Esta página descreve o esquema de etiquetas para o OpenRailwayMap.
O esquema de etiquetação abaixo foi desenvolvido para ser aplicado internacionalmente, por isso pode ser um pouco genérico. Alguns países possuem detalhes específicos, que podem ser consultados página de etiquetas específicas destes países.
Muitas etiquetas possuem um valor padrão que pode ser usado por aplicações quando esses valores estão ausentes. Entretanto, espera-se que estes valores estejam corretos. Você não precisará definir estes valores a menos que queira evitar conflitos com outras aplicações ou reforçar as características do objeto.
Esquema de etiquetação
Cada linha deve ser tratadas separadamente. Se uma ferrovia possui duas linhas, estas devem ser desenhadas com caminhos separados. A etiqueta tracks=* não é interpretada no OpenRailwayMap porque cada caminho mapeado é tratado como uma linha única.
Grupo | Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
Ferrovia | railway | rail | Linha (ativa) | Uma via que é usada regularmente. | |
proposed | Linha planejada | Uma via planejada, ainda em fase de projeto (não está em construção). | |||
construction | Linha em construção | construction=* pode ser usado para uma descrição mais precisa. It obtains the value usually given to railway=*, such as railway=construction and construction=narrow_gauge. | |||
disused | Linha em desuso | A linha está preservada (e pode ser vista), mas não é mais usada e pode estar coberta de mato. | |||
abandoned | Linha abandonada | A faixa não possui mais trilhos ou sinais, mas a forma da linha (ou até mesmo seu leito), ainda pode ser visto, incluindo aterros, escavações, pontes e túneis. | |||
razed | Linha que foi sobreposta | Grandes trechos da via foram sobrepostos. Alguns vestígios podem ainda ser vistos, entretanto, a maior parte da rota não pode ser claramente identificada. | |||
narrow_gauge | Linha de bitola estreita | Uma linha com bitola mais estreita para os padrões nacionais. A bitola pode ser definida pela etiqueta gauge=*. Para linhas de bitola mista, com três trilhos, a etiqueta railway=rail deve ser usada, especificando as duas bitolas com gauge=*, separando-as com ponto e vírgula (1000;600). No Brasil, onde a maioria das linhas é de bitola métrica, considera-se estreita uma bitola menor que esta (como a "bitolinha" de 76 centímetros ou o Decauville de 60 centímetros). | |||
light_rail | Trem suburbano ou Metrô de superfície | Ferrovia para transporte regular de passageiros, onde circulam trens suburbanos ou metrôs de superfície. Os serviços costumam fazer ligações entre os municípios de uma Região Metropolitana As linhas possuem sinalização própria, e geralmente são eletrificadas. As composições circulam segregadas à malha urbana. | |||
subway | Metrô subterrâneo | Sistema de metrô subterrâneo em grandes cidades e Regiões Metropolitanas. As composições possuem seus próprios carros, são alimentadas por terceiro trilho, e trafegam quase exclusivamente no subterrâneo. Caso as linhas sejam majoritariamente na superfície, mapear com a etiqueta railway=light_rail. Não mapeie túneis de uma linha de superfície com esta etiqueta. | |||
tram | Bonde ou VLT | Sistema de superfície para tráfego de passageiros, integrado à malha urbana, podendo passar por ruas e calçadas, compartilhando o espaço com outros veículos. O sistema geralmente circula respeitando a sinalização urbana. Se um bonde ou VLT trafega por uma ferrovia comum, segregada, ela deve ser mapeada como railway=rail ou railway=light_rail. Não use esta etiqueta para representar linhas de tráfego pesado que compartilham a rua ou calçada. | |||
miniature | Ferrovia em miniatura | Pequenas ferrovias em parques para entretenimento ou atração turística. São sempre de bitola estreita (até 600mm). | |||
Descrição | name | <line name> | Nome da linha | O nome da linha férrea, por exemplo, Estrada de Ferro Leopoldina - Linha do Litoral. Não use a descrição de partida e destino, como Linha Campos a Vitória, a não ser que este seja realmente o nome da linha, como a Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas. | |
description | <line description> | Descrição da linha | A descrição da linha férrea, complementando seu nome, como por exemplo, Sorocaba - Santos ou Linha 5. | ||
ref | <line number> | Código de referência da ferrovia | Código de referência nacional da linha férrea. É composto pelo prefixo EF seguido de três algarismo, de forma semelhante as rodovias federais: 0XX (radiais), 1XX (longitudinais), 2XX (transversais), 3XX (diagonais), 4XX (ligações). | ||
railway:track_ref | <track number> | Número da linha | Número da linha dentro de um pátio de manobras. | ||
historic | railway | Ferrovia histórica | Deve ser usada juntamente com railway=disused , railway=abandoned , ou railway=razed . |
no | |
railway:preserved | yes/no | Linha preservada | Linhas tombadas ou que são operadas com objetivo de preservar p patrimônio histórico (veículos, edifícios, sinais). As vezes é operada por um museu ferroviário para fins de turismo, apesar de existirem linhas com transporte regular de comboios históricos. | no | |
Usos | usage | Atenção: Dentro de pátios ferroviários, use usage=* somente para as linhas principais (não para desvios, linhas de manobra, etc.). Isso também se aplica para os travessões e linhas de ultrapassagem fora dos pátios. Sempre use esta etiqueta apenas nas linhas principais. | |||
main | Linha principal | Linha principal, em alguns casos duplicada, eletrificada e de maior velocidade. Use esta etiqueta para estradas de ferro com tráfego denso com passagens geralmente em dois níveis. Entretanto em algumas situações, uma linha principal pode circular em meio as ruas, especialmente se for antiga. | |||
branch | Ramal | Ramais são linhas curtas e singelas, de baixa velocidade, com passagens geralmente em um nível. Quase sempre servem para fazer ligações entre duas ferrovias ou uma ferrovia principal e uma cidade afastada. | |||
industrial | Linha industrial | Lines, that serve only goods transport. Mostly in larger ports or industrial areas. Mostly owned by industrial company. As an exemption, you may use usage=industrial on siding and yard tracks, and crossovers in industrial areas such as harbours and mines. | |||
military | Linha militar | Military used tracks. Mostly between railway station and ammunition storage areas. | |||
tourism | Linha turística | Lines used only by tourist, often in service only during summer. Often run by museums featuring historical trains. | |||
test | Linha para testes | Tracks used for testing of new vehicles. | |||
highspeed | yes/no | Linha de alta velocidade | Is this line a high-speed line (with permissible speeds greater than 200 kph)? Such lines may have balastless/slab track and usually have no level crossings. Most of the traffic are usually long-distance passenger trains, usually dedicated high-speed trains (such as ICE, TGV or Thalys). | no | |
railway:tilting | yes/no | Pendular | If this track is designed for tilting trains (used for the possibility to go through curves faster) | no | |
lit | yes/no | Iluminada | Is this track lit? | no | |
Linha Eletrificada | electrified | yes | Eletrificada | Used for electrified tracks | |
no | Não eletrificada | Used for non-electrified tracks. | |||
contact_line | Catenária | Used for tracks with a catenary/contact line above them. | |||
rail | Terceiro trilho | Used for tracks electrified by a contact rail/third rail. | |||
ground-level_power_supply | Alimentação pelo solo | Used for tracks electrified with ground-level power supply na Wikipédia. | |||
electrified:rail | top/side/bottom | Tipo do contato | The contact type of the third rail. | ||
deelectrified | yes | Deseletrificada | Used for tracks that were formerly electrified, but have since been removed. | ||
contact_line | Catenária | Used for tracks with a catenary/contact line above them. | |||
rail | Terceiro trilho | Used for tracks electrified by a contact rail/third rail. | |||
voltage | <voltage in Volts> | Voltagem | Voltage of the railway electrification system. Current Systems na Wikipédia | ||
frequency | <frequency in Hertz> | Frequência | Frequency of the railway electrification system. Use 0 for direct current. More information |
0 | |
gauge | <Distance between rails in millimetres> | Bitola | Distance between rails of the track. In Europe mostly 1435mm. Track Gauge na Wikipédia | 1435 | |
Linha sobre pavimento | embedded | yes | Linha embutida | Usada para vias que estão embutidas em algum pavimento. This is often for level crossings, but it can also be seen for street running na Wikipédia, embedded slab track, or other such anomalies. | |
pavement | Embutida em com pavimento rodoviário | Embedded rail where the gaps on the sides of the rail and flangeway are the same pavement material. | |||
metal | Embutida em barras de metal | Embedded rail where the gaps on the sides of the rail and flangeway are covered with a metal plating. | |||
wood | Embutida em madeira | Embedded rail where the gaps on the sides of the rail and flangeway are covered or filled with wood planks. This is an older method that's largely replaced because of rot. | |||
plastic | Embutida em plástico | Embedded rail where the gaps on the sides of the rail and flangeway are covered or filled with plastic. | |||
Tipo de conexão entre trilhos | railway:rail | jointed/continuous | Conexão entre trilhos | Se o tipo a conexão entre os trilhos for feita por talas de junção na Wikipédia, use jointed . Se os trilhos forem conectados por solda na Wikipédia, use continuous . |
Controle Ferroviário | railway:etcs | <ETCS-Level> / yes/no | ETCS | A linha é equipada com ETCS na Wikipédia? If so, the ETCS Level may also be specified. | no |
Classe de via | railway:track_class | <track class> | Track Class | Classificação da via, de acordo com a velocidade ou tonelagem permitida. Veja Track classes na Wikipédia. Consultar documentação da RFFSA para verificar se este tipo de dado é padronizado no Brasil. | |
Sistema de Sinalização | railway:atc | yes/no | Automatic Train Control | Is the track equipped with Automatic Train Control na Wikipédia? | no |
railway:pzb | yes/no | PZB | Is the line equipped with PZB na Wikipédia? | no | |
railway:lzb | yes/no | LZB | Is the line equipped with LZB na Wikipédia? | no | |
railway:integra_signum, *:evm, *:aws, *:gwatp, *:atb, *:kvb, *:ls, *:selcab, *:ebicab, *:zbs, *:shp, *:scmt, *:alsn, *:tpws, *:atb-eg, *:atb-ng, *:atb-vv, *:tvm, *:bacc, *:gw_atp, *:crocodile, *:memor, *:memor2, *:memor2+, *:tbl1, *:tbl1+, *:tbl2, *:rs4, *:asfa, *:asfa_fac, *:asfa_200, *:asfa_200_ave, *:zub121, *:eurozub, *:gnt | yes/no | Other train protection systems | Is the line equipped with other train protection systems? | no | |
Gabarito da Via | loading_gauge | <Loading Gauge> | Gabarito de Carregamento | The allowed loading gauge,which defines the maximum size of the vehicles, see Loading gauge na Wikipédia. This tag replaces structure_gauge=* . |
metre_load | <metre load in tons per metre> | Carga por Metro | The maximum allowed weight per metre of rolling stock in tons per metre. Please mind that this tag is spelled in British English with "re" at the end. | ||
axle_load | <axle load in tons> | Carga por Eixo | The maximum allowed axle load of rolling stock in tons. | ||
Assentamento da Via | railway:ballastless | yes/no | Via em Laje | A via é assentada sobre uma laje de concreto, sem a necessidade de lastro. | no |
Sistema de Cremalheira | rack | yes/no | Cremalheiras na Wikipédia | Is the railway equipped with a rack system or not? | no |
riggenbach | Sistema Riggenbach na Wikipédia | The rack system used is the Riggenbach System. | |||
strub | Sistema Strub na Wikipédia | The rack system used is the Strub System. | |||
abt | Sistema Abt na Wikipédia | The rack system used is the Abt System. | |||
locher | Locher System na Wikipédia | The rack system used is the Locher System. | |||
riggenbach-klose | Sistema Riggenbach-Klose | The rack system used is the Riggenbach-Klose System. | |||
marsh | Sistema Marsh na Wikipédia | The rack system used is the Marsh System. | |||
von_roll | Sistema Von-Roll na Wikipédia | The rack system used is the Lamella System, also known as the Von Roll System. | |||
