Windows Mobile

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This page will aim to collect any useful information about using a Windows mobile phone or PDA for OpenStreetMap purposes. (Not to be confused with the more current Windows Phone system.)


Name APRSISCE/32 ArcGIS Editor for OSM BT747 cachebox CartoType Find & Route GLObal PositioningUtilitieS Gosmore GPS Tuner GPS-Mate GpsCycleComputer gpsVP MoNa MoNav NAVeGIS Navikey SevenWays NaviPOWM Navitel Noni GPSPlot for Windows Mobile OpenCityMap OziExplorer PathAway GPS RoadMap SikaSimplex VataviaMap СитиГИД
Aprsis32.gif Tools20b.png BT J2ME OSM Menu.png Cachebox screenshot.PNG Cartotype-with-routes.PNG Find and route screenshot.jpg GLOPUS screenshot.jpg Gosmore2010.png Gpstuner screenshot.jpg GPS mate screenshot.jpg Gcc.gif GpsVP-OSM.png MoNa Anweisungen.jpg MoNav 03 Maemo.png NAVEGIS8.jpg Navipowm.jpg Navitel navigator screenshot.jpg Noni GPSPlot screenshot.gif OpenCityMap screenshot.jpg Screenshot oziexplorerCE.png PathawayGPS screenshot.jpg RoadMap screenshot.jpg SikaSimplex screenshot.png City Guide.jpg
Website Website Website Website, Google Play Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website, Google Play, iTunes App Store Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website, Google Play, iTunes App Store
Genre Display, Logger, Tracker Display, Editor, Analyse Logger Display, Navi, Logger Display, Navi, Router, Renderer, Library Navi, Logger, Router Navi, Logger, Router Navi Navi, Logger, Router Navi, Logger, Router Display, Logger, Analyse Navi Display, Navi, Router Display, Router, Navi Navi Display, Logger, Tracker Navi, Logger, Router Navi Navi, Logger, Analyse Logger, Display
Display, Navi, Logger Display, Router Logger Display Display, Navi, Router, Logger
Description Feature rich Amateur Radio Automatic Packet Reporting System client that uses OSM tiles as the base map. Allows users to download, edit, and upload OSM data in ArcMap, and/or create feature services based on OSM data in ArcGIS Server. MTK GPS chip sets only!. Geocaching centered. portable library. Fast rendering, no install; easy to use.
Google Earth like 3D Navi with DEM.
sports, simple tracking.
MoNa ist eine unter JavaME entwickelte Ortungs- und Navigationslösung, welche sich die freien Daten des OpenStreetMap-Projektes zu nutzen macht. Contraction Hierarchies routing,
custom speed profiles,
extremely fast and resource conservative routing,
can handle huge graphs like Europe on mobile devices. Only source code available for download - has to be compiled by yourself!.
Feature rich Offline map routing and navigating software. SevenWays is the best offline route from point A to point B.
Popular in Russia.
Featurerich. Deals with a lot of geo datums.
Log Roads directly to OSM. Display for several map sources like OSM, Yahoo and others ... Desktop version requires .NET-Framework 2.0 or newer, tested with MONO-framework under Linux and MacOS. CityGuide car navigator.
Supported platforms Windows, Windows Mobile Windows, Windows Mobile Java ME, Linux, MacOS, Palm OS, Windows, Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Android, Linux, MacOS, Unix, Windows, Windows Mobile, iOS, wasm Windows Mobile, falk, lowrance Windows Mobile Android, Linux, Maemo, Unix, Windows, Windows CE, Windows Mobile Windows Mobile, iOS Android, Windows, Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Windows, Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Linux, Maemo, Symbian, Windows, Windows Mobile Windows CE, Windows Mobile Windows, Windows Mobile Windows, Windows Mobile Android, Bada OS, Symbian, Windows CE, Windows Mobile, iOS Windows Mobile Linux, Windows Mobile Windows, Windows Mobile, magellan, medion, mio, navman, tomtom Palm OS, Symbian, Windows Mobile Linux, Windows, Windows Mobile Java ME, Windows Mobile Linux, MacOS, Windows, Windows Mobile Android, Symbian, Windows, Windows CE, Windows Mobile, iOS
Release date 2012-08-29 2022-05-05 2010-08-13 2010-08-22(⚠️ Unmaintained) 2024-05-28 2012-03-08 2009-10-06 2011-11-22(⚠️ Unmaintained) 2012-05-31 2014-09-15 2013-12-05 2012-02-05(⚠️ Unmaintained) 2010-07-13 2011-04-23 2020-06-28
2011-07-05(⚠️ Unmaintained) 2017-07-17 2011-11-11 2008-06-01(⚠️ Unmaintained) 2010-05-05 2009-10-01 2009-02-02 2009-09-08 2011-03-22(⚠️ Unmaintained) 2023-11-24
Languages English English Deutsch, English English English Deutsch Deutsch Deutsch, English English Deutsch, English English Multilingual Deutsch English Deutsch, Ελληνικά, English, Español, Français, Italiano English, Русский English English, Русский English English English Deutsch, English English English English Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Polski, Русский, Українська
Author Lynn Deffenbaugh KJ4ERJ Esri Dirk Haase, Mario De Weerd, Thomas Mohme Hannes Winkelmann Graham Asher FootMap GmbH
Nic Roets GPS Tuner Kft Ing. Büro L.Oestreicher
Vsevolod Shorin Timo M. (mlrtimbf "at"
Daniel B. (daniel-lev "at"
Christian Vetter EDC Greece
J.Bugariu Navitel Anthony Eguerre De Nayer Institute Des Newman
Paul Fox Antti Järvinen
Price free of charge
$6.99 / free 23€ free of charge
30€ 60-95$
free of charge 15 days trial
License proprietary Apache License 2.0 GPL GPL proprietary proprietary proprietary BSD proprietary proprietary bsd BSD GPL GPL GPLv3 nonfreeproprietary GPL proprietary Freeware
(donors get extra features)
GPL proprietary proprietary GPL GPL Artistic License, GPL proprietary
Source code
</> </> </>
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This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.

