WikiProject CircularEconomy

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The purpose of this page is to describe how to capture data around the circular economy to make it more consistent.

For example:

  • recycling and resourceries,
  • containers deposited by the associations: containers of clothing, collectors of plastic caps ...
  • Community containers: paper, packaging, glass ..., smart bins(?)
  • collaborative repair shops,
  • book box,
  • donation boxes,
  • composters,
  • waste collection centers,
  • containers.

Who ?

This project is supported by the Better Sort Trials in Nantes.

She has already realized the sites and

But everyone can add points on the map.


The temporary map of Pays-De-La-Loire is here:

Shop offers products without packaging

A bulk purchase



See also: reusable_packaging:accept=* and reusable_packaging:offer=*

Self repair workshops and repair Cafés

A repair café

It corresponds to the tag Tag:repair=assisted self service

A map sample is here: [1]

Please see the main article about repair cafés

Please add the following changeset hashtag when you update the POI: #WikiProject_CircularEconomy

Existing tags

tag description example
repair=assisted_self_service mandatory

It's a workshop

amenity=workshop mandatory

workshop most of the case.

Repair Café if the organizers sign relative commitment

opening_hours:workshop=* mandatory

Hours of the workshop

Sa[3] 09:00-12:00; Aug Off

Mo[1,3] Jan,Mar 09:00-12:00

Th[-1] 09:00-12:30

more info about the format

name=* mandatory

name of the workshop

Repair café informatique
operator=* Optional

the charity / organization running the workshop

Association Repair Café du Pays d'Ancenis
description=* mandatory


Si vous avez un appareil électrique usagé, venez le réparer avec nous.
contact:email=* important

public email

contact:facebook=* Optional


contact:phone=* Optional

Public phone number

contact:website=* Optional


It's also possible to use website=*

contact:calendar=* Important

Url of the agenda
opening hours:url=* Not recommended

Internet page giving the schedules (if the schedules of opening_hours are incomplete, and if there is not an OpenAgenda defined with the tag contact: openagenda) Quit to indicate a web page, as well use contact: website.

charity=yes Optional

Organized by an charity structure

mapillary=* Optional

A photo that will be seen in the popup

image=* Optional

Image used for the popup (an image stored on a website).

This is the Internet address of an image stored on any website (be careful: it is better to use Mapillary but it is more complicated).
repair=yes mandatory

repair place

furniture:repair=yes mandatory
computer:repair=yes mandatory
mobile_phone:repair=yes mandatory
camera:repair=yes mandatory
bicycle:repair=yes mandatory
small_electronics_device:repair=yes description is missing, how to differentiate from other electronics ?
note=* An indication for contributors who are filling the data Voir pour conseils de cartographie.

brand=Repair Café




Member of the network Repair Café


addr:housename=* can be used but worst (1)


Name of Building. Repairs Cafés generally taking place in known places (socio-cultural center, café) it seems appropriate to put the name of the place usually used

addr:housename is possible (1)

Maison de quartier de Alonnes

addr:housenumber=* can be used but worst (1)

addr:housenumber is possible (1) 4

addr:street=* can be used but worst (1)

addr:street is possible (1) rue de Strasbourg

addr:postcode=* can be used but worst (1)

addr:postcode is possible (1) 44 000

addr:city=* can be used but worst (1)

addr:city is possible (1) Nantes
transiscope=yes An initiative related to the ecologic transition is in progress, according to a precise charter (available in french here

(1) Following this project we prefer to use contact instead of addr, because an adress correspond to the "presenting place" of a building, not all the building: FR:WikiProject France/WikiProject Base Adresses Nationale Ouverte (BANO)

Second-hand shop and recycling (better qualify the re-use structure)

The idea is to better qualify the re-use and/or recycling structures for a dedicated mapping.

This means identify the additional tags to put with the main shop=second_hand tag (by identify I mean existing or new tags).

In France, the most telling example is Emmaus.

