MUTCD/Puerto Rico/R

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Series R of the Manual de Rotulación para las Vías Públicas de Puerto Rico is for regulatory signs. The following tables mostly display the signs specific to the sign manual in Puerto Rico; consult MUTCD/R for all regulatory signs in the national standard.

R1: Stop and Yield‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R1-1 R1-1 Stop highway=stop
R1-2 R1-2 Yield highway=give_way
R1-3 R1-3 4-Way (plaque) highway=stop stop=all
R1-5(I) R1-5(I) Yield Here to Pedestrians highway=give_way
R1-5(D) R1-5(D)
R1-6a R1-6a Bus Stop highway=bus_stop shelter=yes

R2: Speed Limit‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R2-1 R2-1 Speed Limit maxspeed=50 mph
R2-2a R2-2a Truck Speed Limit maxspeed=40 mph
R2-3 R2-3 Electronic Toll Collection Speed Limit maxspeed=55 mph
highway=toll_gantry nearby
R2-4a R2-4a Combined Speed Limit maxspeed=50 mph minspeed=30 mph
R2-6a R2-6a End Speed Zone maxspeed=25 mph until this point

R3: Lane Usage and Turns‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R3-1 R3-1 No Right Turn (symbol) type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn
R3-2 R3-2 No Left Turn (symbol) type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
R3-3 R3-3 No Turns type=restriction restriction=only_straight_on
R3-4 R3-4 No U-Turn (symbol) type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn
R3-5(I) R3-5(I) Mandatory Movement Lane Control turn:lanes=left
R3-5(D) R3-5(D) turn:lanes=right
R3-5a R3-5a Mandatory Movement Lane Control (Ahead) turn:lanes=through
R3-6(I) R3-6(I) Optional Movement Lane Control (Ahead) turn:lanes=left;through
R3-6(D) R3-6(D) turn:lanes=through;right
R3-7(I) R3-7(I) Left Lane Must Turn Left turn:lanes=left
R3-7(I) R3-7(D) Right Lane Must Turn Right turn:lanes=right
R3-8(I) R3-8(I) Advance Intersection Lane Control turn:lanes=left|left;through
R3-8(D) R3-8(D) Advance Intersection Lane Control turn:lanes=left|left;through
R3-8c R3-8 Advance Intersection Lane Control turn:lanes=left|left
R3-9a R3-9a Reversible Lane Control lanes:reversible=1 How to tag the hours?
R3-9e R3-9e Reversible Lane Control (symbol) lanes:reversible=1 How to tag the hours in which this direction can turn left or go straight?
R3-9f R3-9f Reversible Lane Control (post-mounted) lanes:reversible=1 How to tag the hours?
R3-10a R3-10a Bus Lane (post-mounted) lanes:bus=* bus:lanes=*
R3-17 R3-17 Bike Lane cycleway=lane
R3-17a R3-17a Bike Lane (plaques) N/A
R3-17b R3-17b Bike Lane (plaques) N/A
R3-18 R3-18 No Left or U-Turn (symbol) type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn
R3-29 R3-29 ETC Only highway=toll_gantry payment:autoexpreso=yes payment:cash=no

R4: Regulation of Movement‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R4-3 R4-3 Slower Traffic and Trucks Keep Right slow_vehicle:lanes=no|designated hgv:lanes=no|designated Speculative
R4-7 R4-7 Keep Right dual_carriageway=yes
R4-8 R4-8 Keep Left
R4-9 R4-9 Stay in Lane change=no
R4-19 R4-19 Keep Right Except to Pass

R5: Exclusionary‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R5-1 R5-1 Do Not Enter oneway=yes
R5-1a R5-1a Wrong Way oneway=yes
R5-1b R5-1b Bicycle Wrong Way cycleway=lane or cycleway=shared_lane
R5-2 R5-2 No Trucks hgv=no
R5-6 R5-6 No Bicycles bicycle=no
R5-10a R5-10a No Pedestrians, Bicycles foot=no bicycle=no

