DE:Wiki userboxes

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Dies ist eine Sammlung von verbreiteten Userboxen mit ihrem Aussehen.
Gelistet sind nur einige Beispiele. Siehe auch Category:Userbox.

Kontakt & OSM-Identität

Box Example
{{User mail}}
Mail-closed.svg Wiki userboxes can be contacted by e-mail via this wiki.
{{User username|name}}
Dieser Nutzer trägt Daten zu OpenStreetMap bei unter dem Namen
{{User forum}}
Forums.png Wiki userboxes ist im Forum
Public-images-osm logo.svg I support OSM by being a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Are you?
Public-images-osm logo.svg I'm part of the OSM Foundation as a Normal Member.
Wanna join too?
Public-images-osm logo.svg I'm part of the OSM Foundation as an Associate Member.
Wanna join too?
Public-images-osm logo.svg I'm part of the OSM Foundation with an Active Contributor Membership. Wanna join too?
Public-images-osm logo.svg I'm part of the OSM Foundation as a Corporate Member.
Wanna join too?
{{User SVN|username}}
Gears2.svg Wiki userboxes commits code to OpenStreetMap under the name username
Wiki userboxes commits code to JOSM under the name svnname.

Soziale Netzwerke / andere Identitäten

Box Example
{{User Twitter|twitter_name}}
Twitter user Wiki userboxes tweets as @twitter_name
{{User Xing|xing_name}}
Xing user Wiki userboxes may be contacted on XING as xing_name.
{{User Telegram|telegram_name}}
Telegram user Wiki userboxes uses Telegram as @telegram_name
{{User Mastodon|user|domain.tld}}
Mastodon user Wiki userboxes toots on Mastodon/Fediverse as Mastodon user@user@domain.tld
{{User flickr|flickr_name}}
flickr user Wiki userboxes posts photos on flickr as flickr_name
{{User Slack}}
Slack user Wiki userboxes uses the Wiki-userboxes workspace on Slack.
(Request to join)
{{User Matrix|username|servername}}
Matrix user Wiki userboxes uses Matrix as @username:servername.
{{User GitHub|username}}
GitHub logo Wiki userboxes has an account on GitHub as @username.
{{User GitLab|username}}
GitLab user Wiki userboxes has an account on GitLab as @username.
{{User SourceHut|username}}
SourceHut Wiki userboxes is on SourceHut as ~username.
{{User website|website_url}}
Website Wiki userboxes has a website.


Name Box
{{User hails from europe}} (mit Optionen für jedes Land)
Europe on the globe (red).svg Wiki userboxes hails from Europe.
{{User Europe}}
Flag of Europe.svg This user hails from Europe
{{User is from|Country}}
No flag.svg This user hails from Country.
{{User mapped in|Country}}
[[File:No flag.svg link=]] Wiki userboxes has mapped in Country.
{{User Argentina}}
Flag of Argentina.svg This user hails from Argentina
{{User England}}
Flag of England.svg This user hails from England
{{User France}}
Francestubmap.png This user comes from France.
{{User hails from germany}} (mit Optionen für jedes Land)
Flag map of Germany.svg Wiki userboxes hails from Germany.
{{User Hertfordshire}}
Herts Stag This user is based in Hertfordshire
{{User Zagreb}}
Coat of arms of Zagreb.svg This user hails from Zagreb
{{User Sinj}}
This user hails from Sinj


Hauptartikel: Wiki:Babel templates
Name Box
{{User de}}
de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
{{User en-1}}
en-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of English.
{{User ru-2}}
ru-2 Этот пользователь владеет русским языком на среднем уровне.
{{User sxu-N}}
sxu Dr Mänsch labort Säggssch seidor laborn gann, 's is sozusaachn seine Muddorschbrache.


