Id:Penerjemahan Wiki

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Penerjemahan Wiki dapat menjadi cara yang baik untuk membantu mengembangkan proyek di seluruh dunia. Wiki menyimpan banyak konten bantuan dan dokumentasi penting. Kami ingin menyediakan setidaknya beberapa di antaranya dalam bahasa lain. Perhatikan bahwa upaya penerjemahan di area lain proyek ini sama pentingnya, jika tidak lebih penting.

Kohesi komunitas

Tidak seperti Wikipedia, kami tidak bertujuan untuk menangkap sejumlah besar pengetahuan di wiki. Wikipedia memutuskan bahwa cara terbaik untuk membangun ensiklopedia mereka adalah dengan memisahkan komunitas berdasarkan bahasa, dan menjalankannya sebagai proyek yang hampir sepenuhnya terpisah. Situasi di sini sepenuhnya berbeda. Wiki bukanlah proyeknya. Menerjemahkan halaman wiki seharusnya menjadi latihan dalam meningkatkan kohesi komunitas, membantu semua orang untuk saling memahami, dan pada akhirnya membantu membangun peta!

Dengan mengingat hal ini, kami belum menerapkan teknologi wiki yang sama persis untuk mendukung penerjemahan. Kami ingin kelompok kecil orang yang belum bisa berbahasa Inggris merasa diterima, dan memiliki semua informasi yang mereka butuhkan, tetapi kami juga ingin komunitas secara keseluruhan tetap bersama dan tetap fokus.

Kemajuan penerjemahan Wiki

Penerjemahan Wiki berlangsung secara ad hoc, dan Anda didorong untuk ikut serta, tetapi kami juga perlu mencoba dan menjadi lebih terorganisasi mengenai hal ini.

Upaya penerjemahan masih dalam tahap yang sangat awal dalam banyak bahasa. Ada beberapa halaman wiki yang lebih penting daripada yang lain, jadi fokuslah pada halaman-halaman ini terlebih dahulu.

Cara menerjemahkan

Halaman tunggal

  • Temukan versi bahasa Inggris suatu halaman di namespace utama.
    Jika tidak ada versi bahasa Inggris, buatlah satu, misalnya dengan memulai halaman baru dari pencarian:
    Ketikkan nama halaman yang Anda inginkan (katakanlah nama halaman dalam bahasa Inggris) di kotak Pencarian, dan mulai pencarian.
    Hasil pencarian akan menyatakan bahwa halaman tersebut tidak ada, tetapi juga akan menyertakan tautan (merah) ke halaman (yang tidak ada). Pesan (dan keterangan alat saat mengarahkan kursor ke tautan merah ini) akan mengatakan (dalam bahasa yang ditentukan dalam preferensi Anda untuk wiki ini):
    Buat halaman "nama halaman di bahasa Inggris" di wiki ini!
    👆🏻 Nama halaman di bahasa Inggris (halaman tidak ada)
    Klik tautan merah ini dan Anda akan mulai membuat halaman baru, dalam mode edit.
  • Saat Anda membaca versi bahasa Inggris halaman tersebut, beralihlah ke mode edit.
    Agar bilah alat bahasa ditampilkan di bagian atas (seperti yang Anda lihat di halaman ini misalnya), pastikan templat {{Languages}} ada di dekat bagian awal halaman, jika tidak, masukkan teks wiki berikut dalam mode edit:
    {{Languages|nama halaman di bahasa Inggris}}
    Saat Anda dalam mode edit, salin teks wiki dari seluruh halaman ke clipboard Anda. Simpan versi bahasa Inggris ini dengan templat {{Languages}} yang ditambahkan.
  • Klik tautan Bahasa lain di templat {{Languages}} dan ikuti tautan merah ke bahasa yang Anda inginkan untuk mulai membuat halaman wiki baru. Anda akan melihat bahwa halaman baru akan memiliki judul yang sama, tetapi awalan kode bahasa ditambahkan.
  • Tempel teks bahasa Inggris dari clipboard Anda dan sekarang mulai menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Anda dan simpan halaman terjemahan baru.
  • Terakhir, Anda boleh mengganti nama halaman terjemahan baru tersebut dengan judul terjemahan, tetapi tetap menyertakan awalan kode bahasa pada nama baru tersebut!
    Jangan hapus halaman pengalihan yang masih diperlukan agar bilah navigasi antarbahasa berfungsi dengan baik.
    Jika Anda mengganti nama halaman yang memiliki subhalaman, Anda juga harus menerjemahkan dan mengganti nama subhalaman dengan cara yang sama, menggunakan nama halaman dasar yang konsisten untuk semua subhalaman.

