Template:Bs:Map Features:landuse

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Korištenje zemljišta

This is used to describe the purpose for which an area of land is being used. See the page Landuse for an introduction on its usage.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Common landuse key values - developed land

landuse commercial node area Pretežno uredi, poslovni parkovi, itd.
Cambourne Business Park - geograph.org.uk - 15908.jpg
landuse construction node area Područje "U izgradnji", trebalo bi postati nešto drugo kada je završena izgradnja
Cantiere the Green One dell'area De Gasperi Ovest a San Donato Milanese (Giugno 2022).jpg
landuse education node area An area predominately used for educational purposes/facilities.
Stąporków, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2.jpg
landuse fairground node area A site where a fair takes place
Honre's Pleasure Fair funfair in Inverness from above.jpg
landuse industrial node area Pretežno radionice, fabrike ili skladišta
Rehuraisio feed plant in Oulu 2008 001.jpg
landuse residential node area Land where people reside; predominantly residential detached (single houses, grouped dwellings), or attached (apartments, flats, units) dwellings. For "Mixed-Use" areas where more than half of the land is residential, tag as residential.
landuse retail node area Pretežno trgovine (maloprodaja)
Trocadero - London 1.jpg
landuse institutional node area Land used for institutional purposes, see  Institution (disambiguation). Institutional land may include buildings like an office=government, office=ngo, office=association, amenity=social_facility and their associated infrastructure (car parks, service roads, yards and so-on).

information sign

The meaning of this tag is ambiguous and unclear by some. Consider using another tag that better describes the object. For instance landuse=civic_admin.
MSF bureau Genève Novembre 2015.jpg
Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Common landuse key values - rural and agricultural land

landuse aquaculture node area  Aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms such as finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants.

Warning: currently, there is no convention on the exact meaning of this tag. Therefore, it makes sense to treat it like "boundary of aquaculture" (without implication of water body), which means, water body should be tagged by its own, using natural=water etc.

Delta Pride Catfish farm harvest.jpg
landuse allotments node area Vrtovi - komad zemljišta gdje lokalno stanovništvo uzgaja povrće i cvijeće..
landuse farmland area An area of farmland used for tillage (cereals, vegetables, oil plants, flowers).
Rye field.jpg
landuse farmyard area Privredno dvorište, seoska kuća, zgrade staja, konjušnice, svinjci, spremišta itd. plus otvoreni prostor između njih.
Rendering-area-landuse farmyard-mapnik.png
landuse paddy area An area of land where the surface and shape of the land is made suitable for growing rice.
Rice Field.jpg
landuse animal_keeping area An area of land that is used to keep animals, particularly horses and livestock.
Open stable Velm Neuhaus.jpg
landuse flowerbed area An area designated for flowers
Flowerbed, Abbey Park - geograph.org.uk - 1854212.jpg
landuse forest node area Šume kojima upravlja šumarija (najveći dio šuma u BiH) ili šume nasada (Other languages). See also natural=wood.
Fort Nelson Forestry.JPG
landuse logging area An area where some or all trees have been cut down
Exploitation forestiere.JPG
landuse greenhouse_horticulture area Staklenici, prostori koji se koriste za uzgoj bilja u staklenicima.
Greenhouses westland.jpg
landuse meadow node area Livada, površina zemljišta u prvom redu vegetacije trave i ostalih nedrvenastih biljaka (Other Languages). (Other Languages).
Landuse Meadow.png
landuse orchard node area Voćnjaci. Možete dodati i trees=* (vrijednosti vidi na stranici za voćnjake).
PikiWiki Israel 29753 Almonds grove.jpg
landuse plant_nursery area intentional planting of plants maintaining for the production of new plants
Landuse plant nursery.png
Cutchogue - Oregon Road - Plant Nursery.jpg
landuse vineyard node area Vinograd - komad zemlje na kojima se uzgaja vinova loza.

~residential:desc=Pretežno kuće ili stanovi.

