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Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: quincylvania
Tagging: education=*
Applies to: node area
Definition: An educational facility.

Draft started: 2024-08-20


education=* shall be adopted as the recommended key for tagging all education features. Following the model of the healthcare=* key, existing education tags such as amenity=school shall not be deprecated and should remain in use alongside education=* tags for the foreseeable future.

This proposal intentionally does not define specific values. Values can be defined organically through mapper discretion or through future proposals.


education=* tag, with over 5,000 uses as of 2024, is an alternate method of tagging schools, universities, and other educational facilities. However, amenity=* tags are by far the standard way to tag these features (amenity=school, amenity=university, etc.). As a result, educational features in OSM share no common tags with each other that identify them categorically. This makes it overly difficult to query, filter, and render educational features. This issue is compounded when trying to account for the long tail of low-usage education tags, like amenity=sailing_school and amenity=cooking_school.

This same situation previously existed for healthcare features until OSM mappers and tools adopted the healthcare=* tag to better categorize them. healthcare=* tags typically live alongside their corresponding amenity=* tags, allowing for a years-long period of transition where existing tools remain functional while the tag is gradually adopted. This method has proven successful, with over 800,000 healthcare=* uses as of 2024.

In the long term, divorcing schools from amenity=* also allows for richer tagging on complex features. For example, a bar that also offers bartending classes could be tagged amenity=bar plus the relevant education=* tag.


  • Existing education tags (mostly under amenity=*) should be left in place.
  • Mappers should add an appropriate education=* tag to educational facilities.

Tag values

Tag Description
education=preschool A  preschool or  pre-kindergarten, or any school that offers early childhood education but is not a kindergarten. If the facility has no curriculum, use amenity=childcare instead.
education=kindergarten A  kindergarten as defined by local custom. Exact curriculum may vary regionally.
education=school A school offering primary or secondary education. It may also offer kindergarten or preschool. Attendance is compulsory in many countries.
education=college A  college as defined as a school offering tertiary education at the undergraduate level.
education=university A  university, a school offering tertiary education at the graduate or postgraduate level. It may also provide undergraduate education.
education=trade_school A  trade school, a school offering vocational training, typically as secondary or tertiary education.
education=faculty A  faculty, a major subdivision of a college or university, typically focused on a specific subject area. Exact terminology may vary, such as "law school", "college of chemistry", or "department of mathematics".
education=division A further subdivision of a faculty, or a minor subdivision of any educational institution.
education=training_centre A facility offering  training in specific skills.
education=tutoring_centre A facility offering instruction to students outside of their regular schools, either in groups or one-on-one. This includes test prep schools and  cram schools.
education=* Mappers are free to define their own tag values.

Tag mappings

Old tags New tags
amenity=childcare unchanged
amenity=kindergarten education=kindergarten
amenity=school education=school
amenity=college education=college
amenity=university education=university
amenity=trade_school education=trade_school
amenity=training education=training_centre
amenity=driving_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=driving
amenity=music_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=music
amenity=language_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=language
amenity=dancing_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=dancing
amenity=sport_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=sport
amenity=ski_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=sport + sport=skiing
amenity=surf_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=sport + sport=surfing
amenity=sailing_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=sport + sport=sailing
amenity=swimming_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=sport + sport=swimming
amenity=flight_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=aviation
amenity=cooking_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=cooking
amenity=art_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=art
amenity=first_aid_school education=training_centre + education:speciality=first_aid
amenity=dojo education=training_centre + education:speciality=martial_arts
amenity=prep_school education=tutoring_centre
amenity=cram_school education=tutoring_centre
amenity=tutoring education=tutoring_centre
office=tutoring unchanged

Comparison with past proposals

  • Proposal:Education Reform (2013, abandoned) proposed tagging educational amenities as amenity=educational_facility + educational_facility=*.
    • This would have been extremely disruptive, deprecating all existing educational amenity=* values.
    • The education=* tag was suggested as an alternative.
  • Proposal:Education 2.0 (2016, rejected) was a complex, top-down proposal for education=* plus a number of large number of new tags.
    • Some reviewers opposed the 2016 proposal as too sprawling or unrefined. In comparison, I've tried to keep my proposal targeted and simple.
    • Others worried about having both education=* and amenity=* tags for the same thing. However, this was before the proliferation of the healthcare=* tag provided a viable model.
  • Proposal:Education Reform Alternative (2017, abandoned) proposed tagging educational amenities with education=* and education_for=*.
    • This proposal was much more prescriptive than is my proposal.
  • Proposal:Training (2022, rejected) proposed replacing specialty tags like amenity=sailing_school with amenity=training + training=*.
    • Some reviewers raised issue with the large number of tag deprecations. In contrast, my proposal does not deprecate any tags.
    • Some reviewers thought the target features were too dissimilar to all share the same primarily tag amenity=training (a "Training Center"). My proposal instead groups features under the much broader key education=* and does not prescribe specific values.
    • At least one reviewer suggested using education=* instead.

Features/Pages affected

There are a lot of education-related wiki pages in various languages that will need updating. On feature pages, existing documentation would be left alone while a note recommending concurrent tagging with education=* would be added.

External discussions


Please comment on the discussion page.