WikiProject Tanzania
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latitude: -6.392, longitude: 35.002 boundary: 195270195270 |
Browse map of Tanzania 6°23′31.20″ S, 35°00′07.20″ E |
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Tanzania is a country in Africa at latitude 6°23′31.20″ South, longitude 35°00′07.20″ East.
This country on the Eastern coast of Africa includes the archipelago of Zanzibar.
Tanzanian community

- Tanzania has no official language de jure.
- Swahili is the only recognized "national language". Locally, other languages may be used and recognized in some regions.
- English is only used de facto in the administration, or as a vernacular communication language between communities.
- State of the Map Tanzania 2017 was the first national conference for OpenStreetMap-related projects and geographic open data initiatives.
User groups and community projects
- Tanzania GIS User Group
- OpenStreetMap Tanzania forum
- talk-tz email list
- Ramani Huria Swahili for "Open Map" - project to map the floodprone wards in Dar es Salaam in detail.
- Crowd2Map Tanzania mapping project
- OMDTZ, a humanitarian organization
People involved
- See also: Category:Users in Tanzania
Ragnvald Larsen (raglar on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Robert Soden (rsoden on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
FischersFritz (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Paul Uithol (PaulUithol on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Anders Anker-Rasch (andersar on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Joel Mitchell ( on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Esron Karimuribo ( on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Janet Chapman (JanetChapman on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Egle Marija Ramanauskaite (seplute on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
- See also: Category:Places in Tanzania
Country borders and coastline
The coastline is defined by mean high water springs.
In Tanzania this usually means that the coastline should be drawn in the upper part of the beaches.
Zones and regions
Human settlements
If we stick to the recommended practice that a city is a place with over 100,000 inhabitants, we can use the 2002 census data ( to identify how we should classify cities, towns and villages in OSM:
- See also: Category:Cities in Tanzania
They are all present on map.
- Dar es Salaam (2.4M)
- The largest city in eastern Africa (a more recent census actually puts the population at 4 million), and smallest region in Tanzania.
- This city has been the focus of a number of mapping initiatives past and present, and currently has a site ( coordinating the use of maps and further mapping in response to regular flooding.
- Zanzibar (391k)
- Note the wiki page fow now is for Zanzibar City plus the whole Zanzibar archipelago and its five regions.
- Other cities:
Towns and villages
- See also: Category:Towns in Tanzania and Category:Villages in Tanzania
We think we have included everything that should be classified as a 'town' in OSM (10k-100k).
For those places that might have been missed, it is suggested calling them a 'town' in OSM if the Tanzanian census shows them to be 'Urban' and > 10k, or to be 'Mixed' and > 20k. Any inhabited settlement below that and which have defined administrative boundaries should be a 'village', provided it has some local organization (for about 100 inhabitants or more).
Any other unorganized rural settlements that jsut fall within the administrative boundaries of organized cities, towns, or villages should be a 'hamlet'; they usually have very low local population (<100 inhabitants), with very few houses or just a farm and some dependant facilities. Any other named place which is not inhabited but only has some facilities or features should be considered a 'locality'.
To find/confirm name of villages there is the Rural Electrification Health website and Population by village/Mtaa level 2012 PHC opendata dataset.
Road types
In order to distingish between trunk, primary and secondary roads, it is suggested to used the classification provided by Tanroads: ( At least trunk roads are quite clearly outlined, primary and secondary may be derived from the maps provided on their website.
Important general comments are listed on Highway Tag Africa and East Africa Tagging Guidelines.
Road identifiers
It is suggested to use the road identifiers (ref=*) used by road signalisation. For the trunk roads Tanroads has published the identifiers (, they are compliant with road signalisation.
From the website of Tanzania Railways: ( We can try to pencil in all the stations insofar as we have coordinates for them or we can find them on the yahoo imagery.
The wikipedia article at has the same for the Tazara railway to Zambia, though I suspect there are more stations than listed there.
Health Facilities
- List of Operating health facilities - 2014 at the United Republic of Tanzania Government Basic Statistics Portal.
Type of service:
- Hospital: amenity=hospital + healthcare=hospital
- Clinic: amenity=clinic + healthcare=clinic
- Health Centre: amenity=clinic + healthcare=centre
- Dispensary: amenity=clinic + healthcare=centre + health_facility:type=dispensary
Type of operator:
- Public: operator:type=public
- Private: operator:type=private
- Parastatal: operator:type=consortium
- Faith based organization: operator:type=ngo
Data import
- WikiProject Tanzania/Tanzania MSD & JSI road import - roads import based on data from Medical Stores Department
- Africover ( - has granted us (Development Seed ([1]) - permission to upload their base layers - roads, rails, admin boundaries.
Accomplished Africover imports:
- Road shapefile.
- Towns shapefile: Layers "major towns" (-->place=village) and "other towns" (-->place=village) have been imported
Outstanding work includes:
- Rivers - Africover
- Admin Boundaries (need to determine current status of OSM dataset before doing anything here) - Africover
Quality control
External datasets
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Africover) - A project aimed at generating a database of GIS layers for the purpose of promoting sustainable management of environmental resources at national, regional and global levels. Tanzania data includes administrative and political boundaries, rivers, towns, and spatially/thematically aggregated landcover. We've received permission from Africover to import road, river, and administrative boundary data layers into OSM. We expect this will happen late April 2009.
- International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) - A diverse collection of spatial data layers, many of which relate directly to livestock and agriculture. Layers available for Tanzania include soils, forests, roads (but poor resolution), administrative boundaries. The administrative boundaries provide data for regions, districts, and wards, and include population density. Licensing is restricted to non-commercial use only.
- Map Library - A project of the Map Maker Trust. It has a simple base map, outline, and layers of administrative boundaries and areas, level one divisions, and satellite images.
- Tanzania GIS User Group - A network of GIS practitioners and users who are based in Tanzania or work on issues related to the country. It is a place where knowledge and information can be shared. Available Layers include administrative boundaries, lakes and waterways, and parks.
- GEOnet Names Server. I have produced a couple of gpx files for the PPL and PK entries for Tanzania. They can be loaded as a layer in JOSM and be used to give an idea as to where a place is. Download tzPK-05-09-2009.gpx and tzPPL-05-09-2009.gpx
- Government Basic Statistics Portal contains many Open Data datasets.
Other datasets that might be useful:
- CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information - Elevation layers for the world.
- Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) - Population layers for the world.
- Southern African Center for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS) [2] - epidemiological and public health data
- Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) - Postcode list (file size: 3.8MB)
- Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA) - List of all airports and airstrips in Tanzania with GPS coordinates. There is also a second list with all the licensed aerodromes (this second list seems to be more up to date).