Grape vines.jpg
Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Common landuse key values - waterbody

landuse basin node area Bazen (ne za kupanje) koja ispušta vodu u rijeku.
Zajedno sa basin=infiltration za bazene kišnice.
Other languages
Base layer water.png
Boneyard Detention Basin 2006.jpg
landuse reservoir node area Rezervoar, čuva vodu, može biti natkriven. Za natkrivene vidi i man_made=reservoir_covered (Other languages)
Amagase Dam.jpg
landuse salt_pond area Solana, mjesto gdje je isparila voda za izdvajanje soli.
Salt ponds SF Bay (dro!d).jpg
Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Other landuse key values

landuse brownfield node area Opisuje zemljište predviđeno za novi razvoj, gdje su stare zgrade porušene i očišćene
Former Brickworks ... - geograph.org.uk - 56268.jpg
landuse cemetery node area Groblje npr. gradsko, mjesno, itd. Možete dodati religion=* (vrijednosti izlistane u na stranici za crkve). Manja mjesta (e.g. groblje uz crkvu) mogu se označiti kao amenity=grave_yard.
Jewish cemetery Worms.jpg
landuse conservation area Protected areas (deprecated) Alternate tagging of same thing: boundary=protected_area, protected_area=*
landuse depot area An area used as a depot for e.g. vehicles (trains, buses or trams). Consider using rather standard landuse tags like landuse=railway, landuse=commercial, landuse=industrial, with subtag like industrial=depot.
RET remise Beverwaard (2).JPG
landuse garages area One level buildings with boxes commonly for cars, usually made of brick and metal. Usually this area belong to garage cooperative with own name, chairman, budget, rules, security, etc.
Rendering-area-landuse garages-mapnik.png
landuse grass node area An area of mown and managed grass not otherwise covered by a more specific tag. Some view this as not a landuse, see the main page landuse=grass for discussion.
084 Green grass lawn background, green mowed grass free photo.jpg
landuse greenfield node area Opisuje zemljište predviđeno za novi razvoj, gdje nije bilo nikakvih objekata prije
Rendering-area-landuse greenfield-mapnik.png
Greenfields - geograph.org.uk - 1202824.jpg

landuse landfill node area Deponija - mjesto gdje je odbačen otpad Other languages
landuse military node area Za zemljište površine u vlasništvu vojske, koristi za vojne svrhe bez obzira
REUNION 2007 04.jpg
landuse port area coastal industrial area where commercial traffic is handled. Consider using landuse=industrial + industrial=port for this type of industrial area.
Churchill Seaport 1996-08-12.jpg
landuse quarry node area Kamenolom - površinsko vađenje minerala (Other languages)
landuse railway area Područje za upotrebu željeznica, u globalu nije dostupno za javnost
landuse recreation_ground node area An open green space for general recreation, which may include pitches, nets and so on, usually municipal but possibly also private to colleges or companies
Landuse-recreation ground.png
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
landuse religious node area An area used for religious purposes
Landuse-religious ground.png
Cerkiew w Komańczy by Verid1st 09.JPG
landuse village_green node area Područje zajedničkog zemljišta, uglavnom trave, u centru sela.

~recreation_ground:desc=Zelena otvorena površina za opću rekreaciju, koja može uključivati terene za sport, mreže itd. Obično na općinskim, eventualno i na privatnim fakultetima ili u kompanijama.

Landuse-village green.png
landuse winter_sports node area An area dedicated to winter sports (e.g. skiing)
First run (3373949916).jpg
landuse user defined node area Vidi Taginfo za neke druge česte vrijednosti koje se koriste takođe.

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Template for the Landuse table in the Map Features page. Use the default English text or use the template arguments for your translations


All parameters are optional. By default, text is in English. English writers shall write their comments in the template itself (avoiding double edition). Other languages are translated in template arguments, not in the template itself.

== section header ==
|name=        (section header line)
|description= (displayed before and/or after the table; optional)
== One key/value row ==
|landuse:key=   |farm:value=   |farm:desc=   |farm:render=   |farm:photo=

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