This type of structure can be a sales depot, but most often these are places where the people can deposit objects (a donation) then this products contributors manually checked then resold.

Some are just boxes, in the street, where you can depose and take objects.

For places who just recover materials or products, please use recycling=* instead.

Please add the following changeset hashtag when you update the POI: #WikiProject_CircularEconomy

Existing tags

tab description example
second_hand=only mandatory

(second_hand=yes if some new products)

name=* mandatory

name of the structure

Emmaus Bouguenais
opening_hours=* mandatory

opening hours of purchases (for deposit hours, see new tag deposit:services_time below)

Tu-Sa 10:00-20:00

24/7 more info about the format

collection_times=* Sometimes, days for deposit are differents from days of purchase. Mo 10:00-20:00

more info about the format

amenity=give_box for boxes with several products, free to deposit and to take (see (1) give_box
amenity=deposit_sale In french "dépôt-vente" deposit_sale
amenity=public_bookcase for boxes with books, free to deposit and to take public_bookcase
amenity=recycling To put for amenity if you don't find better. recycling
operator=* mandatory

the charity / organization running the shop. If several operators, please separate by a ;


Le Secours Populaire Recyclerie Nord Atlantique;Trocantons

shop=* mandatory

A list of categories of products who are available in this second hand place. shop=books




shop=houseware: sells rockery, cutlery, utensils, small appliances

shop=furniture: sells office furnitures

shop=interior_decoration: decorative objects


description=* mandatory

free text explaining the second hand place (but put only information witch are not covered by the other tags). Can be in the language of the country. If the text is longer than 255 caracters, use also the tag wikidata .

Dedicated for students, but all people can come. Manage by volunteers.
charity=yes organized by an charity structure

(1) see explanation

charity:description=* Optional L'argent récolté est reversé pour les actions auprès de l'aide sociale.
mapillary=* For the main photo :

a reference to the corresponding mapillary entry, in order to have a photo that will be seen in the popup.


addr:housenumber=* can be used but worst (4)

also addr:housenumber is possible (4) 4

addr:street=* can be used but worst (4)

also addr:street is possible (4) rue de Strasbourg

addr:postcode=* can be used but worst (4)

also addr:postcode is possible (4) 44 000

addr:city=* can be used but worst (4)

also addr:city is possible (4) Nantes
contact:email=* Used less frequently than email=* following taginfo, but better
contact:website=* Used less frequently than website=* following taginfo, but better


contact:phone=* Used more frequently than phone=* following taginfo, but better +33 1 23 45 67 89
source=* Indicate the origin of the data MieuxTrierANantes;
note=* An indication for contributors who are filling the data.

Maybe a link to this wiki page.

Voir pour conseils de cartographie.
brand=* Optional

Identity a trademark, generally for major organization who manage more than one shop (for example )

La Vie Claire

La Croix Rouge Secours Populaire Emmaus Ding Fring Trocantons Ressourcerie (Some structure are member of the Ressourcerie association (2) see explication )

brand:wikidata=* Optional

(in addition with the tag brand)

Id of the corresponding wikidata entry

brand:wikipedia=* Optional

(in addition with the tag brand) Id of the corresponding Wikipedia entry

fr:La Vie claire
vending=* List of products that you can find. (3) mouse;keyboard

For french language countries: souris;clavier;écran;disque dur

recycling_type=* container or recycling_centre container
  1. It was possible to use shop=charity but here shop is a list of kind of products.
  2. In France some of the Recyclerie are lever le Ressourcerie association.
  3. The other possibily was to set respectives shop details, but it's time consuming to do this way. Like:
    • books=* (put this tag in addition to shop=books) add in this list items witch are sold: comics, books for children (children), books for school (academic). more info. Example: books=academic;children;comic
    • clothes=* (put this tag in addition to shop=clothes)
  4. Following this project we prefer to use contact instead of addr, because an adress correspond to the "presenting place" of a building, not all the building: FR:WikiProject France/WikiProject Base Adresses Nationale Ouverte (BANO)

New tags

I thought to propose to put the following supplements :

tab description in french description example

donation or paid or paid_if_sold

Paiement du dépôt: don, payé, ou payé si vendu. - Most of the case when you give an object, you don't win money for that (it's a donation).