Catatan teknis:

  • Sebelum menyimpan halaman baru, bahasa Anda ditampilkan sebagai bahasa yang hilang dalam pratinjau. Namun, setelah Anda menyimpannya, bahasa Anda mungkin masih ditampilkan dalam kotak bahasa yang hilang dengan warna hitam dan huruf tebal. Hal aneh ini disebabkan oleh cache templat. Bersihkan cache untuk memindai ulang bahasa yang tersedia. Bahasa Anda akan ditampilkan sebagai tersedia. Bilah navigasi bahasa di bagian atas halaman yang diterjemahkan kini menyertakan tautan Purge untuk melakukannya dalam satu klik.

Langkah-langkah tambahan:

  • Anda sangat disarankan untuk mencatat revisi yang sedang Anda terjemahkan. Untuk melakukannya, kembali ke halaman sumber, klik "tautan permanen", dan salin nomor setelah &oldid= ke clipboard Anda. Kemudian, buka bagian bawah halaman yang diterjemahkan dan tambahkan {{Translated|revision=NUMBER}} di bagian bawahnya, ganti "NOMOR" dengan nomor yang Anda dapatkan. Dengan cara ini, orang-orang yang datang setelah Anda dapat dengan mudah memeriksa perbedaan antara revisi yang sedang Anda kerjakan dan revisi halaman sumber yang lebih baru.
  • Beberapa templat yang ditransklusikan di halaman terjemahan Anda mungkin perlu disesuaikan: dalam beberapa kasus, templat ini ditulis ulang dalam bahasa Anda (juga diberi nama dengan awalan kode bahasa), tetapi banyak templat sekarang dapat mendeteksi otomatis bahasa yang seharusnya ditampilkan dengan menggunakan {{Langcode}} secara internal yang mengembalikan kode bahasa huruf kecil dari halaman saat ini yang ditransklusikan, asalkan halaman saat ini menggunakan awalan kode bahasa yang benar.
  • Kategori yang tercantum di akhir halaman Anda harus dikonversi untuk menggunakan kategori terjemahan saat ada (lihat di bawah untuk detail tentang cara membuatnya), alih-alih tetap berada dalam kategori bahasa Inggris.

Lihat juga Bantuan Wiki.


  • Gunakan konvensi "Category:<kode bahasa>:<Judul yang disesuaikan>".
  • Gunakan {{Languages|Category:Judul bahasa Inggris asli}} di bagian atas versi lokal Anda untuk menampilkan bilah navigasi antarbahasa.
  • Anda perlu menggunakan "Category:<kode bahasa>:<judul bahasa Inggris asli>" sebagai halaman pengalihan (contoh: kategori dalam bahasa Inggris, pengalihan dalam bahasa Jepang, kategori sebenarnya dalam bahasa Jepang) agar bilah navigasi antarbahasa berfungsi.
  • Dalam kategori pengalihan (masih diberi nama dalam bahasa Inggris), harap tambahkan juga {{Category redirect|<kode bahasa>:<Judul yang diterjemahkan>}} sehingga halaman mana pun yang masih dikategorikan dengan judul bahasa Inggris akan tercantum dalam kategori tersebut yang terlihat sebagai subkategori dari kategori yang diterjemahkan dan tidak tertinggal dalam kategori yatim piatu: hal ini akan memudahkan pemeliharaan halaman-halaman yang kategorinya harus diedit untuk menggunakan judul yang diadaptasi.
  • Jangan hapus kategori pengalihan yang disebutkan dalam bahasa Inggris, meskipun kosong (dan seharusnya tetap kosong)! Kategori ini diperlukan untuk tautan yang ditampilkan di bilah navigasi antarbahasa (yang tidak dapat menebak judul terjemahan).



There are currently three systems to translate templates. You should usually follow the one that is currently in use. Otherwise, we end up with chaos like duplicated translations and hard to find bugs in templates.