Map display

Name APRSISCE/32 ArcGIS Editor for OSM BT747 cachebox CartoType Find & Route GLObal PositioningUtilitieS Gosmore GPS Tuner GPS-Mate GpsCycleComputer gpsVP MoNa MoNav NAVeGIS Navikey SevenWays NaviPOWM Navitel Noni GPSPlot for Windows Mobile OpenCityMap OziExplorer PathAway GPS RoadMap VataviaMap СитиГИД
Display map yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Map data Raster Vector Raster Raster Vector, Raster Vector Raster, Vector Vector Raster, Vector Raster Raster Vector, Raster Raster, Vector Raster Vector Raster Vector Vector Raster Raster, Vector Raster, Vector Raster, Vector Vector Raster Vector
Source Online, Cache, Offline Online, Cache, Offline
Offline Online, Cache, Offline Offline Cache, Offline Offline Online, Cache, Offline Online, Cache, Offline Online, Cache Offline, Caching Online Online, Cache, Offline Offline Online, Cache, Offline Offline Offline Cache, Offline Cache, Offline Online, Cache, Offline Online, Cache, Offline Offline Online, Cache, Offline Offline
Rotate map no no
yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes
3D view no no no no yes no yes yes yes no no yes no no no yes no yes no no yes no yes no yes

This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.


Name APRSISCE/32 ArcGIS Editor for OSM CartoType Find & Route GLObal PositioningUtilitieS Gosmore GPS Tuner GpsCycleComputer gpsVP MoNa MoNav NAVeGIS Navikey SevenWays NaviPOWM Navitel OpenCityMap OziExplorer RoadMap СитиГИД
Routing yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Calculate route no
yes yes
Create route via Waypoints
Routing profiles none Car Car, Bike, Walk, Hike, Custom Bike, Foot
Car, Bike, Foot Car, Bike, Foot no
Car Car, Bike, Foot, Wheelchair Car none Car, Bike, Foot Car, Bike, Foot, Taxi, Emergency, Bus, Truck, Delivery
Car, Foot, Motorbike
Turn restrictions no yes yes
yes no yes no
Calculate route without Internet (Offline routing) no

This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.


Name APRSISCE/32 ArcGIS Editor for OSM cachebox CartoType Find & Route GLObal PositioningUtilitieS Gosmore GPS Tuner GPS-Mate gpsVP MoNa MoNav NAVeGIS Navikey SevenWays NaviPOWM Navitel OpenCityMap OziExplorer PathAway GPS RoadMap СитиГИД
Navigate no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes
Find location no yes no yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes
Find nearby POIs no no yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes
no yes yes
yes no yes
Navigate to point no no yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes
Navigation with voice / Voice guidance no no no
no no no no yes no no yes
no yes
Keep on road no no no yes no
yes yes
Works without GPS no yes yes yes yes
yes no
yes no
yes yes yes no yes yes
Navigate along predefined route yes
no yes

This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.


