WikiProject Iceland/Cycleways
Cycleway tagging
To describe infrastructure designed mainly for cyclists. See also: Cycle routes.
Value | Element | Comment | Photo | |||
Dedicated bicycle lanes | ||||||
lane | ![]() |
A bicycle lane is an inherent part of the road itself. It has no physical separation from the other lanes except the painting on the road. In North America, known as a class II bicycle facility. Notably, there is no curb between the cycle lane and the road.
Some countries have two different types of cycle lanes:
To distinguish between these two types of cycle lanes, the cycle lane can additionally be tagged with cycleway:lane=exclusive or cycleway:lane=advisory respectively.
| ||||||
shared_lane | ![]() |
Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, and there are markings (like ![]() The road markings are usually there to highlight a cycle route or to remind drivers that you can cycle there. |
share_busway | ![]() |
A special lane reserved for public transport on which cyclists are also allowed to bike. | ||||
Bicycle tracks | ||||||
track | ![]() |
A cycle track is separated from the road by curbs, parking lots, grass verges, trees, bollards or another physical barrier, but is running parallel and next to the road. In North America this is called a protected bike lane, separated bike lane, greenway, green lane, or class IV facility.[1]
Alternatively, consider mapping cycle tracks as a separate way next to the road tagged as highway=cycleway (or highway=path + bicycle=designated in case of shared foot- and bicycle ways). Both methods each have their pros and cons: While adding a single tag to an existing way takes less time and still often describes the cycle track accurately, a separately tagged cycle way is generally more flexible and allows to capture more detail (note here that higher complexity increases the potential for routing errors). Add cycleway=separate to the highway if a cycle track is mapped separately (see below). In the USA, general practice is to use this tag when the bike lane is protected by parking with or without bollards/flex posts. E.g. the parking lane is between the vehicle travel lane and the bike lane. Where the bike lane is bi-directional and protected by bollards, general practice has been to draw this bike lane as a separate way even if it is not vertically separated from the vehicle travel lanes. |
separate | ![]() |
Should be used to indicate that a cycle track associated with a highway has been mapped as a separate OSM element (i.e., is tagged with highway=cycleway). Meaning is similar to the use of sidewalk=separate for footways, and can potentially be used when simplifying geometries for rendering. It also acts as a hint to avoid duplicating an existing cycleway by adding cycleway=track to a highway. Don't confuse with segregated=yes. | ||||
No bicycle infrastructure | ||||||
no | ![]() |
Explicitly marks that a street has no bicycle infrastructure. This allows to explicitly note that the road was surveyed for bicycle infrastructure. | ||||
Other bicycle infrastructure | ||||||
crossing | ![]() |
Used on separately mapped paths to indicate that it's a bicycle crossing. | ||||
shoulder | ![]() |
Used to indicate that a road has no designated infrastructure for cyclists, but shoulders (a.k.a. breakdown lanes) are navigable and legal to cycle on. Especially on rural roads with high speed limits, the existence of a shoulder usable by cyclists can make the difference whether the road is usable at all (semi-)safely for cyclists. Not every shoulder=* is automatically usable for cyclists: Some shoulders are used for parking (parking=shoulder) instead, not all shoulders are paved (with asphalt, e.g. grass pavers). Additionally, shoulder=yes is typically only mapped for shoulders that are broad enough to accommodate a car. For cyclists however, a less wide shoulder is fine, too. | ||||
link | ![]() |
A connector between OSM segments for cycle traffic, for example to connect a separately mapped cycle path to a junction on the opposite side. Serves primarily as a routing aid and does not necessarily have to be identifiable as built infrastructure. | ||||
traffic_island | ![]() |
Used on the parts of refugee islands of a cycleway=crossing. | ||||
asl | ![]() |
Indicates an advanced stop line or bike box at junctions. Use cycleway=asl on a ![]() |
gap_jump | ![]() |
A gap jump segment of MTB downhill route. Generally would consist of two or three parts: a take-off ramp; a physically non-existent mid-air segment; and optionally a landing ramp (if not present, a regular bike track serves as a landing zone). The mid-air segment may cross other roads or features, in which case it should be tagged with layer=1 without a node at the intersection; surface=none has occasionally been added as well. Consider explicitly providing foot=no or access=no + bicycle=designated in order to prevent routing for any other activity. | ||||
Deprecated or discouraged tags | ||||||
Formerly used in one-way roads before oneway:bicycle=* was used. See below how to map bicycle infrastructure in one-way roads. | ||||||
Formerly used on cycleways which were mapped as separate ways tagged as highway=cycleway before the segregated=* tag was formalized. Its use with highway=cycleway is now considered obsolete. |
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.
The only example (sure?) of a cycle lane in Iceland is the temporary one at Hverfisgata. An example of a cycle track is the path along the coast at the back of Reykjavik airport. Only some cycle tracks are explicitly marked for bikes with the bike symbol (e.g. back of airport), while other paths are used by bikes and pedestrians but don't have any markings (e.g. the path beside Miklabraut).