- Sometimes you sell it (you are paid), for example for mobile phones.

- Sometimes your object is stored in the shop and if someone buy it you are paid (in french It's called dépôt-vente)

opening_hours:url Site internet décrivant les horaires Often, the volunteers can change the opening hours daily (there are volunteers :) not employees) and recommend to consult a website (or a Facebook) to be sure it will be really open.

See more details here opening_hours=* .
opening_hours:phone_number Often, the volunteers can change the opening hours daily (there are volunteers :) not employees) and recommend to take a call to be sure it will be really open. +33 1 23 45 67 89

Related discussions


French map:


recycling=* For a container or centre that accepts waste for recycling.

  • recycling_type=container (Bouchons d'amour, Le Relais Atlantique)
  • recycling_type=centre
  • recycling:bicycles=yes
  • recycling:clothes=yes



node 4159463845


FR:WikiProject France/WikiProject Base Adresses Nationale Ouverte (BANO)



The different recycling tags to use

To describe deeply recycling products, we can use recycling=*. To put only if shop=* is not filled or if deposit products are different to sold products.

tab description in french description
recycling:aerosol_cans=yes recyclage bombe aérosol (e.g. hairspray, spray paint, etc.)
recycling:aluminium=yes aluminium
recycling:bags=yes toute sortes de sacs. (all kinds of bags)
recycling:batteries=yes piles et batteries (les petites) (household batteries e.g. D-cell, 9-volt. Does not imply larger batteries are accepted)
recycling:belts=yes ceinture (liée aux vêtements) all belts related to clothing).
recycling:beverage_cartons=yes Emballages cartons ou tetra pack (multi-materials, e.g. Tetra Pak - for drink and food)
recycling:bicycles=yes recyclage vélo
recycling:books=yes livre
recycling:cans=yes recyclage cannette
recycling:car_batteries=yes batteries de voiture
recycling:cardboard=yes carton brun
recycling:cartons=yes cartonnettes (paper based cartons - for drink or food)
recycling:cds=yes CDs et DVDs (Compact discs and DVDs)
recycling:chipboard=yes aggloméré
recycling:christmas_trees=yes arbres de noël

recycling:christmas_trees:opening_hours pour les horaires d'ouverture.

(place where old christmas trees are collected, use with recycling:christmas_trees:opening_hours)
recycling:clothes=yes vêtements, inclus les chaussures. (clothes, including shoes)
recycling:coffee_capsules=yes capsule de café.
recycling:computers=yes ordinateur
recycling:cooking_oil=yes huile de cuisson
recycling:cork=yes liège
recycling:drugs=yes médicament
recycling:electrical_items=yes gros appareils électriques ou électroménager comme un réfrigérateur, un congélateur, un lave-vaisselle...

Voir recycling:white_goods et recycling:small_appliances

(larger electrical items like fridges, freezers, dishwashers, etc - see also recycling:white_goods and recycling:small_appliances)
recycling:engine_oil=yes huile moteur
recycling:fluorescent_tubes=yes tube fluorescent ou néon.
recycling:foil=yes feuille (itchen foil/ tin foil)
recycling:furniture=yes meuble
recycling:gas_bottles=yes bouteilles de gaz (sous pression) (pressurized gas bottles).
recycling:glass=yes verre
recycling:glass_bottles=yes verre de bouteille
recycling:green_waste=yes dechets verts (pelouse, tailles de haies...)
recycling:hazardous_waste=yes Bizarre ou hasardeux (peinture, produits chimiques...) (common house hold hazardous waste like paints, chemicals, asbestos).
recycling:hardcore=yes toxique ???? (see also recycling:rubble).
recycling:low_energy_bulbs=yes ampoule basse consommation
recycling:magazines=yes magazine
recycling:metal=yes métal

recycling:metal:opening_hours ??