Name APRSISCE/32 ArcGIS Editor for OSM BT747 cachebox CartoType Find & Route GLObal PositioningUtilitieS Gosmore GPS Tuner GPS-Mate GpsCycleComputer gpsVP MoNav NAVeGIS Navikey SevenWays NaviPOWM Navitel Noni GPSPlot for Windows Mobile OpenCityMap OziExplorer PathAway GPS RoadMap SikaSimplex СитиГИД
Make track yes no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no
Customizable log interval yes yes yes
no yes
yes yes
no yes yes
no yes yes
Track formats Gpx Shp, Osm, Pdf, Png GPX, KML, CSV, HTML, PLT, TRK Gpx
Gpx, Nmea Gpx, Kml, Nmea, Csv
Gpx, Kml, Nmea, Csv, Txt, Loc, Tur
Gpx, Ozi, Plt
Img Gpx Nmea Gpx Gpx Gpx
Gpx, Kml
Geotagging no
Photo no
no no no
Note Photo
Fast POI buttons yes yes yes yes
no yes
yes yes
yes no
yes yes
Upload GPX to OSM no yes
no no

This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.


Name APRSISCE/32 ArcGIS Editor for OSM BT747 cachebox Find & Route GLObal PositioningUtilitieS Gosmore GPS Tuner GPS-Mate GpsCycleComputer gpsVP MoNa NAVeGIS Navikey SevenWays NaviPOWM Navitel Noni GPSPlot for Windows Mobile OpenCityMap OziExplorer PathAway GPS SikaSimplex СитиГИД
Monitoring yes no yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes no no
Show current track yes no yes yes yes yes
no yes no yes yes yes yes yes no
Open existing track yes yes yes
yes yes
no yes no
yes yes no
Altitude diagram no no yes yes yes yes
no yes no
yes no yes yes no
Show POD value yes no yes no no yes
no yes yes yes yes
yes yes no
Satellite view yes no yes no no yes
no yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes no
Show live NMEA data yes no yes no no yes
yes no
yes yes
Show speed no
Send current position yes, APRS no Www Www no Www, Sms
no Www no no
yes, APRS no Sms
no no Www, Sms no

This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.


Name ArcGIS Editor for OSM OpenCityMap
Add POIs yes yes
Edit / Delete POIs yes yes
Add way yes
Edit geometries yes
Edit arbitrary tags of existing OSM objects yes no
Edit relations yes no
Work offline Online, Cache, Offline
Upload to OSM yes

This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.


Name gpsVP NAVeGIS СитиГИД
Accessibility support Blind
Complete non graphics text output yes
Exploration modus
Danger Warnings
yes yes

This table was generated by the OSM Apps Catalog at 2025-02-04.

Data Logging

A number of programs are available for collecting GPS tracks:

Free Software/Open Source


  • PTGMAP Moving / rotating map / tracklog, and GPS navigation. By using Mkgmap you can create an .img file and load it to PTGMAP. You can define hardware buttons to create a waypoint at the current position. This is really helpful for OSM tracking.
  • Cachebox - for Windows Mobile 5 Professional (PDA). Geocaching software that uses OSM tiles for displaying the map.
  • Mobbyway for Windows Mobile with ver. 6.1 or above, needs .NET Compact Framework 3.5. French solution to upload tracklogs in GPX format and more.


