NL:WikiProject Cleanup

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WikiProject Cleanup is een voortdurend project om te helpen een duidelijk, goed geschreven, gekoppelde en toegankelijke wiki te ontwikkelen en te onderhouden dat een brede variëteit aan informatie verschaft voor het ondersteunen van het project OpenStreetMap. Dit project verschaft een veelal onzichtbare maar vitale ondersteuning voor het project door er voor te zorgen dat alle op de wiki gemaakte inhoud, die is gemaakt door ontelbare individuen over vele onderwerpen in vele talen, integreert in een coherent geheel. Wel... dat is in ieder geval de droom!


Er voor te zorgen dat de wiki van OpenStreetMap een toenemend heldere, toegankelijke en nuttige bron wordt voor mensen die wensen bij te dragen aan het project OpenStreetMap of om de gegevens van OpenStreetMap te gebruiken. De wiki zou:

  • Achtergrondinformatie moeten verschaffen over OpenStreetMap voor het gewone publiek (inclusief informatie over het project, de doelen ervan en voortgang in tijd)
  • Nieuwe deelnemers helpen bij het beginnen met verschaffen van informatie over te gebruiken bewerkers en het taggen
  • Help co-ordinate mapping in every part of the world
  • Support people who wish to use OpenStreetMap data and software for some purpose (as distinct from people wishing to contribute data)
  • Help new and existing developers who wish to understand what software projects exist and how to engage with them
  • Provide a place for people to discuss new tagging proposals
  • Ensure that the content is consistently organised and easily accessible
  • Maintain a dynamic and creative environment which can accommodate new types of content and will continue to evolve to meet new challenges

Cleanup project organisation

The Cleanup project is in part a project to increase conformance with the Wiki guidelines which lay out some suggestions for how to present information within the OSM wiki. Questions about how to organise content on the wiki are outlined and discussed on Wiki organisation. Issues can be tagged using a range of Wiki labels which propose certain types of action/re-organisation, inviting people to discuss. Much of the work is done by whoever gets to it first, however from time to time there have been "Wiki Cleanup Drives" where a number of contributors work as a team to tidy up the wiki within a period of time with a particular goal in mind.

Do be aware renaming/moving/deleting pages can cause a bit of upset, so it can be better to discuss them first on the page which is to be changed (See also Wiki Help#Some general guidelines).

Ongoing simple cleanup tasks

The following are cleanup tasks which are pretty extensive across large numbers of wiki pages, and will be ongoing (they never end!), but they are relatively simple and easy to do. Often wiki cleanup work requires some judgement, to weigh up different outcomes, but these ones are easy (the more mindless the better!) :

Tag documentation

Tag documentation (pages with "Tag:" and "Key:" prefixes) can be very controversial, and is particularly tricky as we cannot expect all stakeholders (mappers!) to participate in wiki editing or wiki discussion. Many mappers choose not to edit the wiki. However... there are actually all sorts of simple edits we can make to clean up tag documentation and make it more consistent, without getting into any debates!

Tag descriptions

Every tag should at least have some words of description. There are three different places where a description appears. At the top of the main page about the tag, in the right-hand template of the tag page, and in the table on the key page. For this simple task, find tags which are missing a description in any of those places, and copy the description from the other places. Most commonly this seems to be copying the description from the key page to the other two.

Any unnecessary differences between the three descriptions for a tag should also be reconciled. The three descriptions need not be identical, although normally they should only differ if the description on top of the main tag page is a little longer. Often descriptions have been improved or updated, but only in one of the three places. Use your judgement to eliminate the older descriptions.

Tag page stubs

Drop in a stub label {{stub}} on any tag page which is only a short description. A page with more sections is no longer a stub.

Tag images fill in

Some tags have photos which show up on Map Features (added to the key page tables) but without any image on the tag page itself. Where there is no image at all on the tag page, it makes sense to set the main image of the tag (appearing in the template) to be the same image as seen on the key table. This is easy and requires no judgement or writing ability at all! Similarly it makes sense to use the image from the tag documentation in another language.

Where tag pages have no image (and check there's no image on the key page already) we need to find an image to illustrate the tag. Although we can just pull in any image from wikimedia commons, or flickr, it may be preferable to use mapping photos. What does this thing really look like while you're out mapping?

In cases where we have a choice of which image best exemplifies the map feature, we should aim to be consistent in our choice between the tag page and the key page table. If you're swapping in a image which you judge to be better for a particular tag, you should keep the other photo by creating "photos" section with a gallery. See Bakery#Photos for example.

Tag documentation pages that have no image set and display a generic image instead are listed in Category:Feature pages with missing images. Pages referring to images that do not exist are listed in Category:Pages with broken file links.

Keys without documentation in the wiki

If you find a frequently used key that has no description page at all, check whether the key already has documented and/or more common alternatives. If that isn't the case, write a description page for the key to improve our documentation. Make sure that you understand what the key means, though! When there is any doubt, discuss your intentions beforehand.

You can identify undocumented keys because they have no link from the key to the wiki in the Map Data view. There is also a list of the commonest undocumented tags at Taginfo.

Mobile apps documentation

Considerable cleanup effort has already gone into the documentation of mobile apps, the root of which can be found at Software/Mobile. The pages per operating system there (particularly Android and iOS) have long lists of apps with a wiki page per app. This is good way to organise this, giving plenty of space for developers and users to share ideas and describe apps from an OpenStreetMap perspective, but some of these pages remain as unloved stubs.