Tipo de Tráfego | railway:traffic_mode | mixed | Tráfego misto | Lines are used regularly by both passenger and freight trains | mixed |
passenger | Tráfego de passageiros | Lines dedicated to passenger trains (might have some exceptions). | |||
freight | Tráfego de fretes | Lines dedicated to freight trains (might have some exceptions). | |||
Velocidade Máxima | maxspeed | <Maximum speed in kph>}The maximum permissible speed in a track section (in kph). For dynamic speeds (such as signals) the highest speed limit should be tagged. Speeds for directions can be defined by maxspeed:forward=* and maxspeed:backward=*. | Velocidade máxima | ||
maxspeed:tilting | <Permissible speed kph>} | Velocidade máxima para trens pendulares | Maximum speed for trains equipped with tilting system. Used mainly in curves, where tilting allows for greater maximum speeds. If this is dependent on other conditions, for example daylight, wind speed etc. enter the highest possible speed limit. Speeds for directions can be defined by maxspeed:tilting:forward=* and maxspeed:tilting:backward=*. | ||
Serviços | service | Warning: Use tag service=* on all tracks, that are not main, that means for all sidings, crossovers, yard tracks, spurs etc. | |||
yard | Linha de manobra | Tracks mostly in railway stations used by railway companies for assembling and disassembling of trains. Mostly numbered (use railway:track_ref=* ). | |||
siding | Linha de desvio | Track parallel to main tracks, mostly in railway stations, used for overtaking. Often there are platforms next to them. Main tracks shouldn't be tagged by service=*. | |||
spur | Ramal de Inserção | Mostly short tracks leading from railway lines to industrial areas. When there are more complicated systems of spur tracks, consider using also other tags from category service=*. | |||
crossover | Travessão | Short tracks, that are used by trains to change from one main track to the other. To be found only on double or more tracked railways. Often found in stations and at (crossover) junctions. | |||
railway:radio | analogue/gsm-r | Train radio | Which radio system is used on this line? | gsm-r | |
operator | <operator_name> | Operadora | The operator of the track (infrastructure, not train). | ||
embankment | yes/no | Aterro | Is the track elevated using earth or concrete dam? | no | |
cutting | yes/no | Escavado | Is the track set in lowered terrain? | no | |
Direção do Tráfego | railway:preferred_direction | Warning: The direction of OSM-ways DOES matter! This tag is important for routing, it tells the software which track of a multi-track line should be preferred. Not especially important in railway stations (allowed directions may change there). | |||
forward | Normal direction of running equal to OSM way | The normal direction of running on this track is equal to the direction of the OSM way (for multi-track lines only). | |||
backward | Normal direction of running against OSM way | The normal direction of running on this track is against the direction of the OSM way (for multi-track lines only). | |||
both | No preferred direction | There is no preferred direction of running; trains on this track run in both directions. This tag is used for single-track lines. Multi-track lines with bidirectional traffic are tagged with forward oder backward .
| |||
railway:bidirectional | Warning: The direction of OSM-ways DOES matter! This tag is important for routing, it tells us, whether it is possible to navigate this track in wanted direction. Not especially important in railway stations (allowed directions may change there). | ||||
regular | Regular bidirectional operation | The track is equipped with signalling in both directions and can see rail traffic in both directions. | |||
signals | Signalized wrong line operation | Each track of a multitrack line is equipped with signalling only in one direction. Usually trains do not use the "wrong" track. Under special circumstances like construction works on the normal track, trains can take the "wrong" track running in the opposite direction. | |||
possible | Falschfahrt möglich | Each track of a multitrack line is equipped with signalling only in one direction and the signals do not offer a possibility for trains to run on a track in the opposite "wrong" direction. | |||
start_date | <date> | Data de inauguração | The date at which a line (or a track) went into service. For information on its syntax, see start_date=* | ||
end_date | <date> | Data de encerramento | The date at which a line (or a track) went out of service. More information on its syntax is, again, available end_date=* | ||
incline | up/down/<slope> | Inclinação | The slope (inclination) of track, in its direction. This tag can either carry a numeric value or up /down More information |
railway:interlaced | yes/no | Gauntlet/interlaced track | This track is part of a Gauntlet track na Wikipédia (also known as interlaced track). Please map all involved tracks as independent OSM ways. | no | |
railway:passing_prohibited | left/right/yes/both/no | Passing prohibited | Trains must not pass with other trains on the left/right/any/both neighbouring tracks on this section because there is not enough space between the tracks or the tracks are interlaced. | no | |
workrules | working rules | Describes which working rules (usually a law) applies on this track. For possible values see workrules=* |
Can be tagged as a way, in addition to be added to a Bridge Relation to represent the entire bridge.
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
bridge | yes/cantilever/covered/movable/trestle/viaduct | Tipo da ponte | What kind of bridge carrying the track is. Remember to create separate ways and add them to a bridge relation if the bridge span has a movable bridge at the center. If none of the defined types, enter yes . |
no |
bridge:movable | bascule/lift/swing | Tipo de ponte móvel | Only tag this if the bridge is tagged as bridge=movable .
| |
layer | <layer> | Layer | To describe the vertical relationship to other bridges and features. | 1 |
bridge:name | <Bridge name> | Nome da ponte | The name of the bridge. | |
image | <URL> | Imagem | The URL to an image of the bridge (If possible images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). Please only use for important bridge and not for small ones (e.g. crossing a small stream). In general it's considered useful to have an image, when there is a Wikipedia article about the bridge. | |
bridge:wikipedia | <language code>:<article name> | Artigo da Wikipédia | Wikipedia article about the bridge, please use the format <language code>:<article name> |
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
tunnel | yes | Túnel | The track is in a tunnel | no |
layer | <layer> | Layer | To describe the vertical relationship to other tunnels and features. | -1 |
tunnel:name | <Tunnel name> | Nome do túnel | Name of the tunnel | |
image | <URL> | Imagem | The URL of an image of the tunnel (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
tunnel:wikipedia | <language code>:<article name> | Artigo da Wikipédia | Wikipedia article about the tunnel, please use the format <language code>:<article name> |
It is also possible to use a Tunnel Relation.
Aparelhos de Mudança de Via
In OpenStreetMap, switches are connection points of two railway tracks. They are defined by the following tags:
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
railway | switch | Aparelho de Mudança de Via (AMV) | General tag for a railway switch. Without it, a crossing of two tracks might either be interpreted as a flat (passive) crossing or a slip switch. | |
ref | <Switch> | Referência | Identifier/reference number of a switch. In many cases this will be written on the corresponding switch drive or switchpoint light. | |
railway:local_operated | yes/no | Operação manual | Is this switch operated locally (e.g.: manually through a lever), or rather remotely operated from a signal box? | no |
railway:switch:electric | yes/no | Electric drive | Is this switch operated electrically (through some kind of switch drive)? | yes |
railway:radius | <Divering track radius in m> | The radius of the diverging track. | ||
railway:maxspeed:straight | <Speed> | Permissible speed on the straight track | The maximum permissible speed (in kph) on the straight track. If using miles per hour, prefix with mph: . |
railway:maxspeed:diverging | <Speed> | Maximum permissible speed on the diverging track. | The maximum permissible speed (in kph) on the diverging track. | |
railway:turnout_side | left/right | Side of Turnout | Specifies on what side of the switch the new track branches out on. Unnecessary on Three-way, Wye, and Double Slip switches. For curved turnouts, this is typically the track with a smaller curve radius (a sharper curve). | |
railway:switch | default | Default switch | Default switches with a straight and a curved track as well as curved switches. | default |
three_way | Three-way Switch na Wikipédia | A switch with two branching tracks, instead of the typical one. | ||
single_slip | Single Slip Switch na Wikipédia | A combination between a switch and a crossover, but only provides a single switching direction. X-shaped points where you can go straight or curved from one track. | ||
double_slip | Double Slip Switch na Wikipédia | A combination between a switch and a crossover, that provides switching in two directions unlike the Single Slip. X-shaped points where you can go straight or curved from either track. | ||
wye | Wye Switch na Wikipédia | A switch where the trailing ends curve symmetrically away from each other. | ||
abt | Abt Switch | In funiculars, an automatic switch that allows the cars to pass each other. | ||
railway:switch:resetting | yes/no | Resetting switch | Does this switch automatically resets to a default position? | |
railway:switch:configuration | inside/outside | Switch Blade Location | Are the switch blades located on the inside of the switch or the outside (e.g.: Outside Slip Switch na Wikipédia. | |
railway:switch:movable_frog | yes/no | Movable Frog | Is the frog movable (e.g.: in a Swingnose Crossing na Wikipédia) or fixed? | no |
railway:switch:heated | yes/no | Switch Heating | Is the switch being heated at temperatures below 0°C to prevent freezing? |
Um cruzamento é um local onde duas linhas se encontram no mesmo nível, sem, no entanto, ser permitida a passagem para a linha adjacente.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | railway_crossing | Cruzamento | Cruzamentos são pontos onde existem duas linhas cruzando, uma pela outra. Use esta etiqueta no nó da conexão. |
Derailers, Trap Points, Catch Points
A derailer is a device on a track to protect other tracks from an unauthorized movement by derailing it.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | derail | Derailer | A device placed on a track to protect the track from unauthorized movement by derailing it. In the case where a derailer is physically at the same location as a signal (railway=signal), they cannot be placed on the same node, as they are the signal and derailer are both values of the same key. | |
railway:derail | wedge | derailer | A wedge to derail vehicles which are placed in siding tracks and move unauthorized. Used in Germany and US. | |
trap_point | trap point | A switch without a frog na Wikipédia, used to derail trains with pass a stop signal. Used in UK, not in Germany. | ||
catch_point | catch point | "Catch points used where track follows a rising gradient. They are used to derail (or "catch") any unauthorised vehicles travelling down the gradient." (Wikipedia na Wikipédia) | ||
railway:local_operated | yes/no | Locally Operated | Is this derailer operated locally (e.g.: manually through a lever), or rather remotely operated from a signal box? | no |
ref | <designation> | Designation | The name/number of the derailer used by the railroad, which is often at its lever or actuator. |
Para-choque de Via
A buffer stop prevents cars from rolling past the end of a track. In most cases this device should be tagged on the end node of a track, but there are also buffer stops in the middle of a track that should be mapped on their real position instead at the end of the track.
