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屬性 (properties)


關鍵字(key) 值 (value) 幾何 (element) 描述 (desc) 照片 (photo)
area yes area 意謂圖徵為區域。當圖徵已被定義為區域型態石時,您不須增加此標籤。
Mapnik area pedestrian.png
brand user defined node area Brand of the feature.
Fast food.jpg
bridge yes / aqueduct / viaduct / cantilever / movable / covered / … way 橋梁,與layer=*一起使用。值"yes"為預設值,或可自訂。
2014 Karwina, Darków, Most żelbetowy 01.jpg
capacity amount node area Used for specifying capacity of a facility.
Maximum occupancy sign, Ohio University Convocation Center.jpg
charge amount node way area 指定使用或進入特定設施的費用,參見toll=*fee=*
Dollarnote hq.jpg
clothes see key's page node area Tagged on shops and other features to denote if they sell clothes or not and what type of clothes they sell.
covered yes node way area 用來區域或線段被其他元素覆蓋,但不適合使用layer=*時使用。
crossing no / traffic_signals / uncontrolled / island / unmarked node 路口類型,詳見crossing=*
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
crossing:island yes / no node way 行人庇護島
Praha 10 ulice Ruska 10 prechod s ostruvkem.JPG
cutting yes / left / right way 下沉式、地塹型道路或鐵路,常用於崎嶇的地表。
Road cut.jpg
disused yes node way area 常用於導航的圖徵,但未被使用,當設施被移除時改用abandoned=*
Closed down shop.jpg
drinking_water yes / no node area Describes whether a drinking water is available
Brass water tap.jpg
drive_through yes / no node area 是否提供免下車車道服務
Drive-through ATM.jpg
drive_in yes / no node area 是否提供入場免下車服務
Autokino gravenbruch.jpg
electrified contact_line / rail way 軌道運輸電氣化程度
Caténaire 1,5 kV 01.jpg
ele Number node area 海拔。
Key-ele mapnik.png
embankment yes way 路堤式道路或鐵路
end_date Date way 圖徵移除的日期
Target Closing Sign Gastonia, NC (6995771381).jpg
est_width Number way 預估寬度(公尺)
Height demonstration diagram.png
fee yes / no node area Used for specifying whether fee is charged for use/access to a facility. See also toll=*.
Tenerife telescope C.jpg
fire_object:type poo / szo node way area 具潛在危險的重要公共物件
fire_operator Name node way area 負責該物件的消防單位
fire_rank 1bis / 2 to 5 node way area 起火等級
frequency Number node way area 頻率(Hz)
Wave frequency.gif
hazard see hazard node way area Indicates of the hazards.
DIN 4844-2 Warnung vor einer Gefahrenstelle D-W000.svg
hot_water yes / no node area Describes whether a hot water is available
inscription User Defined node way area 建築、紀念碑等物件的全文銘文
Beneventum, Arch of Trajan (III) (4749426050).jpg
internet_access yes / wired / wlan / terminal / no node area 標示元素(如商店、餐廳等)是否提供公共網路服務,無論屬付費或免費服務
layer -5 to 5 way 0:地表(預設)
Washington layers.png
leaf_cycle evergreen / deciduous / semi_evergreen / semi_deciduous / mixed node way area 描述樹葉物候特性
Olga Wisinger-Florian - Falling Leaves.JPG
leaf_type broadleaved / needleleaved / mixed / leafless node way area 描述樹葉種類
Picea abies Nadelkissen.jpg
location underground / overground / underwater / roof / indoor node way area 位置
Power to the People - geograph.org.uk - 560240.jpg
narrow yes way 水路、公路、自行車道是否在特定時間因故變窄
nudism yes / obligatory / designated / no / customary / permissive node area 是否允許天體者
CapdAgde crop.jpg
opening_hours 24/7 or mo md hh:mm-hh:mm. (read described syntax) node way area 營業時間。
Neon Internet Cafe open 24 hours.jpg
opening_hours:drive_through 24/7 or mo md hh:mm-hh:mm. (read described syntax) node area opening_hours describes when something is open for drive-through services.
Pizza Hut - 5625 Gull Road, Kalamazoo (51123964537).jpg
operator User Defined node way area 負責營運者
power_supply yes / no node area Describes whether a power supply is available
20061007 3P N PE CEE connections.jpg
produce User Defined node area relation Describes a feature's agricultural output produced though a natural process of growing or breeding.
La Boqueria.JPG
rental see key's page node area Tagged on shops and other features to denote if they rent something or not and what they rent.
X2 Segway (6325395763).jpg
sauna yes / no node area Describes whether a sauna is available
Highgrove Sauna.jpg
service_times see opening_hours node area 服務時間
St Andrew's Church (Kowloon) Service times 2012.jpg
shower yes / no node area Describes whether a shower is available
Shower close up.jpg
start_date Date node way area relation 該圖徵創設的日期。
Zero kilometre mark in Paris, 23 June 2013.jpg
tactile_paving yes /no node way area 該地點設置導盲磚
Tactile paving.jpg
tidal yes area 潮汐氾濫區域
Onehunga Shoreline For Reclamation.jpg
toilets yes / no node area Describes whether a toilets is available
Amenity toilets.svg
topless yes / no node area Indicates if the described object provides the possibility of female topless practice
Malta - St. Julian's - Triq Il-Wilga 02 No Topless Bathing.jpg
tunnel yes way 隧道,與layer=*一起使用
Boston Tunnel Entrance.jpg
toilets:wheelchair yes / no node area 該地點是否具有供輪椅使用的廁所
wheelchair yes / no / limited node way area 該場所允許輪椅通行
Standard rollstuhl.jpg
width Number way 線段的寬度(公尺)
Height demonstration diagram.png
wood coniferous / deciduous / mixed node area 通常和landuse=forestnatural=wood同時使用,標示森林的林種(針葉林、闊葉林或混合林)。
Diqing, Yunnan, China.jpg