Basic placeholder description

In accordance with Wiki guidelines#Introduction, ensure every app page has at least a single sentence in the main part of the wiki page. This might simply state "'''name of app''' is an [[Android]] app {{stub}}". This is better than no content at all.

Going beyond this, there are lots of basic defining features of apps, the details of which are captured in the templates on the right (to feed into the summary tables). That's working well. The information should also be written out in a slightly more longhand way in the page content itself.

Features description

Going beyond this, write a description of the app based on a quick look at the website and try to figure out the most interesting features from an OpenStreetMap perspective. Going beyond that you might install the app on the your phone, and try to figure out exactly how you make use of the relevant features (How do you get to see OpenStreetmap? How do you record tracks/add bugs/make edits) and upload some screenshots. Ideally the app developer themselves would do some of this, but in many cases the app developer is unaware of, or not interested in being involved in the OpenStreetMap wiki. Descriptions on the our wiki should generally be positive. We always like people building OpenStreetMap apps even if they're not well polished! (Go give them good appstore reviews for the same reason!) However we should probably stop short of copying sales pitches stuffed with weasel words from their websites, and we can flag "limitations" of the apps in our wiki pages, particularly if this is done in the spirit of feedback encouraging developers to make improvements.

Ongoing maintenance

Automatically generated wiki page lists provide cases where some clean-up may be required.

Fix dead ends

Special:DeadendPages lists pages which are a dead end - they do not link to any other wiki page! Wiki pages should be well linked (Wiki guidelines#Linking). As every page should start with a few sentences introducing the topic in broad terms, it is often possible to drop in some links to related concepts there. Dead end pages may be completely missing an introduction, so you need to figure out what the page is about in order to write a sentence or two including links. There is no prioritisation of this task.

Fix short pages

Special:ShortPages lists pages which have very little content. In fact towards the top of the list they have zero content. Many of these are caused by wiki editors mistakenly believing that this is a good procedure for deleting the page. They should be labelling the page using Template:Delete, but often a redirect would be more appropriate than a delete anyway. You may need to check the history, and do some searches to figure out the best page to redirect to.

In cases where there is some short content on a page, normally this should be expanded to included more description and linkage to higher level concepts / place pages etc (Wiki guidelines#Linking) All of which requires a bit of effort to figure out what's going on with the page. Also you may want to add {{stub}} label.

Create wanted categories

Special:WantedCategories lists categories which are in use, but where the category page has not been created with a description. The list is ordered by how many pages are using the category. For categories with 5 or more members, it would seem sensible to create a category page. To do this you will need to write a few clear sentences explaining what the category is.

Often these most wanted categories are caused by use of a template, so you may need to understand what the template represents. This investigation may reveal that a template is in fact not sensible, or needs redesigning, so a different solution presents itself. This will also present an opportunity to choose a different name for the category before you create the category page.

Semi-ongoing cleanups

The following are some cleanups which we might hope to reach the end of. They're pretty extensive across lots of pages of the wiki, but we're getting through them and will eventually finish.

References to defunct services and software

See also Category:Discontinued software

Internal links

Many pages still refer to pages describing services that are no longer available. Versions of the Main Page, Map features and Beginners' guide in some languages do this. Some of these make sense for the historical record but many are misleading.

External links

Some links point to services that are now offline. weblink search

Protocol-relative URLs

Some OSM websites are now available with HTTP Secure. Links to these sites should be changed to protocol-relative, beginning with // instead of http://, for instance // Note that they must be enclosed with [ ]. Protocol-relative URLs should not be used when the site cannot be accessed with https or provokes a warning message from browsers. Links to these sites can be changed:

One off clean-up targets

The following is a list of specific pages or areas of the wiki where we have identified the need for some cleanup. There are lots of specific pages, so here we just list some priorities.

Beginners' guide

A full list of subcategories of issues is available in Category:Cleanup. The top three priorities are to:

A few german users start to refactor the guide from scratch. It's bad that this will exclude international folks from the very first start, but hey someone is doing the job and I will try to assist and keeping an eye on the I18n aspects :) Please see DE talk:Beginners' guide --!i! This user is member of the wiki team of OSM 14:37, 26 January 2013 (UTC)
I restructured the page and moved out the content describing the various applications of OSM. I left the content giving instructions on how to use OSM by oneself, but there was actually not much such content. There is much more instructive pages in this wiki which could be made accessible by Using OpenStreetMap. --Cantho (talk) 04:02, 5 February 2014 (UTC)

Shorten the FAQ

Proposed features

Public transport

GPS reviews

  • GPS Reviews - Site is massive and not very easy to navigate. Should be split into an overview table current first part) and individual device pages.
Starting migration in the following weeks Template:Gps_unit --!i! This user is member of the wiki team of OSM 18:38, 15 August 2011 (BST)

OpenStreetMap in the Media

Other stuff

February 2011 (UTC)

  • User:Markus_B/Werkstatt lists some great german pages, that need to be harmonized with the language namespaces --!i! This user is member of the wiki team of OSM 10:58, 12 November 2011 (UTC)

Completed tasks

A partial list of completed tasks can be found at WikiProject Cleanup/Completed tasks Many other cleanup tasks go unrecorded. If you have helped in the past, thank you!