Name Box
Garmin Edge 705.jpg Wiki userboxes uses a Garmin Edge 705 and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
{{User Wintec WBT-202}}
This user prefers a
Wintec WBT-202
{{User Garmin Dakota}}
Garmin Dakota Wiki userboxes uses a Garmin Dakota and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{User Garmin GPSmap 60CSx}}
Garmin GPSmap 60CSx Wiki userboxes uses a Garmin GPSmap 60CSx and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{Garmin eTrex Legend HCx}}
Garmin eTrex Legend HCx for template.jpg Wiki userboxes uses a Garmin eTrex Legend HCx and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
{{Garmin eTrex Vista HCx}}
Garmin extrex vista hcx.jpg This user prefers a
Garmin eTrex Vista HCx
{{Garmin eTrex 30}}
Etrex 30.jpg Wiki userboxes uses a
Garmin eTrex 30
and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.
{{Garmin nuvi 205}}
Garmin nüvi 205 Wiki userboxes uses a
Garmin nüvi 205
and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{User HTC Legend}}
Wiki userboxes uses a [[:Category:{{{1}}} Users|{{{1}}}]] and {{{2}}} willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{User HTC Desire}}
HTC Desire Wiki userboxes uses a [[:Category:{{{1}}} Users|{{{1}}}]] and {{{2}}} willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{User Samsung Nexus S}}
Samsung Nexus S Wiki userboxes uses a Samsung Galaxy Nexus S and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{User Apple iPhone 3G}}
Wiki userboxes uses a [[:Category:{{{1}}} Users|{{{1}}}]] and {{{2}}} willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{User Garmin Oregon}}
Garmin Oregon Wiki userboxes uses a Garmin Oregon and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{Garmin Colorado}}
Garmin Colorado 300.jpg This user prefers a
Garmin Colorado
{{User Garmin Dakota}}
Garmin Dakota Wiki userboxes uses a Garmin Dakota and is willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{Garmin eTrex 20}}
ETrex20.jpg This user prefers a
Garmin eTrex 20
{{User i-gotU-GT-200e}}
i-gotU GT-200e Wiki userboxes uses a [[:Category:{{{1}}} Users|{{{1}}}]] and {{{2}}} willing to answer questions on it from OSM users.

{{User Garmin Oregon 600}}
Garmin Oregon 600.jpeg This user prefers a
Garmin Oregon 600


Name Box
{{User OS|Windows}}
Windows logo - 2012 derivative.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Windows-Computer.
{{User OS|Windows 7}}
Unofficial Windows logo variant - 2002–2012 (Multicolored).svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Windows-7-Computer.
{{User OS|Windows 10}}
Windows logo – 2012 (dark blue).svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Windows-10-Computer.
{{User OS|Mac}}
Apple Computer Logo rainbow.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Macintosh.
{{User OS|Mac OS X}}
OS X El Capitan logo.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen macOS-Computer.
{{User OS|iOS}}
Apple iOS logo.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt ein iOS-Gerät.
{{User OS|Unix}}
Unix Logo.gif Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Unix-Computer.
{{User OS|Android}}
Android logo 2019 (stacked).svg Wiki userboxes benutzt ein Android-Gerät.
{{User OS|OpenSolaris}}
OpenSolaris Logo.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen OpenSolaris-Computer.
{{User OS|NetBSD}}
NetBSD logo.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen NetBSD-Computer.
{{User OS|OpenBSD}}
OpenBSD logo.png Wiki userboxes benutzt einen OpenBSD-Computer.
{{User OS|FreeBSD}}
Daemon-phk.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen FreeBSD-Computer.
{{User OS|GNU}}
Official gnu.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen GNU/Linux-Computer.
{{User OS|Linux}}
Tux.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Linux-Computer.
{{User OS|Arch}}
Archlinux-logo-only.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Arch Linux-Computer.
{{User OS|Debian}}
Faenza-distributor-logo-debian.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Debian-Computer.
{{User OS|Fedora}}
Fedora icon (2021).svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Fedora-Computer.
{{User OS|Gentoo}}
Gentoo Linux logo matte.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Gentoo-Computer.
{{User OS|Manjaro}}
Manjaro-logo.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Manjaro-Computer.
{{User OS|Mint}}
Linux Mint logo without wordmark.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Linux Mint-Computer.
{{User OS|OpenSUSE}}
OpenSUSE Logo.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen OpenSUSE-Computer.
{{User OS|Ubuntu}}
Logo-ubuntu cof-orange-hex.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Ubuntu-Computer.
{{User Ubuntu Touch}}
Ubuntu Touch Wiki userboxes uses an Ubuntu phone or tablet.
{{User OS|Kubuntu}}
Kubuntu logo full rounded.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Kubuntu-Computer.
{{User OS|Slackware}}
Slackware logo.svg Wiki userboxes benutzt einen Slackware-Computer.


