Category:FR:Erreurs sur les attributs
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Les pages listées ici contiennent une section Erreurs sur les attributs qui affiche un texte et un encadré Taginfo qui montre des erreurs possibles ou fréquentes sur les attributs. Cet encadré contient un lien vers l'API Overpass.
Ceci permet aux cartographes de trouver ces attributs et les corriger grâce à leur connaissance locale.
Note : les attributs (tags en anglais) listés (nom des pages) dans cette catégorie sont des attributs établis (ce sont ceux qu'il faut utiliser) !
Ajouter ce code à la page d'un attribut adjoint directement la page à la présente catégorie de page.
- Exemple du code à insérer
== Erreurs d'attributs fréquentes ou possibles ==
- Exemple du code à insérer avec valeur possible
== Erreurs d'attributs fréquentes ou possibles ==
- Voir aussi
Pages in category "FR:Erreurs sur les attributs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 254 total.
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- FR:Key:abandoned:*
- FR:Key:amenity
- FR:Key:bin
- FR:Key:board type
- FR:Key:bridge
- FR:Key:building:architecture
- FR:Key:building:levels
- FR:Key:building:min level
- FR:Key:building:part
- FR:Key:building:soft storey
- FR:Key:camp site
- FR:Key:club
- FR:Key:colour
- FR:Key:content
- FR:Key:crossing:continuous
- FR:Key:diet:vegan
- FR:Key:diet:vegetarian
- FR:Key:embassy
- FR:Key:entrance
- FR:Key:female
- FR:Key:fence type
- FR:Key:footway
- FR:Key:ford
- FR:Key:garden:type
- FR:Key:genus
- FR:Key:height
- FR:Key:hot water
- FR:Key:indoor seating
- FR:Key:kerb
- FR:Key:landuse
- FR:Key:leaf cycle
- FR:Key:leaf type
- FR:Key:light:colour
- FR:Key:location
- FR:Key:male
- FR:Key:marker
- FR:Key:model
- FR:Key:nohousenumber
- FR:Key:old name
- FR:Key:opening hours:kitchen
- FR:Key:orientation
- FR:Key:parking
- FR:Key:parking:both
- FR:Key:parking:both:orientation
- FR:Key:parking:left
- FR:Key:parking:left:orientation
- FR:Key:parking:right
- FR:Key:parking:right:orientation
- FR:Key:place of worship
- FR:Key:post office
- FR:Key:power
- FR:Key:religion
- FR:Key:residential
- FR:Key:reusable packaging
- FR:Key:reusable packaging:accept
- FR:Key:roof:levels
- FR:Key:roof:shape
- FR:Key:service:bicycle:retail
- FR:Key:shelter type
- FR:Key:shop
- FR:Key:social facility:for
- FR:Key:start date
- FR:Key:swimming pool
- FR:Key:toilets
- FR:Key:townhall:type
- FR:Key:utility
- FR:Key:voltage:primary
- FR:Key:voltage:secondary
- FR:Key:waste
- FR:Key:water
- FR:Key:wikimedia commons
- FR:Tag:access=customers
- FR:Tag:access=designated
- FR:Tag:aeroway=navigationaid
- FR:Tag:amenity=casino
- FR:Tag:amenity=dressing room
- FR:Tag:amenity=drinking water
- FR:Tag:amenity=give box
- FR:Tag:amenity=kick-scooter parking
- FR:Tag:amenity=music school
- FR:Tag:amenity=pharmacy
- FR:Tag:amenity=recycling
- FR:Tag:amenity=restaurant
- FR:Tag:amenity=school
- FR:Tag:amenity=shower
- FR:Tag:amenity=social facility
- FR:Tag:amenity=waste basket
- FR:Tag:artwork type=sculpture
