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User Accounts

Username UID Name User On Admin On
alarig 1093 Alarig Le Ray all Grifon machines all Grifon machines
anovak 1080 Albert Novak viserion viserion
ant 1048 Jan Behrens errol
antonkh 1111 Anton Khorev errol
aoh 1099 Anton Haglund all Lysator machines all Lysator machines
apmon 1031 Kai Krueger errol
appliwave 1110 Appliwave - Remote Hands all Appliwave machines all Appliwave machines
asmith 1097 Alex Smith all HostedIn.NZ machines all HostedIn.NZ machines
bclifford 1104 Brett Clifford all AARNet machines all AARNet machines
blackadder 1011 Andy Robinson errol
blixadmin 1069 Blix Solutions - Remote Hands all Blix machines all Blix machines
bobkare 1014 Knut Arne Bjørndal errol
bretth 1006 Brett Henderson errol, horntail
bsupnik 1052 Ben Supnik errol
c3sl 1101 C3SL - Remote Hands all C3SL maxchines all C3SL machines
ceasar 1077 Ceasar Sun all NCHC machines all NCHC machines
chippy 1025 Tim Waters errol
chm 1103 Chris Myers all AARNet machines all AARNet machines
cobra 1060 ??? errol
cramer 1095 Matthias Crammer all iWay machines all iWay machines
csmale 1058 Colin Smale errol
dan 1036 Dan Karran errol
daveh 1015 Dave Hansen errol
davidearl 1042 David Earl errol
deelkar 1019 Dirk-Lüder Kreie errol
derick 1053 Derick Rethans errol
dmlu 1107 David Morais Ferreira errol
dodobas 1073 Dražen Odobašić errol
e1admin 1106 Edgeuno - Remote Hands all Edgeuno machines all Edgeuno machines
edgemaster 1005 Thomas Wood errol errol
emacsen 1043 Serge Wroclawski errol, horntail
enelson 1082 Ethan Nelson errol
enf 1074 Eric Fischer noquiklos noquiklos
etienne 1012 Etienne Cherdlu fafnir
fred 1017 Frederik Ramm errol
g5team 1090 G5 Solutions - Remote Hands all G5 Solutions machines all G5 Solutions machines
gizmo 1094 all Grifon machines all Grifon machines
grant 1000 Grant Slater all all
gravitystorm 1016 Andy Allan errol
gregory 1051 Gregory Marler errol
gregrs 1087 Greg Swinford errol
grnet 1089 GRNET - Remote Hands all GRNET machines all GRNET machines
harrywood 1029 Harry Wood errol
hatter 1084 Marcus L all Exonetric machines all Exonetric machines
hbogner 1081 Hrvoje Bogner all CARNet machines all CARNet machines
htonl 1022 Adrian Frith errol
icladmin 1033 Imperial College London - Remote Hands all IC machines all IC machines
inxzaadmin 1086 INX ZA - Remote Hands all INX ZA machines all INX ZA machines
jburgess 1004 Jon Burgess all all
jeslop 1112 Jesús López Témez errol
jfire 1065 John Firebaugh errol
jgc 1059 Jean-Guilhem Cailton errol
jochen 1075 Jochen Topf grindtooth grindtooth
joerichards 1026 Joe Richards errol
joey 1109 Joey Weijters lambton lambton
joris 1108 Joris Sartorius all greenminihost machines all greenminihost machines
joshd 1054 Josh Doe errol
jpcw 1067 Jean-Philippe Camguilhem all PauLLA machines all PauLLA machines
kamy 1061 Kris Amy bunyip bunyip
kom 1085 Darafei Praliaskouski cmok cmok
ldp 1032 Lennard voor den Dag errol
lambertus 1062 Lambertus IJsselstein sarel sarel
lfrancke 1041 Lars Francke errol
lonvia 1056 Sarah Hoffmann poldi poldi
lyonix 1071 LyonIX - Remote Hands all LyonIX machines all LyonIX machines
lysroot 1098 Lysator users with root privileges all Lysator machines all Lysator machines
maba 1055 Markus Bäurle errol
mackerski 1046 Dermot McNally errol
malenki 1068 malenki errol
maswan 1102 Mattias Wadenstein all UMU machines all UMU machines
matt 1002 Matt Amos all all
mdaines 1034 Michael Daines errol
merio 1024 Mario Ferraro errol
mhohmann 1078 Manuel Hohmann errol
milliams 1049 Matt Williams errol
mitjak 1021 Mitja Kleider errol
mmiler 1091 Mario Miler rhaegal rhaegal
mvexel 1045 Martijn van Exel errol
nemo 1095 all Grifon machines all Grifon machines
nick 1018 Nick Whitelegg errol
nicolas17 1070 Nicolas Alvarez errol
nroets 1038 Nic Roets errol
ollie 1039 Oliver O'Brien errol
ojw 1028 Oliver White errol
osluz 1088 University of Zaragoza - Remote Hands all unizar machines all unizar machines
osuadmin 1079 OSUOSL - Remote Hands all OSUOSL machines all OSUOSL machines
pafciu17 1027 Paweł Niechoda errol
pierzen 1050 Pierre Béland errol
pnorman 1057 Paul Norman errol
ppawel 1063 Paweł Paprota errol
random 1009 Dave Stubbs errol
redfox 1066 Christophe Merlet all PauLLA machines all PauLLA machines
richard 1007 Richard Fairhurst errol
ris 1037 Robert Scott errol
russ 1023 Russ Nelson errol
rweait 1044 Richard Weait errol
shaunmcdonald 1008 Shaun McDonald errol
simon04 1064 Simon Legner errol
simone 1020 Simone Cortesi errol
stereo 1100 Guillaume Rischard errol, ridley ridley
steve8 1010 Steve Chilton errol
steven 1076 Steven Shiau all NCHC machines all NCHC machines
sysadmin 1105 TeraSwitch - Remote Hands all TeraSwitch machines TeraSwitch - Remote Hands
tetaneutral 1092 - Remote Hands all Tetaneutral machines all Tetaneutral machines
timsc 1013 Tim Sheerman-Chase errol
tomchance 1040 Tom Chance errol
tomh 1001 Tom Hughes all all
translatewiki 1047 Translatewiki shenron
twain 1003 Brian Quinion errol, poldi poldi
yellowbkpk 1030 Ian Dees errol, azure azure
zelja 1083 drogon drogon
zverik 1072 Ilya Zverev errol

