List of featured images/2016

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These are featured images, which have been identified as the best examples of OpenStreetMap mapping, or as useful illustrations of the OpenStreetMap project.

If you know another image of similar quality, you can nominate it on Featured image proposals.


Week 1
(4–10 Jan.)
Amenity tag transitions diagram.png
English How do amenity tags change? A detailed analysis by Matias Dahl involved mining the Planet.osm/full history dumps to produce diagrams like this revealing internal relationships between the tags. edit
Week 2
(11–17 Jan2025-01-11Error: Invalid time.)
Sticker of openstreetmap taiwan logo.jpg
English Stickers of OpenStreetMap Taiwan logo for Participants of the Kaohsiung Meetup, which occurred in the Southern port city in Taiwan. edit
Week 3
(18–24 Jan2025-01-18Error: Invalid time.)
OpenStreetMap in an IC2 carriage (DB).jpg
English OpenStreetMap in an IC2 carriage (Deutsche Bahn). The map shows the current location of the train and highlights the stations. edit
Week 4
(25–31 Jan2025-01-25Error: Invalid time.)
Geoshepherds cross-country ski mapping.png
English “We won‘t let the snow stop us!” The folks at swedish design firm geoshepherds, have been out mapping on their cross-country skis! edit
Week 5
(1–7 Feb2025-02-01Error: Invalid time.)
English Last month mappers gathered in Bogota, for an OpenStreetMap Colombia/Missing Maps Project event to help put the Wayuu people on the map, by mapping details of the "La Guajira" peninsula. Read more on the OpenStreetMap Colombia blog. edit
Week 6
(8–14 Feb2025-02-08Error: Invalid time.)
FabLab Lannion laser cutter map.jpg
English The FabLab Lannion laser cutting machine, making a map of the roads of Lannion-Tregor Communauté, northern France (here). edit
Week 7
(15–21 Feb2025-02-15Error: Invalid time.)
Smelly map of London.png
English SmellyMaps. Mapping different types of smell (based on flickr tags & tweets) as different colours on the OpenStreetMap road network. edit
Week 8
(22–28 Feb2025-02-22Error: Invalid time.)
English Tandale in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, has been mapped in dense detail since 2009. Recently the Ramani Huria project involved local people and UAV imagery, updating reflecting flood changes, and adding even more local details (see the map). edit
Week 9
(1–6 Mar2025-03-01Error: Invalid time.)
English The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and the Croix-Rouge Française hosted a 3-day OpenStreetMap workshop in Bogo, Cebu, as part of their Northern Cebu Risk Mapping project. Read more here. edit
Week 10
(7–13 Mar2025-03-07Error: Invalid time.)
English Conference organised by the Mexico OpenStreetMap community in the campus of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México in Toluca. edit
Week 11
(14–20 Mar2025-03-14Error: Invalid time.)
StLuciaMapathon 2016-02-28 15.14.08.jpg
English New mappers at #mapsaintlucia, the first national mapathon in Saint Lucia. edit
Week 12
(21–27 Mar2025-03-21Error: Invalid time.)
English For OpenDataDay 2016 in Santiago, Chile they asked passers-by in a public square to put sticky notes over a big printed OpenStreetMap map. Read more on this OKFN blog post. edit
Week 13
(28 Mar – 3 Apr2025-03-28Error: Invalid time.)
Chris Roth Place names visualisation, Switzerland.png
English Distribution of place names containing “berg” (German for “mountain”) in Switzerland. Try out your own place names query to visualise geographic distribution using Chris Roth’s Places tool. edit
Week 14
(4–10 Apr2025-04-04Error: Invalid time.)
English Argentina has some curious street layouts. In the city of Puerto Madryn there is a suburb with concentric circular streets and in El Calafate a suburb (Solo Terra) whose streets form a treble clef! edit
Week 15
(11–17 Apr2025-04-11Error: Invalid time.)
English India has 22 languages and one of the powerful features of OpenStreetMap is that we can map places and feature names in more than one language. User PlaneMad has created a view of this data. A multilingual map of India. Read more on his diary entry. edit
Week 16
(18–24 Apr2025-04-18Error: Invalid time.)
Epworth heatmap.jpg
English Heatmap of addresses across Epworth, in Harare Province, Zimbabwe. An example of planning and reporting efforts needed to create or improve Missing Maps in Africa. edit
Week 17
(25 Apr – 1 May2025-04-25Error: Invalid time.)
Fredy Rivera mapping mountain tracks.jpg
English Colombian mapper Fredy Rivera likes to take his 4x4 and map mountain trails for OpenStreetMap. With such stunning scenery in the Andes, who can blame him?! Fredy was featured in this mapper in the spotlight blog post. edit
Week 18
(2–8 May2025-05-02Error: Invalid time.)
