Template:Hr:Map Features:railway

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Main article: Railways

This key includes all kinds of railways ranging from heavily used mainline railways to an abandoned rail line.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering carto Photo


railway abandoned way The course of a former railway which has been abandoned and the track removed. The course is still recognized through embankments, cuttings, tree rows, bridges, tunnels, remaining track ties, building shapes and rolling or straight ways. For demolished rails that are no longer identifiable, e.g. that have been built over, some use the highly questionable railway=razed.
Vysocany concrete rail ties former Northwestern railway.jpg
railway construction way Railway under construction.
Rendering-railway construction-125.png
Verlegen FF Rheda.jpg
railway proposed way Railway being proposed but haven't started construction. Please see the proposed page regarding verifiability on the ground of this value.
railway disused way Dio pruge koji se više ne koristi no infrastruktura je ostala. Vidi disused=yes za drugačije označavanje.
Rendering-railway disused-125.png
Disused railtrack 101 5351.jpg
railway funicular way Uspinjača (npr. ZET-ova uspinjača)
Rendering-railway light rail funicular narrow gauge-125.png
Vilnius funicular.jpg
railway light_rail way A higher-standard tram system, normally in its own right-of-way. Often it connects towns and thus reaches a considerable length (tens of kilometres).
Rendering-railway light rail funicular narrow gauge-125.png
Pittsburgh LRT 4305 47L Gateway to Library April 2008.jpg
railway miniature way Minijaturna željeznica koja prometuje prugom užom od uskotračne željeznice te prevozi putnike (najčešće djecu). Može se naći u parkovima.
Rendering-railway miniature.png
Dampfbahnfreunde sommerhofen 09180016.jpg
railway monorail way Jednotračna pruga. Vidi Wuppertal Schwebebahn (Germany) za primjer.
Rendering-railway monorail.png
Monorail in Kuala Lumpur
railway narrow_gauge way Narrow-gauge passenger or freight train tracks. Narrow gauge railways can have mainline railway service like the Rhaetian Railway in Switzerland or can be a small light industrial railway. Use gauge=* to specify the actual width of rails in mm.
Rendering-railway light rail funicular narrow gauge-125.png
Narrow-gauge railway.JPG
railway preserved way This is the old tag for historic trains. Use railway:preserved=yes for historical railway instead.
Rendering-railway preserved.png
Sarganska osmica 1.jpg
railway rail way Željeznica pune veličine za putničke ili teretne vlakove standardne širine pruge za pojedinu državu.
Rendering-railway rail.png
LGV Est PK217.jpg
railway subway way Podzemna željeznica).
Rendering-railway subway.png
Madrid - Estación Marqués de Vadillo - 20060910.jpg
railway tram way Tramvajska pruga, uobičajeno se nalazi na cesti.
Rendering-railway tram.png
Praha, Hloubětín, Lehovec, tram KT8D5.JPG

Dodatne značajke

bridge yes way Most za prijelaz preko kanala, rijeke, ceste.
Railway bridge mapnick render.jpg
Railway bridge.jpg
cutting yes way Područje gdje je pruga niže od razine zemlje
Railway Cutting - geograph.org.uk - 159988.jpg
electrified contact_line
way contact_line: električni vod iznad vlaka
rail: treća tračnica daje opskrbu strujom
yes: elektrificirana pruga, no nema detalja
no: pruga nije elektrificirana
Caténaire 1,5 kV 01.jpg
embankment yes way Nasip, dio pruge gdje je pruga iznad razine zemlje
Railway Embankment South of Beattock - geograph.org.uk - 398770.jpg
embedded_rails yes / <type of railway> way Specifies that a highway on which non-railway traffic is also allowed has railway tracks embedded in it but the rails are mapped as separate ways.
Ruusulankatu tram rails (at lat 60.18206, lon 24.92450) heading NW.jpg
frequency <number> [Hz] way Frekvencija struje na elektrificiranoj dionici. Koristi 0 za istosmjernu struju. Vidi također oznaku voltage
Wave frequency.gif
passenger_lines <number> way Used to describe number of tracks of the railway line a certain track segment belongs to.
railway:track_ref <number> way Track number
Gleis 101.jpg
service crossover way Relatively short lengths of track which switch traffic from one parallel line to another
service siding way Bočni kolosijek, najčešće služi pristupu peronu
Rendering-railway rail service.png
service spur way Industrijski kolosijek.
Rendering-railway rail service.png
service yard way Ranžirni kolosijek
Rendering-railway rail service.png
Service yard.png
tunnel yes way tunel, ako pruga ide ispod zemlje. Treba biti uvijek pristuno kod podzemne željeznice
Haywards Heath tunnel.jpg
tracks <number> way Number of parallel tracks in close proximity when mapped as one single way representing all tracks. If not given means unknown and defaults to 1. In many parts of the world the tracks are being drawn out separately so that there is more detail, in which case this tag isn't used.
Spoorlijn 51 R01.jpg
usage main
way Način korištenja
main line: glavna pruga