One template with Conditional statements (example)
  • There is a conditional statement that determines the translation to be used. It usually looks like {{LangSwitch|lang={{#if: {{{lang|}}} | {{lc:{{{lang|}}}}} | {{Langcode}} }} ....
  • Below the statement, there are lines starting with language codes like | hu = (for Hungarian). They are ordered alphabetically.
  • Start a new line with the correct language code and insert the translated text behind the equation sign.
  • You can use this template identical on all translations {{<template name>}}. The language prefix or namespace will determine which language is shown. If that does not work as desired, use {{<template name>|lang=<desired language code>}}.
  • Templates of that kind are usually listed in Category:Template with translation strings.
One main template and separate templates for the translations (example)
  • There is one template named Template:xyz or Template:Generic:xyz and other templates named Template:<language code>:xyz. The translations use the main template for formatting, the translated text is stored separately.
  • The documentation of the main template usually contains a list of all parameters that can be translated.
  • Create a new page for the translation as described in #Single page.
  • Copy the list of all parameters and translate each parameter. You can leave out parameters if there is no translated page for a link. Then, they will use the content of the main template (usually English)
  • Note that you need to write {{Template:<language code>:<template name>}} to use this template.
Separate templates for each language (example)
  • The translations are completely independent of each other. Every translation can have their own markup.
  • Translation works exactly as with single pages.
  • Note that you need to write {{Template:<language code>:<template name>}} to use this template.

Translated pages with a title in a non-English language

If you want that a page translated to a national language have the title translated also, it is necessary to maintain anyway a page with English title preceded by language code and colon. This page would be a simply redirect to the actual page with title in national language.

Let's suppose that the English page name is "English_page_name", and you already have got a translated page with the title "XX:English_page_name" (where XX is the target language code like Ar, Ca, DE, IT, Zh-hant, ...). Now you want the translated page to get a translated title "XX:Translated_page_name" too. Do the following steps:

  1. Go to the edit-view of the translated version (XX:English_page_name) and find the code-piece like {{Languages}}
  2. Change this code-piece to the following: {{Languages|English_page_name}}. That is necessary to keep the language bar working after we moved the page.
  3. Use the move function of the wiki to create a new translated title for the page: Click the small arrow next to the search bar, top right of the page, then move.
  4. On the upcoming page, use the form like this:
    To new title: type the translated title;
    Check the Move associated talk page box;
    Click the Move page button.

Now the content is moved to a page with the new translated page name "XX:Translated_page_name". And also, a redirect is automatically established, so all old links to XX:English_page_name will be redirected to the new translated page.

Sometimes there are already some pages redirecting to the old English named page (our new redirecting page). Then there would occur a double redirection, and that causes problems because the Wiki-System will stop the second redirection (see Special:DoubleRedirects). To prevent this from happening:

  1. Open again the XX:English_page_name - Oh yeah, you can't open it because you will be redirected. Just use the link in the upper left corner: (Redirected from XX:English_page_name)
  2. Now we opened the old page title which is now just a redirecting page
  3. Open the link What links here in the left menu.
  4. Check if there are any pages where is written (redirect page) in black color.
  5. Open this page, edit them and change the redirect directly to XX:Translated_page_name

This would fix the double redirect problem and you have done a clean fresh title translation.

Instructions for the Languages template

Template:Languages lists all languages available. It is based on parser functions from MediaWiki and the IETF language tags (as defined in the BCP 47 standard, based on ISO 639-1 with a few exclusions, and extensions partly borrowed from other standards). See below for a partial list.
This automatically generates a language menu consisting of links to the original page (in English) and all translated pages. The links are written in their respective native names: "Deutsch", "English", "français", etc. The list of languages is sorted alphabetically, grouped by scripts, with RTL scripts after LTR scripts.

The complete syntax is:

{{Languages|NameSpace:English page name}}

The parameter Page name is not necessary if the title of current page is equal to English page title, because his default value is assumed to be exactly the title of current page (however it is recommended to keep it to ease the translation of English pages and then renaming them in the actual target language).
Note: Now the parameter "ns=" is not required to specify a leading namespace such as Template or Category, which can be merged into the first parameter (see see here). But don't use any language code prefix or namespace in that parameter, just specify the full page name of the English page.