MediaLabUIO mapping Ecuador.jpg
English Students at MediaLab UIO in Ecuador mapping in response to the recent earthquake, using the OSM Tasking Manager to coordinate with mappers around the world. Read more on their blog (in Spanish) and on the 2016 Ecuador earthquake page. edit
Week 19
(9–15 May2025-05-09Error: Invalid time.)
OSM Analytics Haiti buildings.png
English The new OSM Analytics tool showing progress with mapping buildings in Haiti, by comparing on a timeline, and with a visual side-by-side map slider. edit
Week 20
(16–22 May2025-05-16Error: Invalid time.)
English Web developers learning about mapping at this developer focused mapping workshop organized by Kathmandu Living Labs in Nepal. edit
Week 21
(23–29 May2025-05-23Error: Invalid time.)
Kathmandu Living Labs at Understanding Risk.jpg
English Nama Budhathoki of Kathmandu Living Labs describing the 2015 Nepal earthquake mapping response at Understanding Risk conference in Venice (session info). edit
Week 22
(30 May – 5 Jun2025-05-30Error: Invalid time.)
SotMFR 2016 Group photo.jpg
English The State of the Map France 2016 conference took place in Clermont-Ferrand last weekend. edit
Week 23
(6–12 Jun2025-06-06Error: Invalid time.)
Kyrgyzstan Tien Shan OSM workshop.jpg
English Students and Teachers in Kyrgyzstan creating detailed maps of their villages. Read more on the HOT blog. edit
Week 24
(13–19 Jun2025-06-13Error: Invalid time.)
Parmelin keller geosumitt sosm P1070779.jpg
English Members of Swiss OSM (SOSM) shared a stand at Geosummit in Bern. Demonstrations included "Map on a Stick" and a variety of printed maps based on OSM. Swiss Federal Councillor & Minister for Defence and Sports, Guy Parmelin, is discussing the mapping of his home town of Bursins with prof. Stefan Keller (HSR, Rapperswil). edit
Week 25
(20–26 Jun2025-06-20Error: Invalid time.)
Managua bus users map.jpg
English A bus map produced with OpenStreetMap, is now being used and enjoyed by the people of Managua, Nicaragua. This article tells the story. edit
Week 26
(27 Jun – 3 Jul2025-06-27Error: Invalid time.)
Touch that data.jpg
English Presented at OSMit2016, this moving 3D model by OpenDot Lab is the latest way to visualise OpenStreetMap stats! Watch a video here. edit
Week 27
(4–10 Jul2025-07-04Error: Invalid time.)
Board game osm.jpg
English Board game using OSM data: memory game of the French largest cathedrals. JBacc created this by filtering of the Geofabrik extract with Osmosis, area calculation with QGIS, data processing and rendering with Maperitive/Maperipy. edit
Week 28
(11–17 Jul2025-07-11Error: Invalid time.)
Heatmap-municipios-sem-mapeamento BR.png
English Luc Freitas analysed mapping progress of Brazilian cities (diary entry in Portuguese). He looked at the size of cities based on municipal boundaries data (already imported from IBGE), and correlated this with the amount of residential roads data in OpenStreetMap. This image and the tabular output helps guide further mapping efforts by the Brazilian community. edit
Week 29
(18–24 Jul2025-07-18Error: Invalid time.)
MapLesotho June 2016 minister visit.jpg
English Throughout June there was a big series of MapLesotho mapping events (involving modem equipment travelling around the country!), culminating in this final mapping session with a visit from the Lesotho minister for local government. Read more on the MapLesotho blog. edit
Week 30
(25–31 Jul2025-07-25Error: Invalid time.)
SOTMUS 2016 group photo.jpg
English State Of The Map U.S. 2016 took place last weekend in Seattle with a packed program of talks, workshops, hacking & mapping. edit
Week 31
(1–7 Aug2025-08-01Error: Invalid time.)
Bluefields risk places identification.jpg
English In Bluefields, Nicaragua, the local OSM community and UNICEF worked with school children to help them empower themselves through the use of maps. edit
Week 32
(8–14 Aug2025-08-08Error: Invalid time.)
Info screen on a polish bus.jpg
English OpenStreetMap spotted on board a bus in Kraków, Poland. edit
Week 33
(15–21 Aug2025-08-15Error: Invalid time.)
Sotm japan 2016.jpg
English State of the Map Japan 2016 was held in Tokyo last week. edit
Week 34
(22–28 Aug2025-08-22Error: Invalid time.)