- FR:Tag:barrier=fence
- FR:Tag:barrier=hedge
- FR:Tag:barrier=kerb
- FR:Tag:barrier=stile
- FR:Tag:boules=petanque
- FR:Tag:bridge=aqueduct
- FR:Tag:building=beach hut
- FR:Tag:building=chapel
- FR:Tag:building=detached
- FR:Tag:building=grandstand
- FR:Tag:building=greenhouse
- FR:Tag:building=public
- FR:Tag:building=residential
- FR:Tag:building=semidetached house
- FR:Tag:building=service
- FR:Tag:building=terraced house
- FR:Tag:building=yes
- FR:Tag:craft=glaziery
- FR:Tag:craft=shoemaker
- FR:Tag:craft=window construction
- FR:Tag:craft=winery
- FR:Tag:crossing=traffic signals
- FR:Tag:cuisine=barbecue
- FR:Tag:cuisine=teahouse
- FR:Tag:diplomatic=embassy
- FR:Tag:emergency=ambulance station
- FR:Tag:emergency=assembly point
- FR:Tag:emergency=disaster response
- FR:Tag:emergency=fire alarm box
- FR:Tag:emergency=life ring
- FR:Tag:emergency=lifeguard
- FR:Tag:emergency=mountain rescue
- FR:Tag:emergency=siren
- FR:Tag:generator:source=solar
- FR:Tag:genus=Quercus
- FR:Tag:government=register office
- FR:Tag:government=tax
- FR:Tag:government=watercourse management
- FR:Tag:highway=busway
- FR:Tag:highway=street lamp
- FR:Tag:historic=lavoir
- FR:Tag:information=map
- FR:Tag:landuse=basin
- FR:Tag:landuse=construction
- FR:Tag:landuse=education
- FR:Tag:landuse=farmyard
- FR:Tag:landuse=forest
- FR:Tag:landuse=recreation ground
- FR:Tag:leaf cycle=deciduous
- FR:Tag:leisure=dance
- FR:Tag:leisure=dog park
- FR:Tag:leisure=fitness station
- FR:Tag:leisure=garden
- FR:Tag:leisure=picnic table
- FR:Tag:leisure=sauna
- FR:Tag:leisure=sports centre
- FR:Tag:leisure=swimming pool
- FR:Tag:leisure=tanning salon
- FR:Tag:lifeguard=base
- FR:Tag:line attachment=anchor
- FR:Tag:line attachment=suspension
- FR:Tag:line management=branch
- FR:Tag:line management=cross
- FR:Tag:line management=split
- FR:Tag:line management=termination
- FR:Tag:line management=transpose
- FR:Tag:location:transition=yes
- FR:Tag:man made=advertising
- FR:Tag:man made=chimney
- FR:Tag:man made=cutline
- FR:Tag:man made=embankment
- FR:Tag:man made=goods conveyor
- FR:Tag:man made=heap
- FR:Tag:man made=mast
- FR:Tag:man made=mineshaft
- FR:Tag:man made=petroleum well
- FR:Tag:man made=survey point
- FR:Tag:man made=utility pole
- FR:Tag:mechanical coupling=nodding donkey
- FR:Tag:memorial=plaque
- FR:Tag:memorial=war memorial
- FR:Tag:natural=bare rock
- FR:Tag:natural=cape
- FR:Tag:natural=peak
- FR:Tag:natural=reef
- FR:Tag:natural=saddle
- FR:Tag:natural=scrub
- FR:Tag:natural=wood
- FR:Tag:noname=yes
- FR:Tag:office=company
- FR:Tag:office=government
- FR:Tag:office=harbour master
- FR:Tag:office=lawyer
- FR:Tag:operator=EDF
- FR:Tag:operator=Enedis
- FR:Tag:operator=GRDF
- FR:Tag:operator=Orange
- FR:Tag:operator=Régie Gaz Électricité de Sallanches
- FR:Tag:operator=SNCF Réseau
- FR:Tag:parking:both=no
- FR:Tag:place=city
- FR:Tag:place=country
- FR:Tag:place=county
- FR:Tag:place=municipality
- FR:Tag:place=neighbourhood
- FR:Tag:place=province
- FR:Tag:place=region
- FR:Tag:place=square
- FR:Tag:place=state