JA:Wheelchair routing

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目標: 経路案内ポータルサイトの構築

OSM データを使った車椅子利用者用ルート検索ソフトを開発します。But the existing one is OpenRouteService of the Geoinformatics Department, Institute of Geography University of Heidelberg (Formerly Cartography of the University of Bonn) expanded. University of Heidelberg GIScience (Geoinformatics) Research Group ([1])

GIScience Research Group (Geoinformatics)
University of Heidelberg


経路の難易度も明記されます。危険エリアや通行困難通路はアイコンで適切に表示されます。 それに加えて、スロープも分かるようになります。






On 15.09.2009 (and 19.09.2009) ran the article "Maps make life easier. OpenStreetMap Wheelchair." The contribution can also be viewed at:

プロジェクト ルール2010バリアフリー

In 2010, Essen and the Ruhr European Culture Capital, at www.ruhr2010-barrierefrei.de is a lot of information on accessibility of venues, attractions, lodging, restaurants, pubs, car parks and toilets available. This information is then transferred to the OSM database. It would be nice if the OSM community could help it. This information will be analyzed for the mobility routing.

The new OSM tags for this purpose are described later on this page. - BlackBike 10:04, 6 February 2010 (UTC)


ボン市街地では障碍者用トイレのタグ付けが要望されています。いくつかの場所では"Euro-key"というシステムがあります。ドイツで始まったシステムで、 Wall 社設置の公衆トイレや高速パーキングトイレなどに設置されています。All disabled toilets on motorway parking areas without any further development with buildings can be assumed almost always from € key ability. Furthermore, such facilities are often found in public buildings.). This enables physically impaired people to gain access to the disabled toilets. Therefore, this tagging as follows:

Name Key Value
トイレ amenity=* Toilets
車椅子で利用可能 wheelchair=* Yes
"Eurokey" centralkey=* Eurokey
利用可能時間 opening_hours=* Times
Address Street addr:street=* Name of road
Address house number addr:housenumber=* Number


何か質問があれば、 Astridまで連絡をください。

I would like to get involved, certainly not in Bonn. How about extending the area of the map first time to offer an incentive? The Wheelchairmap On the one see so well that disabled-related tags are used worldwide. Right now you get not even a sensible error message when you try to use the card outside Bonn. I'm at least not with a yardstick to the pavement, without that I can try out the result soon after! - Lulu-Ann 12:10, 15 January 2010 (UTC)

Project Wheelmap.org

The project Wheelmap the association social heroes eV would cooperate. OSM makes the technique (until now work with a Google Map), social hero makes the advertising, to move to non-OSMler to submit the wheelchair-accessible facilities. - Lulu-Ann 15:37, 20 October 2009 (UTC)

Routing portal goes online

No later than the 1.9 is the first prototype of the wheelchair-routing portal "online. The Internet address is http://www.RollstuhlRouting.de Feedback welcome! http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/giscience.html


Details of the mapping party on wheelchair Routing in Bonn can be found here: Mapping Party Bonn


パラメータ ドイツ工業規格DIN 18 024-1での要請および推奨
  • 固まっている
  • 低振動
  • 路面の膨らみ:最大5 mm
  • 荒れていない、砂が深く積もっていない、砂利道でない
  • 草が生えていない
  • 根が生えていない
  • 過度に岩や泥などがない
  • 傾きが過度でない
  • 主要道:最低150cm、200cm以上推奨
  • 側道:最低90cm、100cm以上推奨
  • 3%
  • 3% - 6%: 10m毎に踊場を設ける (wheelchair user manual)
  • 2%
  • 横方向の溝:最大3cm
  • 進行方向に3cm以上の長さがある場合:最大0.5cm幅
  • 最大3 cm
  • 最大斜度6%
  • Min. 120 cm between the wheel deflector ramp
  • From 600 cm length: 150 cm x 150 cm Verweilplätze with max. 3% slope


As a test regions, the urban areas ofBonn andserve Freiburg im Breisgau .

A city with very many well-tagged stairs (with highway=steps and step_count=*) is Pforzheim. Another area with lots of stairs and slopes in the district is Hamburg Blankenese.

Desired test areas

I would like to test in the Hanover region, please complete the range. - Lulu-Ann 19:07, 20 January 2010 (UTC)

We want to Rostock to work with 2 schools and inspire them with your service for a data migration. - i! 17:13, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

Rolli Mapping


Important for mapping for wheelchair users are tags that describe the properties of paths and especially the properties of pavements.


