3 Jan2025-01-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Hanbury Hill Staffordshire England
4 Jan2025-01-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dortmund, Germany
6 Jan2025-01-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
7 Jan2025-01-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
7 Jan2025-01-07–Error: Invalid time. |
43. Wiener Stammtisch
8 Jan2025-01-08–Error: Invalid time. |
GeoBLR Mapathon of Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor, Bangalore
8 Jan2025-01-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany - Ersatztermin!
8 Jan2025-01-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
8 Jan2025-01-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
9 Jan2025-01-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Fossgis Hackweekend
10 Jan2025-01-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Fiesta de Mapeo en la UCR (San Pedro), San José, Costa Rica
10 Jan2025-01-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Reunión Comunidad OSM Perú, Lima, Perú
10 Jan2025-01-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Meeting in Lisboa, Portugal
10–11 Jan2025-01-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Fossgis Hackweekend
12 Jan2025-01-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
12 Jan2025-01-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Niederbayerntreffen in Passau, Germany
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Hamburg, Germany
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
57. OSM-Stammtisch Zürich, Switzerland
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
14 Jan2025-01-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Rennes, France
15 Jan2025-01-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburg Stammtisch, Germany
15 Jan2025-01-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
15 Jan2025-01-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Fiesta de Mapeo en la oficina de Estudio Manatí, San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica
16 Jan2025-01-16–Error: Invalid time. |
#MapLesotho Mapathon, Maseru, Lesotho
16 Jan2025-01-16–Error: Invalid time. |
#MapLesotho Mapathon, Dublin, Ireland
17 Jan2025-01-17–Error: Invalid time. |
CartoCamp à Yaou à Eyolab, Yaou, Bonoua, Cote d'Ivoire
17–18 Jan2025-01-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin Hack Weekend Januar 2015
17–25 Jan2025-01-17–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenSeaMap auf der „boot” in Düsseldorf in Halle 12-H70
18 Jan2025-01-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapatona de Ciclovias, São Paulo, Brazil
19 Jan2025-01-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Meetup - Budapest
20 Jan2025-01-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
20 Jan2025-01-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Stirling, Scotland
20 Jan2025-01-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, England
20 Jan2025-01-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
20 Jan2025-01-20–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
21 Jan2025-01-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
22 Jan2025-01-22–Error: Invalid time. |
OSMTime, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
22 Jan2025-01-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub meet-up London, UK
22 Jan2025-01-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüchow-Dannenberg, Lüchow, Germany
22 Jan2025-01-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
25 Jan2025-01-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Encontro OSM Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
26 Jan2025-01-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
27 Jan2025-01-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Maptime Roma January Meetup Roma, Italy
28 Jan2025-01-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
29 Jan2025-01-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Treffen Chemnitz, Germany
31 Jan2025-01-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party, Tim, Denmark
2 Feb2025-02-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
2 Feb2025-02-02–Error: Invalid time. |
London pub meet-up UK
4 Feb2025-02-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
4 Feb2025-02-04–Error: Invalid time. |
44. Wiener Stammtisch
5 Feb2025-02-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
5 Feb2025-02-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
5 Feb2025-02-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, Birmingham, UK
7 Feb2025-02-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Harz, Germany
9 Feb2025-02-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Passau, Germany 
9 Feb2025-02-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
9 Feb2025-02-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Cambridge, England
9 Feb2025-02-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Rennes, France
10 Feb2025-02-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Hamburg, Germany
10 Feb2025-02-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Landshut, Germany Landshut
10 Feb2025-02-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
11 Feb2025-02-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
11 Feb2025-02-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Zürich, Switzerland
13 Feb2025-02-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
14 Feb2025-02-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Kathmandu Living Labs, Nepal