  • Gobiz Mobile ([1]) Display and save OpenStreetMap for offline use! Georeference your photos, videos, audio, POIs, tracks; view your tracks in Google Earth in 3D with 3D data types; runs on Windwos Mobile 5.x, 6.x (~upon request ???)
  • GPS-Mate ( Displays the OpenStreetMap and other - even georeference your own - topographic maps; record, manage, plan and export GPS tracks (various formats); available for Windows Mobile PDA + Windows CE PNA's + Windows PC; English/German (~23 ???)
  • Glopus ( 3D map, track log, etc., only German (Shareware, 20 ???)
  • GPS Data Logger 2005 ( (commercial, $ 70)
  • GPSGate ( will record a GPS log, and will also allow you to share one GPS between several GPS applications running at the same time. (Commercial, US$ 30)
  • BeeLine GPS ( Also has a log recording function. (Shareware, US $ 30.)
  • GPSDash ( (Shareware, 23 ??? ~ 27.6 $.)
  • Navio ( (Shareware, 23 ??? ~ 24.9 $) I have found it quite practical and reliable for OSM tracking (on an iPaq 6915). Logs are in NMEA format. You have to buy a licence to make logs. Waymarking facilities are poor. Can display position on a downloaded PDF or JPEG map image, but I haven't tested that.
  • CartoType ( - Available now for Windows, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, and Palm OS 5. CartoType is owned and developed by Graham Asher of Cartography Ltd
  • Run.GPS ( (Shareware, 25.95 ??? ~ 33.99 $) is software for Windows Mobile Pocket PCs and smartphones that can synchronise multiple tracks directly to OSM through Wi-Fi, GPRS or UMTS
  • GPS Tuner ( ($34 - With one-year free upgrade). Can directly download OSM maps or use the free map calibrator.
  • MioMap/IGO My way ( Quite expensive, depending on the maps you buy. But if you already have this software, it can record tracks and export them as GPX.
  • OziExplorerCE ($ 95 / ??? 69 for life-time license). Runs on various handheld devices starting with Windows CE 3 through Windows Mobile 6+ and An unregistered version will require manual GPS communication restart every 20 or 10 minutes. Can be used with any raster map - scanned or converted. Track logs and POIs are compatible with GPSBabel. The GPS recordings will be in NMEA format. If you need the recorded track as a GPX file (for example when you want to upload the recorded tracks directly to the OSM-server) have a look at converting NMEA to GPX.
Further details can be found on Making_Tracks_with_Homebrew-ware#Windows_Mobile.
  • PathAway ([2]) (Commercial, Standard $60) - For Windows Mobile, Symbian, and PalmOS. Can directly download OSM maps ($95 Professional version only), or use your own raster maps using the calibration tool. Can record tracks and export them as GPX.
  • odgps ( GPX track logging, waypoint navigation and statistics. There is also a German manual.
I have quite good experience with this program. Only after 60 to 90 min., the memory fills up, so I save, restart and go on. Works.
Well with 240x240 screen resolution. --Georg 07:09, 28 April 2007 (BST)
Moved here from Freeware, because it has become shareware ... but with a reasonable price --Chaosben 13:05, 10 September 2010 (BST)

Using OSM data

BSGPSPDA Freeware - tracks your position on downloaded Osmarender tiles (zoom 10 to 17). See instantly missing ways, POI's, etc. Records tracks in GPX and voice recorded waypoint and PIO descriptions.

PocketMV is a shareware program which will display Garmin img files on a Windows Mobile device, and then if you have a GPS connected will display your position on the map. It features a search facility allowing you to search for roads and points of interest. Suitable img files can be created using Mkgmap. The following image shows a screen shot from an HP Ipaq in the area of Ryde, Isle of Wight:

OZIexplorerCE, see Oziexplorer for details:

gpsVP is an open-source (BSD license) that supports using Garmin .img map format files and shows online OSM maps (Mapnik is preconfigured, it is possible to add a configuration file for other online raster maps like Osmarender) on Windows Mobile devices (smartphone or PDA) and also on Windows Desktop computers. By using Mkgmap you can create an .img file and load it to gpsVP.

Gosmore is a routing application that uses OSM data:

Run.GPS is a shareware program that can display OSM data and load map tiles on demand through a cell phone Internet connection (GPRS, UMTS):

PDA TileManager is software that can download OSM tiles along a GPX track. For Windows Mobile with installed .NET CF 2.0 or above. It works perfectly together with Run.GPS:

Map Calibrator creates OSM maps. I use them in the GPS Tuner and in the Turbo GPS on my WinPDA:

locr GPS Photo for Windows Mobile Version 2 Alpha 1 is a free client application for Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6 PDAs to geotag photos which uses OSM maps for orientation purposes.

OpenMobileMaps is a moving map application similar to Google Maps, but it is using OSM data instead. If a data connection is available, it automatically downloads tiles and allows to search for places. In offline mode it shows cached map-tiles. If a GPS device is available, the current position can be shown on the map and the map automatically moved.

Audio Logging

  • See PDA Voice Recording for information on using your Windows Mobile device to record audio whilst you are mapping.