Title キー 値 (例)
Smoothness smoothness=* Good / intermediate / bad
Surfaces surface=* Paving_stones
Width / m width=* 2.5
Slope incline=* 3% -2.5%
Curb height / m sloped_curb=* 0.03

More detailed information about the individual tags can be found at tags for routing


name Key Values Example
Sidewalk next to sidewalk:left:PROPERTY. *
Sidewalk right sidewalk:right:PROPERTY. *

Note: "left" and "right" refer to the digitizing direction!


name Key Values Example
Surfaces sidewalk next to sidewalk:left:surface=* paving_stones
Smoothness of pavement right sidewalk:right:smoothness=* good


The routing algorithm can only tags that belong to the line elements (ways), evaluate. Therefore, the property lowered curb "a way to attach. To define the point at which is located on the lowering of the Way, the key is the extra information "start" and "end" is added:

name Key Values Example
Curb height left start sidewalk:left:sloped_curb:start=* 0.1
Curb height on the left end sidewalk:left:sloped_curb:end=* 0.03


In addition to GPS the following devices are strongly recommended:

  • Yardstick for measuring the curb heights
  • Protractor or Level for measuring the slope


Track recording

Relevant map features


The above-mentioned requirements on the way to the hitherto existing in OSM tags (attributes) are mapped inaccurately. However, it is tested with the available options, a first routing.

Since the routing algorithm currently only tags that belong to evaluate the line elements (ways), it can, only that in the following table are listed. Tags, such as highway = crossing "can not therefore be considered first. At a later stage, they will be able to be installed. Therefore, these tags are "Important not yet usable tags" also listed.


Tag / Value Description Photo Bonn Freiburg
highway=cycleway Cycleway-markings.jpg

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highway=footway A designated footpath.jpg

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highway=living_street Spielstrasse.jpg

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highway=pedestrian Calle del Arenal (Madrid) 01.jpg

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highway=residential Residential.jpg

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highway=secondary Highway secondary-photo.jpg

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highway=tertiary Highway tertiary-photo.jpg

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highway=track Frühlingslandschft Aaretal Schweiz.jpg

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highway=unclassified Highway unclassified-photo.jpg

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Sinnbild Fußgänger.svg

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sidewalk=left See also sidewalks and properties

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sidewalk=right See also sidewalks and properties

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sidewalk=both See also sidewalks and properties

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sidewalk=none See also sidewalks and properties

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Track Type=grade1 {Template:Grade1: desc.}
Surface grade1.jpg

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Track Type=grade2 Unpaved track; surface of gravel or densely packed dirt / sand
Surface grade2.jpg

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The tag Smoothness is initially of little significance, since according to Tagwatch and because of controversial discussion on its application so far is little or no spread consensus on its use was achieved in OSM. He could, however, in the rare case of its presence serve as exclusion criteria. For the wheelchair-routing is the day smoothness in the pilot regions is not explicitly tagged.

Tag / Value of Way or Area Description Photo Bonn Freiburg
Surface =* The key =* surface describes the surface layer of roads and paths
surface=paved Secured paved

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surface=unpaved Unpaved

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surface=gravel Gravel, crushed stone Surface gravel.jpg Dscf1582-800.jpg

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surface=cobblestone Cobblestones Surface cobblestones.jpg Dscf1641-800.jpg

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surface=ground Earth Dscf1760-800.jpg

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surface=grass Grass surface Grassway.JPG

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surface=asphalt Asphalt surface Surface asphalt.jpg

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surface=sand Sand surface Dscf0220 600.jpg

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surface=paving_stones Paving stones, foot plates Surface paving stones.jpg Dscf1620-800.jpg

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surface=concrete_plates Concrete slabs

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surface=grass_paver Grass pavers Dscf1611-800.jpg Dscf1614-800.jpg

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Smoothness =* The key =* describes the surface smoothness of paths in terms of usability with vehicles.
smoothness=good Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg

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smoothness=intermediate Farm track to Fields Road - geograph.org.uk - 3742085.jpg

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smoothness=bad Smoothnessverybad.jpg

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width=* Width of the road in meters. Information is given with a dot. Example: 2.5, 1.5 ....

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incline=* Xy% Incline17.jpg

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sloped_curb:start=* sloped_curb:end=*

Curb height in general and curb height at the beginning or end of a road. Beginning and end are defined by the digitizing direction.

The values are given in meters and are with "." separately. (Example: 15 cm would be 0.15)

Since the routing can only read so far Ways to be with sloped_curb.start / end the lowered tagged curbs at road checkpoints.

-> See sidewalks and properties

Sloppedcurb.jpg way sloped_curb =|node =|relations =|bbox=7.0,50.7,7.2,50.8|description = sloped_curb}}

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{Relation =||{osm-query|way sloped_curb:end =|node=|bbox=7.0,50.7,7.2,50.8|description = sloped_curb.end}}

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{Relation =||{osm-query|way sloped_curb:end =|node= |bbox=7.75,47.9,7.95,48.1|description = sloped_curb.end}}

wheelchair=yes wheelchair=limited wheelchair=no Suitability of the path for wheelchair users.

This day only to be set if one is absolutely sure. -> See sidewalks and properties: sidewalk: left.wheelchair=*...