R6: One Way and Divided Highway Crossing‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R6-1(I) R6-1(I) One Way oneway=yes
R6-1(D) R6-1(D)
R6-2(I) R6-2(I) One Way oneway=yes
R6-2(D) R6-2(D)
MUTCD R6-4.svg R6-4 Roundabout Directional (2 chevrons) junction=roundabout
MUTCD R6-4a.svg R6-4a Roundabout Directional (3 chevrons) junction=roundabout
MUTCD R6-4b.svg R6-4b Roundabout Directional (4 chevrons) junction=roundabout
MUTCD R6-5P.svg R6-5P Roundabout Circulation (plaque) junction=roundabout

R7: Parking, Standing, and Stopping‎


This article or section may contain out-of-date information: There is a new street parking schema. parking:lane=*/parking:condition=* was deprecated.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)
Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R7-1 R7-1 No Parking parking:condition=no_parking from this point on the street and to the left
R7-2 R7-2 No Parking X AM TO X PM parking:condition=free parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (07:00-15:00)
R7-2a R7-2a No Parking X AM TO X AM, X PM TO X PM parking:condition=free parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (06:00-08:00, 16:00-18:00) from this point on the street and to the left
R7-3 R7-3 No Parking Except Sundays and Holidays parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:conditional=free @ (Sun, PH) from this point on the street and to the right
R7-3a R7-3a No Parking X AM TO X AM Except Sundays and Holidays parking:condition=free parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (07:00-09:00; Sun, PH off) on both sides of the sign
R7-3b R7-3b No Parking X AM TO X PM Jitney Stand Except Sundays parking:condition=free parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (06:00-18:00; Sun off) parking:condition:reason=share_taxi on both sides of the sign
amenity=taxi share_taxi=yes opening_hours=06:00-18:00; Sun off
type=route route=share_taxi
R7-4 R7-4 No Stopping, No Parking parking:condition=no_stopping
R7-5 R7-5 No Parking From Here to Corner parking:condition=no_parking from this point to the intersection at right
R7-6 R7-6 No Parking Loading Zone parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason=loading_zone on both sides of the sign
R7-6a R7-6a No Parking X AM TO X PM Loading Zone parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (07:00-19:00) parking:condition:reason=loading_zone on both sides of the sign
R7-7 R7-7 No Parking Bus Stop parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason=bus_stop bus_bay=right on both sides of the sign
R7-8 R7-8 Reserved Parking parking:condition=disabled fine:parking:condition=USD 1000.00 on both sides of the sign
R7-8a R7-8a Bus Accessible (plaque) parking:condition:bus=designated
R7-9 R7-9 No Parking Bike Lane parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason=cycleway cycleway=lane
R7-10 R7-10 No Parking/Loading Zone X AM TO X PM parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason:condition=loading_zone @ (09:00-14:00) on both sides of the sign
R7-11 R7-11 No Parking X AM TO X PM/Loading Zone X AM TO X PM parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (07:00-19:00) parking:condition:reason:condition=loading_zone @ (09:00-14:00) on both sides of the sign
R7-12 R7-12 No Parking/Loading Zone X AM TO X AM, X PM TO X PM parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason:condition=loading_zone @ (09:00-11:00, 14:00-16:00) on both sides of the sign
R7-13 R7-13 No Parking X AM TO X PM/Jitneys X AM TO X PM parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (07:00-19:00) parking:condition:reason:condition=share_taxi @ (07:00-13:00) on both sides of the sign
amenity=taxi share_taxi=yes
type=route route=share_taxi
R7-14 R7-14 No Parking Taxi Stand parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason=taxi on both sides of the sign
R7-15 R7-15 No Parking Jitney Stand parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason=share_taxi on both sides of the sign
amenity=taxi share_taxi=yes
type=route route=share_taxi
R7-16 R7-16 No Parking X AM TO X PM Jitney Stand parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (05:00-18:00) parking:condition:reason=share_taxi on both sides of the sign
amenity=taxi share_taxi=yes opening_hours=05:00-18:00
type=route route=share_taxi
R7-17 R7-17 No Parking X AM TO X PM Bus Stop parking:condition:conditional=no_parking @ (05:00-18:00) parking:condition:reason=bus_stop bus_bay=right on both sides of the sign
R7-107a R7-107a No Parking Bus Stop (symbol) parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition:reason=bus_stop bus_bay=right from this point on the street and to the right
R7-108 R7-108 XX HR Parking parking:condition=free parking:condition:maxstay=2 hr on both sides of the sign
R7-108a(I) R7-108a(I) XX HR Parking parking:condition=free parking:condition:maxstay=2 hr from this point on the street and to the left
R7-108a(D) R7-108a(D) parking:condition=free parking:condition:maxstay=2 hr from this point on the street and to the right
R7-200 R7-200 No Parking/Restricted Parking (combined sign) parking:condition=no_parking from this point on the street and to the left
parking:condition=free parking:condition:maxstay:conditional=1 h @ (*:00-*:00) from this point on the street and to the right
R7-201 R7-201 Tow Away Zone
R7-201a R7-201a Tow Away Zone (plaque)

