RU:WikiProject Piste Maps

Это проект предназначен для обозначения объектов зимнего отдыха, таких как трассы для спуска, подъемники, маршруты внетрассового катания, лыжные трассы и маршруты и прочей полезной картографической информации.
Такие osm-данные обрабатываются и отображаются в специализированной карте OpenSnowMap по адресу в основном слое Osmarender, в основном слое, а также пока только подъемники в слое рендера Mapnik.
Карты некоторых лыжных курортов доступны в виде файла для навигаторов Garmin Garmin image file format по адресу (на момент перевода скачивание img-файлов было недоступно).
Немного адаптированный для работы с такими данными веб-редактор Potlatch 2 с отображением KML-карт доступно на сайте (OpenSkiMap).
Обзорную векторную карту зон катания можно найти по адресу
Официальные карты курортов слишком схематичны и, как правило, не обладают точностью и детализацией, позволяющей хорошо ориентироваться на местности.
Имея такие данные в OSM есть реальная возможность создавать более точные и информативные карты, которые будут полезны как рядовому, так и опытному любителю активного отдыха.
Обозначения (ключи и теги)
Key:aerialway - принятый ключ, который применяют в Map Features общей карты OSM для обозначения подвесных дорог разных типов.
Proposed features/Piste Maps - предлагаемые не утвержденные специализированные обозначения, которые позволяют указывать дополнительные характеристики и специфические особенности трасс, курортов и многое другое.
Состояние картографирования трасс
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Москва и Московская область
Курорт |
% сделанного | Примечания & Состояние (Кто? Где? Что?) |
Кант (55.67768,37.61289, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 100%, pistes 100% | --s-s-s 09:48, 16 October 2011 (BST) |
Парк Яхрома (56.27746,37.47818, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 60%, pistes 0% | --s-s-s 09:40, 16 October 2011 (BST) |
Сорочаны (56.2747,37.5701, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 50%, pistes 50% | --s-s-s 09:15, 16 October 2011 (BST) |
Степаново (56.2586,37.4345, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 70%, pistes 70% | --s-s-s 09:35, 16 October 2011 (BST) |
Курорт |
% сделанного | Примечания & Состояние (Кто? Где? Что?) |
? (?,?, OSNM, OSM) | lifts %, pistes % |
Самара и Самарская область
Курорт |
% сделанного | Примечания & Состояние (Кто? Где? Что?) |
Красная Глинка (,, OSNM, OSM) | Не показан Сноу парк, и "старые" адм. здания, остальное нарисовано | на март 2014 года |
Чайка (горнолыжка) (,, OSNM, OSM) | не обозначена | на март 2014 года |
Загородный парк (,, OSNM, OSM) | показан подъемник, более ничего не обозначено | на март 2014 года--Altoing |
Чайка (УСЦ (лыжная база)) (,, OSNM, OSM) | спортивные трассы 100%, официальная Тур. трасса 100%, другие туристические направления 40% | на март 2014 года--Altoing |
Динамо (лыжная база) (,, OSNM, OSM) | обозначены спортивные трассы 5км и 3км, более ничего | на март 2014 года--Altoing |
Парк 60-и летия Советской власти (,, OSNM, OSM) | не обозначено ничего | на март 2014 года |
Лыжня политехников (,, OSNM, OSM) | обозначена основная часть, до Верхних Елгушей | на март 2014 года--Altoing |
Австрийские Альпы
Курорт |
% сделанного | Примечания & Состояние (Кто? Где? Что?) |
Aberg-Langeck (47.3768,12.9232, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 100%, pistes ~80% | osm6150856065 February 2009. Area of Hintermoos, part of the Hochkoenig region. Pistes missing: 12, 17, 18, 20; Pistes that should be enhanced: 10 (lower part), 16, 19. |
Badgastein (47.1,13.1424, OSNM, OSM) | lifts ~80%, pistes ~70% (в OSM базе) --s-s-s 16:36, 13 October 2011 (BST) | Отображается только в слое Osmarender --s-s-s 13:11, 14 October 2011 (BST) |
Bad Hofgastein (47.1588,13.0722, OSNM, OSM) | lifts ~90%, pistes ~70% (в OSM базе) --s-s-s 16:36, 13 October 2011 (BST) | Отображается только в слое Osmarender --s-s-s 13:11, 14 October 2011 (BST) |
Brandnertal (47.1263,9.7634, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 85% | |
Dorfgastein-Großarl (47.2411,13.1484, OSNM, OSM) | lifts ~90%, pistes ~90% (в OSM базе) --s-s-s 16:37, 13 October 2011 (BST) | Отображается только в слое Osmarender --s-s-s 13:11, 14 October 2011 (BST) |
Feuerkogel (47.8131,13.728, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 90% | Heumahdkogel and Magic Carpet still missing |
Filzmoos (47.436448,13.522797, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 0%, pistes 0% | |
Flachau/Wagrain (47.3319,13.3517, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 80% | numenor, lower parts of Flachau side are incomplete |
Flachauwinkl/Zauchensee/Kleinarl (47.296,13.395, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 65% | numenor 23:22, 30 March 2009 (UTC) |
Fulpmes (47.1558,11.3302, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | Waldrenner 17:25, 30 December 2008 (UTC) |
Gaißau-Hintersee (47.7138,13.2518, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 75%, pistes, 50% | BearT 15:22, 8 February 2009 (UTC) |
Galtuer (46.9631,10.1494, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | |
Gemeindealpe (Mitterbach am Erlaufsee) (47.81039,15.26984, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%, pistes: 0% | BearT 09:22, 2 November 2010 (UTC) |
Grünau-Kasberg (47.8457,14.0051, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 80%, pistes 70% | numenor, Most of the more interesting parts are mapped, missing are the lower part of piste 2 "Familienabfahrt", t-bar lift G "Hochberg-Nord", a few pistes around already mapped lifts. Completely missing are the learning lifts. |
Hebalm (46.928,15.016, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 80%, pistes 80% | michi!, Children pists and lifts are missing. |
Heiligenblut (47.05,12.86, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | Zuse |
Hinterstoder (47.70,14.16, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 80%, pistes 80% | numenor, Some pistes and lifts are estimated (were not yet open), areas around Sessellift Hösskogel and the upper two t-bar lifts are incomplete/inaccurate, and the Weltcupstrecke is incomplete. |
Hintertux (47.08,11.66, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 80% | Mondlicht, Lifts "2er Lärmstange" and "Tuxerjoch" still missing. Some pistes and ski routes still missing. (December 2008) |
Ischgl (47.013,10.288, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 85%, piste 20%, | Daniel. Some small lifts are missing; Some pistes to Samnaun mapped (Feb 09) |
Kals-Matrei (46.99273,12.59543, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 75%, piste ~50% | osm6150856065 February 2009. Part of Glocknerblick region. Matrei side is complete, Kals missing but for some aerialways that were already present. Numbering of pistes is slightly chaotic in reality, and major changes are to be expected for summer 2009. |