Box Example
{{User Brave}}
Brave This user prefers Brave.
{{User Chrome}}
Chrome This user prefers Google Chrome.
{{User Chromium}}
Chromium Material Icon-256x256.png This user prefers Chromium.
{{User Edge}}
Microsoft Edge This user prefers Microsoft Edge.
{{User Firefox}}
Firefox Wiki userboxes bevorzugt Mozilla Firefox.
{{User Konqueror}}
Konqueror This user prefers Konqueror.
{{User Opera}}
Opera This user prefers Opera.
{{User Pale Moon}}
Pale Moon Wiki userboxes prefers the Pale Moon web browser.
{{User Safari}}
Safari This user prefers the Safari web browser.
{{User Vivaldi}}
Vivaldi This user prefers the Vivaldi web browser.


Box Example
{{User JOSM}}
JOSM Wiki userboxes benutzt JOSM zum Bearbeiten von OpenStreetMap.
{{User iD}}
iD Wiki userboxes submits data to OpenStreetMap using iD.
{{User StreetComplete}}
StreetComplete Wiki userboxes trägt Daten zu OpenStreetMap bei mit StreetComplete.
{{User Osm Go!}}
StreetComplete Wiki userboxes submits data to OpenStreetMap using Osm Go!
{{User Merkaartor}}
Merkaartor Wiki userboxes submits data to OpenStreetMap using Merkaartor.
{{User Potlatch2}}
Potlatch 2 Wiki userboxes submits data to OpenStreetMap using Potlatch 2.
{{User Keypad-Mapper 3}}
Keypad-Mapper 3 Wiki userboxes contributes data to OpenStreetMap using Keypad-Mapper 3.
{{User OSM2Go}}
OSM2Go Wiki userboxes submits data to OpenStreetMap using OSM2Go.
{{User Vespucci}}
Vespucci logo Wiki userboxes submits data to OpenStreetMap using Vespucci.

Andere Smartphone-Apps

Box Example
{{User OsmAnd}}
OsmAnd icon Wiki userboxes benutzt OsmAnd, die mobile Karten- & Navigations-App.
{{User MAPS.ME}}
MAPS.ME Wiki userboxes uses MAPS.ME
{{User OruxMaps}}
OruxMaps icon Wiki userboxes uses OruxMaps, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
{{User uNav}}
uNav Wiki userboxes uses uNav, mobile navigation app for Ubuntu touch
{{User Locus}}
Locus icon Wiki userboxes uses Locus, mobile map viewing & navigation app.
{{User OSMfocus}}
OSMfocus Icon Wiki userboxes reviews OpenStreetMap data using OSMfocus.

Andere Software

Box Example
{{User Leaflet}}
Pear Leaf icon.jpg Wiki userboxes uses Leaflet, a JavaScript library for interactive maps.
{{User Openlayers}}
OpenLayers logo.svg Wiki userboxes uses Openlayers, a JavaScript library for interactive maps.
{{User Overpass}}
Overpass-turbo.svg Wiki userboxes uses Overpass turbo, an OSM database search tool, and is willing to advise on it
{{User Maperitive}}
Maperitive Wiki userboxes renders maps with Maperitive.
{{User MapRoulette}}
Maproulette logo.jpg Wiki userboxes enjoys solving MapRoulette challenges.