Example for actually implemented namespaces and languages:

Page_name (should be in English)
Ar:Page_name (Arabic)
Cs:Page_name (Czech)
DE:Page_name (German: capitalized namespace)
ES:Page_name (Spanish: capitalized namespace)
FR:Page_name (French: capitalized namespace)
IT:Page_name (Italian: capitalized namespace)
JA:Page_name (Japanese: capitalized namespace)
NL:Page_name (Dutch: capitalized namespace)
Pl:Page_name (Polish)
Pt:Page_name (Portuguese)
RU:Page_name (Russian: capitalized namespace)
Uk:Page_name (Ukrainian, not United Kingdom!!!)
Zh-hans:Page_name (Simplified Chinese)
Zh-hant:Page_name (Traditional Chinese)

Brief instruction

  1. For correct work of the template all page names are in English.
    Every translated page needs a page name with a language code as a prefix, followed by a colon and the English page name.
    • If the "plain" English page name content is written in English, the English page name does not have a prefix in the file name.
      Example: Page_name (English content) - FR:Page_name - DE:Page_name
    • If the "plain" English page name should be a redirect to a page in some other language, the English translated page does need a prefix of "EN".
      Example: Page_name (redirect to non-English page) - EN:Page_name - FR:Page-name - DE:Page_name
  2. The following has to be included in each page: {{Languages|English page name}}.

If you click on "missing languages", and then you click on a red link, it automatically opens a new page with the right prefix and the right page name. Copy the original text to this page and translate it. In the first line you put {{Languages|English page name}}.

If you want to translate the title then make sure that the page name in English with the additional language prefix is redirected to a localized article name with its language code.

  1. First create the localized page (or category) with the same name as in English, using only a different language prefix (language prefixes for categories are after the namespace "Category:", e.g. "Category:FR:Maps")
  2. Then move that page to its new translated name (e.g. "Category:FR:Cartes"). Keep the generated redirect which is needed for interlanguage navigation!
  3. Make sure that the new page (or category) indicates the correct full English page name (including its namespace) in {{Languages|Full page name}} (e.g. {{Languages|Category:Maps}} without any language prefix)
  4. Check the sortkey for the translated title so that they sort correctly in categories for in your language: in most languages on this wiki, the default sort key includes the language code prefix which is part of the title and not part of a separate namespace: at least you should copy in the DEFAULTSORTKEY the page title without the language code prefix, and the sortkey may need to be transliterated (e.g. in Japanese for sorting using Kanas instead of the Kanjis present in the translated title). Specific categories also use shortened keys (exclusing terms shared by most or all pages in that category, or excluding leading articles not used in all titles of pages sorted in that category: this shortened sortkey should be adapted too (just like the DEFAULTSORTKEY used by the listed categories not using shortened keys).

If you moved a category at step 2 above

  1. Edit the generated redirect category to add {{Category redirect|Language code:New translated name}} just after the generated #REDIRECT [[:Category:...]] line: it will help tracking redirected categories still containing pages.
  2. Edit the pages or subcategories that are still listed in the redirected category, in order to specify the new translated category name.

Language prefixes and namespaces

Many languages are supported merely as a wiki page naming convention, while some of the more widely used ones are set up as proper namespaces within the wiki software, allowing features like tickboxes on the advanced search. Pages can be listed by prefix (for any language) using Special:PrefixIndex.

Note that only a few languages (for which there are ample contents on this wiki and enough maintainers) have a dedicated namespace on this wiki (for historic reasons, these namespaces are using capital letters). These namespaces allow to perform searches in the many pages created in those languages. Most languages won't have this dedicated namespace. This wiki should progressively be updated to use autotranslatable templates (in a way similar to Wikimedia Commons), instead of having to maintaining a lot of separate pages for each language, for contents that can be maintained in one place independently of the language displayed.

All other translated pages are stored in the main namespace, using a language-code prefix that should be written in lowercase (only the first letter of the prefix will be automatically uppercased, but this letter case is not significant). This wiki may still contain a few languages for which the language code was uppercased. But to ease the maintenance of links be consistent with the letter case of codes already used in the Languages template shown at the top of translated pages.

Note that most language codes used in prefixes are using lowercase letters. But for legacy reasons on this wiki, some languages have their own dedicated article namespaces that are named using capital letters (for translated articles in the following 7 namespaces: DE, ES, FR, IT, JA, NL, RU). The letter case is significant for prefixes that are not declared on this wiki with a dedicated namespace. But the lettercase of recognized namespace names is not significant, so you can safely use lowercase letters everywhere for all language codes (this will simplify maintenance tasks for links, notably by avoiding the creation of additional redirects on this wiki).