Kappl (47.071,10.358, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 100%, piste ?%, | |
Kaprun (47.2516,12.7241, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | Zuse 00:06, 20 March 2011 (UTC) |
Kaunertal (46.86378,10.713384, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 100%?, pistes 80%? | keltoi 09:49, 4 June 2010 (UTC) |
Katschberg (47.436448,13.522797, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 0%, pistes 0% | |
Kössen (47.6531,12.4261, OSNM, OSM) | lifts ?%, pistes ?% cross country ?% |
Lech am Arlberg (47.2,10.15, OSNM, OSM) | 20% | |
Lienz Zettersfeld (46.8611,12.7984, OSNM, OSM) | ? | |
Mieders (47.1690,11.3830, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | Waldrenner 17:25, 30 December 2008 (UTC) |
Neustift im Stubaital (47.1107,11.3096, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | Elfer completed, drag lifts in Krößbach and Milders missing; Waldrenner 17:25, 30 December 2008 (UTC) |
Rohr im Gebirge (47.90672,15.77416, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 100%, pistes 100% | |
Saalbach-Hinterglemm (47.3846,12.6224, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 90% | |
Sankt Anton am Arlberg (47.1166,10.2667, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 98%, pistes 100% | See /St. Anton am Arlberg for details. --Stanton 20:45, 21 February 2011 (UTC) |
Schladming, Haus, Hochwurzen, Reiteralm (47.372,13.723, OSNM, OSM) | Schladming: lifts 90%, pistes 50%, Hauser Kaibling: lifts 80%, pistes 70%, Hochwurzen: 0%, Reiteralm: 0% | numenor 23:11, 30 March 2009 (UTC) |
Semmering-Hirschenkogel (47.62646,15.83416, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 100%, pistes 100% | |
Serfaus, Fiss, Ladis (47.0472,10.5665, OSNM, OSM) | lifts:100%, pistes: 90% | Added missing pistes (tracked Feb 14-19, 2010) --Holger Issle 20:31, 20 February 2010 (UTC) |
Sölden (46.9667,11.82, OSNM, OSM) | 60% | Daniel. Giggijoch and glacier mostly done; Gaislachkogl is still missing (Feb 09) |
Ski-optimal (Hochfügen, Hochzillertal) (47.27,11.66, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 95%, pistes 80% | Daniel. probably some baby lifts missing; all important pistes exist (Feb 09) |
Skiregion Dachstein West (47.5462,13.4735, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: a lot, pistes: unknown | editet by OSM User "gosausee", added to OPM by BearT |
Steinach am Brenner / Bergeralm (47.0737,11.4683, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 90% | numenor, "Zauberteppich" is missing, sleigh track is guessed (from satellite images) in the upper part (bottom part is from gps track) |
Stubai Glacier (46.9893,11.1469, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 90% | Some beginner lifts missing, Waldrenner 17:25, 30 December 2008 (UTC) |
Stuhleck (47.5894,15.7802, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 70% | |
Tauplitz (47.59422,13.98574, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 99%, pistes 99% | Seems pretty complete to me... new pistes and lifts are freshly added. G00dman 20:33, 20 January 2011 (UTC) |
Unterberg (47.93806,15.82908, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, pistes 90% | |
Wilder Kaiser (Brixen im Thale, Hopfgarten, Elmau, Going, ...) (47.45,12.24, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 99%, pistes 90%, Loipe 1% | let's map! vossi 18:01, 11 February 2010 (UTC) |
Zell am See (47.3244,12.7696, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | Zuse 20:26, 19 March 2011 (UTC) |
Zillertal 3000 (Finkenberg, Rastkogel, Eggalm, Mayrhofen Penken und Ahorn) (47.17,11.76, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 70%, pistes 60%. Penken nearly complete, Ahorn more or less missing | Mondlicht (December 2008) |
Zürs (47.1667,10.1667, OSNM, OSM) |
Французские Альпы
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Valmorel Le Grand Domaine (45.4417,6.4092, OSNM, OSM) | 30% | Valmorel Le Grand Domaine, Charmette/Pierrafort, Beaudin, Combelouvière/Lanchettes/Madeleine/Celliers, Saint Francois Longchamp
Hues tracked main pistes and lifts during new year's eve 2009/2010. |
Domaine des Sybelles (45.2457,6.2643, OSNM, OSM) | 70% | Saint Sorlin d'Arves, Le Corbier, La Toussuire, Saint Jean d'Arves, Saint Colomban
Chibi T spent a little over a week (March 2009) around Les Sybelles, generating a decent set of track logs: pistes and lifts near Le Corbier, St. Jean, St. Colomban and Les Bottieres are mostly complete, the St. Sorlin and La Toussuire areas still need some work. |
Les Trois Valleés (45.3211,6.5934, OSNM, OSM) |
Les Menuires: Lifts 87%, pistes ~83% |
Includes Val Thorens, Les Menuires, Méribel and Courchevel. See /Les Trois Vallées for details. See also WikiProject Val Thorens France (but old). Courchevel currently has the lowest coverage - mostly drag lifts and related pistes are missing, mainly in Courchevel 1650 and around Altiport. The low completion in Les Menuires is mostly due to some beginner lifts and their pistes not being mapped yet. --Stanton 19:02, 17 April 2011 (BST) |
Vars - Risoul (La Forêt Blanche) (44.5731,6.6681, OSNM, OSM) | +-80% | See Vars - Risoul (La Forêt Blanche) |
La Plagne (45.5049,6.7006, OSNM, OSM) | FredB, [[User:Welshie|Welshie] most lifts, some downhill pistes | |
Serre Chevalier (44.9317,6.5586, OSNM, OSM) | Jocelyn (monêtier), Thomas Walraet (almost all lifts opened december 2007) | |
Bessans (45.3238,7.0023, OSNM, OSM) | Double Jojo Some nordic pistes at Bessans, as footways but also with piste:type=nordic | |
Isola 2000 (44.1862,7.1478, OSNM, OSM) | 95% | POHB All lifts. All greens and blues. All but Bartavelle on the reds (it was shut). All but a couple of mogul fields on the blacks. |
Sainte Foy Tarentaise (45.5881,6.9157, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | Gagravarr Almost all the blues and reds, missing main green and the blacks |
Val d'Isere and Tignes (45.4666,6.9633, OSNM, OSM) (Espace Killy) | 95% | Charlie EchoMostly done by April 2010. The missing lifts and slopes are the "free" ones near the stations, and the summer slopes/lifts (not reachable during winter!). |
Les Grands Montets (45.9591,6.9501, OSNM, OSM) (Chamonix Mont-Blanc) | Lifts: 90%; pistes: 20% | Sciuro feel free to do the rest - won't be back for a while |
Alpe d'Huez (45.1088,6.093, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | PaulTodd A reasonable proportion of the main resort area March/08 Vrabcak Improve previous data and append several other lifts and pistes at the end of March/08 |
Le Grand Bornand (45.9678,6.4645, OSNM, OSM) | 20% | User:Norky a handful of blues, reds and greens and some of the lifts. I'll likely be going again sometime next year. |
Les Deux Alpes (45.0062,6.1392, OSNM, OSM) | 85% | Vrabcak Missing platter lifts and green pistes at the bottom part. Missing summer lifts on the Glacier.