16 Feb2025-02-16–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Meetup, Budapest,
17 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Derby, England
17 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
17 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Glasgow, Scotland
17 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
19 Feb2025-02-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
19 Feb2025-02-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
19 Feb2025-02-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
19 Feb2025-02-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Freiberg, Germany
20 Feb2025-02-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenDataDay 2015, Brasília, Brazil
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Webinar: Cómo y por qué se ha creado el mejor mapa de calles del país, Quito, Ecuador
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Difundir OpenStreetMap en el OpenDataDay 2015, Asunción, Paraguay
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapeo humanitario Isla de León - OpenDataDay 2015, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Abriendo Datos Costa Rica - OpenDataDay 2015, San José, Costa Rica
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenDataDay 2015, Cochabamba, Bolivia
21–22 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Karlsruhe Hack Weekend February 2015
23 Feb2025-02-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
24 Feb2025-02-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Vortrag im Rahmen des UNIX-Stammtisches, Stammtisch Chemnitz, Germany
24 Feb2025-02-24–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
25 Feb2025-02-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
26 Feb2025-02-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüchow-Dannenberg, Lüchow, Germany
26 Feb2025-02-26–Error: Invalid time. |
OSMTime, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
27 Feb – 5 Mar2025-02-27–Error: Invalid time. |
East Philippines Seaboard Mapping Expedition 2015 in Philippines
28 Feb2025-02-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Chemnitz, Germany
28 Feb2025-02-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapeando Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay
1 Mar2025-03-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dortmund, Germany
2 Mar2025-03-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
4 Mar2025-03-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
4 Mar2025-03-04–Error: Invalid time. |
45. Wiener Stammtisch
5 Mar2025-03-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
5 Mar2025-03-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
5 Mar2025-03-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, Birmingham, UK
6 Mar2025-03-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Fiesta de Mapeo - UNAN Managua - Marzo 2015, Nicaragua
7 Mar2025-03-07–Error: Invalid time. |
LUGoNS BarCamp №4, Novi Sad, Serbia
8 Mar2025-03-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Bangalore Mapping party 1, Bangalore
9 Mar2025-03-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Passau, Germany 
9 Mar2025-03-09–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Budapest Meetup, Budapest, Hungary
10 Mar2025-03-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Hamburg, Germany
10 Mar2025-03-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
11 Mar2025-03-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Zürich, Switzerland
11–13 Mar2025-03-11–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSSGIS 2015 conference, Münster, Germany
13 Mar2025-03-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
14 Mar2025-03-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping party accesibilidad Elche
14 Mar2025-03-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Gringley on the Hill Nottinghamshire England
16 Mar2025-03-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Introducción a OpenStreetMap, Geoinquietos Sevilla, Sevilla,
17 Mar2025-03-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
17 Mar2025-03-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland
17 Mar2025-03-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
17 Mar2025-03-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, England
17 Mar2025-03-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Brno, Czech Republic
18 Mar2025-03-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
19 Mar2025-03-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Freiberg, Germany
19 Mar2025-03-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
19 Mar2025-03-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüchow-Dannenberg, Lüchow, Germany
19 Mar2025-03-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
21 Mar2025-03-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
21 Mar2025-03-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
21 Mar2025-03-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Reunión OSM Ecuador 2, Quito, Ecuador
21–22 Mar2025-03-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2015, Chemnitz, Germany
23 Mar2025-03-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
23 Mar2025-03-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
23 Mar2025-03-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Einführung in die OSM, Jugendherberge Bremen, Germany
23 Mar2025-03-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Rennes, France
24 Mar2025-03-24–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