R8: Parking and Emergency Restrictions‎


This article or section may contain out-of-date information: There is a new street parking schema. parking:lane=*/parking:condition=* was deprecated.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)
Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R8-3a R8-3a No Parking parking:condition=no_parking and possibly parking:lane=no
R8-4 R8-4 Emergency Parking Only parking:shoulder:right=parallel parking:condition=no_parking parking:condition=emergency Speculative

R9: Bicycles and Pedestrians‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R9-3b(I) R9-3b(I) Use Crosswalk (plaque) crossing=no
highway=footway footway=crossing nearby
R9-3b(D) R9-3b(D)
R9-3b(PR)(I) R9-3b(PR)(I) Use Bridge (plaque) crossing=no
highway=footway bridge=yes nearby
Use redundant (PR) in traffic_sign=* to distinguish from crosswalk sign
R9-3b(PR)(D) R9-3b(PR)(D)
R9-6a R9-6a Yield to Pedestrians highway=crossing on the intersection node
highway=footway footway=crossing across the bike path
highway=give_way on the bike path near the intersection
R9-7 R9-7 Shared-Use Path Restriction segregated=yes

R10: Traffic Signal‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R10-6 R10-6 Stop Here on Red road_marking=solid_stop_line
R10-7 R10-7 Do Not Block Intersection
R10-11 R10-11 No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn_on_red
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
R10-12 R10-12 Left Turn Yield on Green

R11: Road Closed‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R11-2 R11-2 Road Closed motor_vehicle=no or access=no
R11-3 R11-3 Street Closed motor_vehicle=no or access=no
R11-3a R11-3a Street Closed - Local Traffic Only motor_vehicle=destination for 10 kilometers (6.2 mi)
motor_vehicle=no after that
R11-3b R11-3b Bridge Out - Local Traffic Only motor_vehicle=destination for 10 kilometers (6.2 mi)
demolished:highway=* demolished:bridge=yes
R11-3b(PR) R11-3b(PR) Bridge Out - Local Traffic Only motor_vehicle=destination ref=PR-* for XX kilometers
demolished:highway=* demolished:bridge=yes
Use (PR) in traffic_sign=* to distinguish from sign without route number
R11-3c R11-3c Bridge Out demolished:highway=* demolished:bridge=yes or motor_vehicle=no or access=no

R12: Weight Limits‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R12-1 R12-1 Weight Limit maxweight=10 st
R12-5 R12-5 Weight Limit maxweight=8 st maxweight:hgv_articulated=12 st maxweight:hgv:conditional=16 st @ (trailer)
R12-7 R12-7 Emergency Vehicle Weight Limit maxweight:emergency=* st (total) maxaxleload:emergency=* st (sencillo) maxbogieweight:emergency=* st (doble)
R12-7a R12-7a Axle Weight Limit maxweight=* st (total) maxaxleload=* st (sencillo) maxbogieweight=* st (doble)

R14: Truck Routes‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R14-2 R14-2 Hazardous Material hazmat=designated
R14-3 R14-3 Hazardous Material hazmat=no
R14-4 R14-4 National Network hgv=yes hgv:national_network=yes
R14-5 R14-5 National Network hgv=no hgv:national_network=no

R16: Seat Belts and Headlight Use‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R16-1 R16-1 Use Seat Belt N/A
R16-1p R16-1p Use Seat Belt (plaque) N/A
R16-2 R16-2 $1000 Fine for Littering fine:littering=USD 1000 Speculative

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