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
railway | buffer_stop | Para-choque de via |
Track clear detectors
Train detection systems for the use of block signalling, such as an axle counter or a track circuit. They should be mapped as a node on the track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | vacancy_detection | Train clear detector | A pair of devices located at the beginning and end of a signal block, with the purpose to detect the presence of a train in the block. | |
railway:vacancy_detection | insulated_rail_joint | Track Circuit na Wikipédia | The electrical isolation of each signal block from each other and parallel rails. When the train passes over the block, the wheel and axle completes the circuit and energizes the signal relay. This should be mapped at the relay on one end, or where the electricity is supplied at the opposite end. | |
axle_counter | Axle Counter | Pair of devices used to compare how many axles enter and exit a signal block. |
Áreas da Ferrovia
Areas used by railway companies such as stations, yards, etc.
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
landuse | railway | Área da ferrovia | Areas used by railway companies such as stations, yards, etc. |
Passagens de Nível
Level crossings are grade-level crossings of road and rail. Each crossing point is to be tagged by the following crossing tags:
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
Note: Level crossings no longer in use may be tagged by disused: and abandoned: . (Example: disused:railway=level_crossing).
| ||||
railway | level_crossing | Passagem de nível | A level crossing. In this scheme, there is no difference between road and footway crossings since there is not only often a smooth transition in between but also since this information can be derived from the ways involved. | |
crossing:barrier | half/double_half/full/gate/yes/no | Barreiras | Are there any barriers at this crossing (yes/no). Moreover the type of barriers can be stated as well: half boom gates, double half boom gates, full boom gates, gates (UK), any type of gate (yes ), no barriers |
no |
crossing:light | yes/no | Sinal luminoso | Is there a warning light at the crossing? | yes |
crossing:saltire | yes/no | Saltire | Does the crossing have saltires? | yes |
crossing:on_demand | yes/no | On-demand crossing | Is this a level-crossing that is usually closed and is only opened on demand (German "Anrufschranke"). | no |
crossing:bell | yes/no | Aviso sonoro | Is there an audio warning, such as a bell? | no |
crossing:chicane | yes/no | Chicane | Is there any barrier that forces pedestrians to look in both directions before reaching the actual tracks? (German Wikipedia) | no |
railway:position | <Kilometer/Mile> | Position | Rounded position, such as 12.3 . Might be depicted on signals or technical buildings next to the crossing. If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:position:exact | <Kilometer/Mile> | Exact Position | Exact position of the level-crossing, such as 12.345 . If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:ref | <Number> | Designation | Internal designation of the crossing, not to be used for informal names or positions. | |
ref:fra_crossing | <string> | FRA Crossing Reference ID | The code by which the Federal Railway Administration refers to this crossing by in their Crossing Inventory. Only applicable in the United States. | |
crossing:supervision | no/camera/attendant/automatic/phone | Tipo de supervisionamento | no supervision/camera/attendant/automatic (technical equipment which checks that no vehicles/persons remain on the tracks)/phone (used on on-demand crossings) | no |
crossing:activation | automatic/remote/local | Type of activation | automatic (contacts)/remote (train director)/in field (attendant/train staff) | |
railway:level_crossing:closure:average | average closure time | average time the crossing stays closed | ||
railway:level_crossing:closure:min | minimum closure time | |||
railway:level_crossing:closure:max | maximum closure time |
Passagens de pedestres
Small crossings are crossings of footways and rail inside train station for passengers. Each crossing point is to be tagged by the following crossing tags:
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Crossings no longer in use may be tagged by disused: and abandoned: . (Example: disused:railway=level_crossing).
| ||||
railway | crossing | Travessia de pedestres | A level crossing. In this scheme, there is no difference between road and footway crossings since there is not only often a smooth transition in between but also since this information can be derived from the ways involved. | |
crossing:barrier | half/double_half/full/gate/yes/no | Barriers | Are there any barriers at this crossing (yes/no). Moreover the type of barriers can be stated as well: half boom gates, double half boom gates, full boom gates, gates (UK), any type of gate (yes ), no barriers |
no |
crossing:light | yes/no | Light signal | Is there a warning light at the crossing? | yes |
crossing:saltire | yes/no | Saltire | Does the crossing have saltires? | yes |
crossing:on_demand | yes/no | On-demand crossing | Is this a level-crossing that is usually closed and is only opened on demand (German "Anrufschranke"). | no |
crossing:bell | yes/no | Audio warning | Is there an audio warning, such as a bell? | no |
crossing:chicane | yes/no | Chicane | Is there any barrier that forces pedestrains to look in both directions before reaching the actual tracks? (German Wikipedia) | no |
railway:position | <Kilometer/Mile> | Position | Rounded position, such as 12.3 . Might be depicted on signals or technical buildings next to the crossing. If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:position:exact | <Kilometer/Mile> | Exact Position | Exact position of the level-crossing, such as 12.345 . If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:ref | <Number> | Designation | Internal designation of the crossing, not to be used for informal names or positions. | |
crossing:supervision | no/camera/attendant/automatic/phone | Type of supervision | no supervision/camera/attendant/automatic (technical equipment which checks that no vehicles/persons remain on the tracks)/phone (used on on-demand crossings) | no |
crossing:activation | automatic/remote/local | Type of activation | automatic (contacts)/remote (train director)/in field (attendant/train staff) | |
railway:level_crossing:closure:average | average closure time | average time the crossing stays closed | ||
railway:level_crossing:closure:min | minimum closure time | |||
railway:level_crossing:closure:max | maximum closure time |
Electrification System Change
For electrified railways, in addition to the tags the tracks of each electrical system get, you can also map a node for the transition point between systems.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | isolated_track_section | Systemtrennstelle/Schutzstrecke | The point where two different electrical sections meet. This can be either at a substation within the same electrical system, or between electrical systems. (e.g.: between Amtrak's 25Hz system and their 12.5kV 60Hz system.) |
Operator Boundary
The point where the operator of a track changes (e.g. at sidings or connections between private railway companies and the national railway company.
This tag has been used for owner changes at country borders until end 2014/early 2015.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | owner_change | Operator change point | The point where two different operators meet each other. This implies a change in ownership of the Right of Way. | |
railway:name:<operator 1> | <Name> | Boundary Name | The name of this boundary point as referred to as one of the railway operators. | |
railway:name:<operator 2> | <Name> | Boundary Name | The name of this boundary point as referred to as the other railway operator. | |
railway:ref:<operator 1> | <Abbreviation> | Reference Name | The internal reference name for this boundary point as referred to as one of the railway operators. This is often an abbreviation of the above names. | |
railway:ref:<operator 2> | <Abbreviation> | Reference Name | The internal reference name for this boundary point as referred to as the other railway operator. This is often an abbreviation of the above names. |
Operator abbrevations are derived from the common abbrevations (DB, ÖBB, CFL, NS, SNCF, FS, PKP, …) as defined in Vehicle Keeper Marking Register. All these abbreviations are written uppercase!
System border at country border
The point where the operator of a track changes due to a country border. This is usually a more significant change than owner changes inside a country because the law changes, too.
If the system and owner change is exactly the same point as the country border, the owner change node is connected both to the railway track and the border.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | border | system boundary | The point where two different railway systems meet each other. This implies a change in ownership of the Right of Way. | |
railway:name:<operator 1> | <Name> | Boundary Name | The name of this boundary point as referred to as one of the railway operators. | |
railway:name:<operator 2> | <Name> | Boundary Name | The name of this boundary point as referred to as the other railway operator. | |
railway:ref:<operator 1> | <Abbreviation> | Reference Name | The internal reference name for this boundary point as reffered to as one of the railway operators. This is often an abbreviation of the above names. | |
railway:ref:<operator 2> | <Abbreviation> | Reference Name | The internal reference name for this boundary point as reffered to as the other railway operator. This is often an abbreviation of the above names. |
Operator abbrevations are derived from the common abbrevations (DB, ÖBB, CFL, NS, SNCF, FS, PKP, …) as defined in Vehicle Keeper Marking Register. All these abbreviations are written uppercase!
Kilometer Signs/Mileposts
Signs designed to measure the length of a railway line. They should be entered as nodes on the tracks themselves. If the railway line has more than one track, it should be entered on each track. Only through tracks should be tagged, as that is what the signs measure (e.g.: do not tag sidings).
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | milestone | Unit Sign | Sign or post for measuring the length of a railway line. | |
railway:position | <Value of sign, such as 40.6 > |
Milepost Value | Rounded number displayed on the sign, separated with . . In Germany, for example, this is the number, a decimal point, and then the first digit of the lower number. Negative values are permitted. If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:position:exact | <Value of sign, such as 40.625 > |
Exact Milepost Value | Exact number displayed on the sign, separated with . . In Germany, for example, this is the number followed by a decimal point, and then a 3-digit number in the lower corner. Negative values are permitted. If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:milestone:emergency_brake_override | yes/no | Emergency Brake Override | Is there a mark on the sign to indicate changes to Emergency Brake usage? (e.g.: In Germany, this is an orange band.) | no |
railway:milestone:emergency_brake_override:direction | forward/backward | Direction of Emergency Brake Override | The direction of the OpenStreetMap way for which the mark applies. | no |
railway:milestone:catenary_mast | yes/no | Catenary Pole | Is the milepost attached to a catenary Pole | no |
Signals are tagged as a point on the track. So it is clear which track they belong to. It is recommended to see country-specific tagging to use the specific tagging scheme for your country.
