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Template for the JOSM Plugins table. Use the default English text or use the template arguments for your translations
==Usage== All parameters are optional. By default, text is in English. English writers shall write their comments in the template itself (avoiding double edition). Other languages are translated in template arguments, not in the template itself. {{JOSMPlugins |name= PageName |comm= PageComment |head:plugin = "Plug-in" in your language |head:desc = "Beschrijving" in your language |PluginA:plugin = Link to national page of PluginA description |PluginA:desc = Description of PluginA in your language |PluginB:plugin = Link to national page of PluginB description |PluginB:desc = Description of PluginB in your language }}
Lijst met Plug-ins
Hier is een lijst van beschikbare JOSM plug-ins:
Zie ook: https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Nl:Plugins
Plug-in | Beschrijving |
AddrInterpolation | Group common Address Interpolation inputs in a single dialog, as well as an option to automatically generate individual house number nodes from a Way. |
AgPifoJ | obsolete, Another geotag plugin for JOSM (in new versions of JOSM not needed anymore because it got built in) |
AlignWayS | Makes a pair of selected way segments parallel by rotating one of them around a chosen pivot. |
BuildingsTools | Easy drawing of rectangular buildings. |
BuildingGeneralization | Allows the user to correct angle of buildings to 90 degrees, and aligns all loaded buildings to nearest road. |
Cadastre-fr | A special handler for the French land registry WMS server. |
CADTools | CAD Tools plugin allows the user to make small changes to some buildings and helps the user to draw polygons from circle or ellipse. |
ColorPlugin | Color Plugin provide functionality for Josm users who want to put 'color' attribute for roof and walls of the buildings. |
Colorscheme | Allows the user to create different color schemes and to switch between them. Just change the colors and create a new scheme. Used to switch to a white background with matching colors for better visibility in bright sunlight. See dialog in JOSMs preferences and Map Settings |
ColumbusCSV | Imports proprietary CSV files of the Columbus V-900 GPS logger into JOSM. |
Conflation | Conflate (merge) objects between the same or different datasets. |
continuosDownload | Downloads new data when you pan/zoom. |
ContourMerge | Provides a tool to merge the contours of adjacent areas. |
ContourOverlappingMerge | This plugin merge two overlapped contours.First selected contour is priority. |
Create grid of ways | Creates a grid of ways. |
CzechAddress | Manages Czech House Numbers |
Dataimport | Allows importing various file formats into JOSM directly. |
DirectUpload | Directly uploads GPS Traces from current active layer in JOSM to openstreetmap.org. |
DownloadAlong | Part of core. Downloads OpenStreetMap data along 1 or more ways. |
DxfImport | Import dxf data. |
EditGpx | EditGpx tracks plugin |
ElevationProfile | Shows the elevation profile of a track. |
EPCI-fr | Displays French local authorities, known as EPCI. |
epsg31287 | obsolete, Provides EPSG:31287 projection support for geoimage.at WMS. Not needed for geoimage.at any more. |
ExtTools | Uses external scripts in JOSM |
FastDraw | Mouse-based free drawing tool for tracing forests, rivers, etc. |
Fuzzer | obsolete, used to trace forest or other area edges from different WMS imagery, use scanaerial instead |
GeoChat | Allows you to talk with other users mapping nearby. |
GeoJSON | Part of core. Loads and displays geodata stored in a GeoJSON format as a layer in JOSM. |
Ghost | Declutters the editor by hiding or disabling large overlapping polygons that get in the way of mapping details. Tested only on a single data layer. |
Globalsat | Downloads GPS points from Globalsat dg100 data logger directly in JOSM. |
GPSBlam | Analyses a set of GPS points to obtain its centre and direction of spread. |
GPXFilter | Allows filtering OSM GPS tracks by date and by author. |
GPXPoints | Obsolete, similar function integrated in JOSM core. Allowed importing GPX traces from some navigation devices storing them. |
GraphView | Visualizes routing information as a routing graph. |
HouseNumberTaggingTool | allows you to quickly and easily complete the addressing of numerous buildings. |
ImageryAdjust | Part of core. However, enabling this plugin will allow you to adjust imagery offset comfortably while editing the map by using (default) shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Y or by clicking on icon on the edit tool bar on the left. |
Imagery Offset Database | Allows managing offsets in various imagery sources in order to align them with standard coordinates. |
Imagery XML Bounds | Edits XML boundaries used to describe Aerial imagery sources coverage in JOSM. |
ImageWayPoint | Photo-mapping plugin for non-geotagged images |
ImportVec | Imports SVG files into JOSM. |