25 Mar2025-03-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Portsmouth University Mapathon, England
25 Mar2025-03-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle, Montpellier, France
26 Mar2025-03-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Taller GPS básico en CIMA 2015: 13:30, Zaragoza
26 Mar2025-03-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Uso de OSM para mejorar la seguridad en la actividad senderista: Senderos en Las Merindades - CIMA 2015: 16:00, Zaragoza
27 Mar2025-03-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
28 Mar2025-03-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Creazione percorsi ciclabili Terre del Custoza a Villafranca di Verona, Italy
28 Mar2025-03-28–Error: Invalid time. |
#MapLesotho - Maseru Mapping Party, Lesotho
28 Mar2025-03-28–Error: Invalid time. |
#MapLesotho - Dublin Mapping Party, Ireland
28 Mar2025-03-28–Error: Invalid time. |
#MapLesotho - Brussels Mapping Party, Belgium
28–29 Mar2025-03-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Présence aux JDLL de Lyon, France
29 Mar2025-03-29–Error: Invalid time. |
ÖPNV-Mapping VRR, Dortmund, Germany
31 Mar2025-03-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Münster, Germany
1 Apr2025-04-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
2 Apr2025-04-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
2 Apr2025-04-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
2 Apr2025-04-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, UK
3–13 Apr2025-04-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Agriculture and Food Security Mapping in Manahari, Nepal
7 Apr2025-04-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
8 Apr2025-04-08–Error: Invalid time. |
46. Wiener Stammtisch
10 Apr2025-04-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
10–11 Apr2025-04-10–Error: Invalid time. |
MappingParty de accesibilidad en Malasaña (Madrid), Madrid
11 Apr2025-04-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM / GeoGO Workshop in Austin, Texas USA [1], USA
11 Apr2025-04-11–Error: Invalid time. |
MappingParty Mapping Party en Poio, Galicia
11 Apr2025-04-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party in Enns, Austria
11–12 Apr2025-04-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapatón, Santiago, Chile
12 Apr2025-04-12–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Dortmund, Germany
13 Apr2025-04-13–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Meetup Budapest, Budapest
14 Apr2025-04-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
14 Apr2025-04-14–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
14 Apr2025-04-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, England
14 Apr2025-04-14–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Hamburg, Germany
14 Apr2025-04-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Niederbayernweiter Stammtisch in Landshut
16 Apr2025-04-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburg Stammtisch, Germany
16 Apr2025-04-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Freiberg, Germany
16 Apr2025-04-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
17 Apr2025-04-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party @ BarCamp Graz, Austria
18 Apr2025-04-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Swiss OpenStreetMap AGM in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
18 Apr2025-04-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Corso di mappatura del territorio, Genova, Italy
18 Apr2025-04-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Primera Jornada de Software Libre 2015, Santiago, Chile, Chile
19 Apr2025-04-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
20 Apr2025-04-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontres mensuelles, Rennes, France
21 Apr2025-04-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
21 Apr2025-04-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
23 Apr2025-04-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüchow-Dannenberg, Lüchow, Germany
24 Apr2025-04-24–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Zittau, Germany
24–25 Apr2025-04-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Grazer Linuxtage 2015
24–26 Apr2025-04-24–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenSeaMap – Developer Weekend, Nürnberg
25 Apr2025-04-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartopartie à Roussillon (38), Lyon, France
25 Apr2025-04-25–Error: Invalid time. |
2. Augsburger Mappingtag, Mering, Germany
25 Apr2025-04-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party @ FLiSoL CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
26 Apr2025-04-26–Error: Invalid time. |
India/Events/Bangalore HOT Nepal Earthquake Mapathon 1, Bengaluru, India
27 Apr2025-04-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
27 Apr2025-04-27–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Basics @ Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, US
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party in Brussels, Belgium
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Vortrag über OSM bei Chaos inKL. e.V., Kaiserslautern, Germany
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Barcelona/Events/Barcelona HOT Nepal Earthquake Mapathon 1, Barcelona, Spain
29 Apr2025-04-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
30 Apr2025-04-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party Schlossgarten Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
