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Logo. Feature: Vegetation
One example for Feature: Vegetation
Vegetation both in natural form and planted and managed by humans



Vegetation is tagged in different ways in OpenStreetMap depending on its form and what purpose it serves. This page summarizes the various different ways of mapping vegetation.

The definitions given below are for guidance only. They are not official. You should look at the individual tag pages for a more elaborate definition of the tags.

natural=tree An individual tree, if it is significant.
natural=tree_row A tree row, often between fields or along rivers and roads
natural=wood An area of trees, forest or woodland
leaf_type=* and leaf_cycle=* for additional properties.
landuse=forest An area of trees, forest or woodland, sometimes considered to be restricted to managed woodlands or tree plantations.
leaf_type=* and leaf_cycle=* for additional properties.
landuse=orchard Trees or shrubs planted for food production.
wetland=swamp Forested wetland area. Requires natural=wetland.
wetland=mangrove Coastal wetland with salt-tolerant trees and shrubs in brackish to saline tidal waters. Requires natural=wetland.
Scrub - bushes and shrubs
natural=heath Uncultivated area with dwarf shrubs and bushes - shorter than scrub.
natural=scrub Uncultivated area with shrubs, bushes or stunted trees - taller than heath.
natural=shrubbery An area of shrubbery that is actively maintained or pruned by humans. A slightly wilder look is also possible.
landuse=vineyard Vines for grape production.
barrier=hedge Shrubs arranged in a dense line to form an impassable hedge.
wetland=mangrove Coastal wetland with salt-tolerant trees and shrubs in brackish to saline tidal waters. Requires natural=wetland.
Grasses and similar herbaceous (non-woody) vegetation
natural=wetland Waterlogged area:
wetland=marsh, wetland=saltmarsh - herbaceous (non-woody) vegetation adapted to wet soil conditions
wetland=wet_meadow - A semi-wetland meadow which is saturated with water throughout much of the year
wetland=reedbed - Inundated area dominated by tall non-woody plants (reeds, bulrushes)
natural=grassland Natural areas where the vegetation is dominated by grasses (Poaceae) and other herbaceous (non-woody) plants.
landuse=grass Grass, usually mowed and managed. See also surface=grass
landuse=meadow An area of meadow or pasture, primarily vegetated by grass and other non-woody plants.
Treeless areas with mixed vegetation or sometimes no vegetation
natural=fell Elevated areas naturally free of trees due to climate. Not necessarily vegetated. Often includes dwarf shrubs (heath), grasses, bog, and unvegetated areas.
natural=tundra High latitude and high elevation areas naturally free of trees due to climate. Not necessarily vegetated. Dwarf shrubs, grasses, bog, as well as unvegetated areas.
landuse=greenfield An undeveloped area on which construction is planned - often grass or other natural vegetation.
landuse=recreation_ground An open area used for general recreation, often covered in grass, but sometimes with artificial surfaces or unvegetated.
Mixed and other
- peatforming wetlands covered by mosses, often with grasses, reeds, and other non-woody plants.
leisure=garden Place where flowers and other plants are grown in a decorative and structured manner or for scientific purposes.
leisure=park Open, green area for recreation, usually municipal, often includes grass, flowers, shrubs and trees.
landuse=village_green A distinctive area of common land in the centre of a village. Often covered in grasses, may also include herbs, flowers, shrubs and small trees. Not a generic tag for urban greenery.
landuse=greenery Used for any area covered with landscaping or decorative greenery, regardless of it being on a roundabout, along a street or in a park/garden.
surface=* Used to specify vegetated surface (like surface=grass) for features with otherwise unspecified surface (like roads, parking lots, sporting pitches).
obstacle=* obstacle=vegetation for vegetation obstacles on highway=path and other ways.

Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!

See also