ImproveOsm | ... to help you improve the OpenStreetMap by pointing at probable missing geometries (roads, parking, path and water trails), missing traffic flow direction or missing turn restrictions. This plugin is grouping the functionalities of the previous Missing Roads and Traffic Flow Direction plugins and is adding the Missing Turn Restrictions functionality. |
ImproveWay | Plugin extending ImproveWayAccuracy mode (now built in JOSM core) with helpers to place nodes at accurate distances and angles. |
ImproveWayAccuracy | obsolete, Substitutes dragging and dropping nodes with clicking to quicken the way editing process. Part of core since JOSM 4486. |
IndoorHelper | To create, validate and view indoor maps correctly. |
InfoMode | Displays GPX trackpoint information, can hide individual tracks and tracks older than selected. |
Intersect way | Obsolete. Dead plugin, no longer maintained and no longer available in JOSM plugins downloader. |
JTS | The Java Topology Suite plugin doesn't directly provide any functionality to users, but rather is used by other plugins, such as the conflation plugin. It provides the JTS library and related utilities for converting to and from OSM objects. |
JunctionChecking | A plugin based upon the RoadNetworkAlgorithms which identifies junctions and interchanges as sets of channels in terms of their locomotion affordance. |
Kendzi3D | Watch the world in three dimensions, watch edited data in 3D. |
Kendzi3D_Improved_by_Andrei | Watch the world in three dimensions, watch edited data in 3D.Improved! |
Knife-tool | Split a way fast and easy. |
Lakewalker | obsolete, Allows automated tracing of LANDSAT imagery to find water and coastline. Development dead, use scanaerial instead.) |
LicenseChange | Allows viewing the license status of elements in regards to ODbL license changeover |
LiveGPS | Supports live GPS input ("moving dot") through a connection to "gpsd" |
MapDust | Enables MapDust bugs viewing, editing and creating in JOSM |
Mapillary | Enables to work with images hosted at Mapillary website |
Maxspeed tagging | Visualizes maxspeed restriction on the road |
MapPIN'on OSM | Imports photo markers from MapPIN'on OSM. |
Mbtiles | Access mbtiles tilesets just like an imagery layer. |
Measurement | Provides a measurement dialog and a layer to measure length and angle of segments, area surrounded by a (simple) closed way and create measurement paths (which also can be imported from a GPS layer). |
MichiganLeft | Easily define turn restriction for Michigan left intersections |
mirrored_download | Download OSM data from a read-only mirror server, faster and for bigger areas than the original download feature. Has also filtering features in XAPI schema. |
MissingRoads | |
MovementAlert | Displays an alert dialog whenever an object is moved a long distance (often by a common misoperation). |
multipoly | Creates multipolygons in one click, much easier than standard way with relation editor. |
Multipoly-convert | Simply converts an area to a multipolygon. |
Native Password Manager | Prevents JOSM from saving passwords as plain text to the JOSM preferences file, by using a password manager instead to store the data in encrypted form. |
Nearclick | Useful for tablets and slippery mice; corrects for problem where a click has to have mouse down and mouse up in exactly the same place for a click to work |
Notes | Part of core. This plugin allowed for interacting with OpenStreetMap Notes from within JOSM. |
o5m | Allows JOSM to import .o5m files. |
OpeningHoursEditor | Provides a graphical editor for editing Opening_hours in JOSM. |
OpenData | Imports files from open data portals and convert them to OSM format. |
OpenStreetBugs | obsolete, Displays bug markers from OpenStreetBugs and allows to edit them. OpenStreetBugs is dead, the built in Notes feature is used instead. |
OpenStreetCam | Displays up to date street view images collected by the OpenStreetCam platform. |
OpenVisible | Allows opening GPX/OSM files that intersect the currently visible screen area. |
OSMantic | Helps improving the semantic quality by automatically suggesting tags to contributors during the editing process, and helps reducing semantic heterogeneity by automatically notifying contributors when attributes are too dissimilar. |
Osmarender | Displays the current screen as nicely rendered SVG in FireFox. |
OSMRec | Recommends categories/tags on newly created OSM entities |
ParallelWay | Obsolete, now part of JOSM core. Was used for creating parallel copies of existing ways. |
PBF | Import/Export PBF files. |
Photo Geotagging | Writes GPS position information to the image file header. Run this feature from the right click menu of the image layer. |
Photo Adjust | Make photos movable and position them on the map. |
PicLayer | Displays any picture as a background in the editor and aligns it with the map. |
pointinfo | Shows an additional information about point on map. |
Plastic LaF | The great JGoodies Plastic Look and Feel. |
Proj4J | An experimental plugin to add projections supported by the Proj4J library. |
PT Assistant | Validates public transport routes against a set of criteria and, where possible, suggests ways to fix them with a custom layer in the editor. Supports the approved publish transport schema version 2, but still recognizes the legacy basic schemes. |