(see also recycling:scrap_metal).
recycling:mobile_phones=yes téléphone portable
recycling:newspaper=yes journal
recycling:organic=yes déchets organiques (reste de nourriture) Organic remains of food that are recycled into biogas or compost
recycling:paint=yes peinture
recycling:paper=yes papier
recycling:paper_packaging=yes Emballage papiers
recycling:pens=yes crayon, feutre
recycling:PET=yes plastique de type PET
recycling:plasterboard=yes plaque de plâtre ou Placo plâtre
recycling:plastic=yes plastique
recycling:plastic_bags=yes sacs plastique
recycling:plastic_bottles=yes bouteille plastique
recycling:plastic_packaging=yes Autres emballages plastiques
recycling:pmd=yes PMC Plastic packaging, Metal packaging and Drink cartons
recycling:polyester=yes polyester
recycling:polystyrene_foam=yes mousse de polystyrène
recycling:printer_toner_cartridges=yes tuner laser (imprimantes)
recycling:printer_inkjet_cartridges=yes cartouche d'encre (imprimantes)
recycling:rubble=yes gravat (bricks and building rubble; see also recycling:hardcore).
recycling:scrap_metal=yes feraille
recycling:sheet_metal=yes papier aluminium (ou autre feuille de métal).
recycling:small_appliances=yes - recycling:small_electrical_appliances=yes Petits appareils électroniques Small electrical items such as computer mice, keyboards, electric razors, pocket radios, hair dryers, irons, electric kettles, small quantities of electric cables, etc.
recycling:styrofoam=yes Panneaux styrofoam
recycling:tyres=yes pneu
recycling:tv_monitor=yes Écran de télévision
recycling:waste=yes déchets (ceux sur l'on met dans le sac noir) general waste container, in black bags
recycling:wood=yes bois

Missing values for recycling




recycling:plastic_caps=yes (in french: bouchons plastique)

recycling:corks=yes (in french "bouchons de liège)

Public bookcase

A public bookcase

It corresponds to the tag amenity=public_bookcase .

Please add the following changeset hashtag when you update the POI: #WikiProject_CircularEconomy

Existing tags

Tag Description en français Description Example
amenity=public_bookcase Obligatoire

C'est une boîte à livre

The tag used to describe a street furniture containing books
name=* Optionnel.

Le nom


Name of the public bookcase, for example hand written text on the furniture.


Little Library

brand=* Optionnel.

Le réseau auquel la boîte est lié.


Name of the brand or network of the bookcase if there is one visible

BookCrossing Croque-livres Little Free Library.
capacity=number Optionnel.

Nombre de livres possibles.


Number of books the bookcase can contain.

opening_hours=* Optionnel

Horaires d'ouverture.


Can be an important information.

Tu-Sa 10:00-20:00

24/7 more info about the format

operator=* Optionnel

Nom de l'organisateur


Name of the operator, for example a restaurant that provides the bookcase within its walls.

Ville de Nantes


Image utilisée pour la popup.

On utilise pas image=* car une image stoquée sur un site externe est possiblement piratée.


A photo that will be seen in the popup.

public_bookcase:type=* Optionnel

Type de boîte: ancienne cabine téléphonique, ancienne boîte aux lettres, armoire métallique, armoire en bois...


Distinction based designs.


post_box metal_cabinet wooden_cabinet

contact:website=* Optionnel

Le site internet qui décrit me lieu.


Website of the public bookcase, if one exists.

recycling:books=yes Obligatoire

Récupération de livres.


Recycling books.

source=* Optionnel.

Qui a fourni l'information.


From where is the information

note=* Optionnel.

Note pour la saisie.


An indication for contributors who are filling the data

Voir pour conseils de cartographie.

See also

Map based on OpenStreetMap:

A map (basemap from OpenStreetMap but not data) and the placement of boxes is very approximate. they are ok to switch data from GoogleMaps to OpenStreetMap.