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The following tags are not the usual process of Vote go through and should be avoided for now! This is particularly controversial in this case, since there are several competing proposals are, addressing the issue of additional tracks that run next to and / or right along a main road. To illustrate the problem, the table was added to a second variant of the tagging.

Day on Way or Area Alternative Description Photo Bonn Freiburg
left:highway=* right:Highway=*

left2:highway=* right2:Highway=*

A prefix key in allowing the use of all available tags to detect features / usage / status / permission for a track. Furthermore, there is no limit, which relates the number of left or right or running paths along a "real" covered path.
sidewalk:left:surface=* sidewalk:right:surface=* left:surface=* right:surface=* Surface layer of the left / right sidewalk in relation to the direction of digitization. The values (Values) entspechen those of surface=*. -> See path properties, in general "surface =*"

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sidewalk:left:smoothness=* sidewalk:right:smoothness=* left:smoothness=* right:smoothness=* Smoothness of the left / right sidewalk. The smoothness refers to the usefulness of vehicles. The values (Values) entspechen those of smoothness=*. -> See path properties, in general "smoothness =*"

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sidewalk:left:width=* sidewalk:right:width=* left:width=* right:width=* Width of the left / right sidewalk in meters. The values (Values) entspechen those of width=*. The values are given in meters and are with "." separately. (Example: 1.5) -> See path properties, in general "width =*"

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sidewalk:left:incline=* sidewalk:right:incline=* left:incline=* right:incline=* Slope of the left / right sidewalk. The values (Values) entspechen those of incline=*. The values are given in% (eg 6%) -> See path properties, in general, "incline =*"

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sidewalk:left:sloped_curb=* sidewalk:right:sloped_curb=* left:sloped_curb=* right:sloped_curb=* Curb height of the left / right sidewalk. The values are given in meters and are with "." separately. (Example: 15 cm would be 0.15) -> See path properties, in general, "sloped_curb =*"

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sidewalk:left:sloped_curb:start=* sidewalk:left:sloped_curb:end=*

sidewalk:right:sloped_curb:start=* sidewalk:right:sloped_curb:end=*

left:sloped_curb:start=* left:sloped_curb:end=*

right:sloped_curb:start=* right:sloped_curb:end=*

Curb height of the sidewalk at the beginning and end of the Ways.

Beginning and end are defined by the digitizing direction.

Because the routing node can not read yet, hereby Lowered be tagged curbs at road checkpoints.

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sidewalk:left:wheelchair=* sidewalk:right:wheelchair=* left:wheelchair=* right:wheelchair=* Suitability of the left / right sidewalk for wheelchair users.

-> See path properties, in general "wheelchair =*"

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sidewalk:left:wheelchair:start=* sidewalk:left:wheelchair:end=*

sidewalk:right:wheelchair:start=* sidewalk:right:wheelchair:end=*

left:wheelchair:start=* left:wheelchair:end=*

right:wheelchair:start=* right:wheelchair:end=*

Eignung des Bürgersteigs für Rollstuhlfahrer am Anfang/ Ende des Weges. Hiermit kann die Eignung von Straßenübergängen getaggt werden.

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Key Value Foto
access designated
highway steps 삼일공원 1.jpg
sevice Alley leading from the High Street to Green Lane Shopping Centre - geograph.org.uk - 942796.jpg
access_ramp 1) Access to the ramp in a wheelchair.jpg

1) Please note: The tag highway=access_ramp is rarely used and is under discussion, see http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Question-reg-wheelchair-mapping-tp5864292.html

Important, not previously evaluated for the routing tags (because of Nodes)

Tag / Value auf Node Foto
highway=crossing Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
crossing=traffic_signals Ampel.jpg
amenity=sloped_curb (better use sloped_curb=yes on crossings) Sloppedcurb.jpg
disabled_spaces=NumberOfParkingSpaces capacity:disabled=NumberOfParkingSpaces


  • 電動車椅子
  • 手動車椅子
  • Pushed Wheelchair
  • Stroller/Child's wheelchair (short, two parallel slants) established: stroller=yes/(no)

Stroller yes.jpg

User Manual

Rollstuhlrouting.de/ruhr2010 - Hilfe



  • Friedrich, Juliane. 2005: FreiRaum. Planning guidelines for the accessible design of hiking trails. Institute of Transport and Urban Planning. Fachhochschule Erfurt.
  • Natur für alle: Planning Guidance on Accessibility.
  • nullbarriere.de- Website Accessible to the field of Planning, Building and Housing
  • Fernsehbeitrag "OpenStreetMap für Rollstuhlfahrer" in Quarks & Co. (WDR)
  • Zusatzinformationen from Quarks & Co. Beitrag
  • Müller, A., Neis, P. Zipf, A. (2010): Route planning for wheelchair users based on OpenStreetMap data. Design, implementation and perspectives, AGIT 2010. Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics, Salzburg, Austria.