branch line: povezuje sporedne pruge s glavnom
industrial: na području velikih tvornica, rudnika, ...
military: na vojno području
tourism: uglavnom turističke pruge

voltage <number> way Napon elektrificirane linije. Vidi također oznaku frequency.
Symbole voltmetre.png

Postaje i stanice

railway halt node Mala postaja, može, ali ne mora imati peron, vlakovi staju na zahtjev.
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png
Railway halt.jpg
public_transport stop_position node The position on the railway track where the train (its centre) stops at a platform. This is useful for routing on long platforms where also short trains stop and on long platforms where multiple trains stop behind each other. See also public_transport=stop_area.
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
public_transport platform node way area Peron, stoji paralelno uz prugu. Također valja označiti gdje se može prijeći s jednog perona na druge te povezati pješačkom stazom (footway).
Relax ... take it easy (7757527444).jpg
railway platform way area This is parallel to the rail line for showing where the actual platforms are. It is also to know where you can change platform and enter the station, so use footpaths to connect them. This is really useful for routing too. Use in addition to public_transport=platform.
Relax ... take it easy (7757527444).jpg
public_transport station node area Railway passenger-only station.
Paddington Station.jpg
railway station node area Željeznički kolodvor
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png
Paddington Station.jpg
railway stop node Marks the position where trains stop at a station. It should be added as a node on a railway=rail way.
2017 at Bath Spa - fixing new stop signs.JPG
railway subway_entrance node Ulaz u podzemnu željeznicu, najčešće s površine.
railway tram_stop node Tramvajska stanica
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png


landuse railway area Područje oko kolosijeka i kolodvora Landuse-industrial.png
Illustration of Rail.jpg
railway buffer_stop node Zaustavlja vlak na kraju pruge, tzv. bik.
Stootblok (staal).jpg
railway crossing node Mjesto gdje pješaci smiju prijeći prugu.
Level crossing2.svg
railway derail node Iskliznica, spriječava da vlak prođe prugom kojom ne bi smio.
US derail detail.JPG
railway level_crossing node Željezničko-cestovni prijelaz, mjesto gdje se pruga i cesta sijeku
Level crossing2.svg
Level crossing - Chertsey - England - 270404.jpg
railway railway_crossing node Crossing rails with no interconnection.
Railroad crossing at grade also known as a diamond.jpg
railway roundhouse area Polukružna zgrada u koju se spremaju lokomotive
Roundhouse Park August 2017 01.jpg
railway signal node Any kind of railway signal.
Zwischensignal FFM-Hoechst Schnee.jpg
railway switch node Full connections between railways (aka 'points').
Railway switch.JPG
railway tram_level_crossing node A point where trams and roads cross.
RU road sign 1.5.svg
railway traverser node area These are used for changing trains between railways. Also known as transfer table.
Schiebebuehne 01.jpg
railway turntable node area Okretnica, mjesto gdje lokomotive i vagoni mjenjaju smijer. node: —

area: Rendering-area-railway turntable-mapnik.png

Turntable of Railroad 001.jpg
railway ventilation_shaft node way A structure that allows ventilation in underground tunnels
Moscow, Dmitriya Donskogo Boulevard, subway ventilation ducts (21984596650).jpg
railway wash node area A railroad carriage/car wash
AKN Waschanlage - panoramio.jpg
railway water_crane node A structure to deliver water to steam locomotives
Wasserkran Bf Stützerbach.JPG
railway user defined node way All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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