30 Apr – 2 May2025-04-30–Error: Invalid time. |
HOT Summit, US
1 May2025-05-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Nepal Earthquake Mapathon, Portland, Oregon, USA
4 May2025-05-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
5 May2025-05-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Münster, Germany
6 May2025-05-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
6 May2025-05-06–Error: Invalid time. |
47. Wiener Stammtisch
6 May2025-05-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Palestras no MundoGeo Connect, São Paulo, Brazil
6 May2025-05-06–Error: Invalid time. |
VTLUUG Mapathon, Blacksburg, US
7 May2025-05-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
7 May2025-05-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
7 May2025-05-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, UK
7 May2025-05-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
7–9 May2025-05-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Wiener Linuxwochen 2015
9 May2025-05-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Torgau, Germany
9 May2025-05-09–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Poland AGM and meetup, Poland
11 May2025-05-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Passau, Germany
11 May2025-05-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Zürich, Switzerland
12 May2025-05-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
12 May2025-05-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Hamburger Mappertreffen, Germany
13 May2025-05-13–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
13 May2025-05-13–Error: Invalid time. |
FastForward OpenStreetMap - Helping Nepal, Croatia
14 May2025-05-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
14 May2025-05-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Restatelife Space, Taipei, Taiwan
18 May2025-05-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
18 May2025-05-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
19 May2025-05-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
19 May2025-05-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Derby, England
19 May2025-05-19–Error: Invalid time. |
#geomob, London, England
19 May2025-05-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Glasgow, Scotland
19 May2025-05-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
20 May2025-05-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
21 May2025-05-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburg Stammtisch, Germany
21 May2025-05-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Freiberg, Germany
23 May2025-05-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappiamo Mozzecane (VR) seconda edizione Italy
25 May2025-05-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
27 May2025-05-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
29–31 May2025-05-29–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map France 2015, Brest
30–31 May2025-05-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin Hack Weekend May 2015
2 Jun2025-06-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
2 Jun2025-06-02–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
2 Jun2025-06-02–Error: Invalid time. |
London Missing Map event at Imperial, UK
3 Jun2025-06-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
3 Jun2025-06-03–Error: Invalid time. |
48. Wiener Stammtisch 
3 Jun2025-06-03–Error: Invalid time. |
London Mapping evening around Caledonia Rd, UK
4 Jun2025-06-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
4 Jun2025-06-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, UK
4 Jun2025-06-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
6–8 Jun2025-06-06–Error: Invalid time. |
State Of The Map U.S. 2015, New York City
8 Jun2025-06-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Passau, Germany
8 Jun2025-06-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Taipei Meetup, Mozilla Community Space Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
8 Jun2025-06-08–Error: Invalid time. |
disastermappers Heidelberg, Missing Maps Project Mapping Event for South Kivu Region
8–12 Jun2025-06-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Comenius Meeting - MychOSM, Berufsbildende Schule Saarburg, Germany
9 Jun2025-06-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
9 Jun2025-06-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Penza, Russia
11 Jun2025-06-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
12 Jun2025-06-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
14 Jun2025-06-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
16 Jun2025-06-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
16 Jun2025-06-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, England
16 Jun2025-06-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland
16 Jun2025-06-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
16 Jun2025-06-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
17 Jun2025-06-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
18 Jun2025-06-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
18 Jun2025-06-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
19 Jun2025-06-19–Error: Invalid time. |
London pub meet-up
22 Jun2025-06-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
22 Jun2025-06-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
23–28 Jun2025-06-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Festival delle Libertà digitali, Vicenza Italy