Important Hint: If a signal is tagged between two OSM-ways, both ways have to have the same direction. So it is possible for applications to detect the correct position.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned signals can be mapped by adding disused: or abandoned: . (Example: disused:railway=signal).
| ||||
railway | signal | signal | a signal | |
ref | signal designation | signal designation | The name or designation of a signal. | |
railway:position | distance value, such as 40.6 | distance | The rounded distance position of a signal. If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:position:exact | distance value, such as 40.625 | exact distance | The exact (three-place) distance position of a signal. If using miles, prefix the number with mi: . |
railway:signal:position | left/right/bridge/overhead/in_track | location | Indicates the location of the signal in references to the track. bridge means the signal is located on a signal gantry overhead the track. left or right determines on which side of the track the signal is located, in reference to the way direction in OpenStreetMap. overhead means a signal is attached to the catenary and in_track is intended for signals in the middle of the track - such as one attached to a buffer stop. |
railway:signal:direction | forward/backward/both | direction of displaying | Determines how you have to drive to have a view on the signal. Values are in reference to way direction in OpenStreetMap. | |
railway:signal:catenary_mast | yes/no | catenary mast | Is the signal attached to a catenary mast? |
These tags really only describe a single signal location. The tags below can be used to specify what type of signal it is:
The tagging scheme for signals is designed to use as few tags as possible.
![]() | The tagging scheme described in the following paragraph is an abstract tagging scheme. It is a base to derive tagging schemes for each country/railway company because different countries have different signalling systems. Keys are equal between countries, only the values vary. For example, a German main signal is tagged railway:signal:main=DE-ESO:ks while an Austrian main signal is tagged railway:signal:main=AT-V2:hauptsignal. International data users can use the data without detailed knowledge of the local signalling rules while local/skilled users can also interpret the values. |
The tag structure for signals is as follows:
for the exact type of signal. CATEGORY is a signal category (e.g. main, speed, distant, …) of the table below. TYPE is the country-specific name of the signal or the abbreviation. When unknown, even yes
can be entered, with more specific tagging being preferred. To prevent ambiguities, the code should be prefixed with a country code according to ISO 3166-2 (e.g.: US:<name>). If no uniform naming system is in place in a country, the generic name for this signal should be used in lowercase. Example: railway:signal:main=AT:hauptsignal, railway:signal:main=DE:hp, or railway:signal:main=US:main.
You can add detailed properties of the signal by tags following this scheme:
PROPERTY is a predefined property of the table below.
List of signal categories
Type | Name | Description |
main |
Main signal | A signal that gives the permission to enter a station, leave a station or enter the next block section of a track. A main signal controls mainline and shunting movements and indicates the clearness of a track up to the next signal. |
main_repeated |
Duplicated signal | A signal to indicate the state of the main signal. Not to be confused with a Distant signal. |
distant |
Distant signal | A distant signal is placed at braking distance from a main/combined signal and indicates the aspect of the following signal to ensure that a train can stop before reaching the main/combined signal. |
minor |
Minor signal | A signal with a lower priority than main signal. In most cases they are used inside stations to protect occupied sections or control low speed (shunting) movements. It does not require any distant signal and applies to both mainline and shunting movements. |
minor_distant |
Minor Distant signal | A Distant signal for Minor signals. |
combined |
Combined signal | A signal that combines the function of a main and a distant signal. It indicates the state of the next two block sections and is valid for all train movements. |
shunting |
Shunting signal | A signal that controls low speed shunting movements inside stations. It does not apply to mainline movements. |
crossing |
Level crossing signal | A signal that indicates that the technical equipment (lights, barriers, bells) of a level crossing is active to warn automobile drivers about an approaching train. |
crossing_distant |
Level crossing distant signal | A signal which notifies the train driver to attend a level signal which will follow. |
crossing_info |
Level crossing marker board | A signal which describes the level crossing. It is usually mounted next to the level crossing and shows information like the current position (kilometre/miles) or the crossing number. |
crossing_hint |
Level crossing announcement board | A signal which notifies about a level crossing he will reach soon. |
electricity |
Catenary signal | A signal for electric locomotives indicating when and where the pantograph or other collector needs to be lowered. (e.g.: between different electrical systems.) |
humping |
Hump yard signal | This signal controls the speed of locomotives pushing cars towards the hump. |
speed_limit |
Speed Limit indicator | A signal that displays the maximum permissible speed in a track section. |
speed_limit_distant |
Distant Speed Limit indicator | A signal indicating an upcoming speed limit change. |
whistle |
Horn signal | A signal indicating the operator should use the horn. |
ring |
Bell signal | A signal indicating the operator should use the bell. |
route |
Route indicator | A signal that indicates the set up route. |
route_distant |
Route Change Distant | A signal indicating an upcoming route indicator. |
wrong_road |
Wrong Road signal | A signal indicating the movement to a track that normally would have traffic in the oncoming direction. |
stop |
Stop post / Stop Board | In general, this signal marks a position on a track, where a train needs to stop. In most cases it indicates the position where a passenger train should stop at a platform. On branch lines with simplified operational rules, this signal may also be used to mark a position where a train has to stop to wait for a permission to proceed. |
stop_demand |
Stop-on-demand indicator | A signal at small halts that is operated by waiting passengers to visualize their demand for a stop of the next train. |
station_distant |
Upcoming Station | A signal indicating an upcoming station. |
radio |
Radio Change | A signal providing instructions on radio usage. |
departure |
Departure signal | A signal indicating that a passenger train is ready to leave the station. |
resetting_switch |
Resetting Switch signal | A signal indicating the status of a resetting switch. |
resetting_switch_distant |
Resetting Switch Distant | A signal indicating an upcoming resetting switch. |
snowplow |
Snowplow signal | A signal that give instructions to vehicles with a snowplow. In most cases they are placed to warn the crew to raise the snowplow to avoid hitting any obstructions such as level crossings or bridges. |
short_route |
Short entry indicator | A signal which shows the train driver that he has to stop earlier than usual (usual = exit signal). Used if the train drives into a dead-end signal or joins another train. |
brake_test |
Signal used for break tests | This signal supports the communication between the train driver and the personnel checking the breaks. |
fouling_point |
Clear-of-points marker/Track contact marker | A signal that indicates up to which limit a track may be occupied to avoid collisions and malfunctions of signals and switches. |
helper_engine |
Signals related to helper engines | A signal giving instructions for helper engines at steep railroad lines (e.g. in mountain areas). |
train_protection |
Signals related with train protection system topics | Signals of this category show beginning/end of railway sections with a specific or any train protection system. This category also covers the signals (usually signs) mounted along railway lines with cab signalling. This section has been replacing the old sections lzb and lzb_start since 2014. |
steam_locomotive |
Signals related to steam locomotives | Signals that give instructions to the staff of steam locomotives. |
List of signal properties
Property | Name | Description |
form |
Display/Style | The physical format of the signal: (semaphore ), (light ) or (sign ).
deactivated |
Signal Activity | Is the signal still operational? Either (yes ) or (no ).
height |
Signal Height | Height design of signal: either (dwarf ) or (normal ). Alternatively, you can specify the exact height measurement.
states |
Signal Aspects | For variable signals, a list of possible signal aspects, each separated by a semicolon (e.g.: clear;aproach_limited;limited_clear;approach_medium;... ).
shortened |
Shortened Braking Distance | Is the signal placed closer than usual to the next signal? Either (yes or no ).
repeated |
Repeater signal | When a main/combined signal is not visible from distance (e.g. because of track curves), a repeater is installed to repeat the aspect of the main/combined signal. Use yes to mark these signals, otherwise use no or omit this tag.
frequency |
Frequency | When activated, the frequency reading of the signal in Hertz (Hz). |
voltage |
Voltage | When activated, the voltage reading of the signal in Volts (V). |
speed |
Signal Speed | The displayed signal speed in Kilometers/Hour. For values in Miles/Hour, it is necessary to prefix it with mph .
function |
Signal Function | The exact function of the signal, such as an Entry Signal (entry ), Exit Signal (exit ), Block Signal (block ) or Intermediate Signal (intermediate ). In the past, the deprecated value between was used for intermediate signals.
caption |
Additional Text | Additional text specified on a signal. This tag was merged with the deprecated description , which was in use until 2014.
marker_light |
yes or no ). | |
only_transit |
Valid only for Passing Trains | Does the signal only apply to trains that go through the following breakpoint/station? Either (yes ) or (no ).
substitute_signal |
Substitute Signal | A signal added to another signal, and indicates the behaviour in cases of failures of the actual signal. Also known as caution signal. For example the train may pass the signal at low speed and must be prepared to stop at any obstacle. Either (yes ) or (no ).
twice |
Double Signal | Is the signal instruction to be carried out twice? Either (yes or no ).
type |
Subtype or order | The subtype of a signal or what has to be down at/after this signal. |
for |
Vehicle type | Specifies for which types of vehicles this signal is valid. This can be multiple units (multiple_unit ) or locomotives (locomotive ). This tag can also be used for specifying locomotive classes or the type of traction (steam, diesel, electric, ...).
shape |
Signal shape | Can be used to distinguish signals that are visually distinct, but have otherwise identical tagging. Used e.g. for different generations of German H/V light signals. |
For specific tagging of certain signals in a specific country, refer to the Country-specific tagging section. These pages are currently a work-in-progress.
Multiple signals at the same location
If multiple signals are placed at the same location, usually at the same pole, all information should be put on the same node.
This cannot be used if a pole has different signals for opposite directions on the same pole, as getting the tagging for each direction correct is cumbersome and parsing them correctly would require complicated code. The solution is to use 2 nodes close to each other that have the information for one direction.
There however is a shortcut tagging that can be used in some well defined cases:
- if the signal is exactly the same for both directions one can use railway:signal:direction=both
- if the signals given in both directions are of the same type, but show different aspects (this usually happens only for signs): one can add an additional :backward to the type, and override specific aspects of the signal as needed. It is important to add an explicit :backward version of the signal type tag as a marker for the parser that this is a two-sided signal.
Example for the shortcut tagging:
- railway=signal
- railway:signal:direction=forward
- railway:signal:position=right
- railway:signal:snowplow=DE-ESO:ne7
- railway:signal:snowplow:backward=DE-ESO:ne7
- railway:signal:snowplow:form=sign
- railway:signal:snowplow:height=normal
- railway:signal:snowplow:type=up
- railway:signal:snowplow:type:backward=down
This means there is a snowplow sign to the right of the track, showing "snowplow up" for the forward direction. The same signal also affects the backward direction, showing "snowplow down" in that case.