The letter case of language code prefixes however remains significant outside article namespaces and their associated talk pages (such as Template: or Category:), because the language code prefix after the namespace prefix is an actual part of the page title. For reasons of coherence and to help reduce the number of needed redirects and their maintenance, languages prefixes for pages in those namespaces should be lowercase everywhere except for the 7 languages listed above which should have their prefix capitalized (e.g. with "Category:Categories"; "Category:FR:Categories" soft-redirecting to "Category:FR:Catégories"; "Category:DE:Categories" soft-redirecting to "Category:DE:Kategorien"; "Category:Cs:Categories". But not "Category:Fr:Category", or "Category:CS:Categories"; the same applies to templates).

Namespace EN:

In a few cases, the original article was actually not written in English, but an English version (generally limited as a stub or partly translated) can use temporarily the capitalized prefix "EN:". However the interlanguage navigation bar does not work well in this case because it cannot properly detect that the unprefixed page name is not in English. To allow interlanguage navigation, the original page in other language than English should also use its own language code prefix, so that its translation to English could have its "EN:" prefix removed. The interlanguage navigation bar will link to the English page using the "EN:" prefix only where it exists, otherwise it will use the unprefixed page name (assuming that this unprefixed page name is in English).


Note also that categories cannot be simply hard-redirected (unlike articles, talk pages or templates). When a translated category with an English title (but a language code prefix) is renamed with a translated title (keeping its language code prefix), the category with the untranslated title becomes a hard redirect. If any page is categorized in a redirected category, the categories listed at bottom of these pages will be italicized: clicking on this category will redirect to the renamed category that will not list that page, listed only in the English-named category (this is an old limitation/bug of the MediaWiki software). To help diagnose those cases, an additional template should be added immediately after this renaming, so that the English-named category be listed within the translated category as long as the English-named category is populated.

New languages

For new language, please use language codes conforming to the BCP 47 standard — check the Registry of language subtags on the site (according to the BCP 47 standard, currently in RFC 5646): generally this means using the ISO 639-1 two-letter code where it exists, otherwise the two-letter technical ISO 639-2 language code, otherwise the three-letter ISO 639-3 code; avoid using obsolete language codes that are marked in this registry as being replaced by another one, or deprecated and split into several more precise ones; for some languages, the language code may be followed by a ISO 15924 script code; it may also be followed by a ISO 3166-1 country/region code (or a numeric continental or subcontinental region code from the UN-M.49 statistics standard), but this usage is no longer recommended for coding a language variant, and this wiki will prefer to be really international and edited in a way acceptable in all regions where the same language is written. If for some language variants you need region/script subtags after a main language subtag, please write them in lowercase, even if BCP 47 preferably lists them with uppercase letters, but remember that letter case in BCP 47 language tags are not significant but only suggested. BCP 47 also allows registered subtags for encoding historic linguistic variants by date or usage with specific terminologies, but they should not be needed on this wiki written in the most common modern variant for general use.

Note also that a few language codes used for Wikipedia editions (and in interwiki links) do not apply to this scheme, for historical reasons, and have still not been converted or redirected to use the recommended BCP 47 codes (which is the universal standard for the web). Also some languages used on this wiki do not have an exact match with a linguistic edition of Wikipedia or this OSM wiki still makes distinctions which are no longer relevant in Wikipedia (such as script variants, because Wikipedia natively supports transliterators between those variants when this wiki still does not have this support). These exceptions are highlighted in the table below.

OSM Wiki language codes

The column "Status" indicates which languages are automatically tested for looking for translated pages that are transcluding Template:Languages at top of pages. This navigation template will automatically detect the existence of translated pages and will avoid showing red links. But such detection is limited to about 50 languages, for technical reasons in this wiki. All other languages are only listed as "Other languages" in this navigation box, in a list with many red links hidden by default. For this reason, only major languages (or regional languages for which this wiki has significant contents content to show) will be part of the tested language list which is not hidden by default.

To add an unlisted language to the language bar, follow the instructions at Module:Languages/config. Please also document your change in Template:Wiki language table. This data is also available as JSON. Many other languages may be referenced for the translations of toponyms and POIs in the OSM database (for example for name=*, using BCP47 language codes as suffixes), but most of these languages are not used for translations in this documentation wiki (they will probably never appear as "Listed" in the table).