25 Jun2025-06-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Intro & possibilities with OSM and OpenData (for state agencies), La Paz, Bolivia
25–26 Jun2025-06-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Swiss Postgres Conference 2015, Rapperswil Switzerland
26 Jun2025-06-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
26 Jun2025-06-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Accessibility Mapping Party in Llefià, Badalona, Catalunya
26–28 Jun2025-06-26–Error: Invalid time. |
SommerCamp, Linuxhotel, Essen, Germany
27 Jun2025-06-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Oficina de OpenStreetMap, Campinas, Brasil
27 Jun2025-06-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Workshop: Intro & possibilities with OSM (public), La Paz, Bolivia
27–28 Jun2025-06-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
28 Jun2025-06-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party in Taichung, Taiwan
28 Jun2025-06-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Chemnitz, Sachsen, Germany 
30 Jun2025-06-30–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
1 Jul2025-07-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
1 Jul2025-07-01–Error: Invalid time. |
49. Wiener Stammtisch
2 Jul2025-07-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
2 Jul2025-07-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, UK
2 Jul2025-07-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Micro-Mapping-Party in Helsinki Finland
3 Jul2025-07-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Technische Sammlungen Dresden
4 Jul2025-07-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Encontro OpenStreetMap Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
5 Jul2025-07-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
6 Jul2025-07-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Map Public Artwork Downtown, Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon, United States
6 Jul2025-07-06–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup 2015/07/06 Taipei, Taiwan
7 Jul2025-07-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
7 Jul2025-07-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
8–10 Jul2025-07-08–Error: Invalid time. |
AGIT 2015 with OSGeo Day and OSM Spezialforum, Salzburg
8–10 Jul2025-07-08–Error: Invalid time. |
{UDOS} 2015 : Université d'été du développement de logiciel libre, Digne-les-Bains, France
9 Jul2025-07-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
11 Jul2025-07-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Encuentro entre las comunidades locales de Cuba y Nicaragua en el Café-Galería Mamainé, Cuba
11 Jul2025-07-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Micro-Mapping-Party in Zurich
11 Jul2025-07-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Party in Porto, Portugal
11–12 Jul2025-07-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Essentials Workshop + OpenRoads, Leyte Philippines
13 Jul2025-07-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Niederbayern Stammtisch in Passau
14–17 Jul2025-07-14–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSS4G Europe 2015 conference, Como, Italy
14 Jul2025-07-14–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
15 Jul2025-07-15–Error: Invalid time. |
#geomob, London, England
15 Jul2025-07-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
15 Jul2025-07-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Como, Italy
15 Jul2025-07-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
15 Jul2025-07-15–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Mapathon, FEU Tech, Manila Philippines
16 Jul2025-07-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburg Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
16 Jul2025-07-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
18 Jul2025-07-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Let's Map Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia US
18 Jul2025-07-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Encuentro OpenStreetMap Buenos Aires #OSM-BA, Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, England
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Communs numériques : partageons sur la toile 830 ans d’histoire du Val d’Oze, Le Saix, France
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Parsons Green Mapping Evening, London
22 Jul2025-07-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Göttingen/Stammtisch, Germany
25 Jul2025-07-25–Error: Invalid time. |
5ª OSM Party Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal
25 Jul2025-07-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Anthill Mapping Tumkur, India
25 Jul2025-07-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Gran mapathon OSM Paraguay Asunción, Paraguay
25 Jul2025-07-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapazonia en Perú, Perú
26 Jul2025-07-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping party at FSMK Camp 15, India
27 Jul2025-07-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
27 Jul2025-07-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
29 Jul2025-07-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
31 Jul2025-07-31–Error: Invalid time. |
{ULI-PH} : Collaboration and Coordination in Building Resilient and Healthy Communities, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig Philippines
31 Jul2025-07-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Intro to OpenStreetMap Portland, Oregon, United States