Other tags could also be overridden as needed:
- railway=signal
- railway:signal:direction=backward
- railway:signal:position=left
- railway:signal:stop=DE-ESO:ne5
- railway:signal:stop:backward=DE-ESO:ne5
- railway:signal:stop:form=sign
- railway:signal:stop:height=dwarf
- railway:signal:stop:caption=100m
- railway:signal:stop:caption:backward=200m
All tags not explicitly overridden with :backward will apply to both direction. A value cannot be "deleted" with this. One can however invert the signal direction and only add the specific tag to the other direction:
- railway=signal
- railway:signal:direction=backward
- railway:signal:position=left
- railway:signal:stop=DE-ESO:ne5
- railway:signal:stop:backward=DE-ESO:ne5
- railway:signal:stop:form=sign
- railway:signal:stop:height=dwarf
- railway:signal:stop:caption:backward=200m
The stop sign has no caption in forward direction, but the caption "200m" in opposite direction.
Signal box
Signal boxes can be mapped as either a node of an area.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned signal boxes can be mapped by adding disused: or abandoned: . (Example: disused:railway=signal_box).
| ||||
railway | signal_box | Interlocking | A railway building where railway traffic is controlled via signal commands. Easily recognizable by their tower-like appearance, with a sign or label on the outside. Becoming less used as signal control is centralized. | |
railway:signal_box | mechanical | Mechanical Interlocking | A mechanical interlocking system where signals are operated mechanically with levers. | |
electric | Electrical/Electromechanical Interlocking | An interlocking system that controls the signals electrically, regardless if the signals themselves are electrical or mechanical. | ||
track_diagram | Track Diagram Interlocking | An interlocking system where a diagram of the track it covers is mapped on a large display panel, and switches or buttons are placed in correspondance to signal position on the map. In North America, this is usually done through a centralized dispatching office and called Centralized Traffic Control, or CTC. | ||
electronic | Electronic Interlocking | A fully computer-controlled interlocking system. The job is either done automatically or through a logic software run by a computer. | ||
name | <interlocking name> | Interlocking Name | The name of the interlocking. For example, for German Interlockings, it could be "Neuss Ngf" or "Holzheim ESTW-A". | |
railway:ref | <Interlocking Reference> | Interlocking Code | The railway interlocking abbreviation. For example, "BROOK" for BROOK Interlocking. | |
operating_times | <syntax like opening_hours=*> | operating times | When is the signal box manned (i.e. when do employees interlock switches and signals)? | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the Interlocking Tower was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the Interlocking Tower was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
railway:position | Value | Position | See Milepost section above. | |
railway:position:exact | Value | Exact position | See Milepost section above. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the interlocking, from (am besten von Wikimedia Commons). | |
railway:local_operated | yes/no | Locally Operated | Is the Interlocking Tower operated manually by an employee, or controlled automatically from somewhere else? | yes |
building | yes | Building | Is the interlocking mapped as an area? |
Interlocking range
In addition, a relation is created for each interlocking. This is to cover the area controlled by the Interlocking Tower.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
type | railway | railway relation | Flags this relation as being a railway relation. | |
railway | interlocking | Control Area | A relation that captures the area in which the Interlocking Tower controls. (The tag railway=controlled_area is deprecated) | |
name | <interlocking name> | Interlocking Name | The name of the interlocking. | |
railway:ref | <interlocking reference> | Interlocking reference | The abbreviation or reference code for the interlocking. |
In the relation itself, the following members should be included:
Role | Count | Feature | Description |
<empty> | 1 | Interlocking Tower | The Interlocking Tower shouldn't be given a role, but should be included. |
facility | >=1 | Operating Points | Operating Sites's relations should be given this role.. See the explanation of what they are if you are unsure what this means. |
signal_box | >=0 | Remote Interlockings | Other interlockings (with their relation) that are controlled by this interlocking tower should be given this role., as they are part of this interlocking's control area. |
crossing | >=0 | level_crossings | Level Crossings that are controlled by the Interlocking Tower should be given this role.. Do not include manually operated or fully automatic level crossings here. |
signal | >=0 | Signal | Signals controlled by the interlocking should be given this role. |
switch | >=0 | Switch | Switches controlled by the interlocking should be given this role. |
Crossing box
Crossing boxes can be mapped as either a node of an area (the building). Crossing boxes are buildings where crossing keepers (also known as crossing attendants) stay. We do not map if a level crossing is staffed temporarily because it is defect.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned crossing boxes can be mapped by adding disused: or abandoned: . (Example: disused:railway=crossing_box).
| ||||
railway | crossing_box | Crossing box | A railway building where the crossing attendant stays. This buildings are usually one or two levels high and next to the level crossing because the attendant has to observe it. | |
name | <crossing (box) name> | Crossing (Box) Name | The name of the crossing box. | |
operating_times | <syntax like opening_hours=*> | operating times | When is the crossing box manned (When do employees close the gates if a train approaches? When do train drivers not have to close the gates by theirselves?)? | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the crossing box was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the crossing box was taken out of service (e.g. due to closure of the level crossing or installation of automatic barriers. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
railway:position | Value | Position | See Milepost section above. | |
railway:position:exact | Value | Exact position | See Milepost section above. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the interlocking, from (am besten von Wikimedia Commons). | |
building | yes | Building | Is the crossing box mapped as an area? |
Block Post
Block posts is a signal box building, where a railway employee manually operates block signalling. Block posts are mapped as a node or an area (the building).
If the employee also operates a level crossing, its building is mapped as a block post, not as a crossing box.
Key | Value | Objekt | Beschreibung | Standardwert |
Note: Disused and abandoned block posts can be mapped by adding disused: or abandoned: . (Example: disused:railway=blockpost).
| ||||
railway | blockpost | block post | A building where the railway company employee works. It is a signal box. Ein Bahngebäude, in dem sich der Blockwärter aufhält und den Streckenblock bedient. This buildings are usually one or two levels high. They are often not in the near of level crossings. | |
name | <block post name> | block post name | The name of the block post. | |
operating_times | <syntax like opening_hours=*> | operating times | When is the signal box manned (i.e. when do employees interlock switches and signals)? | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the crossing box was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the block post was taken out of service (e.g. due to removal of the block signals or installation of automatic block signalling. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
railway:position | Value | Position | See Milepost section above. | |
railway:position:exact | Value | Exact position | See Milepost section above. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the interlocking, from (am besten von Wikimedia Commons). | |
building | yes | Building | Is the block post mapped as an area? |
Operating Sites
For English speakers, there is no real equivalent for the German term "Betriebsstelle", or Operating Sites. Since this scheme is made by Germans, it is important for mappers to understand what it means. "Betriebsstelle" in German is a railway engineering term that refers to locations on the railroad where special infrastructure is installed; this means Junctions, both Freight and Passenger Stations, among other things described in the section below. From herein, the word Betriebsstelle will not be used.
Operating Sites are to be mapped as a node in the center of the site. Optionally (though recommended for information's sake), a relation can be used to encompass the entire site, which is described in the section below.
An overview for the way Operating Sites should me mapped is included below:
- The purpose of including Operating Sites is that they are needed in positioning a label on the map, to be used as a destination for routing applications, or to be used as a search result.
- Normally, it is mapped as a node at the geographical center of the Operating Site.
- Since the point of the node is for routing purposes, it can be acceptable to map the node somewhere else if placing it at the geographical center of the Operating Site will have adverse affects. Example: The geographical center is in the middle of water or a forest, or other such area.
- When mapping the area of the Operating Point through the appropriate relation, use the following standards:
- Track towards an Operating Point (in the case of a Station) should start at the entry signals, signs on the track announcing the station, or the switch it originates from. For non-stations, use analogous landmarks to determine this.
- In North America, knowing where to differentiate this could be a bit nebulous. Still, try and keep with the logic structure.
- For the area perpendicular to the track(s), the outer limits should the boundary of the railway property.
- At least tracks, platforms, engine sheds, station buildings, signal facilities, and loading facilities should be included. Other facilities such as parking can be added at discretion of the mapper.
- Track towards an Operating Point (in the case of a Station) should start at the entry signals, signs on the track announcing the station, or the switch it originates from. For non-stations, use analogous landmarks to determine this.
Additionally, you should map Stop Positions. These are then included in the aforementioned Operating Site relation. Interlockings are not Operating Sites.
Milepost information is not to be included in the Operating Site relation.
Áreas de Operações Ferroviárias
Estações e Paradas
Tag the using node in middle of the station/halt, NOT on the way representing the track.
If a station is composed of two or more operational independent stations (e.g. two companies' station side-by-side, strictly separated, they should be mapped as two stations, each one should have its own node. For example, see Berlin Zoologischer Garten (S-Bahn/light rail in the north-west and heavy rail in the south-east). Stations which are operational part of another (mostly large) station are mapped as independent station and connected to their parent station using operation site relations. For example, see Köln Hansaring, which belongs to Köln Hbf (Cologne Central Station).
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
Note: Disused or abandoned stations can be mapped using disused: and abandoned: (For exmple: disused:railway=station).
| ||||
railway | station | Estação | Place with at least one switch, where trains begin, end, cross, turn, end etc. Used for all stations with access for passengers. This can be passenger-only stations, but also stations that are used for passenger traffic and freight traffic or internal purposes. | |
halt | Parada | Use this for railway "stations", that don't have any switches. Can be difficult to decide, whether to use halt or station. For that decision, mind presence of station building or see official name of the "station". | ||
tram_stop | Parada de bonde | Stop point for trams. | ||
subway | yes | Estação de metrô | This is a subway station. The tagging scheme does not have a distinction between train and subway stations. | no |
public_transport | station | Estação | Use this for tagging using the new public transport scheme Public-Transport-Schema. Only stations with passenger transport are described in this scheme. | |
name | <station name> | Nome da estação | Name of the station. Use the name on the signs on the station building or at platforms, for example "Köln Hbf". | |
railway:ref | <station code> | Código da estação | The code used for the station. In North America, this might be something like NYP for New York Penn Station or OSB for Old Saybrook Station if it's an Amtrak station. In Germany, the Ril 100 code would be something like KN for Neuss Hbf. Abbreviations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. |
uic_ref | <numberr> | UIC reference number | Number of the station according to UIC. | |
uic_name | <name> | UIC name | Name of the station according to UIC. | |
railway:station_category | <station_category> | Sttion category | Category of the station, in Germany see Details. | |
operator | <operator_name> | Operadora | Operator of the station. | |
network | <network_name> | Rede | Name of the network the station belongs to. | |
operating_times | <syntax like opening_hours=*> | operating times | When is the station manned (i.e. when do employees interlock switches and signals)? This tag does not cover opening hours of ticket counters. | |
start_date | <date> | Data de abertura | Date the station was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Data de fechamento | Date the station was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Imagem | The URL of an image of the station (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <number> | Altitude | Elevation of the station in metres. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Artigo da Wikipédia | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:London King's Cross railway station". |
Pátio de Triagem/Pátio de Classificação/Pátio de Frete/Estação de Frete
Essentially, a railway station used only for freight. It should be mapped at the center of the facility, NOT on the way representing the track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused or abandoned stations can be mapped using disused: or abandoned: (For example: disused:railway=yard).
| ||||
railway | yard | Freight Yard | Essentially, a railway station for freight. This includes yards that don't involve the loading or unloading of freight. | |
name | <name> | Name | The full name of the freight yard, such as Oak Point Yard. | |
railway:ref | <yard code> | Yard Code | The reference code for the yard (see also passenger stations). Abbreviations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the yard. | |
operating_times | <syntax like opening_hours=*> | operating times | When is the freight station manned (i.e. when do employees interlock switches and signals)? | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the yard was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the yard was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the yard (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <number> | Elevation | Elevation of the yard in metres. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Oak Point Yard". |
Estação de Serviço
A railway station used by railway employees only, and is not normally accessible by passengers of freight traffic. Often, these are for maintenance facilities, but there are a number of other uses. It should be mapped at the center of the station, NOT on the way representing the track.
