Template:Hr:Map Features:properties

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Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
area yes area Znači da je objekt koji je inače linija sada područje (tj. površina). Ovo ne trebate dodavati značajkama koje su same po sebi definirane kao područje. Npr. korisno za trgove - okružite cestama i dodate area=yes.
motorroad yes / no way node Cesta rezervirana za motorna vozila; koristi se na cestama koje imaju pravila autoceste, ali nisu autoceste. Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg
bridge yes / aqueduct / viaduct / swing / ... way node Most, koristi se sa oznakom layer=*. Vrijednost bridge=yes je općenita, a možete specificirati vijatudukt, aquadukt i sl. Mapping-Features-Road-Bridge.png 2014 Karwina, Darków, Most żelbetowy 01.jpg
crossing no / traffic_signals / uncontrolled node Pješački ili drugi prijelaz preko ceste
tunnel yes way Tunel, koristiti s oznakom layer=*. Mapping-Features-Road-Tunnel.png Boston Tunnel Entrance.jpg
mountain_pass yes node Prijevoj, najviša točka planinskog prijevoja. Mountain pass.jpg
cutting yes way Usijek u kojem je cesta ili pruga. Najčešće u brdovitim krajevima. Source Road cut.jpg
embankment yes way Nasip, izdignuta cesta, pruga na nasipu, obično preko niskih ili poplavnih područja. Source Mapping-Features-Road-Embankment.png Embankment.jpg
lanes Number way Total number of physical travel lanes making up the way. For a divided highway represented by two separate ways, each way will have one, or more, physical lanes
layer -5 to 5 way Ova brojčana oznaka koristi se da bi odredili nivo nekog objekta.
0: površina zemlje; -1:ispod površine zemlje; 1 (not +1):iznad površine zemlje
Ovo se koristi za stvarno fizičko stanje (npr. kod petlji - viadukti, preko ceste), a ne da bi utjecali na redosljed renderiranja.
surface paved / unpaved / asphalt / concrete / paving_stones / cobblestone / metal / wood / grass_paver / gravel / pebblestone / grass / ground / earth / dirt / mud / sand / ice_road way Označava od kakvog je materijala površina ceste/puta. Koristi se na svim cestama. Ako nema ove oznaka smatra se da je surface=paved, osim za pješačke staze highway=footway i highway=track.
smoothness excellent / good / intermediate / bad / very_bad / horrible / very_horrible / impassable way Glatkoća/hrapavost koristi se na svim putevima.
ele Number node area Nadmorska visina (mean sea level) u metrima, bazirano na geoid model EGM 96 koji se koristi sa WGS 84 (GPS). (vidi i Altitude)
width Number way Širina puta u metrima
est_width Number way Gruba procjena širine puta u metrima
incline Number% node way Strmina uspona u postotcima. Pozitivne/negativne vrijednosti označuju uspon ili nizbrdicu prema smjeru puta.
start_date Date way Datum kreiranja objekta
end_date Date way Datum kada je maknut
operator User Defined node way area The operator tag can be used to name a company or corporation who's responsible for a certain object or who operates it.
opening_hours 24/7 or mo md hh:mm-hh:mm. (read described syntax) node way area opening_hours describes when something is open.
Pharmacy dispencing 24.png
disused yes node way area For features that are useful for navigation, yet are unused or abandoned.
wheelchair yes / no / limited node way area Indicate if a special place can be used with wheelchairs.
Standard rollstuhl.jpg
narrow yes way Relative indication that a way (waterway, highway, cycleway) gets narrower.
sac_scale hiking / mountain_hiking / demanding_mountain_hiking / alpine_hiking / demanding_alpine_hiking / difficult_alpine_hiking way Applies to highway=path and highway=footway. A classification scheme for hiking trails. Forest path and trees.jpg
trail_visibility excellent / good / intermediate / bad / horrible / no way Applies to highway=path, highway=footway, highway=cycleway and highway=bridleway. A classification for hiking trails visibility
mtb:scale 0-5 way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A classification scheme for mtb trails (few inclination and downhill). S3.jpg
mtb:scale:uphill 0-5 way A classification scheme for mtb trails for going uphill if there is significant inclination.
mtb:scale:imba 0-4 way The IMBA Trail Difficulty Rating System shall be used for bikeparks. It is adapted to mtb trails with artificial obstacles.
mtb:description Text way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A key to input variable infos related to mtbiking on a way with human words
TMC:LocationCode see description way node relation An identifier in electronic traffic-messages.
wood coniferous / deciduous / mixed node area Applies to landuse=forest and natural=wood detailing the sort of trees found within each landuse. Makes most sense when applied to areas.
admin_level Number area Applies to boundary=administrative and is usually in the range 1 to 10, except for Germany where it might be 11 - see boundary.
rtc_rate A / B / C / D / F / XX way Scale rating the suitability of ways for cycling. Used by online bicycle trip planning algorithms. "A" indicates that cyclists should go well out of their way to use this route, while "F" indicates that cyclists should go far out of their way to avoid this particular way; "B" and "D" are lesser magnitudes of "A" and "F"; "C" indicates no basis of evaluation either way; and "XX" indicates ways onto which trip planning algorithms should never route cyclists.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.