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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = tertiary_link
Connecting slip road/ramp of a tertiary highway. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Rendering-highway tertiary link.png
Group: highways
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesmay be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

Used to identify slip roads/ramps and "channelised" (physically separated by an obstruction) at-grade turning lanes connecting the through carriageways/through lanes of a highway=tertiary to minor roadways.

Slip roads/ramps are usually considered to "belong" to the through highway they exit and enter. This is usually the higher classification of the intersecting highways because on and off ramps almost always have the same kind of restrictions as the main road. Therefore, highway=tertiary_link should be used on a slip road/ramp which connects a highway=tertiary to a tertiary, unclassified or other minor highway.

See Link_(highway) for details and exceptions.

How to map

To map a simple tertiary link highway you can just draw a line for it. Select the way and tag with highway=tertiary_link. Use oneway=yes when it is not possible to drive in both directions on the highway. Make sure the way points in the same direction as the one way goes, otherwise reverse the direction or use oneway=-1.

To attach more information for the highway you should add further keys:

  • destination=* - Link roads normally do not have names. Please use destination=* and its extensions tag to give the cross-street's ref=* and signed destinations such as a city or the name of the destination street, so that routing engines can correctly announce the exit to the "name or ref of the destination street" as you enter the _link
  • maxspeed=number The maximum speed, in kilometers per hour which is allowed on the road, for example 120
  • maxweight=number The weight limit in tonnes, for example 5.5

Special situations

In the case you do not have a normal highway you should take a look on these sites:

  • bridge=yes - If the highway goes over a street or waterway.
  • tunnel=yes - If the highway goes below a street or waterway.

If the link is one-way only, add oneway=yes.


In the first 2 examples, the tertiary road is peach-yellow colored and the connection paths highway=tertiary_link are marked in blue.

See also