Give boxes and free shops

For give boxes, see amenity=give_box.

For free shops, see amenity=freeshop.

Keywords: free shop, give-away shop, free store, swap shop.[1]


It corresponds to points with this main tag recycling:organic=yes .

Please add the following changeset hashtag when you update the POI: #WikiProject_CircularEconomy

Existing tags

Tag Description en français Description Example
amenity=recycling Obligatoire

Entité Recyclage

recycling_type=container Obligatoire

C'est un conteneur.

recycling:green_waste=yes Obligatoire

Déchets verts (tonte de pelouse, la taille des arbres et des haies...)

Green Waste (grass,etc)
recycling:organic=yes Obligatoire

Bio-déchets (restes de repas)

Organic waste (meal leftovers)
name=* Optionnel

Le nom


Le Vore'Koff

brand=* Optionnel

Le réseau auquel le composteur est affilié.

Optional. Name of the brand or network Réseau Compost Citoyen
opening_hours=* Optionnel

Horaires d'ouverture.

Utile quand il est ouvert peu souvent.

Optional. Can be an important information. Tu-Sa 10:00-20:00

more info about the format

operator=* Optionnel

Nom de l'organisateur

Optional. Name of the operator. Compostri
contact:website=* Optionnel

Le site internet

description=* Optionnel

Description du composteur, limitée à 255 caractères.

(les descriptions longues sont sur la page internet référencée dans contact:website)

Optional. Composteur collectif conçu par les Ekovores avec Compostri, les Idéelles et ATAO
note=* Optionnel

Un conseil pour la personne qui saisit les données.

Optional. Voir pour conseils de cartographie.

See also

This map done by "Réseau Compost Citoyen" (the main network in France) is using OpenStreetMap for background but data are stored in their website:

One map: presentation is and map is here


It corresponds to points with this main tag recycling_type=container

charity=yes is usefull to make the difference between recycling containers and the one managed by ONG.

Please add the following changeset hashtag when you update the POI: #WikiProject_CircularEconomy

Existing tags

Tags Description en français Description Example
amenity=recycling Obligatoire

Entité Recyclage

charity=yes Obligatoire

Tenu par une association ou une SCOP (Le Relais, Bouchons d'amour...)

recycling_type=container Obligatoire

C'est un conteneur.

opening_hours=* Optionnel

Horaires d'ouverture.

Utile quand il est ouvert peu souvent.


more info about the format

brand=* Optionnel

Le réseau auquel le conteneur est affilié

Optional. Name of the brand or network Le Relais
operator=* Optionnel

Nom de l'organisateur

Optional. Name of the operator. Le Relais Atlantique
contact:website=* Optionnel

La page internet qui décrit les consignes de tri.

For recycling containers
recycling:plastic=yes Borne de collecte de plastique (1)
recycling:metal=yes Borne de collecte de métal (1)


Borne de collecte de papier (1)


Présence d'une borne de collecte de verre.

On peut préciser que son utilisation est limitée à la plage horaire 7h-22h via opening_hours:glass=07:00-22:00

For specific containers (clothes...)


Borne de collecte de vêtements et de chaussures (1)

Par exemple Le Relais

If you want to specify a lot of details
recycling:beverage_carton=yes Borne de collecte de briques
recycling:cardboard=yes Borne de collecte de cartons

(1) We can add more specific tags if we can describe precisely, but it seems relevant to put a link to the web page describing the place. In French: on peut ajouter en plus des tags spécifiques si on peut décrire précisément, mais il semble pertinent de mette un lien vers la page internet décrivant le lieu contact:website=*.

See also

A container by Compostri (Nantes):

The containers of Paris (brand Trilib): FR:Tag:brand=Trilib'

List of containers of Paris : (button 'Exécuter' in this page)

The (french) blog article explaining the full project of mapping containers of Paris:

Local food products

Food sharing places

Please see amenity=food_sharing.