Chave | Valor | Propriedade | Descrição | Valor Padrão |
Note: Disused or abandoned stations can be mapped using disused: or abandoned: (For Example: disused:railway=service_station).
| ||||
railway | service_station | Estação de serviço | A railway station only used by railway employees | |
name | <name> | Nome | Name of the station. | |
railway:ref | <station code> | Código da estação | The code used for the station. In North America, this might be something like NYP for New York Penn Station or OSB for Old Saybrook Station if it's an Amtrak station. In Germany, the Ril 100 code would be something like KN for Neuss Hbf. Abbrevations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. |
operator | <operator> | Operadora | The operator of the yard. | |
operating_times | <syntax like opening_hours=*> | operating times | When is the station manned (i.e. when do employees interlock switches and signals)? | |
start_date | <date> | Data de abertura | Date the station was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Data de fechamento | Date the station was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Imagem | The URL of an image of the station (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <number> | Altitude | Elevation of the station in metres. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Artigo da Wikipédia | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:London King's Cross railway station". |
The junction between two railways. It should be mapped at the center of the station, NOT on the way representing the track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused or abandoned stations can be mapped using disused: or abandoned: (For Example: disused:railway=junction).
| ||||
railway | junction | Railway Junction | A place on a railway where another route branches off of it. | |
name | <name> | Name | Name of the junction. | |
railway:ref |
Junction Code | The reference code the railway uses to refer to the junction. Abbreviations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the junction. | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the junction was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the junction was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the Junction (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <number> | Elevation | Elevation of the junction in metres. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Fresh Pond Junction". |
A crossover is a pair of switches that allows trains to transfer to parallel track of a multitrack line or from a single track section to a double track section of the same line. It is mapped as a node in the center of the crossover facility, but not as a node on a track.
Additionally the crossover track is being tagged with service=crossover to mark its function.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned crossover can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (example: disused:railway=crossover).
| ||||
railway | crossover | Crossover | A pair of switches that allows a train to switch to a parallel track. | |
name | <name of crossover> | Name of crossover | The name of a crossover. | |
railway:ref |
Crossover Code | The reference code the railway uses to refer to the crossover. Abbreviations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the crossover. | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the crossover was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the crossover was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the crossover (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <number> | Elevation | Elevation of the crossover in metres. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Fresh Pond Junction". |
A siding is a operting site, where a spur forks from a railway line.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default |
Note: Disused and abandoned sidings can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (example: disused:railway=spur_junction).
| ||||
railway | spur_junction | siding | The position where a spur forks from a main line. | |
name | < name of the siding> | name of the siding | name of the siding | |
railway:ref |
Siding Code | The reference code the railway uses to refer to the siding. Abbreviations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the siding. | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the siding was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the siding was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the siding (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <number> | Elevation | Elevation of the siding in metres. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Fresh Pond Junction". |
Outras Áreas de Operação Ferroviária
Any Operating Site not covered above (e.g. movable bridges). Note that Interlocking Towers ARE NOT Operating Sites. It should be mapped at the center of the site, NOT on the way representing the track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused or abandoned stations can be mapped using disused: or abandoned: (For Example: disused:railway=site).
| ||||
railway | site | Railway Site | An Operating Site. Note that Interlocking Towers ARE NOT Operating Sites. | |
name | <name of crossover> | Site Name | The name of the site. | |
railway:ref |
Site Code | The reference code the railway uses to refer to the site. Abbreviations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the site. | |
operating_times | <syntax like opening_hours=*> | operating times | When is the operating site manned (i.e. when do employees interlock switches and signals)? | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the site was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the site was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the site (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <number> | Elevation | Elevation of the site in metres. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Fresh Pond Junction". |
Posição de Parada
This is not neccisarily required, but can help routing significantly in the absence of other information. If you know where they are, map them. Tagging is based off of the Public Transport Schema, but was expanded to cover non-public transit as well. This should be mapped as a node ON the way of the track.
On stations and halts (whether with or without passenger trains stopping there) every track which may be tagged with usage=* should get a node with railway=stop. In addition, every track with a platform should get a node with railway=stop. If there is a node with public_transport=stop_position already, add railway=stop to this node.
On sidings one node per track before and after the siding should be tagged with railway=stop. The same applies for crossovers.
You can use following tags for stop positions:
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
public_transport | stop_position | Stop Position | Defines this point as a stop position of the vehicle (locomotive). In Stop Positions without public transport, this tag is not used. | |
railway | stop | Stop Position | Defines the stop position of the locomotive. If public transportation, use this in addition to the above tag. | |
name | <name> | Name | The name of the stop position, such as Locust Manor or Köln-West . |
railway:ref | <Stop Position Code> | Abbreviation | The code used for the station. In North America, this might be something like NYP for New York Penn Station or OSB for Old Saybrook Station if it's an Amtrak station. In Germany, the Ril 100 code would be something like KN for Neuss Hbf. |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the holding position. | |
network | <network name> | Network | The railway network the holding position is part of. | |
uic_ref |
UIC-Code | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Code for this stop position. | |
uic_name | <name> | UIC-Name | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Name for this stop position. | |
train | yes/no | Railway | Is the stop position for a railway? | no |
light_rail | yes/no | Light Rail | Is the stop position for light rail? | no |
subway | yes/no | Subway | Is the stop position for a subway? | no |
tram | yes/no | Tram | Is the stop position for a tram? | no |
railway:position | Value | Position | See Milepost section above. | |
railway:position:exact | Value | Exact position | See Milepost section above. |
Operating Site (Relation)
The associated components of an Operating Site, such as platforms, buildings, and stop positions. The tagging is based off of stop_areas in the Public Transport Schema, but is extended to cover non-public transit Operating Sites.
Interlockings are not Operating Sites.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | facility | Operating Site | General tag for Operating Site relations. | |
type | public_transport | Public Transport | Describes this relation as a public transport relation. Only necessary if it is public transportation. | |
public_transport | stop_area | Stop Area | Defines this relation as a stop area. Only necessary if it is public transportation, and used with the above tag. | |
name | <name> | Name | The name of the Operating Site; it should match the name of the node. | |
railway:ref |
Site Code | The reference code the railway uses to refer to the site; it should match the name of the node. Abbreviations used by companies other than the operator can be tagged using railway:ref:(company)=*. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the Operating Site. | |
uic_ref |
UIC-Code | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Code for this Operating Site. | |
uic_name | <name> | UIC-Name | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Name for this Operating Site. | |
train | yes/no | Railway | Is the Operating Site for a railway? | no |
light_rail | yes/no | Light Rail | Is the Operating Site for light rail? | no |
subway | yes/no | Subway | Is the Operating Site for a subway? | no |
tram | yes/no | Tram | Is the Operating Site for a tram? | no |
In this relation, the following members should be included:
Role | Count | Feature | Description |
stop | >1 | Stop Position | At least one stop position should be included. |
platform | >=0 | Platform | If present, platforms should be included. |
subway_entrance | >=0 | Subway Entrance | If present, subway entrances should be included. |
landuse | 0-1 | Operating Site Property | The physical area the Operating Site can be included. This should be a single area mapped with the tag landuse=railway. |
building | >=0 | Buildings | Any buildings part of the Operating Site should be included. Usually, this is the station building. |
<empty, no role> | 1 | Operating Site Node | The node of the Operating Site must be included. Leave the role field empty even if JOSM warns you. |
Linhas da Ferrovia
Railway Lines are mapped with relations, and split between three categories that should not be mixed up: infrastructure, railway route, and train route. Infrastructure is based around the physical tracks. These are often expressed as branches for smaller lines, and in North America for larger lines, are often called Subdivisions. Another type is the railway route, which is the route of operation of trains (plural) over the infrastructure. The last relation is the train route, which is the route a specific train will take over the aforementioned railway route, showing in order the standard tracks it will take and where it will stop.
The physical railroad on which trains operate. Way direction is not required (
should not be on the ways), and ways do not have to be added as members in any specific order. Only tracks are to be included in this relation. Only the mainline should be included, with sidings and spurs being excluded.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
type | route | Route | Indicates this relation is a route. | |
route | tracks | Railway Line | Indicates that this route is of a Railway Line. | |
name | <Name> | Name | Name of the Railway Line. In North America, these are usually suffixed with "Subdivision" if they are a mainline, or "Branch" or "Secondary" if they aren't mainlines. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the Railway Line. | |
ref | <code> | Code | A code used internally by the Railroad to refer to this Railway Line. Included because Germany has such a system. | |
from | <city> | Beginning City | The city where the Railway Line begins in. If the line is a spur and only connects to another Railway Line at one end, that city should be the "from" city. | |
to | <city> | Ending City | The city where the Railway Line ends at. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:River Subdivision (Canadian Pacific Railway)". | |
historic | railway | Historic Railway Line | Is this railway line historic (not currently considered this)? This does not necessarily mean the tracks are nonexistent, as it can also indicate parts of this line were used to create a new line. | no |
abandoned | yes/no | Abandoned Railway Line | Were the tracks of this right-of-way removed? If so, please use the above key historic=yes as well. |
no |
Railway Route
Railway Routes are the route of operation of trains over a Railway Line. Way direction is not required (key:oneway should not be on the ways), and ways do not have to be added as members in any specific order. Only tracks are to be included in this relation. Only the mainline should be included, with sidings and spurs being excluded.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
type | route | Route | Indicates this relation is a route. | |
route | railway | Railway Route | Tag, das die Relation als Eisenbahnroute klassifiziert. | |
name | <Name> | Name | Name of the Railway Route. | |
ref | <code> | Code | A code used internally by the Railroad to refer to this Railway Route. | |
from | <city> | Beginning City | The city where the Railway Route begins in. | |
to | <city> | Ending City | The city where the Railway Route ends at. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Empire Builder". | |
historic | railway | Historic Railway Route | Is this railway route a former route? | no |
All components of a station/stop, including stop positions, are summarized by adding them to a relation. The tagging is directly based on the Public Transport Schema, but was extended to also cover Operating Sites, which is a category that contains things not used in public transport.
