Template:NL:Map Features:natural

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This template defines Dutch values for Template:Map_Features:natural.


Key Waarde Element Omschrijving Resultaat Foto


natural fell node area Hoog Grasland

Grasland in hooglanden in een bergachtige gebieden. Is alleen geschikt om extensief te laten begrazen.

No, see #545.
natural grassland area Grassen en kruidachtige planten

Natuurlijke gebieden waar de vegetatie wordt overheerst door grassen en kruidachtige (niet-houtige) planten.

Surface grass.jpg
natural heath node area Heide
Lüneburger Heide 080.jpg
natural moor node area Don't use, see wikipage. Upland areas, characterised by low-growing vegetation on acidic soils. currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Moorland - geograph.org.uk - 384704.jpg
natural scrub node area Ruig land

Natuurlijke gebieden waar lagere hout-achtige planten (struiken of onvolgroeide bomen) de vegetatie overheersen.

Starr 010831-0015 Morella faya.jpg
natural shrubbery area An area of shrubbery that is actively maintained or pruned by humans. A slightly wilder look is also possible currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Holiday Inn Express, Taunton. Car park shrubbery. - geograph.org.uk - 1829844.jpg
natural tree node Alleenstaande of belangrijke bomen
natural tree_row way Bomenrij
Rendering-natural tree row-mapnik.png
Row of Poplar Trees - geograph.org.uk - 242206.jpg
natural tree_stump node A tree stump, the remains of a cut down or broken tree.
Tree stump1 30u06.JPG
natural tundra node area Habitat above tree line in alpine and subpolar regions, principally covered with uncultivated grass, low growing shrubs and mosses and sometimes grazed.
Croix de Fer- View to South-West.JPG
natural wood node area Oerbos

Voor gewone bossen in bewoonde gebieden gebruik dan landuse=forest.

Biogradska suma.jpg

Water related

natural bay node area Baai of golf
Lowlandman's Bay, Jura - geograph.org.uk - 25388.jpg
natural beach node area Strand
View from Highway 1, California 25.jpg
natural blowhole node area An opening to a sea cave which has grown landwards resulting in blasts of water from the opening due to the wave action
natural cape node A piece of elevated land sticking out into the sea or large lake. Includes capes, heads, headlands and (water) promontories.
Provincetown Spit Cape Cod.jpg
natural coastline way Kustlijn
natural crevasse way area A large crack in a glacier
natural geyser node A spring characterized by intermittent discharge of water ejected turbulently and accompanied by steam.
Strokkur, Iceland.jpg
natural glacier node area IJsgletsjer

Meestal overgaand in natural=scree.

Grosser Aletschgletscher 3196.JPG
natural hot_spring node A spring of geothermally heated groundwater
Grand prismatic spring.jpg
natural isthmus node area A narrow strip of land, bordered by water on both sides and connecting two larger land masses.
Isthme de Langlade.jpg
natural mud node area Slikgronden

Gebied wat altijd nat of vaak overstroomd is, en waar de grond bestaat uit slik ofwel modder. Voor zoutwater moddergronden onder invloed van het getij, is het meestal aan te raden om natural=wetland met wetland=tidalflat te gebruiken.

Death 12 bg 082303.jpg
natural peninsula node area Schiereiland - Zie ook place=peninsula
Shimabara Peninsula Japan SRTM.jpg
natural reef area A feature (rock, sandbar, coral, etc) lying beneath the surface of the water
Vanatinai, Louisiade Archipelago.jpg
natural shingle node area An accumulation of rounded rock fragments on a beach or riverbed
Scree render.png
Vorderrhein Mundaun.JPG
natural shoal node area An area of the sea floor near the sea surface (literally, becomes shallow) and exposed at low tide. See natural=sand as well.
natural spring node Bron van een beek of rivier
La Sorgue, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.JPG
natural strait node area A narrow area of water surrounded by land on two sides and by water on two other sides.
Rendering-natural strait.png
ISS054-E-53958 (Strait of Dover).jpg
natural water area Water - Meren, vijvers enz.
Base layer water.png
View of lake in forest.jpg
natural wetland area Moerassen en waterrijke gebieden

Ook bekend als drasland, gebieden die (regelmatig) door water overstroomd worden. Specificeer het gebied verder met wetland=*, zoals wetland=reedbed voor rietgebieden, wetland=marsh voor moeras (lage, niet-houtachtige beplanting) en wetland=swamp voor broekbos (dichtbegroeide hoge hout-achtige beplanting) .


Geology related

natural arch node way area A rock arch naturally formed by erosion, with an opening underneath. currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Delicate Arch LaSalle.jpg
natural arete way An arête, a thin, almost knife-like, ridge of rock which is typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U-shaped valleys.
Arête nord du Râteau.jpg
natural bare_rock area An area with sparse/no soil or vegetation, so that the bedrock becomes visible.
Bare rock.png
Coastal rock formation.jpg
natural blockfield area A surface covered with boulders or block-sized rocks, usually the result of volcanic activity or associated with alpine and subpolar climates and ice ages. Currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Blockstrom Felsenmeer Odenwald 2006.jpg
natural cave_entrance node area Grotingang
natural cliff node way area Klif
Natural cliff-125.png
natural dune node way area A hill of sand formed by wind, covered with no or very little vegetation. See also natural=sand and natural=beach currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Ayres dunes, Isle of Man.jpg
natural earth_bank way Large erosion gully or steep earth bank
A gully (Budanova Gora) 1.jpg
natural fumarole node A fumarole is an opening in a planet's crust, which emits steam and gases
Námafjall in summer 2009 (2).jpg
natural gully way Small scale cut in relief created by water erosion
Gully in the Kharkov region.jpg
natural hill node Heuvel currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Good binsey.jpg
natural peak node Berg- of heuveltop
North Suicide Peak. Chugach Mountains, Alaska..jpg
natural ridge way A mountain or hill linear landform with a continuous elevated crest
North Ridge of Mount Rohr.jpg
natural rock node area A notable rock or group of rocks attached to the underlying bedrock. currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Gainfarn froschstein.jpg
natural saddle node The lowest point along a ridge or between two mountain tops
Saddle img.png
natural sand node area Zandvlakte

Zandgebieden mogen spaarzaam wat vegetatie bevatten, bv Grassen of Vliegdennen.

Kalabrien Ricadi Sandwellen 2129.jpg
natural scree node area Steenvlakte

Vlakte van kleinere stenen en rotsblokken. Wordt ook wel een steengletsjer genoemd.

Scree render.png
natural sinkhole node area A natural depression or hole in the surface topography. currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Rax doline.jpg
natural stone node Alleenstaande grote steen of rotsblok currently not rendered by OSM Carto
Big rock at saynatsalo.jpg
natural valley node way Vallei currently not rendered by OSM Carto
natural volcano node Vulkaan
natural user defined node area Zie ook Taginfo[1]] voor meer informatie.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. De Nederlandse vertaling is hier te bewerken.