Keywords: food rescue, community fridge, food sharing.[2]


This websites on based on OpenStreetMap data.

Example 1: Markets, farmshops and food vending machine on the website

Markets, farmshops, milk and food vending machines and other direct marketers... This german project can be taken as an example (data are in OpenStreetMap, website is using an open-source project):

Documentation (in german) is there:

Translation (french and english) of this documentation is here: [2]

Used tags:


amenity=vending_machine and additional tags vending=milk and vending=food


Example 2: Marketplace on the website Wo ist markt

Translation (french and english) of this documentation is here : [3]

Example 3: Fruit trees on the website Mundraub

Translation (french and english) of this documentation is here : [4]

How to map ?

Farm who sells his products: shop=farm with producte=* (better than products)

shop=marketplace (but how to precise local food ?)

Markets: organic=yes and organic=only

And obviously: name, description, operator, brand, contact:email, contact:website, contact:facebook, contact:phone, contact:housenumber, contact:street, contact:postcode, contact:city, source, note.

Diverse: exporting and visualizing


A map that shows facilities and services in your area that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable:

Temporary map about "re-use in Pays de la Loire" based on this project:

Temporary map, about all circular economy:

First try temporary map:



Name Non en français GeoJson for Overpass Link
Reuse Recycleries

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( // Metropole node["second_hand"="only"]["amenity"="recycling"](41,-5,51,9.6); // Ile La Reunion node["second_hand"="only"]["amenity"="recycling"](-22,54,-20,56); ); out body; >; out skel qt;
Recycling Déchèteries

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( node["amenity"="recycling"] node["second_hand"!="only"] (41,-5,51,9.6); ); out body; >; out skel qt;
Bulk purchase Vrac

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( node["bulk_purchase"="only"](41,-5,51,9.6); ); out body; >; out skel qt;
Repair Café Ateliers co-réparation

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( node["repair"="assisted_self_service"](41,-5,51,9.6); ); out body; >; out skel qt;
Public bookcase Boîte à livres

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( node["amenity"="public_bookcase"](41,-5,51,9.6); ); out body; >; out skel qt;
Compost Composteurs

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( node["recycling:organic"="yes"](41,-5,51,9.6); ); out body; >; out skel qt;
Container Conteneurs (vêtements, bouchons plastique, plastique, verre...)

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( node["recycling_type"="container"](41,-5,51,9.6); ); out body; >; out skel qt;
Recycling centre Centre de traitements (déchèteries...)

[out:json][timeout:100]; ( node["recycling_type"="centre"](41,-5,51,9.6); ); out body; >; out skel qt;

Area for France :

Métropole: (41,-5,51,9.6)

Pays De La Loire: (46.23,-2.72,48.69,1.01)

La Réunion: (-22,54,-20,56)

La Martinique: (14.23,-61.15,14.53,-60.50)



Qwant maps:


Map Contrib:

MapContrib for bulked purchase:

MapContrib for Circular Economy:

Example for future: Rudomap (based in MapContrib)

Image from mapillary:

(size thumb-320.jpg or thumb-640.jpg or thumb-1024.jpg or thumb-2048.jpg):


For Compostri:


There exists an interactive map/editor for public bookcases on MapComplete An unofficial theme (only in Dutch) has been made too for composters


An AMAP (in french : Association pour le Maintien de l'Agriculture Paysanne) is an association that formalizes a partnership between a group of consumers and a farmer or farm.

To map an AMAP, use the following combination: club=local_food + local_food=FR:AMAP

See also Discussion on OSM-FR forum : Cartographier les AMAP

Old tagging proposal


Regional networks and maps of AMAP

National map: Carte réseau AMAP

Map for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: Carte OSM: 400 AMAP, 800 producteurs et 16 000 foyers

Operator in Isère: Alliance Paysans Écologistes Consommateurs Isère

Map for Loire-Atlantique: AMAP44

  1. Keywords taken from Tag:amenity=freeshop.
  2. Keywords taken from Tag:amenity=food_sharing.