4 Aug2025-08-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
4 Aug2025-08-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Work for your own map tile!
2 Aug2025-08-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
5 Aug2025-08-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
6 Aug2025-08-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, UK
6 Aug2025-08-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
6 Aug2025-08-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
8 Aug2025-08-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party at Kupavna, Moscow
8 Aug2025-08-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Reunión OpenStreetMap Cochabamba, Cochabamba
8–9 Aug2025-08-08–Error: Invalid time. |
London Hack Weekend, in Clerkenwell
9 Aug2025-08-09–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap 11th Anniversary Birthday party, worldwide!
10 Aug2025-08-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Passau Stammtisch und Geburtstagsparty
10 Aug2025-08-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup 2015/08/10 Taipei, Taiwan
11 Aug2025-08-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
11 Aug2025-08-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Zürich
12 Aug2025-08-12–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
13 Aug2025-08-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
13 Aug2025-08-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
14 Aug2025-08-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Map your waste
14 Aug2025-08-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch
16 Aug2025-08-16–Error: Invalid time. |
COSCUP OpenStreetMap Workshop
18 Aug2025-08-18–Error: Invalid time. |
CANCELLED Glasgow, Scotland
18 Aug2025-08-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
18 Aug2025-08-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Derby, England
18 Aug2025-08-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
19 Aug2025-08-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
20 Aug2025-08-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg
20–21 Aug2025-08-20–Error: Invalid time. |
The Asia Foundation Crowd-mapping using OpenStreetMap, Dumaguete, Philippines
21 Aug2025-08-21–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Treffen Schaumburg, Germany
22 Aug2025-08-22–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Appreciation Seminar, Foundation University, Dumaguete, Philippines
23 Aug2025-08-23–Error: Invalid time. |
zakk Straßenfest, Düsseldorf, Germany
24 Aug2025-08-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
24 Aug2025-08-24–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Appreciation Seminar, Silliman University, College of Computer Studies, Dumaguete, Philippines
24 Aug2025-08-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
25 Aug2025-08-25–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
26 Aug2025-08-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
28 Aug2025-08-28–Error: Invalid time. |
6. Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil
1 Sep2025-09-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Münster, Germany
1 Sep2025-09-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
2 Sep2025-09-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
3 Sep2025-09-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, UK
3 Sep2025-09-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
3 Sep2025-09-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
4–6 Sep2025-09-04–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map Latam 2015, Santiago
5–6 Sep2025-09-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin Hack Weekend September 2015
7 Sep2025-09-07–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup, Mozilla Community Space, Taipei Taiwan
8 Sep2025-09-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
9 Sep2025-09-09–Error: Invalid time. |
50. Wiener Stammtisch
10 Sep2025-09-10–Error: Invalid time. |
87. Berlin-Brandenburger Stammtisch
10 Sep2025-09-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
10 Sep2025-09-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck
11 Sep2025-09-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
11 Sep2025-09-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Zittau, Germany
11 Sep2025-09-11–Error: Invalid time. |
64. OSM-Stammtisch Zürich, Switzerland
12 Sep2025-09-12–Error: Invalid time. |
"Mappiamo Mozzecane III edizione 2015", Mozzecane (Vr), Italy
13 Sep2025-09-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dortmund
14 Sep2025-09-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Passau Stammtisch
14–19 Sep2025-09-14–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSS4G conference, Seoul, Korea
15 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland
15 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn
15–17 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
INTERGEO 2015 with OSGeo Park, Stuttgart Germany
17 Sep2025-09-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg
17 Sep2025-09-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Freiberg, Germany
18–19 Sep2025-09-18–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map Taiwan 2015, Taipei Taiwan
19 Sep2025-09-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Mexico Earthquake Drill 2015, Mexico City, Mexico
22 Sep2025-09-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, England
15 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
23 Sep2025-09-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Deptford Mapping Evening, London UK
25 Sep2025-09-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
25 Sep2025-09-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Lugano mapping party, Lugano (TI), Switzerland
25 Sep2025-09-25–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap@Como, Como, Italy
26 Sep2025-09-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Ferrara Mapping party on buildings 2015, Ferrara, Italy
28 Sep2025-09-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Ferrara Mapping party on rivers and canals 2015, Ferrara, Italy
28 Sep2025-09-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz
28 Sep2025-09-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
30 Sep – 4 Oct2025-09-30–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map Scotland 2015, Edinburgh
1 Oct2025-10-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, UK
1 Oct2025-10-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden
1 Oct2025-10-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