For further tagging guideance, see Operating Sites.
Operating Site Facilities
A platform for passengers to wait and enter trains from. See loading docks for freight. Mapped as either a way or area, although an area is recommended.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned platforms can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=platform).
| ||||
railway | platform | Railway Platform | A platform. Mapped as either a way or area, although an area is recommended. | |
public_transport | platform | Public Transport Platform | If used in public transit, it should be tagged with this. This is part of the new Public Transport Schema. | |
name | <name> | proper name | If the platform has a proper name, name=* is used. Use ref=* to map the track numbers. | |
ref | <number> | Track Numbers | The track numbers served by this platform, separated by a Semicolon (; ). For example, 1;2 . |
area | yes/no | Area | Is the platform mapped an an area? | yes |
lit | yes/no | Lighting | Is the platform lit? | no |
covered | yes/no | Covered | Is the platform covered? | no |
surface | asphalt/paving_stones/concrete etc. | Platform Surface | The material the surface of the platform is. See Key:surface for more values. | |
wheelchair | yes/no/limited | Wheelchair Accessibility | Is the platform wheelchair accessible? | |
tactile_paving | yes/no/incorrect | Tactile Paving | Is the platform equipped with tactile paving for a blindman's cane? The most widespread and important on the yellow line that borders the track end of the platform. Note that tactile_paving:yes cannot be used on areas, so if present should be mapped on a separate way. |
height | <height> | Platform Height | The height of the platform in meters. If using feet, prefix with ft: . |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the platform. |
If a track along one platform edge has multiple numbers (e.g. 4a and 4b because it is used by two trains at the same time), the platform can be mapped as multipolygon. Tags which were tagged at the area should be transferred to the multipolygon relation. The platform edges parallel to the tracks are tagged with railway=platform_edge and ref=<track number>.
If the platform is divided into sections (A, B, C, …) to describe which carriage stops at which section, you can map a nodes at the section signs onto the platform edge and tag it with railway:platform:section=C.
Ticket vending machines
A vending machine where it is possible to buy transport tickets.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
amenity | vending_machine | vending machine | Generic tag for a vending machine. Beeing tagged as a point. | |
vending | public_transport_tickets | ticket machine | Amachine where you can buy tickets. | |
operator | <operator> | operator | The operator of these machines, such as Deutsche Bahn . |
ref | <Number> | Machine number | The internal number of the machine. Often written on it. | |
payment:coins | yes/no | Coins | Does the machine accept coins? | no |
payment:notes | yes/no | banknotes | Does the machine accept banknotes? | no |
payment:electronic_purses | yes/no | Stored value cards | Does the machine accept prepaid cards? | no |
payment:debit_cards | yes/no | Maestro/debit cards | Does the machine accept debit cards, e.g.: maestro? | no |
payment:credit_cards | yes/no | Credit cards | Does the machine accept credit cards? | no |
payment:account_cards | yes/no | loyalty cards | Does the machine accept loyalty cards, e.g.: "BahnCard" or "Railcard"? | no |
Ticket counters
A desk where you can buy tickets and ask for information. Mapped as a node.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
shop | ticket | Ticket Counter | A desk where you can buy tickets and ask for information. Mapped as a node. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the ticket counter, such as Amtrak . |
name | <name> | Name | A name for the ticket counter. | |
opening_hours | <Öffnungszeiten> | Hours of Operation | The hours of operation of the ticket counters. |
Subway entrances
Access to a metro station. Mapped as a node at the entrance.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | subway_entrance | Subway Entrance | Access to a metro station. Mapped as a node at the entrance. | |
name | <Name> | Name | The name of the entrance and the metro station. | |
wheelchair | yes/no/limited | Wheelchair Accessibility | Is the entrance wheelchair accessible? | |
bicycle | yes/no | Bicycle Accessibility | Is the entrance bicycle accessible? |
Service Telephone
Telephones are plotted as node on their actual locations next to the track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | phone | Fernsprecher | A service telephone for the railway, often at level crossings so that in emergency someone can connect to the relevant signal operator. Telephones are plotted as node on their actual locations next to the track. | |
ref | <number> | Reference Number | A reference number for the telephone, not the telephone number. |
Water tower
A water tower to supply steam locomotives with water. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned water towers can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=water_tower).
| ||||
railway | water_tower | Water Tower | A water tower to supply steam locomotives with water. | |
man_made | water_tower | Water Tower | A tower that holds water at an elevation to build up water system pressure via gravity. | |
building | yes | Building | If the water tower is a building or not. | |
area | yes/no | Area | Is the water tower mapped as an area? |
Fuelling Station
A fuelling station for locomotives. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | fuel | Tankstelle | A fuelling station for locomotives, primarily diesel-electrics. | |
building | yes | Building | If the fuelling station is a building or not. | |
area | yes/no | Area | Is the fuelling station mapped as an area? |
Water Crane
A water crane used to deliver water into the tank or tender of a steam locomotive. Mapped as a node.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned water cranes can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=water_crane).
| ||||
railway | water_crane | Water Crane | A water crane used to deliver water into the tank or tender of a steam locomotive. |
Coaling Station
A fuelling station to provide steam locomotives with coal. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned coaling station can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=coaling_facility).
| ||||
railway | coaling_facility | Coaling Station | A fuelling station to provide steam locomotives with coal. | |
area | yes/no | Area | Is the coaling station mapped as an area? | yes |
Sand Store
A facility where locomotives can refill their barrels. It is tagged with railway=sand_store.
Disused and abandoned sand stores can be mapped by adding the prefix disused:
or abandoned:
(Example: disused:railway=sand_store).
Sewage Disposal
A facility where sewage from train toilets and other types of waste are disposed.
Key | Value | Objekt | Beschreibung | Standardwert |
Note: Disused and abandoned sewage disposals can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=waste_disposal).
| ||||
railway | waste_disposal | waste disposal facility | A facility where waste is disposed. | |
waste | brown_water | brown water | sewage from water toilets (common in Germany) | |
chemical_toilet | chemical toilet | sewage from chemical toilets | ||
area | yes/no | Area | Is the facility mapped as an area? | yes |
Compressed Air
A facility to get compressed air. It is tagged with railway=compressed_air_supply.
Disused and abandoned compressed air supply stations can be mapped by adding the prefix disused:
or abandoned:
(Example: disused:railway=compressed_air_supply).
Power Supply
Power sockets next to yard tracks which are used by employees cleaning trains. It is mapped using railway=power_supply.
Disused and abandoned power supplies stations can be mapped by adding the prefix disused:
or abandoned:
(Example: disused:railway=power_supply).
Preheating facilities are mapped using railway=preheating.
Disused and abandoned preheating facilities can be mapped by adding the prefix disused:
or abandoned:
(Example: disused:railway=preheating).
Car Wash
A place where locomotives and rolling stock are cleaned. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned car wash can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=wash).
| ||||
railway | wash | Car Wash | A place where locomotives and rolling stock are cleaned. | |
building | yes | Building | If the car wash is a building or not. | |
area | yes/no | Area | Is the car wash mapped as an area? |
A pit between the rails to repair locomotives or rolling stock from underneath.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | pit | Pit | A pit between the rails to repair locomotives or rolling stock from underneath. Mapped as a node on the track at the center of the pit. |
Loading Gauge Structure
A structure used to check compliance with the railway's loading gauge. Mapped as a node on the track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused or abandoned structure gauges can be tagged by adding disused: and abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=loading_gauge).
| ||||
railway | loading_gauge | Loading Gauge Structure | A structure used to check compliance with the railway's loading gauge. More recently, this is an electronic detector that uses light beams, but has been and can be an arm of gantry placed over the exit of a goods yard or the entrance of a restricted part of the railway. Mapped as a node on the track. |
A hill in a classification yard that the lead track of the yard goes over. Railroad cars then roll down the other side into the appropriate track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | hump_yard | Hump | A hill in a classification yard that the lead track of the yard goes over. Railroad cars then roll down the other side into the appropriate track. This is mapped as a point on the track at the peak of the hill. |
A retarder is a track-based brake used in hump yards to keep the speed of cars low.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | rail_brake | Retarder | A retarder is a track-based brake used in hump yards to keep the speed of cars low. It is on the outside of the tracks and grips the wheels against the tracks to slow them down. It is mapped as a node at the end closest to the hump in the hump yard. |
Engine Shed
A shed to protect locomotives and rolling stock from the environment. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable.
It is reccomended mapping the node where track intersects the building as entrance=yes
. Consider potentially also adding the tags to that node as barrier=door
with tags like door:overhead
(if the door is an up-and-over door), or door:sliding
(if the door slides to the left or the right to open).
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned engine shed can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=engine_shed).
| ||||
railway | engine_shed | Engine Shed | A shed to protect locomotives and rolling stock from the environment. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable. | |
building | yes | Building | If the shed is mapped as an area, it should have this tag. | |
name | <name> | Name | The name of the engine shed. |
Locomotive Works
A engine shed that is built to serve as a maintenance facility for locomotives or rolling stock. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable.
It is reccomended mapping the node where track intersects the building as entrance=yes
. Consider potentially also adding the tags to that node as barrier=door
with tags like door:overhead
(if the door is an up-and-over door), or door:sliding
(if the door slides to the left or the right to open).