Lovro added some of the missing ones. |
Grand Massif (46.0393,6.7138, OSNM, OSM) | 10% | Sflinter Many of the main lifts throughout the system. Some of the pistes in the Samoëns area. |
Pra-Loup (44.368,6.601, OSNM, OSM) | 60% | Gerhard 12/2008 Won't be back soon, please complete. |
La Foux d'Allos (44.300,6.583, OSNM, OSM) | ? | Gerhard 12/2008 Short visit. |
Puy-Saint-Vincent (44.812,6.483, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | Jocelyn 12/2008 all pistes and lifts except novice ones |
Gréolières les Neiges (43.822,6.971, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | Jocelyn 1/2009 all lifts, but missing some pistes on the east side |
Savoie Grand Revard (45.65,5.987, OSNM, OSM) | Double Jojo Nearly all skating nordic pistes, as footways but also with piste:type=nordic | |
Pralognan en Vanoise (45.3855,6.7407, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | Cantece Nearly all alpine pistes |
Avoriaz, Morzine, Les Gets (46.1852,6.8393, OSNM, OSM) | approx. 90% | French part of Les Portes du Soleil ski area. Recently updated by Alpha including lift details, but still incomplete. --Alpha de 06:18, 6 February 2010 (UTC). Additional runs and lifts added Les Gets, Morzine + more detail in Morzine from cadastre. -- SK53 08:30, 25 March 2010 (UTC) |
Valmeinier-Valloire (Savoie) (45.1805,6.4844, OSNM, OSM) | work in progress | Visitetd 01/2010 GPS-logs present missing some expert pistes. Think I got ~130 of 150 km and hopefully all lifts. shony |
Chamrousse (Isere) (45.114,5.878, OSNM, OSM) | 40% | Station close to Grenoble. Skiing here Feb & Mar 2010 will complete all the pistes and lifts. Andy F |
7 Laux (Les Sept Laux) Prapoutel, Pipay, Le Pleynet (Isere) (45.259,5.996, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | Station close to Grenoble. Looks mostly complete at Feb 2010 by another mapper. Skiing here Feb & Mar 2010 will complete any other pistes and lifts. Andy F |
Évasion Mont-Blanc (45.8494,6.70538, OSNM, OSM) | 50% | Compound resort including Combloux, Megève, Saint-Gervais and Saint-Nicolas-de-Véroce. Saint-Nicolas-de-Véroce sector: 90% (Roland Mas). Combloux sector seems pretty complete as of March 2010 too. Megève sector seems to have good coverage of lifts, but pistes seem to be lacking. |
French Vosges (Vogesen)
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Le Schnepfenried (47.98,7.05, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 100%, Pistes: 100%, Slopes: 0% | tower27 1/2009 |
Jura (France/Switzerland)
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) | |
Bellefontaine (46.5636,6.0777, OSNM, OSM) | A few nordic ski pistes, tagged "piste:type=nordic"
Le Risoud: from the 'Le grand Remblais' entry, 60% | ||
Les Fourgs (46.8268,6.4189, OSNM, OSM) | ~50% | nordic. link to 'Les Hopitaux Vieux' Yvecai | |
Les Hopitaux Vieux (46.7963,6.3799, OSNM, OSM) | ~ 10%, | nordic. link to 'Les Fourgs' Yvecai | |
La Dole (46.4241,6.0991, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | Patou | |
Les Rousses (46.48793,6.06859, OSNM, OSM) | 90% (Massif des Tuffes) 0% others | (multiple small resorts and access points -- should I break down list?) Patou Elwell 22:18, 13 February 2010 (UTC) As and when | |
Monts Jura (46.2865,5.9623, OSNM, OSM) | * La Vattay (nordic)
~ 60% |
| |
L'Auberson CH (46.8327,6.4604, OSNM, OSM) | Nordic 90%: lacks links with others sites | Yvecai | |
Vallee de Joux CH (46.6503,6.2631, OSNM, OSM) |
~ 90% lacks pistes down to the villages.