Wiki language table
Language code Name Native name Prefix or namespace Status
ab Abkhaz аԥсшәа Ab: Unlisted
af Afrikaans Afrikaans Af: Listed
am Amharik አማርኛ Am: Unlisted
an Aragon aragonés An: Unlisted
ar Arab العربية Ar: Listed
as Assam অসমীয়া As: Unlisted
ast Asturia asturianu Ast: Listed
av Avar авар Av: Unlisted
ay Aymara Aymar aru Ay: Unlisted
az Azerbaijani azərbaycanca Az: Listed
ba Bashkir башҡортса Ba: Unlisted
be Belarusia беларуская Be: Listed
bg Bulgaria български Bg: Listed
bm Bambara bamanankan Bm: Unlisted
bn Bengali বাংলা Bn: Listed
bo Tibet བོད་ཡིག Bo: Unlisted
br Breton brezhoneg Br: Listed
bs Bosnia bosanski Bs: Listed
ca Katalan català Ca: Listed
cnr Montenegrin Crnogorski Cnr: Listed
co Korsika corsu Co: Unlisted
cs Cheska čeština Cs: Listed
cy Welsh Cymraeg Cy: Unlisted
da Dansk dansk Da: Listed
de Jerman Deutsch DE: Listed
diq Zazaki Zazaki Diq: Listed
dv Divehi ދިވެހިބަސް Dv: Unlisted
el Yunani Ελληνικά El: Listed
en Inggris English : Listed
eo Esperanto Esperanto Eo: Listed
es Spanyol español ES: Listed
et Esti eesti Et: Listed
eu Basque euskara Eu: Listed
ext Extremaduran estremeñu Ext: Unlisted
fa Persia فارسی Fa: Listed
fi Suomi suomi Fi: Listed
fr Prancis français FR: Listed
fy Frisia Barat Frysk Fy: Listed
ga Irlandia Gaeilge Ga: Unlisted
gcf kréyòl gwadloupéyen kréyòl gwadloupéyen Gcf: Listed
gd Gaelik Skotlandia Gàidhlig Gd: Listed
gl Galisia galego Gl: Listed
gsw Jerman (Swiss) Alemannisch Gsw: Unlisted
gu Gujarat ગુજરાતી Gu: Unlisted
ha Hausa Hausa Ha: Unlisted
he Ibrani עברית He: Listed
hi Hindi हिन्दी Hi: Listed
hr Kroasia hrvatski Hr: Listed
ht Kreol Haiti Kreyòl ayisyen Ht: Listed
hu Hungaria magyar Hu: Listed
hy Armenia հայերեն Hy: Listed
ia Interlingua interlingua Ia: Listed
id Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia Id: Listed
ie Interlingue Interlingue Ie: Unlisted
ig Igbo Igbo Ig: Unlisted
io Ido Ido Io: Listed
is Islandia íslenska Is: Listed
it Italia italiano IT: Listed
ja Jepang 日本語 JA: Listed
jv Jawa Jawa Jv: Unlisted
ka Georgia ქართული Ka: Listed
kk Kazakh қазақша Kk: Unlisted
km Khmer ភាសាខ្មែរ Km: Unlisted
kn Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ Kn: Unlisted
ko Korea 한국어 Ko: Listed
ku Kurdi kurdî Ku: Listed
ky Kirgiz кыргызча Ky: Unlisted
la Latin Latina La: Unlisted
lb Luksemburg Lëtzebuergesch Lb: Listed
li Limburgia Limburgs Li: Unlisted
lo Lao ລາວ Lo: Unlisted
lt Lituavi lietuvių Lt: Listed
lv Latvi latviešu Lv: Listed
mg Malagasi Malagasy Mg: Unlisted
min Minangkabau Minangkabau Min: Unlisted
mk Makedonia македонски Mk: Listed
ml Malayalam മലയാളം Ml: Listed
mn Mongolia монгол Mn: Listed
mr Marathi मराठी Mr: Listed
ms Melayu Bahasa Melayu Ms: Listed
mt Malta Malti Mt: Unlisted
my Burma မြန်မာဘာသာ My: Listed
nan Min Nan Chinese Bân-lâm-gú Nan: Unlisted
nds Jerman Rendah Plattdüütsch Nds: Unlisted
nds-nl Low Saxon Nedersaksies Nds-nl: Unlisted
ne Nepali नेपाली Ne: Listed
nl Belanda Nederlands NL: Listed
nn Nynorsk Norwegia norsk nynorsk Nn: Listed
no Norwegia norsk No: Listed
oc Ositania occitan Oc: Listed
om Oromo Oromoo Om: Unlisted
or Oriya ଓଡ଼ିଆ Or: Unlisted
pa Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Pa: Listed
pl Polski polski Pl: Listed
pnb Western Punjabi پنجابی Pnb: Listed
ps Pashto پښتو Ps: Listed
pt Portugis português Pt: Listed
pt-br Brazilian Portuguese português do Brasil Pt-br: Deprecated→ pt
ro Rumania română Ro: Listed
ro-md Moldavia română Ro-md: Deprecated→ ro
ru Rusia русский RU: Listed
sa Sanskerta संस्कृतम् Sa: Unlisted
sc Sardinia sardu Sc: Listed
sd Sindhi سنڌي Sd: Unlisted
si Sinhala සිංහල Si: Listed
sk Slovak slovenčina Sk: Listed
skr Saraiki سرائیکی Skr: Listed
sl Sloven slovenščina Sl: Listed
so Somalia Soomaaliga So: Unlisted
sq Albania shqip Sq: Listed
sr Serbia српски / srpski Sr: Listed
sr-latn Serbian (Latin script) srpski (latinica) Sr-latn: Listed
su Sunda Sunda Su: Unlisted
sv Swedia svenska Sv: Listed
sw Swahili Kiswahili Sw: Unlisted
ta Tamil தமிழ் Ta: Listed
te Telugu తెలుగు Te: Unlisted
tg Tajik тоҷикӣ Tg: Unlisted
th Thai ไทย Th: Listed
tk Turkmen Türkmençe Tk: Unlisted
tl Tagalog Tagalog Tl: Listed
tr Turki Türkçe Tr: Listed
tzm Tamazight Maroko Tengah ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ Tzm: Listed
ug Uyghur ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Ug: Unlisted
uk Ukraina українська Uk: Listed
ur Urdu اردو Ur: Unlisted
uz Uzbek oʻzbekcha/ўзбекча Uz: Unlisted
vec Venesia vèneto Vec: Unlisted
vi Vietnam Tiếng Việt Vi: Listed
wa Walloon walon Wa: Unlisted
wo Wolof Wolof Wo: Unlisted
wuu Wu Chinese 吴语 Wuu: Unlisted
xh Xhosa isiXhosa Xh: Unlisted
yi Yiddish ייִדיש Yi: Unlisted
yo Yoruba Yorùbá Yo: Unlisted
yue Kanton 粵語 Yue: Listed
za Zhuang Vahcuengh Za: Unlisted
zh Tionghoa 中文 Zh: Unlisted
zh-hans Simplified Chinese 中文(简体) Zh-hans: Listed
zh-hant Traditional Chinese 中文(繁體) Zh-hant: Listed
zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan) 中文(臺灣) Zh-tw: Deprecated→ zh-hant
zu Zulu isiZulu Zu: Unlisted


