Wai Highway north of Cheung Shan Tunnel).

Due to historic usage and original guidelines, the status quo have them as highway=motorway, rather than highway=trunk or other normal functional classification. Excluding way 485404214 Tung Wing Road (Airport Tunnel), the exception now is way 36072108 Discovery Bay Tunnel (highway=secondary). This may be migrated away in the future.

Historic artifact section

This indicates a road which is mainly built for motor vehicles, with motorway-like design, no footpath and pedestrian/bicycle/learners banned by presence of road sign but itself not a motorway.

However, if the road itself is in motorway-like design, but foot and bicycle are allowed on that, foot=yes/bicycle=yes may be added.

This is at odds with the definition of legal designation and signage of this tag, as raised in Talk:Proposed features/Motorway indication#Already exists (with an inferior name)?. Tunnel control area may be more suited to this.

Such usage have been removed in 2022.


In Italy, the tag must be used when one of the following road signs is present:

Italian traffic signs - inizio strada extraurbana principale.svg or Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg (strada extraurbana principale)

Italian traffic signs - strada riservata ai veicoli a motore.svg (strada riservata ai veicoli a motore)

Italian traffic signs - limiti strada extraurbana principale.svg (a superstrada having the same access limits as a strada extraurbana principale)

The access restrictions for an Italian motorway apply:[6]

  • minspeed=80 (cars needs to be constructed to be able to drive at 80 km/h or faster on a flat road, actually there is no minimum driving speed)[7]
  • foot=no (implied by motor_vehicle)
  • bicycle=no (implied by motor_vehicle)
  • moped=no
  • horse=no (implied by motor_vehicle) (and more generally animal=no)
  • agricultural=no
  • no access to motorcycles equipped with a thermal engine having a displacement smaller than 150 cm³ (motorcycle:conditional=no @ (displacement < 150 cc))
  • no access to motorcycles equipped with a electrical engine having a engine power less than 11 KW (motorcycle:electric:conditional=no @ (power < 11 kW))[8]
  • no access to sidecars equipped with a thermal engine having a displacement smaller than 250 cm³ (sidecar:conditional=no @ (displacement < 250 cc))
  • no access to motorcycle-like vehicles (motoveicoli)[9] (other than those listed above) having unladen mass less than or equal to 400 kg or a max gross weight less than or equal to 1300 kg with the exception of motorized tricycles (trikes) designed for carrying people, with no more than 2 seats (1 driver + max. 1 passenger), having a displacement grater than or equal to 250 cm³ or more and an engine power grater than or equal to 15 kW.[10]

Implied tag might be

quadricycle:conditional=no @ ((empty_weight <= 400 kg) OR (maxweightrating <= 1300 kg)).

motorized_tricycle:conditional=no @ ((empty_weight <= 400 kg) OR (maxweightrating <= 1300 kg)); yes @ ((displacement >= 250 cc) AND (engine_power >= 15 kW) AND (seats <= 2))


In the Netherlands, motorroad=yes is used to indicate autowegen.

In accordance with NL:The Netherlands roads tagging, motorroad=yes is used on highway=trunk, and in some cases trunk_link or motorway_link (Taginfo). Conversely, some highway=trunk are not autoweg themselves but merely connect between auto(snel)wegen. As of January 2024 some 16% of highway=trunk is therefore tagged with motorroad=no (Taginfo).

motorroad=yes has the following implications:


In Norway, Motortrafikkveg (prev Motorvei klasse B) is a property of a way when signed with NO road sign 503.svg. Only used on trunk and primary. May or may not be a dual carriageway. Can be as little as two lanes. Default maxspeed=* is, like any other non-urban road, 80km/h. Other speeds will be signed. Access (Trafikkreglene §4-2): foot=no, bicycle=no, moped=no. There is no minspeed, but any vehicle must be able to drive at least 40km/h on a flat road.

There will be no driveways. No backing up or turning (Trafikkreglene §11-2). No stopping (Trafikkreglene §17-1-e). No parking (on any road with maxspeed higher than 50km/h).


In Poland, motorroad=yes is used to indicate roads which are not tagged as highway=motorway but do have motorway-like access rules, usually indicated by the PL road sign B-6-8-9.svg B-6/8/9 prohibitory sign, which bans most of non-motor vehicles.