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned locomotive works can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=workshop).
| ||||
railway | workshop | Locomotive Works | A engine shed that is built to serve as a maintenance facility for locomotives or rolling stock. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable. | |
building | yes | Building | If the shed is mapped as an area, it should have this tag. | |
name | <name> | Name | The name of the locomotive works. |
Radio Mast (Railroad)
A radio mast that the railroad transmits its radio system from. It is mapped as a node.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | radio | Radio Mast | A radio mast that the railroad transmits its radio system from. It is mapped as a node. | |
ref | <reference> | Reference | A reference code used to identify the radio tower. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the radio mast. | |
railway:radio | analogue/gsm-r | Radio Type | Is the radio analogue or GSM-R? | gsm-r |
man_made | mast | Mast | Indicates this is a mast | |
tower:type | communication | Transmission Tower | Indicates this node is a transmission tower. | |
communication:gsm-r | yes/no | GSM-R | Indicates that this tower transmits GSM-R. |
A device that rotates locomotives to switch them to different tracks, or to reorient them. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned turntable can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=turntable).
| ||||
railway | turntable | Turntable | A device that rotates locomotives to switch them to different tracks, or to reorient them. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable. |
Hot Box and other Defect Detectors
Put a node at the position where the defect detector is located. The node should be part of the track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | defect_detector | defect detector | ||
ref | <number> | number | number if existing | |
defect_detector:hot_box | yes/no | hot boxes | Does the gadget detect hot boxes? | |
defect_detector:dragging | yes/no | dragging parts | Does the gadget detect dragging parts? |
Transfer Table
A device that moves horizontally to transfer locomotives to different tracks. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable. Make sure to map the entire area it can move.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned transfer table can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:railway=traverser).
| ||||
railway | traverser | Transfer Table | A device that moves horizontally to transfer locomotives to different tracks. Can be mapped as a node or area, with area being preferrable. Make sure to map the entire area it can move. |
Loading Dock
A loading dock or loading point for moving goods on or off of railcars. For purposes of mapping, a [#Platforms|platform] for freight. Can be mapped as a node, way, or area. Ideally mapped as an area.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | loading_ramp | Loading Ramp/Loading Dock | platform] for freight. Can be mapped as a node, way, or area. Ideally mapped as an area. | |
name | <name> | Name | A name for the loading dock for the renderer, as well as navigational aid. | |
lit | yes/no | Lighting | Is the platform lit? | no |
surface | asphalt/paving_stones/concrete etc. | Ramp Surface | The material the surface of the ramp is. See Key:surface for more values. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | Operator of the loading dock. | |
height | <height> | Platform Height | The height of the platform in meters. If using feet, prefix with ft: . |
area | yes/no | Area | Is the platform mapped an an area? | yes |
A crane next to or above the track in order to load or unload goods, such as coal or shipping containers. If it is a fixed crane, it can be tagged as a node or an area, with area being preferred. If a Gantry Crane, it can be tagged as a node at the center of the track or a way to the side of the track, with the way being preferred.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
man_made | crane | Crane | A crane next to or above the track in order to load or unload goods, such as coal or shipping containers. | |
crane:type | floor-mounted_crane/portal_crane | Crane Type | If a fixed crane, it is a floor-mounted_crane . If it is a Gantry Crane, it is a portal_crane .
| |
crane:mobile | no/rail | Crane Mobility | Enter no if it is a fixed position crane, or rail if it is a Gantry Crane. | |
crane:height | <height> | Crane Height | Crane height in meters. If using feet, prefix with ft: . Not required.
| |
crane:maxradius | <length> | Boom Length/Working Range | In meters, how long the crane's boom is or how far it can move horizontally. If using feet, prefix with ft: . Not required.
| |
name | <name> | Crane Name | If the crane has a specific name. Not required. | |
operator | <operator> | Crane Operator | The operator of the crane. |
A weighbridge is a weighing scale used to weigh locomotives or rolling stock.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | track_scale | Weighbridge | A weighbridge is a weighing scale used to weigh locomotives or rolling stock. It is mapped as a node on the track at the center of the scale. |
Transporter Car
A type of railroad car designed for loading different gauge railroad equipment on it, to allow said equipment to traverse a different gauge railway. This is usually a lager gauge over a smaller gauge.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | carrier_truck_pit | Transporter Car | A type of railroad car designed for loading different gauge railroad equipment on it, to allow said equipment to traverse a different gauge railway. This is usually a lager gauge over a smaller gauge. It is mapped as a node on the infrastructure that allows the railroad cars to load onto the transporter car. |
Bogie Exchange
A facility where the gauge of a car can be changed by exchanging its wheels and axles.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | gauge_conversion | Bogie Exchange | A facility where the gauge of a car can be changed by exchanging its wheels and axles. It is tagged as a node on the junction of the larger and narrower track. |
A gate that blocks the track, such as at a factory.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
barrier | gate | Gate | A gate that blocks the track, such as at a factory. This is mapped as a node on the track. For multiple tracks, map a node on each track. | |
access | private/no | Access | The restrictions on access for the gate. access=private should be used for private corporations and companies, and access=no should be for government-run facilities.
Railway museums
A museum that exhibits and restores various aspects of railroad history, including locomotives, rolling stock, and signalling equipment. It can be mapped as a node or an area, with an area being preferred.
If mapped as an area, map the museum grounds. If a node, map the node at the center of the museum grounds.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | museum | Railway Museum | A museum that exhibits and restores various aspects of railroad history, including locomotives, rolling stock, and signalling equipment. It can be mapped as a node or an area, with an area being preferred. | |
tourism | museum | Museum | Indicates this is a museum. | |
name | <name> | Name | The name of the museum | |
area | no/yes | Area | Tag if this is an area. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the museum (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Illinois Railway Museum". |
Container Terminal
A transshipment facility for shipping containers. For uses to ORM, this is between ships and rail, or rail and truck. Mapped as a node or an area, with an area being preferred.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
man_made | container_terminal | Container Terminal | General tag for a container terminal (can exist without rail transport). | |
railway | container_terminal | Container Terminal | Tag for a container terminal (this one has to involve rail transport). | |
landuse | industrial | Industrial | Land uses for industrial purposes | |
name | <name> | Name | The name of the container terminal. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of the container terminal. | |
owner | <owner> | Owner | The owner of the container terminal. | |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Port Jersey". |
Car Shuttle
A loading ramp to load cars onto trains. It is mapped as a node on the ramp where the access road meets the railroad track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | car_shuttle | Car Shuttle | A loading ramp to load cars onto trains. | |
name | <name> | Name | Name of the loading ramp. | |
uic_ref |
UIC-Code | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Code for this station. | |
uic_name | <name> | UIC-Name | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Name for this station. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of this station. | |
network | <network> | Network | The rail network to which this station belongs to. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the loading ramp (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). |
Rolling Highway
Loading ramp to load trucks onto trains. It is mapped as a node on the ramp where the access road meets the railroad track.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway | rolling_highway | Rolling Highway | A loading ramp to load trucks onto trains. | |
name | <name> | Name | Name of the loading ramp. | |
uic_ref |
UIC-Code | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Code for this station. | |
uic_name | <name> | UIC-Name | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Name for this station. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of this station. | |
network | <network> | Network | The rail network to which this station belongs to. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the loading ramp (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). |
Train Ferry
A service to transfer rail cars across water. In this case, this can be either a train ferry or car float. This can be mapped as a way or a relation.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
route | ferry | Ferry | Indicates this route is a ferry. | |
railway | ferry | Train Ferry | Specifies the ferry route as one transporting railroad cars. | |
name | <name> | Name | Name of the ferry route. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | Operator of the ferry route. |
Ferry Loading Dock
Loading dock to load railroad cars onto a ferry. It is mapped as a node where the track and ferry route meet.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
amenity | ferry_terminal | Ferry Terminal | Tag that says this is a ferry terminal. | |
name | <name> | Name | Name of the ferry terminal. | |
uic_ref |
UIC-Code | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Code for this terminal. | |
uic_name | <name> | UIC-Name | The UIC (International Union of Railways) Name for this terminal. | |
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of this terminal. | |
railway | ferry_terminal | Railway Ferry Terminal | Specifies this as a railway ferry terminal. |
Station buildings
The building of a railway station. Mapped as an area.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
Note: Disused and abandoned station buildings can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:building=train_station).
| ||||
building | train_station | Station Building | A building of a railroad station. | |
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the building was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the building was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the Station Building. (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |
ele | <elevation> | Elevation | The height of the building above sea level, in meters. If using feet, prefix with ft: . |
Companies with rail connection
Factories, industrial plants, or other companies that have railway access. Please tag all buildings at the factory as having rail connections If the building exists previously, please just add the below tags, if they aren't already present. The tracks themselves should be tagged with usage=industrial. The purpose of all of this is to specifically highlight these buildings in ORM.
The following tags are important to OpenRailwayMap rendering industrial sites specifically:
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
landuse | industrial/commercial | Landuse | If the area is used for industrial purposes, or commercial purposes. | |
man_made | works | Factory | An industrial production plant, also known as a factory. Only tag if it is a factory. | |
name | <name> | Factory Name | The name of the factory. |
The following tags are helpful in OpenStreetMap at large, and should be added if not present and are known values:
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value | ||||
Note: Disused and abandoned buildings can be mapped by adding the prefix disused: or abandoned: (Example: disused:building=yes).
| ||||||||
operator | <operator> | Operator | The operator of this factory. May very well be the same as the owner. | |||||
owner | <owner> | Owner | The owner of this factory. May very well be the same as operator. | |||||
building | yes/commercial/industrial/warehouse | Building Type | The use of the specific building. Tag as yes if type is not known. | |||||
brand | <brand_name> | Brand Name | The name of the brand of the product produced or sold here. | |||||
start_date | <date> | Date of opening | Date the building was put into service. For formatting, see start_date=*. | |||||
end_date | <date> | Date of closing | Date the building was taken out of service. For formatting, see end_date=*. | |||||
image | <URL> | Image | The URL of an image of the Building. (If possible, images from Wikimedia Commons should be used). | |||||
ele | <elevation> | Elevation | The height of the building above sea level, in meters. If using feet, prefix with ft: . |
wikipedia | <country_abbr>:<article name> | Wikipedia article | Article on Wikipedia. Tag the key in the format <country_abbreviation>:<Article name>, for example "wikipedia=en:Highland Park Ford Plant". | |||||
architect | <name> | Architect Name | If the building had a single architect, put their name here, or if an architect firm, put that firm's name here. |
Electrical Facilities
For tagging of how a track is electrified and its voltage see the track section of this page.
Catenary Mast
Catenary masts can be mapped and tagged with power=catenary_mast.
Joints are points of catenary or electric rail which disconnect two electric circuit.
Key | Value | Property | Description | Default value |
railway:electricity | joint | Joint | This point in catenary or electric rail disconnects two electric circuit. | |
railway:electricity:jumpering | jumpered/possible/no | status of jumpering | Describes default status of this joint. Use jumpered if this joint does usually not disconnect two sections. Use possible if this joint usually disconnects two electric circuits but can be jumpered if one power supply fails or a electric train has a breakdown in an insulated section. Use no if this joint can never be jumpered. |
Neutral sections
Track section where the catenary is grounded (can be found at joints) and where the main switch has to be turned off, should be tagged with railway:main_switch_off=yes.
Track sections where pantograph has to be lowered
Track section where the pantograph has to be lowered (e.g. moveable bridges) should be tagged with railway:lower_pantograph_section=yes.
Power Supply
Power from a power line is supplied at this point into catenary or electric rail. Use railway=power_supply. It is tagged onto nodes of a track.
Related tagging schemes
- Proposed_features/Railway
- Proposed_features/Railway_Signals
- Proposed_features/detailed_Railway_Network