  • The Min Nan language spoken in Taiwan ("zh-min-nan-TW" in the old RFC 3066, or better now "nan-TW" or just "nan", see BCP 47) is normally written in the Latin script (rather than the simplified Han script, for which it is almost impossible to differentiate from Chinese written with the Simplified Han orthography), and has its own distinctive language code "nan". Taiwanese Chinese (zh-TW) is completely unrelated to Min Nan; the use of zh-TW is deprecated, use Traditional Chinese ("zh-Hant") instead. Feel free to create pages translated in Min Nan, if you need, using the standard "nan" language code.
  • See Chinese Wikipedia for information about Chinese languages on WP ! If the transcoder is implemented here on this wiki, we would no longer need to maintain separate pages with orthographic differences between "zh-Hans" (essentially the same for the P.R. of China mainland, and Singapore) and "zh-Hant" (essentially the same for Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR, and Macau SAR)
  • Since Moldavian "ro-md"/"mo" is not needed and should be removed! See [1] ! The only remaining difference of Moldovan was when the Romanian language was written in the Cyrillic script by people living in Moldova before its independence from USSR. The Russian minority living in the secessionist Eastern part of Moldova, use the Russian language written in the Cyrillic script, not Moldovan/Romanian, but the other Moldovans do speak Romanian (with just minor vocabulary differences that have been developed when Moldova was occupied by USSR, differences that are now disappearing fast with the increased exchanges with Romanian medias and the return to the use of the Latin alphabet, and with which people of both countries can coexist with an excellent and evident mutual understanding.