Rules for cycleways in Reykjavík
- When the bike symbol is present, these are tagged as Tag:highway=cycleway and also have Tag:foot=designated and Tag:segregated=yes. These paths will be rendered with blue line on the slippymap.
- Where there is no sign on the road showing that bikes are permitted, use Tag:highway=path with Tag:bicycle=yes and Tag:foot=yes. These will be rendered with a red line.
- This is also true if the path is marked with a footway sign.
- The (relatively) new cycleways that are next to a footway, usually are both ways with a dashed line in the middle are tagged with Key:lanes=2, Tag:foot=no, Tag:oneway=no. Right now (2020-08-20) many are tagged with Tag:segregated=yes which is not fitting.
- More discussion on this mapping can be found in this changeset discussion
- It is also useful to have Tag:surface=paved or Key:surface with a more detailed surface, and to mark bridges and tunnels with Tag:bridge=yes and Tag:tunnel=yes.
Cycleroutes in Iceland are semi-official
- Sections of routes that have been or are planned for part-financing by the Icelandic Public Roads and Coastal Administration, have been organised in relations tagged with ncn, national routes, especially in the capital area. See e.g.
- The proposed EuroVelo route 1 extention to Iceland will run along the south coast from Keflavík to Seyðisfjörður. Here is the relation that was created to start mapping it : Route 1 proposed Iceland part. As of ultimo October 2014 you have to zoom all the way in to see it on the Open Cyclemap layer.
Other map features important to cyclists
Please expand this section with proposed tags, description, and English and Icelandic names of the subject. For tags not related to cycling see Is:Map Features. Discuss suggestions on the talk-is mailing-list.
Details about cycleways
- mjóir moldarstígar
- singeltrack slóðir sem líkast mest mjóum (moldar)göngustígur, en henta til að hjóla nokkuð hratt ef maður hefur þá út af fyrir sig.
- gangstétt sem ekki er upp við opnanlega hurði, né morandi í útkeyrslum með lélegan sýnileika
- hefðbundin borgargangstétt
- hjólavísar ( Eitthvað hefur þetta verið merkt á Langholtsvegi, og Einarsnesi ?)
- hjólastígur sem er varasamur
- hjólarein sem er varasöm
- aðskilin hjólarein / hjólastíg ( gjarnan við hlið gangstéttar)
- Gangbrautir
- Ljósastýrð og ekki
- Morandi í 5 til 7 beygjum til að komast yfir
- úrtfærslur sem henta vel fyrir hjól með kerrur
- fyrir Kristianiuhjól (eða almennara ladcykel upp á dönsku), og snjóruðningstæki
- Svipað og sér tegund /attribute fyrir jarðgöng/brú.
- Venjuleg gata /vegur sem hentar sérstaklega vel til hjólreiða í bland við og í samstarfi við aðra umferð.
Points of interest
Other amenities
- Tag:amenity=bicycle parking Key:bicycle parking The more helpful parking places should be marked e.g. amenity=bicycle_parking, bicycle_parking=stands,capacity=10 (or the appropriate type and capacity). They should then appear on the Open Cycle Map, and e.g with other colours than black on this heat map of bicycle parking (which is not updated super-frequently): [1] Here are two queries that show fresh results from OSM : Bogar All types also wheelbenders/gjarðarbanir
- In many cyclists' view bicycle_parking of the type called wall_loops in the documentation or commonly called wheel-benders are almost worse than none, and generally worse than informal, but established ones like lamp posts and low rails or useful fences (see bicycle_parking=informal). But if the wheel benders are mapped (they are after all a an area set off for bicycle parking) are mapped, please mark them as such : amenity=bicycle_parking, bicycle_parking=wall_loops (per the docs for bicycle_parking on this Wiki, even if they are on the ground). The more helpful parking places should be marked e.g. amenity=bicycle_parking, bicycle_parking=stands,capacity=10 (or the appropriate type and capacity)
- Tag:amenity=bicycle rental
- Tag:amenity=drinking water drinking fountains, e.g. by the cycle track by Seabraut, in Laugardalur, by Nauthóll etc.
- Tag:shop=bicycle
- Mark cyclestores as Tag:shop=bicycle, list from [2]
- On the map:
- Markið
- Örninn
- Borgarhjól
- Kría
- Not on the map yet:
- Europris
- Everest
- Hagkaup
- Húsasmiðjan
- Hvellur
- Intersport
- Útilíf
- On the map:
The website hjólavefsjá.is was opened by members of the OpenStreetMap project in Iceland after a blog entry by Gísli Marteinn Baldursson, a member of Reykjavík City Council. There is real interest from within the city to develop an online cycle route planner and we want OpenStreetMap to be the first choice of tools for such a project. This is also a great opportunity to introduce open data to public officials and hopefully get them to donate some useful data to OSM. A discussion about hjólavefsjá.is takes place at the talk-is mailing list (see archives).