Public Transport | Simplifies the mapping and editing of public transport routes. |
Relation Toolbox | An all-in-one panel for creating and working with relations and, specifically, multipolygons. It minimizes number of clicks and key presses to speed up mapping. |
RelationDissolve | Helps multiple adjacent relations to be dissolved into a single relation. Particularly useful when deriving a new boundary from existing smaller boundaries. |
RemoteControl | Obsolete. Remote control JOSM. Part of core since JOSM 3715. |
RemoveRedundantPoints | Simplifies the geometry of a single way into a similar curve with fewer points, by automatically removing all intermediate points whose distance to the simplified curve do not exceed some threshold. |
Reverter | Reverts changesets |
RoadSigns | Tags objects based on a selection of road signs. The dialog can be opened by clicking a small icon in the upper right corner of the properties window. |
RoundaboutExpander | Gradually expands a roundabout from a single node to a full fledged roundabout. |
Routes | Renders route relations (public transport, hiking trails, bicycle routes, etc.) |
Routing | Provides routing capabilities. |
Scanaerial | Package with python code to scan aerial pictures; uses ExtTools |
ScoutSigns | The ScoutSigns plugin helps you quickly map speed limits and other information from actual road signs automatically captured by Scout users while driving |
Scripting | Run scripts in JOSM (groovy, Python, Ruby, and others) |
SerbianTransliterator | Easily transliterate Serbian names from Latin script to Cyrillic script, and vice versa. |
ShapeTools | Gives user more tools that facilitate aligning and rotation of buildings. |
SlippyMap | Obsolete. Displays a slippy map grid in JOSM. Can load tiles from slippy map as background and request updates. Now part of core. |
Spline-drawing-tool | This plugin adds a tool to edit ways manually from sources like satellite image, but improved to place nodes computed from splines, in order to give more accurate and more realistic curves. |
Splinex | Based on the idea of Spline-drawing-tool, but allows to fully edit a spline like as in vector graphics editors before converting it to a way. |
Surveyor | Use GPS data to set nodes or waypoints at the current position. |
Tag2Link | Opens Web pages according to the value of a tag, such as wikipedia=* |
TagEditor | Provides an alternative tag editor dialog for JOSM |
Tagging Preset Tester | Adds a tagging preset tester to the help menu, which helps you developing of tagging presets (quick preview of the dialog that will popup). You can start the jar-file as standalone as well. |
Terracer | Easy creation of simple terraced buildings. Also very useful for adding addresses to single or multiple buildings and adding buildings to street relations. |
TextTransform | Perform text transformations on tag values of selected subsets of elements, such as unabbreviating names, fixing the spelling or capitalization, normalizing phone numbers, or applying other substitutions based on regular expressions. |
Todo | Adds a todo list dialog that makes it easy to go through large lists of objects. |
To-fix | Fast OpenStreetMap microtasking to detect errors in Map. |
Tomb Plugin | Create or manage tombs, based on proposed type=person relation (rejected) and the tomb=* tagging schema. |
Tracer | Trace over Czech cadastral map. |
Tracer2 | Trace areas (with main attention to buildings) from non-vector graphics (usually cadastral map sources), not from photos. |
TrafficFlowDirection | Obsolete. Helped you map one-ways by pointing at roads that probably have an inaccurate traffic flow direction. Deprecated, see improve-osm plugin instead |
Turnrestrictions | Create and edit turn restrictions in JOSM. |
Undelete | Undelete objects, if the ID is known. |
UtilsPlugin2 | More utilities that make your life easier — split object at two nodes, etc. |
Validator | Part of core. Validates and fixes incorrect data. |
WalkingPapers | Obsolete, superseded by FieldPapers. Supported downloading tiled, scanned maps from walking-papers.org. This plugin was still under early development and may be buggy. |
VideoMapping | Link videos to GPS tracks |
WayDownloader | Allows easy downloading along a long set of interconnected ways. |
WaySelector | Selects a sequence of non-branching connected ways. |
Wikipedia | A plugin to support tagging objects with wikipedia=* and wikidata=* (mainly for the WIWOSM project). |
WMS Turbo Challenge2 | Drives a race car from point A to point B over aerial imagery, leave cacti behind and write like-GPS-track. |
WMSPlugin | Part of core since JOSM 3715. Show LANDSAT or other WMS images, including Metacarta Map Rectifier, in the background. |
YWMS | Vervallen, opgevolgd door WMSPlugin (nu opgenomen in de bron). Stelde u in staat Yahoo! Aerial Imagery als een achtergrond in JOSM te gebruiken. |
Bekijk ook de pagina "Plugins" op de wiki van JOSM met een grotere lijst en instructies voor het installeren.
Deze tabel is een wiki-sjabloon met een standaard beschrijving in het Engels. Editable here.