~ 60%
~ 50% |
Итальянские Альпы
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Alta Badia (46.6101,11.8935, OSNM, OSM) | 95% | jaybe: imported GPS data, tracked in Jan/08 and Jan/09 |
Kronplatz (46.7411,11.9673, OSNM, OSM) |
Main area: Lifts 99%, pistes 98% |
See /Kronplatz for details. Feel free to take over - I won't be back for a while! --Stanton 19:48, 27 March 2011 (BST) |
Breuil-Cervinia (45.9274,7.6706, OSNM, OSM) | 15% | Only 4 lifts missing, but just a few pistes done - Andy |
Courmayeur (45.7931,6.9377, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 80%, Pistes: ~70% | See /Courmayeur for details. Sciuro feel free to take over - i won't be back for a while! |
Monterosa (45.825,7.786, OSNM, OSM) | SK53: most lifts and runs tracked Mar/09 (runs around Alagnia (Valsesia) only 1 trace | |
Val di Fassa (46.485,11.808, OSNM, OSM) | Holger: tracked Mar/09 | |
Selva val Gardena/Wolkenstein (46.53,11.77, OSNM, OSM) | Holger: tracked Mar/09 | |
Madonna di Campiglio (46.2345,10.8393, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Ratschings-Jaufen (46.8471,11.3132, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%, pistes 6/15, most of them just need to be fixed |
Italian Appennines
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) | |
Abetone (44.1364,10.6521, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 100%, Pistes 50% | ||
Corno alle Scale (44.1254,10.8294, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 50% Pistes:0 % | Missing many lifts details and all the pistes --MrFrem82 15.45, 30 July 2010 (UTC) | |
Monte Cimone (44.2209,10.7146, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 90% Pistes 90% | Missing MANY lifts details --SteveVG 17:48, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
Missing Montecreto lifts and the two snowpark. --MrFrem82 1.00, 29 July 2010 (UTC) |
Slovenian Alps
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Mariborsko Pohorje (46.5216,15.5931, OSNM, OSM) | almost completely covered: skiing areas, most of skiing infrastructure, woodlands, trails, roads | |
Areh (46.5008,15.5183, OSNM, OSM) | coverage in progress, skiing areas, skiing infrastructure, woodlands, trails, roads | |
Rogla (46.4612,15.3444, OSNM, OSM) | coverage in progress | |
Kanin (46.3463,13.5152, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 100%, Pistes: 0% | Mihau: won't go there for some time, feel free to take over |
Vogel (46.2502,13.8446, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 100%, Pistes: 20% | Mihau: experimenting to see how rendering works |
Krvavec (46.2853,14.5218, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 90%, Pistes: 90% | Mihau: missing magic carpet and platter, some amenities |
Swiss Alps
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Adelboden/Lenk (Metsch) (46.46,7.49, OSNM, OSM) | Most of Adelboden's main ski resort Sillerenbühl, connected to Lenk's Metsch | |
Amden (47.1496,9.1411, OSNM, OSM) | 0% | |
Andermatt (46.6347,8.5932, OSNM, OSM) | 100% 50% |
downhill: completed Gemsstock and Nätschen/Gütsch --Fx99 17:29, 9 January 2010 (UTC) cross country: up to Hospental almost complete |
Arosa (46.7767,9.6789, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Atzmännig (47.2831,8.9953, OSNM, OSM) | 0% | |
Axalp (46.71,8.03, OSNM, OSM) | ? | |
Breil/Brigels (46.774,9.0678, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | Nearly all ski pistes (slopes to Waltensburg missing), sledge pistes missing - Andy |
Champery, Les Crosets, Champoussin (46.1852,6.8393, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | Part of Les Portes du Soleil ski area. The tagging scheme is completly switched to the new one by Andy. But the credits go to 80n who mapped the whole area. Recently updated by Alpha including lift details. Morgins still needs some work. --Alpha de 06:18, 6 February 2010 (UTC) |
Chur (46.8178,9.5874, OSNM, OSM) | ? | This is the area accessed by the cable-car just across the Plessur from the old town, known as Brambuesch, not Tschiertschen as previously supposed. |
Davos (46.8078,9.8312, OSNM, OSM) | > 80 % | Parsenn, Jakobshorn, Rinerhorn: approx. 95 %, pistes from Parsenn down to Küblis, Sernaus and Wolfgang need to be mapped, Madrisa approx. 85%, some pistes need detailed work, Pischa about 70 % - last updates by Andreas in 03/2010 |
Disentis/Mustér (46.7041,8.8359, OSNM, OSM) | ~ 90% | all lifts, many runs. GPS from one week Skiing |
Engelberg (Titlis) (46.8015,8.4146, OSNM, OSM) | 95% | Titlis side is 100% complete, including Gerschnialp (but excluding cross country tracks); Brunni side is still mostly missing due to current lack of snow. |
Flims / Laax (46.8341,9.273, OSNM, OSM) | 95% | Nearly completely mapped. |
Flumserberg (47.0825,9.266, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | Most Pists maped, some t-bar lifts missed. |
Glacier3000 Gstaad (46.3500,7.220, OSNM, OSM) | 75% | by wartburgritter. One ski-lift and piste missing. Walking Ways on the Glacier missing. The nordic pistes is missing. This one is open in summer only. The hole rendering stuff of the points is missing. |
Grimentz (46.1798,7.5513, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | by romanf. One difficult piste missing because it was closed (late season). |
Hoch Ybrig (47.0054,8.7949, OSNM, OSM) | one slope and a ski lift mainly to test the GPS while skiing | |
Klosters (46.8833,9.8833, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Lenk (Walegg) (46.44407,7.42398, OSNM, OSM) | Most slopes of Walegg in Lenk, CH | |
Lenzerheide (46.7235,9.5775, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 95%, Pistes: 90% | Most Downhillpistes added. Nordic (50%) - christianb, Aerialways "Crestas", "Fastasch", "Dieschen" and "Proschieri" missing! |
Meiringen-Hasliberg (46.7433,8.2284, OSNM, OSM) | 80 % | Some runs seem to be overgraded, e.g., the run down to the Balisalp drag. Black missing from Planplatten. |
Melchsee Frutt (46.7858,8.2781, OSNM, OSM) | 60 % | |
Obersaxen (46.7333,9.1, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Pizol (47.0022,9.4388, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 90%, Pistes: 90% | Downhill piste and Lifts nearly complete - did only some small corrections - Kendell , Furt Magic Carpet wrong, sleigh piste missing! |
Quattre Vallees (46.1058,7.2886, OSNM, OSM) | ? | Most slopes and lifts done - Composed of the resorts: Verbier, Nendaz, Veysonnaz and Thyon. |
Riaz (Fri) (46.6507,7.0173, OSNM, OSM) | ? | A few nordic --yvecai |
Rigi (47.0480,8.4861, OSNM, OSM) | ? | Schlittelweg, Rigibahn, Schlepplift |
Rosswald (46.3096,8.059, OSNM, OSM) | 99% | All lifts and slopes done, with the exception of the "Talabfahrt". Have yet to figure out how to tag this, because it is largely identical to streets used in summer - User:ZorkNika |
Saas Fee (46.095,7.90879, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | The most lifts and slopes had been done. --findus05 15:19, 21 February 2010 (UTC) |
Samedan (46.5333,9.8666, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Samnaun (46.9333,10.35, OSNM, OSM) | ||
San Bernardino (46.46022,9.17791, OSNM, OSM) | 75% | all lifts and some slopes mapped - User:Kendell |
Savognin (46.5833,9.5833, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Schwarzsee (46.6587,7.29025, OSNM, OSM) | drag lifts are in osm and OPM. the pists are still missing | |
Sedrun / Oberalp (46.659,8.671, OSNM, OSM) | 100% | all lift and pists verified --Fx99 13:49, 20 March 2010 (UTC) |
Splügen (46.55,9.3166, OSNM, OSM) | 50% | most lifts and some slopes - User:Kendell |
St. Moritz (46.5,9.8333, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Super St-Bernard (45.89,7.20, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts 2/2 Pistes: 3/5 | Mapped area with 3/5 pistes, "Italienne" and "Piste du Soleil" still missing --Shernott 14:48, 24 September 2010 (BST) |
Torgon (46.28,6.85, OSNM, OSM) | 50% (06.12.09) | All lifts in this small area appear to be present, but not all runs.- User:Janovki |
Tschiertschen (46.8116,9.6068, OSNM, OSM) | 50% (25.06.09) | All lifts in this small area appear to be present, but no runs. |
Toggenburg (47.187,9.3349, OSNM, OSM) | 95% (07.01.09) | mschaeuble, only parts of piste 36 and 39, piste 15, 37, 38 and 40 and some child lifts are missing. |
Val Lumnezia (46.6166,9.15, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Vichères (Liddes) (45.975,7.145, OSNM, OSM) | 99% | User:grgs_ - Sledge piste and snowshoes trail missing. |
Wolzenalp (47.2257,9.1553, OSNM, OSM) | 99% | shiby - Main pistes are recorded. Few connection pistes missing |
Zermatt (46.022,7.7487, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | Name missing. See User:Ast/PisteMaps - Andy |
Zernez (46.7,10.1, OSNM, OSM) | 0% | No downhill ski facilities in this village AFAIK. ~~ |
Zinal (46.1347,7.6258, OSNM, OSM) | 90% | Romanf , descent into Zinal and 2 intermediate Piste on the east side missing, training lifts missing, rest complete. |
Zuoz (46.6,9.9666, OSNM, OSM) |
Rocky Mountains (The Rockies)
Many of the Summit County resorts have high-quality aerial photo coverage by Yahoo, taken in late winter. It is possible to map many trails, and to identify black-diamond and double-black-diamond trails by their bumps.