1 Oct2025-10-01–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap: El uso de geolocalización en las acciones humanitarias y de emergencias, Santiago de Compostela
2 Oct2025-10-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Accessibility Mapping Party 5.0 Tetuán, Madrid
3 Oct2025-10-03–Error: Invalid time. |
SotM CAT 2015, Barcelona 
3 Oct2025-10-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Día del Software Libre, Santiago 
3 Oct2025-10-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Nova festa dos mapas (Mapping Party) de OSM, Santiago de Compostela
4 Oct2025-10-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Hack day, Edinburgh
5 Oct2025-10-05–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup, Mozilla Community Space, Taipei Taiwan
6 Oct2025-10-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
6 Oct2025-10-06–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
6 Oct2025-10-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Project mapathon at facebook offices London
6 Oct2025-10-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Project mapathon at Red Cross offices Washington
7 Oct2025-10-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
8 Oct2025-10-08–Error: Invalid time. |
51. Wiener Stammtisch, Austria
9 Oct2025-10-09–Error: Invalid time. |
88. Berlin-Brandenburger Stammtisch, Germany
10 Oct2025-10-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
10 Oct2025-10-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Jornada de herramientas cartográficas. Mapas de elecciones, Madrid, Spain
12 Oct2025-10-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Bayern-Stammtisch in Landshut, Germany
13 Oct2025-10-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
13 Oct2025-10-13–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
13 Oct2025-10-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Hamburger Mappertreffen, Germany
13 Oct2025-10-13–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM intro at CRE data summit London, United Kingdom
15 Oct2025-10-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Germany
15 Oct2025-10-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck, Austria
15 Oct2025-10-15–Error: Invalid time. |
London pub meet-up, United Kingdom
15 Oct2025-10-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Lima, Perú
16 Oct2025-10-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Zürich, Switzerland
17 Oct2025-10-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party Vignola-Falesina, Vignola, Trentino, Italy
17–18 Oct2025-10-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Karlsruhe Hack Weekend October 2015, Germany
18 Oct2025-10-18–Error: Invalid time. |
HackMeeting El Alto 2015, Bolivia
19 Oct2025-10-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Austria
19 Oct2025-10-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Freiberg, Germany
20 Oct2025-10-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, England
20 Oct2025-10-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
20 Oct2025-10-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
20 Oct2025-10-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Encuentro de Software Libre UCM, Talca, Chile 
21 Oct2025-10-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
24 Oct2025-10-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Mobile Web Ghana OSM workshop, Ghana
24 Oct2025-10-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Encontro OSM Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
24 Oct2025-10-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Erlangen, Germany
24 Oct2025-10-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartopartie à vélo, Digne-les-Bains, France
25 Oct2025-10-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Nepal Landslide Mapping, Burlington, VT, United States
26 Oct2025-10-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
27 Oct2025-10-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
27–29 Oct2025-10-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Open Mapping at the Open Governtment Partnership Summit, Mexico
28 Oct2025-10-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
29 Oct2025-10-29–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSS4G Belgium 2015, Brussels, Belgium
30 Oct2025-10-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping party a Volta mantovana, Italy
31 Oct2025-10-31–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map Japan 2015, Hamamastu, Japan
1 Nov2025-11-01–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Dortmund, Germany
2 Nov2025-11-02–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Taipei meet-up, Taipei, Taiwan
3 Nov2025-11-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
3 Nov2025-11-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch / OSM Treffen Münster, Germany
3 Nov2025-11-03–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
3 Nov2025-11-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Monthly Missing Maps Project event, London, United Kingdom
4 Nov2025-11-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
5 Nov2025-11-05–Error: Invalid time. |
52. Wiener Stammtisch, Austria
5 Nov2025-11-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Germany
5 Nov2025-11-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, United Kingdom
5 Nov2025-11-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
5 Nov2025-11-05–Error: Invalid time. |
1º Jornada de Geotecnologías Libres, Argentina
7 Nov2025-11-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping party a Volta mantovana, Italy
7–8 Nov2025-11-07–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenRheinRuhr 2015, Oberhausen, Germany
8 Nov2025-11-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
8 Nov2025-11-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartopartie Patrimoine, Castries, Montpellier, France
9 Nov2025-11-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Passau, Germany 
10 Nov2025-11-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
10 Nov2025-11-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
10 Nov2025-11-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Hamburger Mappertreffen, Germany
10 Nov2025-11-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Landshut, Germany
11 Nov2025-11-11–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
12 Nov2025-11-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Germany
12 Nov2025-11-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck, Austria