Implied tagging is:


Autovía Barbanza.jpg

In Spain, the tag indicates whether a road is a Vía para automóviles Spain traffic signal s3.svg, or other type of road with similar restrictions. Autopistas Spain traffic signal s1.svg and autovías Spain traffic signal s1a.svg are not usually tagged with this tag, as they are tagged as highway=motorway.


Key to be used only where the road sign is present(the white-on-blue automobile sign).

Note: The sign is de facto not used for any roads in Turkey, therefore usage of this tag is discouraged. Please tag with signs that already present at the road.

United Kingdom

You can use the key on British primary routes with motorway-like access restrictions signed or similar (according to GOV.UK Transport). Examples include the A40 Westway, the A12 between Wanstead and Hackney Wick, and the A13 between Dagenham Dock and Thurrock.

You need to add motorroad=* manually because all classes of traffic may use British primary routes by default.

Unless specified (such as the speed limits at the Blackwall Tunnel in London), the tag implies the following:

United States

An example of a selective exclusion sign that is used for a similar purpose as the motorroad signs elsewhere on this page.
Some states have signs about "limited-access highways", but these signs indicate limits on where someone may enter and exit the roadway, not the modes of transportation for using the roadway.

In many U.S. states, state law technically distinguishes between expressways and freeways (i.e., motorways) but does not formally tie the expressway classification to a set of access restrictions. Instead of the motorroad symbol sign used in many Vienna Convention countries, the MUTCD specifies a "selective exclusion sign" that explicitly lists the prohibited modes of transportation. [2] The exclusions can differ between two expressways in the same state, so always add explicit access tags according to the specific exclusions on the sign posted at entrances to the expressway. Despite the absence of classification-based access restrictions in the U.S., motorroad=yes has sometimes been applied in addition to the access tags on various highway=trunk and highway=primary ways, which typically happen to be expressways.

expressway=yes is commonly used in the U.S. to explicitly tag an expressway, regardless of road classification or access restrictions. This tag supports the common American cartographic practice of displaying expressways with a distinct color or line pattern. Historically, highway=trunk has often been interpreted to correspond to expressways in the U.S., so the need for a separate tag was often overlooked. However, as of 2021, there is a proposal to expand the definition of a trunk road to include non-expressways, making expressway=yes necessary for distinguishing these high-performance roads from conventional surface streets.


This key has a different meaning in Vietnam than in most other Vienna Convention countries, because the motorcycle remains the primary motorized vehicle on the road. As of 2021, motorroad=yes has been tagged on roads posted with cars only, cars and motorcycles only, or motorcycles only. (For example, all the carriageways visible from [3] are tagged motorroad=yes despite the differing access restrictions.) The values of motorcar=*, bus=*, and motorcycle=* cannot be reliably inferred, but in any case, foot=no and bicycle=no are likely implied.


"Motorroad" is not defined in Japan. (Proposed "JapanTagging/RoadTypes/motorroad" was rejected.)

See also


  1. Convention on Road Signs and Signals, consolidated version, p. 47
  2. In practice there can be (subtle) differences between the rules on motorways and the rules on roads for motor vehicles, even in signatory countries of the Vienna Convention. Especially the default speed limit is often higher on motorways (which is also explicit elsewhere in the convention).
  3. “Express road”. Glossary for transport statistics. Luxembourg City: Publications Office of the European Union. 2019. p. 34. 
  4. “Express road”. Statistical Terms Glossary. Beirut: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. Retrieved October 3, 2024. 
  5. For example, Valhalla uses this key only to infer certain access restrictions by country. [1]
  6. Nuovo codice della strada (DL n. 285 del 30/4/1992) art. 175
  7. Regolamento di esecuzione e di attuazione del nuovo codice della strada (DPR n. 495 del 16/12/1992) art. 372
  8. Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 10 settembre 2021, n. 121, recante disposizioni urgenti in materia di investimenti e sicurezza delle infrastrutture, dei trasporti e della circolazione stradale, per la funzionalita' del Ministero delle infrastrutture e della mobilita' sostenibili, del Consiglio superiore dei lavori pubblici e dell'Agenzia nazionale per la sicurezza delle infrastrutture stradali e autostradali (Legge n. 156 del 9 novembre 2021)
  9. Italian laws use the word motoveicoli to define a category of vehicles that includes motorcycles, sidecars, motorized tricycles and quadricycles (that are not considered moped).
  10. Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 16 luglio 2020, n. 76, recante misure urgenti per la semplificazione e l'innovazione digitale (Legge n. 120 del 11/09/2020)