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) | |
Arapahoe Basin (39.629,-105.86816, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Aspen, Colorado (39.1911,-106.8175, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Aspen Highlands (39.18273,-106.85906, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Beaver Creek, Colorado (39.6059,-106.5149, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Breckenridge, Colorado (39.4737,-106.0661, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ~100%; pistes: 0% | ||
Buttermilk Mountain (39.20509,-106.86012, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 95% | troll1602 Added all lifts and most of the pistes from aerial imagery, Feb. 2011. I have not been here in a while and I had a hard time with the pistes below the upper part of the Summit Express lift. | |
Copper Mountain, Colorado (39.4855,-106.1447, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: ~20% | CheshireCat4 15 of 22 lifts added 2009 & 2010. All lifts except the magic carpets and short beginner lifts. | Russdeffner Remaining lifts added, 25 of 133 pistes so far |
Crested Butte (38.8828,-106.9555, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Durango Mountain Resort (37.6246,-107.8187, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Eldora Mountain Resort (39.93722,-105.58284, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | troll1602 Added lifts and pistes from aerial imagery, Feb. 2011. Did not identify glades. | |
Keystone Resort (39.5889,-105.9319, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Loveland, Colorado (39.6763,-105.8958, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Monarch Ski Area (38.5122,-106.3313, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | Clorox - I'll mark what I remember from last time I visited :) | |
Snowmass (ski area) (39.2068,-106.9358, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Steamboat Springs, Colorado (40.485,-106.8317, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Sunlight Mountain Resort (39.39985,-107.33972, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | troll1602 Added lifts and pistes from aerial imagery, Feb. 2011. Did not identify glades. | |
Telluride, Colorado (37.9238,-107.83447, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Vail, Colorado (39.6353,-106.3631, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | ||
Winter Park Resort (39.8886,-105.7647, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % |
New Mexico
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Ski Santa Fe (35.79137,-105.79628, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ≈60%; pistes: ≈20% | Mapped by Jan-willem De Bleser from GPS traces end 2010. Survey of some lifts and many pistes still needed. A few tiger imports need to be cleaned up. Pistes as ways, not areas. |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
The Canyons (40.6862,-111.5559, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ≈100%; pistes: ≈20% | Mapped by Ted Percival, from GPS traces & Yahoo! aerial imagery in early 2009. Many pistes missing. Pistes as ways, not areas. |
Park City Mountain Resort (40.6503,-111.5097, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ≈20%; pistes: ≈0% | Mapped by Ted Percival, from Yahoo! aerial imagery in early 2009, only lifts so far. |
Snowbird (40.5738,-111.651, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ≈100%; pistes: ?% | |
Sundance (40.391,-111.578, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: ≈10% |
British Columbia
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Powder King Mountain Resort (55.363056,-122.624722, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: ~0% drawn (vegetation polygons completed) | Bryan Crosby surveyed 14 February 2011 |
Fernie Alpine Resort (49.4619,-115.0852, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ~100%; pistes: % | |
Kicking Horse Resort (51.2877,-117.0601, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 75%; pistes: ~25% | Chris Clemson surveyed 18 January 2010 |
Panorama Ski Resort (51.3223,-116.1306, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 85%; pistes: ~50% | Chris Clemson surveyed 11-23 January 2010
Pnorman added traces |
Whistler Blackcomb (50.0788,-122.9366, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: good; pistes: good | LastGrape/Gregory unvisted. Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics main venue. |
Cypress Mountain (49.39,-123.1898, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: good; pistes: good | LastGrape/Gregory unvisted. Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics snowboarding venue. |
Grouse Mountain (49.3787,-123.0751, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: ~100% | LastGrape/Gregory visited in summer. Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics snowboarding venue. |
Mount Seymour (49.3698,-122.9512, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: good; pistes: good | LastGrape/Gregory unvisted. |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Crowsnest Pass 'Alison Wonderlands' (49.6687,-114.5978, OSNM, OSM) | 40% | Mungewell Cross Country Trails. Just started with GPS tracking |
Banff/Norquay (51.1966,-115.58, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | PaulTodd A reasonable proportion of the resort area - done by Yahoo Imagery March/07 |
Banff/Sunshine Village (51.0927,-115.7393, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | PaulTodd A reasonable proportion of the resort area - GPS and Yahoo Imagery March/07 |
Banff/Lake Louise (51.4534,-116.1129, OSNM, OSM) | 50% | PaulTodd A reasonable proportion of the resort area - GPS March/07 |
Pacific Coastal Range
British Columbia
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Whistler Blackcomb (50.1152,-122.9521, OSNM, OSM) | Lifts: 90%, Pistes: 50% | giggls mapped most of the current stuff.