13 Nov2025-11-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Bohol Crowd-sourced Mapping using OSM, Panglao Island, Bohol, Philippines
14–15 Nov2025-11-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Raymi en Carmen de la Legua - Reynoso, Callao, Perú
15–21 Nov2025-11-15–Error: Invalid time. |
16–30 Nov2025-11-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Curso de OpenStreetMap, Zaragoza, Spain
17 Nov2025-11-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Map the Philippines and Mozilla Mapping Party, 2231 Molave Building Chino Roces Avenue, Makati, Philippines
17 Nov2025-11-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
17 Nov2025-11-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
18 Nov2025-11-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
18 Nov2025-11-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontres mensuelles, Rennes, France
19 Nov2025-11-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Freiberg, Germany
20 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Kathmandu Living Labs, Kathmandu, Nepal
20–22 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Open GIS 2015, Moscow, Russia
21 Nov2025-11-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Foundation board elections candidate nominations closed
21 Nov2025-11-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Wikipedia X OpenStreetMap, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
21–22 Nov2025-11-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro OpenStreetMap Italia, Bologna, Italy
21–22 Nov2025-11-21–Error: Invalid time. |
III Openstreetmap Party Madeira, Calheta, Portugal
23 Nov2025-11-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
23 Nov2025-11-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Austria
24 Nov2025-11-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Derby, England
24 Nov2025-11-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
25 Nov2025-11-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany
26 Nov2025-11-26–Error: Invalid time. |
London pub meet-up, United Kingdom
26 Nov2025-11-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle de Paris, Paris, France
26–27 Nov2025-11-26–Error: Invalid time. |
PGConf.DE (Deutschsprachige PostgreSQL Konferenz) 2015, Hamburg, Germany
28 Nov2025-11-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Foundation board elections voting starts (approx. await email instructions)
28 Nov2025-11-28–Error: Invalid time. |
第零次新竹小聚 HsinChu Meetup #0, Taiwan
30 Nov2025-11-30–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup, Mozilla Community Space, Taipei, Taiwan
1 Dec2025-12-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Germany
1 Dec2025-12-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Segunda Jornada del Software Libre Maipú, Chile
1 Dec2025-12-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps London, United Kingdom
1 Dec2025-12-01–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
2 Dec2025-12-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Stuttgart, Germany
3 Dec2025-12-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Germany
3 Dec2025-12-03–Error: Invalid time. |
53. Wiener Stammtisch, Austria
3 Dec2025-12-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappa Mercia, United Kingdom
3 Dec2025-12-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Germany
5 Dec2025-12-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Foundation board elections voting closes
5 Dec2025-12-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Foundation Annual General Meeting on IRC
7 Dec2025-12-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Essen, Essen, Germany
7–8 Dec2025-12-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Session de formation gratuite aux SIG et OpenStreetMap, à l'AGORAH de Saint-Denis, La Réunion
8 Dec2025-12-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland
8 Dec2025-12-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Hamburger Mappertreffen, Germany
8 Dec2025-12-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle mappeurs, Lyon, France
9 Dec2025-12-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Hackatón Santiago 2015 Santiago, Chile
9 Dec2025-12-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Mapathon Antwerpen, Belgium
10 Dec2025-12-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
10 Dec2025-12-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch München, Germany
10 Dec2025-12-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Oficina de edição no OpenStreetMap, Salvador, Brazil
10 Dec2025-12-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Why open data movement needs OSM?, Barcelona 
10 Dec2025-12-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Innsbruck, Austria
11 Dec2025-12-11–Error: Invalid time. |
90. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Germany
11 Dec2025-12-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Zürich mit Fondue ☺, Switzerland
14 Dec2025-12-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontres mensuelles, Rennes, France
14 Dec2025-12-14–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM humanitarian mapathon, Milan, Italia
14 Dec2025-12-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Passau, Germany 
15 Dec2025-12-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
15 Dec2025-12-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Nottingham, United Kingdom
15 Dec2025-12-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
15 Dec2025-12-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Map the World, Passau, Germany 
16 Dec2025-12-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Karlsruhe, Germany
17 Dec2025-12-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
17 Dec2025-12-17–Error: Invalid time. |
GB/UK org forming conf call, UK
18 Dec2025-12-18–Error: Invalid time. |
La Notte dei Mappatori Viventi, in tutta Italia, Italia
18 Dec2025-12-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Scopriamo i luoghi della cultura con gli OpenData (Wikimedia Italia - OpenPuglia), Bari, Italia
18 Dec2025-12-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps mapathon, Lyon, France
21 Dec2025-12-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Austria
28 Dec2025-12-28–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Taipei Meetup, Mozilla Community Space, Taipei, Taiwan
28 Dec2025-12-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
30 Dec2025-12-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Footpath Mapping, Abbots Bromley, England
30 Dec2025-12-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Düsseldorf, Germany