Box Example
OSM logo wiki small2.png This user is a member of the Wikiteam, assisting with wiki edits and clean-up.
{{User Translator}}
Translator Wiki userboxes
ist ein Wiki-Übersetzer.
{{User Spanish Translator}}
Spanish Translator Wiki userboxes is a member of WikiProject Spanish translation.
{{User geocache}}
Geocaching.svg Wiki userboxes maps while geocaching.
{{User micromapping}}
Pole multi attachement.png Wiki userboxes is interested in micromapping.
{{NL Wandelteam}}
Walking.svg Deze gebruiker is lid van het
NL Wandelteam.
Hij/zij logt alle wandelingen op WikiProject Nederland Wandelroutes.
{{User Wochennotiz-Redakteur}}
OSM Blog logo Wiki userboxes ist Teil der Redaktion der OSM-Wochennotiz.
{{User weeklyosm}}
weeklyOSM logo Wiki userboxes is part of the editorial staff of weeklyOSM.
{{HOT UserBox}}
Hot logo.svg Wiki userboxes volunteers at Humanitarian OSM Team.
{{WikiProject Haiti UserBox}}
Hot logo.svg Wiki userboxes volunteers at WikiProject Haiti.
{{User Mapillary}}
Mapillary Wiki userboxes takes photos for Mapillary as mapillary_username.
{{User KartaView}}
KartaView Wiki userboxes takes photos for KartaView as kartaview_username.
{{User Spanish Cadastre importer}}
Spanish Cadastre Wiki userboxes imports data from the Spanish Cadastre.
{{User Wikidata}}
Wikidata logo Wiki userboxes links from OpenStreetMap to Wikidata
{{User Wikimedia Commons}}
Wikimedia Commons logo Wiki userboxes setzt Links von OpenStreetMap nach Wikimedia Commons

Fahrzeuge / Sport

Box Example
Hiker Wiki userboxes
is a hiker.
Bike Wiki userboxes
is a bicyclist.
Bike Wiki userboxes is a biker
Sinnbild PKW.svg Wiki userboxes is a motorist.
car mapper Wiki userboxes tracks routes by Car
Bike Wiki userboxes
This user maps while riding.
Canoe Wiki userboxes
This user maps while canoeing.
Dog.svg Wiki userboxes maps while walking a dog.
Bike Wiki userboxes
This user maps while flying.
Ski Wiki userboxes
is a skier.
PublicTransportIcon Wiki userboxes
rides public transport.
{{User public transport mapper}}
Public transport Wiki userboxes kartographiert und nutzt den öffentlichen Personenverkehr.
{{User Kayak Lover}}
Kayaking This user agrees that Kayaking is the best sport in the world.
{{User wildlife watcher}}
Map icons by Scott de Jonge - natural-feature.svg Wiki userboxes practices wildlife watching.


Box Example
...? Wiki userboxes schätzt gute Changeset-Kommentare.
{{User review changesets}}
Font Awesome 5 regular comments.svg Wiki userboxes invites others to review and discuss their changesets.
{{User against wikifiddling}}
No Wikifiddling Wiki userboxes
prefers less wikifiddling.
No Wikifiddling Wiki userboxes
ignores tag voting procedures.
Go Do Some Mapping Wiki userboxes
prefers to go outside and map.
Anarchy Wiki userboxes prefers to actually do stuff.
{{User notes}}
Closed note marker.png Wiki userboxes actively collaborates by resolving notes.
{{User helps beginners}}
Presa de decissions.png Wiki userboxes likes to help beginners.
{{User photomapper}}
Gnome-emblem-photos.svg Wiki userboxes takes photos to contribute map data by photo mapping.