Missing lifts are Fitzmmons Express, Garbanzo Express, Franz's Chair and T-Bars. I uploaded all my tracks, thus people with regional knowledge of the area should be able to add additional runs. Feel free to take over! I'm usually not mapping in North America :) |
Grouse Mountain (49.3762,-123.0698, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Cypress Mountain (49.39612,-123.20133, OSNM, OSM) |
Jeseníky (Czech Republic)
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Ramzová (50.1877,17.0726, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Branná (50.1524,17.0079, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Cervenohorske sedlo (50.1224,17.1593, OSNM, OSM) | ||
Praděd (50.0725,17.2414, OSNM, OSM) | 70% | Vrabcak Missing lifts and pistes: Malý Václavák, Velký Václavák, Horská služba |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Arette-La Pierre Saint Martin (42.9792,-0.7461, OSNM, OSM) | 95% | orhygine |
Ax-les-Thermes (42.6921,1.8073, OSNM, OSM) | 80% | orhygine |
Cerler (42.5738,0.5586, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 90% (missing beginners' areas drag lifts), pistes: 80% (missing only black pistes) | User:RodrigoMoya Rodrigo |
Formigal (42.7746,-0.3864, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 90% (missing beginners' areas drag lifts), pistes: 80% (missing only black pistes) | User:RodrigoMoya Rodrigo |
Font-Romeu (42.5234,2.0423, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 20% (Font-Romeu and part of Super-Bolquère/Pyrénées 2000), pistes: 20% (same) | Roland Mas |
Panticosa (42.7028,-0.2668, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%, pistes: 95% | User:RodrigoMoya Rodrigo |
Andorra Vallnord (42.5666,1.4833, OSNM, OSM) | 100% Pal, 40% Arcalis/Arinsal | wolodik sector Pal,James A T Rice sector Arcalis/Arinsal. |
Andorra Grandvalira (42.56,1.6624, OSNM, OSM) | 70% | wolodik (some tracks by orhygine). No Pas De La Casa - only lifts |
Piau-Engaly (42.77662,0.15668) OPM OSM | lifts: 60%, pistes: 50% | Fredu |
Saint-Lary-Soulan (42.81784,0.28877) OPM OSM | lifts: 90%, pistes: 20% | Fredu |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) | |
Nevis (56.8061,-4.9854, OSNM, OSM) | Cable car added | lifts: 5%, pistes: 0% | |
Glencoe (56.6212,-4.8396, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 30% | Sciuro | |
Cairngorm (57.1274,-3.6581, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 5%; pistes: 5%; some paths and pistes names added | ||
Glenshee (56.887,-3.414, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 90%; pistes: 5% | Hawkeye | |
Lecht (57.2013,-3.2617, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%, pistes: 0% |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Vassfjellet (63.2633,10.3917, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 95% | T. Hansen |
Hemsedal (60.852,8.502, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 80%; pistes: 80% | Onion has tracks and is working on it. Matt added some tracks in Feb 2009. |
Hovden (59.5696,7.333, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; downhill: 25%; nordic: 40% | in progress, for nordic pistes 100% intended on Nov 2010, after season start the remaining downhill pistes will follow Jan |
Haukelifjell (59.7849,7.3392, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 33%; pistes: 0% | |
Bjørnestad (58.6621,6.59171, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Fidjeland Skitrekk (58.96468,6.95467, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | |
Oppdal (62.62,9.66, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: 25% | |
Ålsheia skisenter / Tjørhomfjellet (58.91714,6.84442, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: %; pistes: % | |
Trysil (61.3,12.23, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 71%; downhill pistes: 62% nordic pistes 0% | Carsten Nielsen has done a lot of the area. Erik Klausen added tracks and lift towers in feb. 2010. Thorsten added tracks, lifts and buildings in April 2010.
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Hlíðarfjall (65.6623,-18.2116, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 50% | Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason did the initial survey. Some of the pistes have been mapped. |
Oddsskarð (65.0646,-13.8974, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | Needs complete survey. Homepage |
See also ski tracks in Sweden.
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Grövelsjöen/Grövelfjäll (62.09,12.32, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 80%; pistes: 15% | Leffgar started but there are more pistes (mostly nordic, some downhill). |
Gränjåsvålen/Idrefjäll (61.8874,12.86058, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 95%; pistes: 95% | northern transport lift missing. |
Lofsdalen (62.12,13.32, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 77%; pistes: 0% | Jas4711 started but lifts "Tvären" and "Snölandet" are missing. |
Vemdalen/Björnrike (62.422,13.9626, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | Leojth |
Vemdalen/Klövsjö and Storhogna (62.4997,14.1344, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 90%; pistes: 0% | Leojth |
Vemdalen/Vemdalsskalet (62.4873,13.9611, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 90%; pistes: 75% | Leojth |
Are (63.4124,13.0634, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%; pistes: 25% | juhanjuku |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Ellivuori (61.402,23.06, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | Total: 6 lifts, 6 pistes Ellivuori ski SkiData card |
Hervanta (61.46,23.86, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | Missing ski jump Tampereen rinteet |
Himos (61.88,25.305, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 95%; pistes: 95% | Access card Himos Ski |
Hirvensalo (60.4176,22.2280, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | Childrens pist and lift estimated |
Iso-Syöte (65.62671,27.618, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 75%; pistes: 80% | pfr SkiData card |
Koli (63.097,29.8123, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | SkiData card |
Lakis (63.10726,23.81606, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 99% | Total: 2 lifts, 3 pistes, only one pist open at mapping time. |
Levi (67.79,24.85, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 63%; pistes: 25% | total will be about 44 pistes and 27 lifts, although all missing lifts are just a second lift in a pair, SkiData card |
Louekeskus (63.914,24.32, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%; pistes: 100% | Total: 2 lifts, 3 pistes. Children lift was closed. |
Luosto (67.1566,26.9168, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | SkiData card |
Meri-Teijo (60.235,22.93606, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | total: 8 pistes, lifts: 4 Meri Teijo] |
Messilä (61.0162,25.5508, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%, pistes 100% | Aerial imaginary available, see Finland:Lahti/Aerial. total: 9 pistes, lifts: 8, SkiData card |
Mustavuori (61.4936,23.5986, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | Tampereen rinteet |
Olos (67.929,23.817, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%; pistes: 0% | Height approx 210 m. SkiData card |
Pallas (68.052,24.06, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 88% | Height approx 380 m. SkiData card |
Peuramaa (60.101,24.466, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 75%; pistes: 75% | Tiny 55 meter hill with 4 pistes. SkiData card |
Pyhä (67.008,27.2523, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | SkiData card |
Ruka (66.164,29.151, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 25%; pistes: 25% | total 29 pistes and 20 lifts. SkiData card |
Saariselkä (68.429,27.443, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | Access card |
Salla (66.761,28.791, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%; pistes: 50% | SkiData card |
Sappee (61.3872,24.5096, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | Access card Sappee Ski |
Serena (60.325,24.749, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 33%; pistes: 25% | Puny 60 meter hill with 4 pistes. SkiData card |
Tahko (63.292,28.022, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 90% | 15 lifts, 23 pistes, max relative height 200 m. SkiData card |
Ukkohalla (64.74,28.25, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 60%; pistes: 50% | Alv |
Vuokatti (64.133,28.273, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 22%; pistes: 23% | Alv "Uudet rinteet" done. Height approx 190 m. SkiData card |
Ylläs (67.568,24.216, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 10%; pistes: 0% | Claims to have 61 pistes and 29 lifts and a height of approx 370 m. SkiData card |
Australian Alps
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Perisher Blue (-36.4,148.416, OSNM, OSM) | ? | downhill and cross country |
Thredbo (-36.5,148.3, OSNM, OSM) | Dive Added from GPS:
Supertrail(partial), High Noon, Sundowner, Ballroom, Squatters Run, The Traverse(partial), Village Trail (partial), Walkabout. Dive Following lifts from GPS: The Cruiser Quad Chair, Gunbarrel Express Quad Chair, Merrits Double Chair |
downhill and backcountry |
Selwen Snowfields and Cabramurra (-35.883,148.45, OSNM, OSM) | ? | downhill and cross country |
Falls Creek (-36.983,147.267, OSNM, OSM) | ? | downhill and Worldloppet cross country |
Mount Hotham and Dinner Plain (-36.983,147.133, OSNM, OSM) | ? | downhill and cross country |
Lake Mountain (-37.5,145.833, OSNM, OSM) | ? | cross country |
New Zealand
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Mount Hutt (-43.493,171.540, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 40% | hubne has mapped everything he can ski from traces. Many black runs remaining. Extent of runs guessed in many cases - some traces seem very offset. Will require adjustment before accurate. |
Whakapapa (-39.237,175.556, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%; pistes: 10% | Spideog Have most lifts in main ski area mapped and have traces for some of the pistes. Someone else will need to complete. |
Turoa (-39.305,175.528, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%; pistes: 10%be | Spideog Have all lifts that were open on the main ski area on my visit and most of the blue runs. Someone else will need to complete. |
Cardrona (-44.875,168.951, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ? ; pistes: ? | Spideog Have traces for most lifts which I'll be uploading shortly.