Role Accounts

Username UID Role User On
apis 505 Test APIs errol
chefrepo 507 Chef Repository horntail
ooc 504 Out of Copyright Maps Site errol
os 506 OS OpenData Download Site errol
osmbackup 501 Backups horntail, smaug
planet 502 Planet Site horntail
rails 500 Rails Processes bowser, draco, fiddlestick, fuchur, horntail, sarel, soup, norbert
wiki 503 Wiki konqi
git 508 Git shenron
trac 509 Trac shenron
osqa 510 OSQA shenron
gpsmid 511 GpsMid errol
thinkup 512 ThinkUp ridley
otrs 513 OTRS ridley
owl 514 OWL zark
tile 515 Tiles orm, yevaud
wordpress 516 Wordpress
supybot 517 Supybot
nominatim 518 Nominatim poldi
gpstile 519 GPS Tiles noquiklos
taginfo 520 Taginfo grindtooth
kibana 521 Kibana ironbelly
forum 522 Forum clifford
imagery 523 Imagery grisu, kessie
donate 524 Donate ridley
blogs 525 Blog Aggregator
letsencrypt 526 Let's Encrypt
community 527 Discourse
overpass 528 Overpass
oxidized 529
za-imagery 530
apt 531 Package Repository idris
tileupdate 532 Vector tile generation cmok
tilekiln 533 Vector tile serving cmok
serverinfo 534 Hardware information idris