Dubai bike share.jpg
English The ByKy bike share system in Dubai (UAE) has signposts at each docking station, featuring OpenStreetMap! edit
Week 35
(29 Aug – 4 Sep2025-08-29Error: Invalid time.)
12th birthday cakes montage.jpg
English The OpenStreetMap 12th Anniversary Birthday party was celebrated around the world, including cake in Japan, India and Germany! edit
Week 36
(5–11 Sep2025-09-05Error: Invalid time.)
Plaza del ejecutivo-Mexico-City.jpg
English A spiderweb of streets around the Plaza del Ejecutivo, in Mexico City. edit
Week 37
(12–18 Sep2025-09-12Error: Invalid time.)
Screenshot osm-tile-access-log-viewer.png
English Visualising tool created by the Martin Raifer allows us to explore the stats about map views. Read more on his diary. edit
Week 38
(19–25 Sep2025-09-19Error: Invalid time.)
Mapping Event Earthquake Italy.jpg
English A collaborative emergency mapping event organized by the Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap communities in the City of Trento, Italy. edit
Week 39
(26 Sep – 2 Oct2025-09-26Error: Invalid time.)
State Of The Map 2016 group photo.jpg
English Group photo at the international OpenStreetMap conference State Of The Map 2016 in Brussels. edit
Week 40
(3–9 Oct2025-10-03Error: Invalid time.)
State Of The Map Asia 2016 opening.jpg
English Opening session at State of the Map Asia 2016 in Manila, Philippines last weekend. edit
Week 41
(10–16 Oct2025-10-10Error: Invalid time.)
Monte Pisano map graphic.png
English Marco Barbieri presented his cartographic work at OSMit last year, producing these attractive web maps ( and printable tourist maps of Monte Pisano, as well as organising mapping parties in this part of Italy. edit
Week 42
(17–23 Oct2025-10-17Error: Invalid time.)
STAR bus sign in Rennes.jpg
English The public transport service STAR in Rennes Metropole, France, uses OpenStreetMap on their information boards. edit
Week 43
(24–30 Oct2025-10-24Error: Invalid time.)
English A beautiful image showing all the rivers, lakes, creeks and wetlands of Colombia by Omar Pineda. edit
Week 44
(31 Oct – 6 Nov2025-10-31Error: Invalid time.)
English This mapathon in Valencia, Spain, was one of many worldwide disaster response mapping events taking place in response to Hurricane Matthew. edit
Week 45
(7–13 Nov2025-11-07Error: Invalid time.)
WikiData C19th Aberystwyth shipwrecks.jpg
English The WikiData project has an eclectic mix of linked datasets and provides a querying interface which can yield a map. This example by Jason Evans shows positions of 19th century Aberystwyth ships wrecked at sea, using data from National Library of Wales and the Ceredigion Archives. edit
Week 46
(14–20 Nov2025-11-14Error: Invalid time.)
Interchange Choreography sample.png
English Interchange Choreography by Nicholas Rougeux, is an artistic exploration of major road intersections "Applying colors to roads and using connecting roads to blend those colors". edit
Week 47
(21–27 Nov2025-11-21Error: Invalid time.)
English Take open data from OpenStreetMap and have it turned into a stylish and unique pendant on! edit
Week 48
(28 Nov – 4 Dec2025-11-28Error: Invalid time.)
MapSwipe results to tasking manager.png
English Many people have been classifying imagery in a new super-simple micro-tasking app called MapSwipe. This image illustrates a process developed by DisasterMappers Heidelberg for taking MapSwipe results (left) and setting up a Task Manager project to map the settlements (right). edit
Week 49
(5–11 Dec2025-12-05Error: Invalid time.)
SotM Latam2016.jpg
English State of the Map Latam 2016, the conference for Latin America, took place last week in São Paulo. edit
Week 50
(12–18 Dec2025-12-12Error: Invalid time.)
Red Cross volunteer GPS tracks in Forecariah Guinea.jpg
English Local volunteers trained by the American Red Cross have mapped 7,000 villages in the border regions of Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. A total of 70,000 kilometres of roads and paths, including this example, Forécariah in Guinea. edit
Week 51
(19–25 Dec2025-12-19Error: Invalid time.)
Water Worlds Alex Szabo-Haslam.png
English These stripped down maps elegantly characterise world cities by highlighting the shape of water features. They were created by Alex Szabo-Haslam and recently featured in a guardian cities quiz. How many do you recognise? edit
Week 52
(26 Dec. – 1 Jan.)
English A poster about how to make a U-turn at Hamamatsu highway service area, made by the Shizuoka prefecture, Japan. edit