gerkin added chairlifts,some trails, access road in August 2009 but carparks and building still need confirming - (all my data now uploaded). |
Coronet Peak (-44.927,168.737, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ? ; pistes: ? | Spideog Have traces for most lifts which I'll be uploading shortly. |
Treble Cone | lifts: ? ; pistes: ? | Hubne will be skiing and tracing in August 2009 - bad weather; didn't happen |
Porters (-43.273,171.640, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 90% ; pistes: ? | gerkin added drag-lifts (T-bars), access road 2008 but pistes, boundary's, carparks and building still need confirming - (all my data now uploaded). |
Mt. Cheeseman (-43.157,171.669, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 66% ; pistes: very few | hubne finished access road, added learners rope tow and main t-bar, rough carpark area and building, one downhill run though unclear which one it was |
Green Mountains (Vermont)
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) | |
Killington (43.61,-72.7, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | nwheres will trace trails from Y! aerial and name what is possible from the air. I will be visiting on new years where I can get more accurate readings and names. | |
Mad River Glen (44.198,-72.925, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 80%; pistes: 10% | Pistes based on Y aerial plus local knowledge. Chair lifts were already in there from tiger data! Corrected names and directions based on local knowledge. SuitGuy 19:19, 24 February 2009 (UTC) |
Zao (Japan)
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) | |
Zao (38.17026,140.4061, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 2%; pistes: 2% | Hiroshi Miura |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Bansko (41.8003,23.4742, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 70%; pistes: 80% | Konstantin Kotzev |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Șuior (47.67,23.78, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | / suior [[User:Mqmserv|Marin ] / mqmserv |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Poiana Brașov (45.58,25.55, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 75%; pistes: 70% | / poiana bv [[User:Mqmserv|Marin] |
Bayerischer Wald / Bavarian Forest
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Waldmünchen (49.3405,12.7677, OSNM, OSM) | lifts >50%, downhill pistes >50%, nordic pistes 0% | 1x drag, 60km nordic; Waldmünchen Winterzauber |
Voithenberg (49.3315,12.7969, OSNM, OSM) | lifts >50%, downhill pistes >50% | 3x drag, sled; Stadtwerke Furth |
Hohenbogen (49.2366,12.9538, OSNM, OSM) | lifts >50%, downhill pistes >50%, nordic pistes 0% | 2x drag, 1x chair, 40km nordic, sled; Freizeitzentrum Hohenbogen |
Höllkreuz (49.2248,12.9758, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 0%, downhill pistes 0% | 1x drag, sled |
Eck-Riedelstein (49.1632,12.9907, OSNM, OSM) | lifts >50%, downhill pistes >50% | |
Riedlberg (49.0984,13.0676, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 0%, downhill pistes 0%, nordic pistes xx% | 2x drag, 30km nordic, sled; Skilift Riedlberg |
Grosser Arber (49.1228,13.0910, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 10%, downhill pistes 0%, nordic pistes 30% | huirad; 4x drag, 2x chair, 1x gondola, 50km nordic, sled; Arber-Bergbahn |
Sankt Englmar (48.9808,12.8789, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 10%, downhill pistes 0%, nordic pistes 30% | huirad |
Pröller-Skidreieck (49.0258,12.8235, OSNM, OSM) | lifts %, downhill pistes % | 4x drag, sled; Pröller-Skidreieck |
Hochpröller (49.0258,12.8235, OSNM, OSM) | lifts %, downhill pistes % | Berggasthaus Skilift Hochpröller |
Predigtstuhl (49.003,12.8515, OSNM, OSM) | lifts %, downhill pistes % | 3x drag; Skilift-Predigtstuhl |
Markbuchen (49.003,12.8515, OSNM, OSM) | lifts %, downhill pistes %, nordic pistes % | 2x drag; 16km nordic; Berggasthof Markbuchen |
Grün-Maibrunn (49.0142,12.7903, OSNM, OSM) | lifts %, downhill pistes %, nordic pistes % | 2x drag, 4km nordic, sled; Liftbetriebe Maibrunn |
Sonstige / Other
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Balderschwang (47.4541,10.1073, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, downhill pistes 90%, nordic pistes 0% | Mondlicht |
Liftverbund Feldberg (47.854,8.03, OSNM, OSM)
(Black Forest) |
lifts 70%, downhill pistes 60%, nordic pistes 10% | waterman traced most blue and red pistes - feel free to do the rest - won't be back for a while |
Franken (49.597,11.366, OSNM, OSM)
(Schnaittachtal) |
Schnaittach, Hüttenbach, Osternohe, Spies | |
Mittelfranken (48.99,11.08, OSNM, OSM) | Weißenburg, Wittesheim. There are a lot seperated nordic skiing tracks in this area. | |
Schönau am Königsee (47.5846,13.02, OSNM, OSM)
(Skigebiet Jenner) |
lifts 90%, downhill pistes 60% | Jaybe tracked in Apr/08 |
Zugspitze (47.414,10.98, OSNM, OSM)
(Bavarian Alps) |
lifts 80%, downhill pistes 40%, nordic pistes N.A. | JoRi traced most red pistes. |
Oberharz (51.7675,10.4833, OSNM, OSM)
(Harz) |
Region Oberharz: Torfhaus, Braunlage, Clausthal-Zellerfeld | |
Garmisch classic (47.4641,11.0769, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, downhill pistes 70%, nordic pistes N.A. | all important lifts and most pistes traced |
Brauneck (47.664,11.5380, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 90%, downhill pistes 10%, nordic pistes N.A. | all important lifts traced, just baby lifts missing; few pistes traced yet |
Spitzingsee (47.66151,11.87916, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 40%, downhill pistes 10%, nordic pistes N.A. | 3 of 8 lifts on Stümpfling traced, 2 of 5 lfts on Taubenstein traced; most pistes missing |
Sudelfeld (47.66946,12.04404, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 100%, downhill pistes 10%, nordic pistes N.A. | all lifts traced, pistes missing |
Osterzgebirge (50.70000,13.60000, OSNM, OSM) | lifts 50% , downhill pistes 50% (only Holzhau and Rehefeld), nordic pistes 20 % | Vossi A lot has to be done by local survey. Ski Heil! |
Hochsauerland (51.19152,8.50931, OSNM, OSM) |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Cerro Catedral (-41.1671,-71.4647, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%?; pistes: 0% | Geogast works with Yahoo images. A lot has to be done by local survey. |
Cerro Chapelco (-40.2078,-71.3037, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 20%?; pistes: 0% | Geogast works with Bing images. A lot has to be done by local survey. |
South Africa
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Tiffindell Ski Resort (-30.65114,27.92594, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 65%; pistes: 65% | Firefishy outline local survey in Summer March 2008. Some guesswork. Only commercial slope in South Africa AFAIK. |
Adirondacks (Laurentian Mountain Range)
United States
New York
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Whiteface Mountain (44.371,-73.89, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ~100%; pistes: 0% | Cerberus128 Mixing Bowl and Lookout Mountain Triple : Questions as to proper location. Buildings are named and tagged (as proper as I can get) and with amenities. Hope to get pylons in soon. |
Hunter Mountain (42.20302,-74.21974, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ~25%; pistes: ~50% | Oleklorenc Hunter East side complete. Will acquire more GPS data to complete mountain over the coming weeks. |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Mont Tremblant (46.2198,-74.5517, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 90%; pistes: 80% | swfiua |
Vorlage (45.64361,-75.93699, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 60%; pistes: 60% | swfiua |
United States
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Wisp Resort (39.553,-79.361, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | ecaldwell |
New Jersey
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Campgaw Mountain (41.058,-74.194, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | Peace01234 Long lifts completed. Some surface tows incomplete. Pistes mainly complete. No moguls or gardens entered yet. Any help would be appreciated. |
Hidden Valley (41.187,-74.481, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | Peace01234 Long lifts completed. Some surface tows incomplete. Pistes mainly complete. No moguls or gardens entered yet. Any help would be appreciated. |
Mountain Creek (41.191,-74.503, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 10%; pistes: 0% | Peace01234 Long lifts completed. Some surface tows incomplete. Pistes mainly complete. No moguls or gardens entered yet. Any help would be appreciated.|} |
North Carolina
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Wolf Ridge (35.951,-82.508, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: ~90% | LeeOnCandler Lodges and amenities are complete. Conditions (skiing in the south means a third of the trails may not open in a given year) and fuzzy, dated and poorly georegistered imagery make complete coverage difficult. Any help would be appreciated. |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Camelback Mountain Resort (41.045,-75.347, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | ecaldwell |
Seven Springs Mountain Resort (40.024,-79.296, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | ecaldwell |
Ski Liberty (39.757,-77.364, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | ecaldwell |
Ski Roundtop (40.106,-76.925, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | ecaldwell |
Snö Mountain (41.352,-75.662, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | ecaldwell |
Whitetail Mountain Resort (39.741,-77.934, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% | ecaldwell |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Kuutsemägi (58.0278,26.3243, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 70%; pistes: 0% | juhanjuku Biggest in Estonia. |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Zieleniec (50.3360,16.3876, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: ??%; pistes: ??% | keltoi |
United States
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Blue Hills Ski Area (42.215,-71.119, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 50%; pistes: 50% | Ahlzen traced lifts and trails from aerial imagery. Needs survey. |
Wachusett Mountain (42.5018,-71.8863, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | Surveyed by cspanring, dzwarg and Ahlzen, Jan 2011. Initial work by sblanc, GabeH etc. |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Welch Village (44.5527,-92.7305, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | Jumbanho 18:14, 3 January 2011 (UTC) |
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
ハチ高原 (Hachi Kogen) (35.3879,134.5359, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 10%; pistes: 10% | karida |
Cordillera Cantabrica
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Alto Campoo (43.0127997,-4.4003099, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Fuentes de Invierno (43.0471233,-5.4094078, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 90% | jasonez, Ortofotos ITACyL marzo 2011 |
Leitariegos (42.9822300,-6.4220965, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | jasonez, Ortofotos ITACyL marzo 2011 |
Lunada Esqui (43.1427532,-3.6786529, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Manzaneda (42.255147,-7.304679, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 90% | jasonez, Ortofotos ITACyL marzo 2011 |
San Isidro (43.0115523,-5.4144896, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 100% | jasonez, Ortofotos ITACyL marzo 2011 |
Valgrande - Pajares (42.9478907,-5.7987383, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 95% | jasonez, Ortofotos ITACyL marzo 2011 |
Pirineo Aragonés
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Cerler (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Formigal (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Panticosa (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Astún (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Candanchú (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% |
Pirineo Catalán
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Baqueira (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Boi Taul (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Espot Esqui (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
La Molina (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Masella (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Port Aine (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Port del Comte (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Rasos de Peguera (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Tavascan (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Vall de Nuria (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Vallter 2000 (,, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% |
Sistema Ibérico
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Javalambre (40.107858,-1.021844, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Valdelinares (40.368167,-0.647602, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Valdezcaray (42.25164,-2.96514, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% |
Sistema Central
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
La Pinilla (41.1911,-3.4772, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 90% | jasonez, Ortofotos ITACyL, marzo 2011 |
Navacerrada (40.7867,-3.9960, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Sierra de Bejar - La Covatilla (40.3467,-5.679, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% | |
Valdesqui (40.7983,-3.9713, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 100%; pistes: 0% |
Sistema Penibético
Ski resort |
% done | Notes & Progress (Who? Where? What?) |
Sierra Nevada (37.044047,-3.410371, OSNM, OSM) | lifts: 0%; pistes: 0% |